Topic: Finding the perfect guy
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Fri 10/26/07 06:30 PM
i agree gams..makes perfect only point was a pragmatic one...she needs to get their attention and they tend to be a bit chicken lol

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Fri 10/26/07 06:31 PM
i luv kids i have a 16 yr old son myself and if a woman doesnt want to be with me because of my son well then she just missed out on two great guys with one rejection..her loss

rozey2680's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:31 PM
see your issue is your not looking in the right places. I too am a single mom, I know what you're going through, but trust me if a guy balks cause you have kids you wouldn't want to be with him anyway, so that being said. They're are a ton of guys out there that are cool and even great about you having children, the hard part is finding the particular cave they all hide in and falling in love. laugh My guy (we're getting married in 7 days!) crawled outta that cave and found me, which made my search a heck of alot easierlaugh But you'll find him, take a deep breath, and just enjoy your children, let him come to youflowerforyou

mumovtoo's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:32 PM
what cave was he in

Dragonl0ve's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:33 PM
Congrats!!! I was dating a guy for about a year that I thought was great and suddenly said that my daughter needed him more than he felt like I did. I guess it is bad to be independent in his eyes.

rozey2680's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:35 PM
laugh See he escaped from the cave, and was sworn to secrecy regarding it's locationlaugh I wish I could mapquest it for you girl, but that's beyone melaugh

mumovtoo's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:35 PM
maybe that is my problem i am an independent person and i dont like to be controlled but what else can single moms do

mumovtoo's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:36 PM
well that really sux

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:36 PM
well before you tell the guy you have kiddos tie him down,lol

Dragonl0ve's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:37 PM
I honestly believe there are men who are accepting of my daughter and I. Just haven't found him. Hardest part is I feel like I am repeating my mother's history

seahawks's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:38 PM
yes but there are single men with children , and single woman with children , both lookin for a partner its tuff with blended families but it does work.!!

rozey2680's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:38 PM
there is nothing wrong with being independent, in fact most guys like that. But they have to feel like you need them too. I find just reassuring my man for less than 5 minutes per day how proud I am of him, and how glad I am that he is in my life, makes the rest of the day so much easier, I can go out shopping, he stays home and does laundrylaugh No seriously though, you'll both find someone who appreciates you and your children for who you areflowerforyou flowerforyou

Allan_Jr's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:39 PM
The right guy is out there for you, Sweetheart. I guarantee it. I took care of a little girl that wasn't mine for 5 years. I don't like to talk about it much, cuz I don't get to see the little girl, but... I just know there's guys out there that will love you no matter how many kids you have. I promise! Have faith!

rozey2680's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:39 PM
Like Seahawks!flowerforyou Hiya friend!flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:40 PM
if a girl isn't independant and doesn't have her own views i'm not interested. on the other hand i don't like a girl who tries to tell me what my views are either..but that's pretty rare.

Totage's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:40 PM
If I was interested in a lady and she had kids, I would still want to get to know her.

Dragonl0ve's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:40 PM
Personally I would date a man with kids. There are women out there that won't though. So it is a two way street.

Queene123's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:40 PM
thats not true, i dated several men and i have 2 kids

seahawks's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:41 PM
hiya rosey.!!!!!!!

rozey2680's photo
Fri 10/26/07 06:41 PM
that it is, I'm glad you see that Dragon... alot of girls don't, but like seahawks said, blending families can be tough at first, but it can also be so beneficial for ALL involved...