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Topic: cant sleep
lonelyredheadgirl's photo
Sat 11/03/07 12:06 AM
i live in clermont county ohio. the same county that just recently screwed up a case so bad that a 3 year old died. i am not hiding anything and my social life is not more important. you notice i am on here in the middle of the night and that is when i am always on. because i cannot sleep. i work 50 hours a week and go to school full time i am using this time without aubrea productively. i am finishing college. and if you think i should point the finger at myself for him getting temp custody that is crazy because all i did was threaten to leave him because i didnt want aubrea around him and his drugs. and i dont always think about me otherwise i wouldnt do my visits i wouldnt be calling every news station around and i wouldnt be using part of my trust fund on an attorney

lonelyredheadgirl's photo
Sat 11/03/07 12:09 AM
nothing else going on.. he called the cops when we got into it and said i was high and trying to leave with the baby. by their policy that gives the officer power to remove the baby right then and there. and the reason the court date is so far out is because of the recovery program they ordered me to go to. i have been drug tested every week for 5 months now and have always come up clean. it is a 15 month program

OrangeCat's photo
Sat 11/03/07 12:10 AM
lonely u if u didnt want to hear the truth u should not have asked,we were just trying to help,but u didnt like what we were saying so your getting mad at us.

Wolfeyes58's photo
Sat 11/03/07 12:11 AM
So you too yourself were involved in drugs? I know a girl here where I am from and it took her a little over two to prove she could go clean and straight before the courts gave her full custody. Hopefully it won't be that long where you are.

no photo
Sat 11/03/07 12:11 AM
I would suggest hiring an attorney to investigate the people involved in the court case itself then. If what you say is true and his whole family works in the system, that is a conflict of interest for one and if there is any "funny business" going on from within the court system and sheriff's department, that can be taken care of.

I personally will continue to believe there is more to this story than you say but don't take offense to that, that is just how I think and I'm a skeptical person.bigsmile

OrangeCat's photo
Sat 11/03/07 12:16 AM

I am gonna go with sincereman51on this one he is right.but from what I have seen in life when the mother cant get custody of her baby theres a bigger prob,and they dont want u to have him.

but only my little oh opinion nothing more

lonelyredheadgirl's photo
Sat 11/03/07 12:18 AM
i do not take offense to that sincere and no wolfeyes i have never done a drug a day in my life other than the ones i was given while in labor. and sincere i have just recently hired the head of the american civil liberties union in ohio as my atty. i am proving myself

lonelyredheadgirl's photo
Sat 11/03/07 12:19 AM
its not that court doesnt want me to have her by law with the accusation he made to the cop they had to remove her and i will ger her back when i finish this dumb program. i am not getting mad i am just trying to explain to people who are not listening

lonelyredheadgirl's photo
Sat 11/03/07 12:25 AM
well my nephew is waking up so i am gonna get off here thank you all and feel free to keep replying i will check back tomorrow

FalconGTHO's photo
Sat 11/03/07 01:52 AM
Why did you hook up with such a chithead? Ugh. Same old story. Hooked up too young, to the wrong guy, for the wrong reasons capping it off with an unplanned kid too young.

I dont get why you chicks who WONT abort and WONT adopt out have sex. STOP HAVING SEX if you wont do what it takes to NOT be yet ANOTHER knocked up single momma. Ugh. GRR! We DONT NEED more of this chit. And your kid will no doubt end up the same way. The seed NEVER falls far from the tree. I suspect your mom was this way too.

If youre going to screw be ready to abort or adopt out. If you cant or wont, DONT screw. In th emenatime, take your freakin pill the RIGHT way and DONT forget. Or, get a freakin IUD.

no photo
Sat 11/03/07 02:46 AM
harsh, but i think well said FalconGTHO
everybody makes mistakes some times and some times they NEED support

Jess642's photo
Sat 11/03/07 03:01 AM
Falcon, this rather eloquent tirade coming from a man whose profile states he is looking for sex...romance isn't the only option...huh

Heard of condoms??? They are also effective contraceptive.

no photo
Sat 11/03/07 03:02 AM
Hey...cant sleep either. Darn noisy neighbor. What is he working on in that garage? Hmm!

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