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Topic: Are all men only attrated to looks?
snacky's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:28 PM
Well, i know that all men arent but it seems that every peice of mail i
get is from a guy thats wants to be with me because he thinks i'm pretty
or 'hott' whatever they say.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:31 PM
I think initially there has to be some sort of physical attraction. Once
thats there then the rest falls in place but I dont believe a guy or
girl says : wow he/she is butt ugly. I like that"

I dont anyway...

CrazyJ's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:32 PM
Looks is based on personal preferance somones hot hot may be ones nasty,
yes looks are used a lot for attraction, but then again its a two way
street. It's called standards.

chismah's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:37 PM
Well look at it this way....

"Close your eyes....Then let a guy and girl (unkown to each other) sit
down and talk and get to know one another without seeing thee other"

My meaning to this is....The Blind Cannot See with their eyes...but
their heart and personality of the individual without the sense of

I guess people will understand what I mean!!

But if looks is all you see of a person to actually and physically LOVE
that person. then you see nothing and the speciality and love of that
person shall not be from within comes first foremost and

Dam I'm digging these candy apples I made..anyone want one?? ^_^ they
are yummy...

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:39 PM
Regardless if it is a man or woman if that person does not appeal to us
most of the time they will not take the time to see what is inside. Not
saying they have to be a model type, but... noone wants to wake up to a
nitemare every morning. They must be at least pleasant looking to the
eyes of the beholder. For each of us see beauty in a different way. So I
don't think it is only the looks that grab there attention but it is a

snacky's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:44 PM
i know that sometimes its not just the looks but thats the first thing
most of them usually say. i dont know. it just bugs me i guess

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:45 PM
I wonder about that myself I feel that most men are only out for just

michael1313's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:48 PM
again,,,this goes way back to th' stone age,
YES looks are important to men,but am man may also look into the heart
of a WOMAN as well as into her eyes to see the
Beauty,truth and honest love she may contain,so my answer to this would
be most asuredly,YES,YES,But Look into th' Heart too!
but some times th women do not look past our mistakes,
and miss the WHOLE story,before they go off in a huff.....M.

snacky's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:49 PM
yeah. well, i'm not looking for anyone because i'm taken as i said in my
other post. i just don't know why guys don't 'get' it

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:49 PM
Ladies, Ladies

You look for attractive men just as we do ladies. Dont go there, because
its a two way street so dont play it like its only the guys after good

snacky's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:49 PM
i know i'm attractive but i don't go around telling everyone. or go
around showing it off like a lot of girls that are pretty do. you know
what i mean?

snacky's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:52 PM
i do go for looks too i'm not going to deny that but thats not the only
thing i look for. and thats not the only thing i think about. i'm not
saying every guy does it because i know they don't but the majority that
send me mail do

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:54 PM
I go for how the man is with his personailty not his looks dont get me
wrong I like to have someone who's not looking all crazy or anything
like that but if they are honest,caring,loving,blah blah then thats
enought for me! I have had friends tell me in the past why are you with
him dam you can get better and I repond to he's nice and looks arent
everything to me like with some people!

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:56 PM
Hey, Tanino! Like the pic :) Aww now don't include me on that one for I
did say regardless it be a man or woman for we all have our standards of
what catches our attention. Neither one or the other can say that
something did not catch our attention in order to look a little closer

ShagnaC's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:57 PM
OK I will admit it~ I like to date men I am attracted to~ NO I would
probally not date a man and try to get to know him if there is not a
physical attraction But on the other hand I have no problem walking away
from a good looking man who is a asshole when I do take the time to get
to know him.

michael1313's photo
Fri 11/03/06 06:00 PM
yea,and I can feel it too! this is why we (as men)look for th qualities
we need from a woman,how she looks,what she thinks,pull a few legs to
check humor,ect.,,,is all part of th' package! not just one thing,one
must find these answers,before he will continue to get to know this
woman...if she does not meet this "list",,,we will find another who is
closer to it....

ellgee1976's photo
Fri 11/03/06 06:01 PM
let's face it, apprearances are important
just like personalities

to men AND women

if what i see is "butt-ugly" im not gonna bother tryin to get to know
his personality

on the other hand, i don't want a model-type either

i want a clean cut man, who has some of the same interests i have along
with seperate interests.

ugh..startin to sound like my profile :|

michael1313's photo
Fri 11/03/06 06:04 PM
more good points*thanx*

snacky's photo
Fri 11/03/06 06:07 PM
thanks for all of your responses

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 06:07 PM

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