Topic: Death
Bigtiki's photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:20 AM
Speaking from experience, which is sounds like certain people that
responded have no clue what they are talking about,just their opinions
and beliefs. Living with it is ALOT different then just thinking you
know something about it. My Mother was killed in a auto accident, then
to make my wife happy we bought a house that I did not want, then she
started leaving a 1yr, 4 yr,7yr old children alone with a 12 year old
while I was at work so she could go to the bars, then my youngest died,
then my wife quit are marriage, meanwhile I was diagniosed with Adult
ADHD. As part of the testing for ADHD you are required to see a Shrink,
and thank god I did. Talking to him and taking the medication that he
gave me for depression, now a few of you would say "why should you be
depressed?" but talking to him and taking the meds as perscribed helped
me in my situation. In reading the orginal post the one thing that
stands out as curious and odd, is why she was seeing more then one Dr.?
This never should have occured, to me there is a certain amount of
negligence at fault here. Either on the Dr's part for not asking if she
was seeing anyone else. Or on her part for seeing six doctors and
letting each one know she was seeing them and taking meds from them.
I am sorry for your loss most of all. It seems like a messed up
situation regardless. Grieve for her, but stay strong for yourself!

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:24 AM
chuckee you are wll wet on this one. I have dealt with depression all my
life and is a disease. you dont choose to be depressed it is a chemical
imbalance. We all get depresed sometimes but depression is different.
Thereis a lot of help out there but you have to want it. Sorry about
your loss lady.

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:30 AM
chuckee actually you are right about one thing. you cant blame the
doctors. a lawsuit wont help her sister and will only cause the drs
rates to go up more so less can afford help. I think they do tend to
overmedicate sometimes but I would guess that without thier help she
would hwve done this long ago. If you really want to kill yourself,and
are not just looking for attention, no one will be able to stop you.

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:33 AM
Im real sorry for your loss lady, and for everything that happened to
you in yours Big. Thanks for posting this stuff, I know Im a clown on
here but everything that Ive read today on this topic has answered some
questions that Ive either been afraid to ask because I dont want to deal
with things or simply because Im afraid to hear the answers. I never
really think how bad depression (or dangerous) it can be I tend to cover
it up with my clownin' ya'll just opened my eyes a bit. That doesnt
mean Im gonna stop being a fool on here lol, but I think Im going to
have to make some real decisons in the near future. i hope everything
goes well for all of you.


michael1313's photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:34 AM
I have quit th DRUGS,and am th better for it,as I am no longer depressed
about my problems and condition,after I came home,I found myself looking
hard on th inside to find me looking back
at a fool for what I had done and thought about doing,
then prayed to God to help me and here I am today,,,looking!
not sitting at home feeling sorry for me,but looking for #1...
I did not pull that trigger...

Chuckee's photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:37 AM
Well, sounds to me like the family is trying to find a reason to sue. I
will never agree, but like every post, there here for our own personal
opinion. Lady, you contradict yourself too much. They knew, they didnt
know. Which is it. I don't think you knew as much about the situation
or what she was going thru as you would like to believe. Take care. Oh
and grown children or not, what she did was a copout and she set the
tone for her children to do the same. It's sad and I agree that she
needed a differnt intervention, but still, LIKE I SAID BEFORE, it was
her responsibility to seek help, NOT OPT FOR SUICIDE. I DON'T FEEL
SORRY FOR ANYONE WHO DOES THAT!!! I only feel for the ones they left

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:40 AM
i once took so many pills that the doctors still dont know how i lived.
enough to kill two horses one said. I just wanted to die. looking back
now it sems stupid but I really wasent in control at the time. self
destruction. it took a lot of therapy to figgure out that , after the
right medication, you deide whether you will be happy or sad. it
rreally can be that simple but it took mre over 20 years to get it
right. luckily I lived thru the learning curve, many dont.

escapedlunatic's photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:44 AM
first and formost...if you are under a doctors care and you are taking
meds...reguardless of what any comments...dont stop taking them you are
on them for a reason!
Secondly....I don't think that anyone on here has a degree in physcology
so everything you see here should be taken as an opinion!!!!

And now for my input!
My grandparents both are dead, it was a murder/suicide.
I have a lot of experience and hope to offer any in grief about this so
if you having trouble coping i can tell you what i did to make it
through. but not publicly lol.

