Topic: The theory of evolution
dhutch9's photo
Sun 11/04/07 03:54 PM
Isn't it amazing that religion and evolution spark such debates? If you don't believe in God and/or Jesus Christ,then why are you so upset? The Bible states that God created man in His own image. Evolution is a theory. If you are arrogant enough to believe that you appeared here from monkey DNA and that there is no God,I feel sorry for you. Me? I am not willing to gamble with my afterlife. If it's in the Bible-it's TRUE!

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 11/04/07 04:34 PM
dhutch wrote:
"If you don't believe in God and/or Jesus Christ,then why are you so upset?"

It's the fanatical radical Christians who are upset.

There is no debate in science over evolution. That's been water over the dam for a long time now.

It's only religious fanatics who get upset about teaching evolution in schools and want to teach creationism which has no evidence whatsoever and is based entirely on blind faith.

The vast majority of Christians are intelligent enough to recognize that evolution had to have occurred.

The vast majority of Christians are not fanatical radicals.

You see, scientists have no agenda. Why would they care whether we evolved or were created? They couldn’t care less! They are only interested in discovering TRUTH. Period.

They go where the evidence leads without any preconceived notions.

Religious fanatics on the other hand have an agenda. They don’t care WHERE the evidence might lead. They have their story and they’re stick’in to it at all cost! Even if it means teaching ignorance and ignoring the evidence.

That’s the difference.

Scientists couldn’t care less what’s true. They just follow the evidence. Their ONLY MOTIVATION is the discovery of TRUTH. They aren’t out to perpetuate some ancient obscure self-contradictory mythological in spite of the crystal clear evidence against it.

They would rather perpetuate ignorance than face TRUTH.

It’s just sad to see people go down that blind alley and drag others with them in the name of 'salvation'. ohwell

They must really feel guilty about something is all I can figure. sick

dhutch9's photo
Sun 11/04/07 04:59 PM
I'm not a radical. I'm simply a believer. As for what is taught in school, I think children should be exposed to as much as possible (age appropriate,of course) and then decide for themselves what they believe. Do I take my children to church? Yes, twice a month. If my child told me they believed something other than what I believe, I would support their beliefs, ideals, etc. Evolution is a theory-not fact.

Manami's photo
Sun 11/04/07 05:18 PM
Yes, evolution is just a theory, but there are lots of evidence based on facts. But how can you prove that the Bible tells the truth? Many people believes in God doesn't mean God exists. I think Jesus meant God as ourselves. That makes more sense to me. "God is the one who is making our everyday better." "We are the one who are making our everyday better."

wouldee's photo
Sun 11/04/07 05:29 PM
ABRA!!! when the voice of God speaks to your heatr, you'll understand the contradiction. I hope you do not ignore His call when it comes.

In advance of that day, "welcome to the hypcracy that you'll be labeled with"

you will laugh with us later, but now you must struggle

:heart: bigsmile

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 11/04/07 06:20 PM
The theory of evolution.......

GOD SAID......:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: AND BANG IT WAS........

feralcatlady's photo
Sun 11/04/07 06:20 PM
The theory of evolution.......

GOD SAID......BANG AND IT WAS:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 11/04/07 07:08 PM
Wouldee wrote:
“you will laugh with us later, but now you must struggle”

Why would you be laughing? Do you think it’s funny that there are people out there who are going to hell and eternal damnation as you BELIEVE?

If the story turns out to be true, I would be sorely weeping and not for myself either!

God would be a pathetic disappointment. :cry:

My dogs have shown more compassion than that.

Surely the real creator of this universe has more compassion than a dog?

TelephoneMan's photo
Sun 11/04/07 07:41 PM
I'm not sure how this talk about Darwin got wedged in the religious section, because evolution is not a religious topic...

I would consider Darwin's Theory pretty far from anything religious. I might accept that it is a book on biology with a philosophical twist. But it is not a religion at all. Not even close.


Let’s see, I can have a theory that could be as easily speculated. I could probably propose 1,000 theories on the beginnings of the human organism.

Let's say humankind... 100,000 years ago (or more) had been developing technologically, including their own version of splitting the atom, and the possibilities of thermonuclear wars, etc. They also developed enough computational science that they too had developed a seemingly paperless society. Thus, there is no record of what they did... and in their day, they blew themselves to bits with thermonuclear warheads...or something similar devised from some of the raw elements of the Earth, etc... thus destroying the majority of civilization, yet a thin thread of existence survived. Humankind escaped extinction.

Picture the people that would have survived... if the world at that time had had a population of 6 billion (more or less), and all but 100 million or less were annihilated... that would mean...

-most or all chemists had been killed
-most or all physicists had been killed
-most or all of technology was wiped out because nobody would have had any knowledge of anything and if they did retain any book, there would be no way to reproduce it, since no one would know how a printing press operated, and if they did, the technology to make paper perhaps had been lost... humankind would have had to resort to extreme survivalist, what we now call tribes... think of this... all tools would be wiped out, and every technological advancement would have to start from square one.

