Topic: Direct Effect | |
2006 September I got on online (preface to Mingle) for flippant fun. By Thanksgiving 2006 I was on my way to Amsterdam (completely platonic with No romantic intentions!). I had never been to Europe before.
Since then I have had more experiences....incredibly more important! Has being online had a direct effect on your life? |
Yes! Back in 2007 it gave me hemorrhoids...
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Yah sometimes the Web is a pita
I could fill my toy box, with the acronyms I've learned.
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Among other boxes
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Sat 11/28/15 07:15 PM
Among other boxes
.....twice |
Well, golly.
Found my mate here. That is certainly life-changing. Have some lasting friendships from online. Those are precious. For type-A's, the internet is taking it in the arm all freaking day long..anything you wonder about, you Google, you Yahoo for speed, you youTube for entertainment..all at your fingertips. I have lived through the birth of the Internet and personal computers..what a wonder. It can bring love to your door. |
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Sat 11/28/15 08:55 PM
Good stuff
Web helped me find my birth family which was way cool.
Yes, it definitely has!!
And the scammers can be more entertaining than what is on TV..... |
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Tue 12/01/15 04:29 AM
I can keep in touch with family who live far away.
Much like Soufie, I have been here since the beginning. It is mind boggling the changes that have occurred so far in our lifetime. I worked for Data General, the company who built the first laptops. They were so heavy! LOL |
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Tue 12/01/15 10:10 AM
Being online has made me go to church more to make up for all the swearing when this damn contraption does not work right!...oops swore again... Off to church be right back...
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Tue 12/01/15 10:36 AM
well let's see now..I facebook with my cousins and nieces and nephews so I get to keep in touch with the family
during the months preceding my divorce when I was trying to work out in the gym in our basement and trying to figure out what to eat and what kind of protein to supplement with while lifting I came across a bodybuilding forum full of some really phenomenal people, many of whom had won bodybuilding competitions. They were very encouraging and supportive at a time in my life when I felt very much alone a year or so after my divorce I got brave and actually drove to Chicago to go out to dinner with a man that I met online..that was a big drive and it was out of state ..did not work out but..definitely got me out of my comfort zone ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yes, I have made friends along the way....none that have stuck for longer than a few years, but that is ok. It has, as others have posted, given me the courage to physically go places and do things that I probably wouldn't have without it. When I started dating at 45 after a 23 year hiatus, I became braver by chatting with peeps online. I truly, truly believe I wouldn't have experienced all that I have physically these past 5 years if not for the peeps I have come in contact with via the world-wide-web. ![]() ![]() |
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Wed 12/02/15 08:19 AM
op ...I would have to say yes and no ... and really long to explain that one ... but those I have met from on line... we just where not compatible with one another ... but I am not giving up ... on here or off ... and really just need to stay out of fantasy land ... but not all the way out ...
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Has being online had a direct effect on my life?..BOY!!! HAS IT EVER!..
![]() ![]() . Finding this website for instance.. Has had a tremendous impact on my life.. for the most part ,all good.. And some parts, bad!.... The good.. 1.Social interaction The people you meet here online.. The conversations on any given topic.. The friendships you form over time.. The satisfaction you get from knowing you are not alone.. in the way you think.. the comfort you take in knowing ..that no matter what's going on in your offline world.. That There is always someone willing to listen to you.. to offer you comfort to offer you praise to offer you congratulations.. to offer you advice.. Someone to always . Offer you a hug there friendship.. to remind you that you are not alone.. and yes !.someone always to play a game with.. ![]() 2. Self validation .. it's a good place to come to have your thoughts validated have yourself validated as a person as a human being . To know that what you say sometimes matters.. 3. A good ego boost .. it's nice to have someone say you are attractive.. you are smart funny witty and charming.. now if you only lived in my hometown.. ![]() ![]() The bad.... Wait a minute! I think my microwave popcorn is done..brb ![]() |
Backing No1
I have met some awesome people around the world Made some really great friends. Great advice I love my mingle family I have learnt there's people who want my money and not me ![]() That will never happen ![]() |
- Met lots of nice people online, some of whom I met in RL. - Found a partner via internet - much of my daily exchange is on the net. My entire network of 'spiritual' people, is online. Wouldn't know what to do without 'em! I need a flock of like minded people! - many of my online people helped me through my breakup, which was quite an ordeal. The support I got was phenomenal! So many people I'd never even met in RL that cared so deeply for me. - I've had my own company online only for 6 years -> Wicca & New Age webshop. - Internet allows me to stay in touch with my girl in Alabama ![]() So I really do not agree when people say that online relationships (friends and such) are not real or not vitally important. They are to me! |
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Wed 12/02/15 01:32 PM
I 'threw a snowball' in a yahoo chat room (2001) and ended up moving country and marrying the guy!
Internet was really handy when I was later applying for divorce and had my name changed before I even realised it! Sometimes things can happen too quickly, we are all attracted to the convenience of having everything to hand. Often it is better to take your time and think things through - the walk to the library is a great time to mull over life. |
I have to think that Mingle really helped me get through what would have been a very difficult time as and isolated caregiver. The various pluses of participating here has always outweighed the negatives.