Chuckee's photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:45 AM
Hey Ram, how ya doing? Ive been going back and forth from this site to
working. lol. My sup would kick my butt, lol. I'll get back with you
on the mail later k. Not ignoring you. Hope your day is going great.

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:52 AM
like I said...I found myself,,,and did not pull that trigger...

DaBadGuy4U's photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:53 AM
man this is just a depressing topic in itself so leave it to me to ruin
it by simply saying JELLO

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 09:55 AM
chuckee... mabe you should disregard my last post then. was having a
cow. sorry.

ellgee1976's photo
Thu 11/02/06 10:20 AM
my children's grandpa is manic depressive, AND bi-polar.

he's been on meds for YEARS and seems to be doing fine, normal loving
guy, responsible and caring...all the things you think of when you think
of "Grandpa"

4 yrs ago, his dr changed his meds. (this new med was cheaper) his
reaction? Grandpa wasn't really Grandpa anymore. He didn't recognize
us, he wasn't sure why he did what he did, like puttin socks on, or
gettin dressed, what we were talking about (whatever it may have been at
the time), what we were doing, or what we were doing THERE with HIM, why
the kids called him grandpa, or why they wanted hugs (granted he hugged
'em, but wasn't sure why).

after a month on this new medication, he was stopped on the Interstate,
doing 30mph (in KS, the interstate speed limit is 70mph), in his
father's truck, cuz, according to the highway patrolman that stopped
him, he couldn't find his own car (it just so happened, his very own car
was parked in his very own driveway).

Now, you're gonna try to tell me that it wasn't the meds? it was HIS
fault? he had the ultimate decision to take his father's truck and to
drive yes, BUT.. to this day he has no idea why he was on the
interstate, why he got behind the wheel to begin with, or what he was
doing out that late at night (it was 3am).

Since then, he's back on his regular meds, and recognizes his grandkids
again, he's grandpa again, and the kids love him.

the reason for this post, is to show, that meds DO effect your thinking,
your emotions, and your reactions. this doesn't imply that it's all the
dr's fault, or all the meds fault. it only shows, that meds effect a
person's emotions, thoughts, and actions.

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 10:22 AM
amen, girlfriend.

Chuckee's photo
Thu 11/02/06 06:54 PM
what post ram?

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 06:57 PM
the one on you email. I thought you were ignoring me after I spilled my
heart out. sorry.

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 07:16 PM
Chucckee cuts no on justsayhi turns>>: D

ShagnaC's photo
Thu 11/02/06 07:25 PM
I do have my degree in physcology but I am not getting into the dynamics
of peoples post on this one sorry!!

Morena350's photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:05 PM
shagna I agree

Im sorry for your loss Lady.

Peachiepoohie's photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:06 PM

i have to disagree with you. depression over an event, or with and
underlying cause is normal. if you lose someone you love you grieve.
if you have a crappy day you might be down. if you break off a
relationship you grieve the loss and you might be sad. however, there
are MEDICAL conditions to do with depression that are definately not

I am Bipolar...which used to be refered to as Manic Depressive. I have
a CHEMICAL IMBALANCE in my brain and it cause swings of extreme
happiness (mainia) and extreme saddness (depression). My brain does not
produce enough dopamine to control my moods. There have been weeks that
I have lied in bed and pretty much been dead to the world. There is no
reason behind it and there is "nothing wrong". It's my brain and the
chemicals within it. I also have sucicidal tendencies because of this
imbalance. I love my life and I love where I am at in this world, but
when the lows kick in so do suicidal thoughts. This same imbalance
causes extreme pain in my arms and legs and causes them to spasm and
"jump" during my sleep. This is definately NOT NORMAL. I used to take
medication that was supposed to correct this, but after some intensive
investigation I decided against meds because of the massive side
effects. In my opinion, living with my conditions is a better option
than risking the side effects.

Doctors are only human, and they cannot be blamed for every single thing
that happens. Science is not exact, and it is called "practicing
medicine" for a reason. Ultimately, the decision to take medication is
up to the patient...not the doctor.

As for the doctor sharing information about his patients...even sharing
with immediate family is ILLEGAL and the doctor can be sued for
malpractice if he/she does so. Unfortunate, yes...but not everything in
this world is fair.

My heart goes out to lady63 for her loss. I can empathize with the pain
that her sister-in-law was feeling and it truly is a scary place to be.
You're locked inside this dark room and you can't find a way out...or a
way to let someone else in. My heart aches for you and your family.