People today call this “pre-history” but it could easily be explained that humankind simply wiped itself off the map, and nearly became extinct, over and over again for billions of years.

It doesn’t have anything to do with the strong surviving; it has everything to do with being lucky enough to not have been blown to bits by whatever equivalent to a thermonuclear device.

They say history repeats itself. Is this a theory or a Law? A theory can still be tested. A law is something like the Law of Gravity... it has been tested enough that it is now no longer within any refutable process. Gravity exists and no one can deny its existence or form any tests that prove it not to exist on Earth.

Therefore, my theory (at least this one out of 1,000 others that I could create) states that humankind has always existed, and has always been a destructive, war-monger-killer that has continually annihilated him or her self time and time again within a bare thread of existence that has continually never been (yet) blotted out of existence to complete extinction.

In this theory, humankind has re-built itself time and time and time again through about a 10,000-year technology run. Once the technology of humankind has been perfected, and since wars and killing are in the nature of humankind, therefore humankind has nearly wiped itself out thousands, maybe millions of times in the last several billion years.

Humankind therefore would re-start at a caveman-like existence after a major world-wide annihilation event, such as our thermonuclear bombs. Everything is wiped out, no one is left knowing enough collectively to go forward in forming anything near to a society... tribal functions return, humankind thus walks continually on a path of technological advancement which results in utter annihilation and then growth from caveman survivalist back to utter annihilation.

This has happened for billions of years.

No Darwin

No Adam and Eve

Just humankind and its ability to learn, advance, and then kill itself off. An unending cycle that will never stop until humankind has finally figured out how to annihilate itself into extinction.

I'll call it:

TelephoneMan's Theory of Man's Existence.

Wake me up in the next life when they invent the telephone again so I have something to do for a job.

And I don't doubt whatsoever that I could devise 1,000 more completely ridiculous explanations of the origins of man.

My theory is 100% based on speculation. It is therefore as perfectly correct as Darwin’s theory, except that Darwin was obsessed with biology and wanted to tell us all he knew about it... instead, I told you almost zero about anything and got you to read almost 800 words of drivel for my own entertainment.

I think I have a theory, heck, I think I can make it a law...

Telephoneman’s Theory that People Are Bored ****less.

Or perhaps this is now a law... such as Newton’s law of Gravity...

Telephoneman’s Law that People Are Bored ****less

That’s why we come here to post in the forum... LOL

Now back to your regularly scheduled program....... LOL !!!!


feralcatlady's photo
Sun 11/04/07 07:46 PM
I heart you telephone man.....

no photo
Mon 11/05/07 11:28 AM

Here's what I've learned from our resident religious fundamentalist experts, and the ‘fundametalist’ way of looking at things.

... here we learn a brand new word, as well as a new 'VIRTUAL RELIGION'.

'Creationism' from different factions of christian faiths.
... here, we learn that one absolute truth can have 15 or more different contradictory interpretations. Furthermore, the 15 or more different 'creationistic' flavors, are all based on the so-called ‘UNIQUE AND ABSOLUTE TRUTH’ of the word of the bible.

'Creationism' from numerous other faiths
That is not taking into consideration the 50 or more other and totally different 'creationistic' beliefs from different religions, and their equal number of variations, which are based on too many other 'unique and absolute truths'. So here we learn that 'THE THRUTH' is an 'infinitely convenient and flexible concept'.

We learn from our ‘religious fundamentalist’ resident experts, that a religious belief (creationism) can become a scientific theory, and that a scientific theory (evolution) is a belief, just like a religion.

'protestant fundamentalist creationists' even invent new words such as 'EVOLUTIONISM', and 'EVOLUTIONISTS', and invent the virtual religion of Evolutionism, and the virtual 'Evolutionist BELIEVERS'.

Again, the convenient and adaptable flexibility of 'THE TRUTH' appears to be the most compelling attraction of this 'religion/science/political movement', as pontificated by the 'protestant-fundamentalist-word-for-word-bible-believers-and-creationistically-compromised-truth-owners'.

We also learn that between the 'two theories', the 'infinitely convenient and flexible BIBLICAL TRUTH' CREATIONISTIC one is 'FLAWLESS',
… and that the other, the 'evolutionistic' (I guess) one, is a fraud.

It must be true, because we learn it directly from the people whom understand and master this new concept of the 'infinitely convenient and flexible BIBLICAL TRUTH'.

That's not all, we also learn from these 'protestant fundamentalistic-word-for-word-bible-truth-owners', that in their infinite wisdom and knowledge, it was 'revealed' most secretly to them, by their 'right and true god', that ...

"... one of the largest movement in scientific community right now is away from evolutionism (the religion?!!?), which doesn't stand up to the scientific method when examined objectivly..." (if you are confused at this point, it is simply because you do not yet master the 'infinitely convenient and flexible BIBLICAL TRUTH' concept) .

Now, the revelation about the scientific community is extremely compelling, and must be a true 'REVELATION', because even the scientific community has no idea about it.

Now ponder that for a while!!! ... and you will get the infinite power of this 'protestant-fundamentalist-word-for-word' created concept of the 'infinitely convenient and flexible BIBLICAL TRUTH'!!!

