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Topic: ???
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Mon 11/06/06 02:58 PM
I am so sory Morena, keeping you and you family in my thoughts and

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 11/06/06 03:02 PM
good luck girl our thoughts and prayers are with ya

no photo
Mon 11/06/06 05:57 PM
I don't know you that well Morena but, I do know your pain...about a
month ago a close uncle of mine had a fall and the outcome was severe
brain dammage, he lay on life support for a week before my aunt made the
decision.....in making that decision she said there is selfish love
(keeping him alive like that for ourselves) and there is True Love ( not
letting him live like that) God Bless you & your family

millsdd's photo
Mon 11/06/06 06:16 PM
You and yours are in my prayers.
(((((((((( Morena ))))))))))


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