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Topic: ???
Morena350's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:38 PM
I just got a phone call, my brother is in a coma, he had a stroke, and
the Doctors said he is not going to make it.
He is on life support, and all of us, are in pain, he is 48 years old
and a borther on my fathers side of the family,
but he is like a father to me, I love him so much, it hurts,
to know I wont see him no more, he is not in US he is in The Dominican
Republic, and half of the family is in Puerto Rico.
now we all have to meet there where he is at, and make a family reunion
to make a desicion, to pull the plug.

I feel so bad, I want him to stay alive, don't want to see him die, I
love him sooooooo much.........?????????????????????

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:39 PM
omg im so sorry morena wow im really really sorry

Marie55's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:40 PM
I am so sorry for what you are going through. They are sure there is no
hope? He is so young to go through something like this.

I wish there was something I could do or say to help, but I will say a
prayer for you.

Chuckee's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:41 PM
It hurts to lose anyone Mor, I feel for you and your family. Take care.

chica42ny's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:42 PM
Im here for you girl!

snacky's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:43 PM
I'm really sorry to hear that Morena.. I hope it doesn't have to come
down to 'pulling the plug'

sexynaughtygirl's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:44 PM
i know how u feel my half brother died and i love him so much because
he was really good at sport so he taught me how to play most sports i
miss him everyday

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:45 PM
keep yer chin up ,put yer faith on, and leave it up to GOD...
to work things out for th best...

I'm sorry this could happen to any body,why you?
seems th nice folks get it in the ends too...

Ontario's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:50 PM
Here for you Morena...!

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:52 PM
Ohhhhhhh Morena from the bottom of my heart my prayers are with you and
your family on the decision that is faced before you. I'm sooo sorry for
all the pain you are going through. May God lay his hand upon your
shoulder and help you and your family on the road to take. That is
something that I have never been faced with and can't say I know what
your going through but my heart does ache with for you for the pain you
are going through at this time. I know you love him so much and he loves
you as well. My prayers are with him and your family in these trying
times. God Bless you and comfort you in this time of need.

Morena350's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:54 PM
thanks, that is the reason I posted this issue on this site
because, now Im just seating here, knowing what my family is going to
do, they will do it, and the (neurologist) said there is no brain
The next step is to take a flight with my family and be there
and deal with it. I don't want to and Im so confused
just waiting to see when we are leaving.

no photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:54 PM

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/05/06 07:55 PM
Sorry to hear that Morena. Like someone said It's in gods hands. Were
here if you need us. :)

68OU1's photo
Sun 11/05/06 08:14 PM
Morena; none of know the time nor the hour in which our heavenly Father
chooses for us to come home. I pray that God will give you and your
family the strength you all need to get through this trying time. Try to
reflect on the memories good ones, and bad ones because those are the
ones that make us stronger. It is never easy to lose someone. Call on
your heavenly Father for guidance and strength, He'll answer you when
you need Him the most.

Peace be with you on your journey home.

escapedlunatic's photo
Sun 11/05/06 08:19 PM
So very sorry to hear your loss.

ShagnaC's photo
Sun 11/05/06 08:35 PM
Sending you warm wishes of peace in this time of sadness.

no photo
Sun 11/05/06 08:59 PM
Morena sweetheart, I am so sorry! Sometimes bad, unexcepting things
happen to good people, like yourself. I do not know all the ins and outs
of what's happening to your brother, but there is always a solution.
Just remember that our father god has his reasons for everything, even
if we do not like it. There is a power that is greater than you, me and
everyone. In life , and"I am sure you know this already" things happen
in our lives for our growth in a spirtually way, this does make us
stronger. I know for myself that many painful things have happened to me
in my life. You will, and I say will grow, understand and eventually
except the reasons why in a future time. Right now, you are filled with
so much deep pain! Walking through this and coming out on the other end
will definately help someone else in an emense way. You will say, I have
been there, and everything is really going to be alright. I believe that
life is not about me, it's about others and what I can contribute to
them, in any manner, shape or form. I know this to be true, because I
feel Our creator put me here on earth to be a helper, not a taker. I
really do love people, even the ones that are all messed up, evil and
sick, sick, sick people. I am sure you know what kind of people I am
talking about. Rapists, murders, molesters, sexual child abusers, the
kind of people who are so selfish, they have no remorse, conscience, no
feelings at all, except emotional sickness. I know I have gotten off of
the pain you are feeling, but I guarantee you will get through this. If
you want, contact me at I am empathic,
commpassionate and a good listener. I know you are grieving, but in life
there is always a process, we must go through it in order to grow and
help others. I hope I have been a help in some way. God bless you and
your family. Everything happens for a reason! Sincerely Green

Morena350's photo
Sun 11/05/06 09:00 PM
It feels good to read your reply
(everyone). Thanks for your words

flavor25's photo
Mon 11/06/06 09:39 AM
Stay strong woman,
pray, and let God do the work.

Good luck, may God be with you

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 11:38 AM
I'm so sorry, I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

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