One BOOK, with all the answers, which are all ‘ABSOLUTELY TRUE’, and can be conveniently and infinitely adaptable with the sole intent of eliminating all doubts about one's existence!!!
No wonder it's got lasting power: no more questions!!! Just answers!!! Infinite adaptablility and flexibility on the ABSOLUTE TRUTH!!!

Who needs to bother with thinking, science, facts, questions, doubts, debates, learning, ... and real life!?!?!?

Thanks to religious fundamentalists, the ‘protestant way’ with the ‘word’ in the 'book', makes debating and deliberating totally obsolete!!!

Protestant Fundamentalism is so much simpler!!!

lizardking19's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:00 PM
yes voil the truth is very flexible when it comes to the bible,
what bugs me is how evolution is considered a theory when we have far more proof of it than gods divinity which by their logic ought to be considered a "theory"

karacola's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:03 PM
No I do not. The theory of evolution cannot be proven, weather you believe it can or not. Research has not found evolution to be correct. It's only a theory. A theory created to explain how we could possibly be here without the help of God.

no photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:07 PM
evolution is a religion, as you have to have a lot of faith to believe it in spite of the scientific evidence to the contrary.
God is a lot of things in the bible, but compassion? not sure.
anyway. some people on here seem to think that anyone dumb enough to believe creationism must be simple minded. The facts point in another direction though. I have covered all this in another thread, including the math and lots of scientific evidence that all support creationism. I still say to you evolunists... make me an amoeba in your lab out of common household chemicals and get back to me. Life, any life is just to complicated to have happened by chance. When a child is born with three eyes or six fingers, its an abnormality, not evolution in action. To believe in creationism does not make one a religious zealot, a logical thinking person may in fact weigh the evidence and draw the conclusion that creationism is a lot more plausable.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:11 PM
Voil wrote:
“We learn from our ‘religious fundamentalist’ resident experts, that a religious belief (creationism) can become a scientific theory, and that a scientific theory (evolution) is a belief, just like a religion.”

laugh laugh laugh

I think that’s also known as “The Dumbing Down of America”. Toss out what is known and just teach what fundamentalists believe. We’d still be living in the dark ages if they had their way, and they’d still be burning pagans and scientists at the stake. Oh,... and let’s not forget the Gay Roast on Saturday nights. laugh

A religion of demons in the flesh!

Voil wrote:
“One BOOK, with all the answers, which are all ‘ABSOLUTELY TRUE’, and can be conveniently and infinitely adaptable with the sole intent of eliminating all doubts about one's existence!!!”

And let’s not forget that these are the same people who will sue their doctors at the drop of a hat when he fails to fix them! laugh

They rely on science, they depend on it, they are the first to sue when it doesn’t pan out! Yet, they supposedly have all the answers in the little black book they keep on their bed-stand right beside their sue log. laugh

It’s the epitome of hypocrisy and arrogance.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of heaven,
justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowin'
come the judgment day
on the bloody morning after
one tin soldier rides away.

Hypocrite Heaven Open Thy Gates!
The Fundamentalists are Coming! drinker

lizardking19's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:12 PM
rambil u said "Life, any life is just to complicated to have happened by chance."

but the fact of the matter is that since the universe is infinite then there is an infinite amount of time for anything to happen no matter how small the chance

no photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:20 PM
The math against it is something like 1 with 123 zeros after it to one according to MIT. Thats more than there are atoms in the universe. would you take a bet with those odds? you are if you believe in evolution.

no photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:25 PM
THEN THERES ALL THE FRAUDS.. Like LUCY. The evolutionists continue to drag this thing out and hold it high to prove thier point, but it was already proven to be a tea stained ape skeleton. all other so called missing links have similar stories if you care to check.
wheres the half fish half mammal skeleton... and if we evolved thusly, why are there still fish?

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:29 PM
rambil wrote:
“rambil u said "Life, any life is just to complicated to have happened by chance."

There’s nothing in the theory of evolution that denies intelligent design Bill.

The theory of evolution does NOT deny the possibility of a supreme intelligence.

It observational evidence shows that evolution did indeed occur.

The ‘theory’ of evolution merely suggests how it can occur through genetic mutation.

Physics and chemistry show how atoms would naturally come together to form DNA, etc.

However, science has no explanation for why the atoms are the way they are. Quantum mechanics is certainly no explanation, that’s merely a predictive tool that says how they behave.

All that the discovery of evolution has done was push back any divine intervention to the creation of the atoms. It’s hasn’t denied that atoms could not have been created by a supreme being.

So evolution itself does not deny the possibly of a supreme being.

However, it does fly in the face of the biblical account of creation.

But then again, the Bible is so full of self-inconsistencies that it hardly needed science to falsify it anyway.

no photo
Mon 11/05/07 12:32 PM

But then again, the Bible is so full of self-inconsistencies that it hardly needed science to falsify it anyway.

The last time I asked you to back up this claim, you refused. Would you care to do so now?