Topic: Tulip
TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 12/06/15 06:26 AM
You know I'm sure you are right once you are sick people tend to look at the sickness then you. But then it could be they do not know what to say or how to say it when it comes to Cancer.. For so many years Cancer always won.. Not so much today thanks to all the new meds and care they can give you...

My heart goes out to you on all the side effects... I have known those that went the cannabis route.. And it helped with the side effects to the point it really made a difference.. I know not everyone will go that route.. But one never knows..

I'm sorry you are having such a hard time.. Can't say I know for I have never been there.. Been with friends and family that has dealt with all the side effects it sure takes it tolls..

As far as being here I'm sure all understand why your not... your pretty darn tough girl and the only one you need to worry about is you..

Super stoked that you are getting help with other things...

By the way love the new pic~~~:thumbsup:

TMommy's photo
Sun 12/06/15 06:35 AM
Edited by TMommy on Sun 12/06/15 06:37 AM
I agree

don't know your beliefs on it or the availability around you
but my nephew said he partaked of the doobage so to speak
and it really helped with his nausea and helped him maintain his weight
I was the one in fact, that encouraged him
now in everyday life am I 420 friendly? do I tell my 25 year old nephew who is a senior in college to sit around smoking all day?
nooooooooo no noooooo no no! I am so NOT that kind of aunt..but when it comes to pain and cancer? that is a different.

I like the new picture of you too bigsmile

tulip2633's photo
Sun 12/06/15 07:14 AM

Hi Tulip
He's a very nice guy. We will only be friends, nothing more.
Very intelligent and well spoken.
You can tell which side of the railway tracks he was born on.
I am thinking of my 30 year old friend
They would be perfect together.

BTW you photo is amazing. I love it

He sounds great! Thanks about the photo. I haven't posted a new pic since summer. I'm letting my hair grow out and I had just got out the shower last nite. So the hair is a little strange looking and my eyes are dark underneath from the cancer/chemo I think. I think my neck looks weird. I'm cracking myself up here... But what the neck - I not entering any beauty contest anytime soon...


tulip2633's photo
Sun 12/06/15 07:16 AM

All the best Tulip.

Nice photo, elegant and very pretty looking.

Thanks Joe! You're supersweet!


tulip2633's photo
Sun 12/06/15 07:17 AM

flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

Hey cuteypie!

I hope all is well for you!!!!!

Thanks for the flowers!


tulip2633's photo
Sun 12/06/15 07:47 AM

You know I'm sure you are right once you are sick people tend to look at the sickness then you. But then it could be they do not know what to say or how to say it when it comes to Cancer.. For so many years Cancer always won.. Not so much today thanks to all the new meds and care they can give you...

My heart goes out to you on all the side effects... I have known those that went the cannabis route.. And it helped with the side effects to the point it really made a difference.. I know not everyone will go that route.. But one never knows..

I'm sorry you are having such a hard time.. Can't say I know for I have never been there.. Been with friends and family that has dealt with all the side effects it sure takes it tolls..

As far as being here I'm sure all understand why your not... your pretty darn tough girl and the only one you need to worry about is you..

Super stoked that you are getting help with other things...

By the way love the new pic~~~:thumbsup:

Yeah, people just don't know what to say. You're right about that, then they stumble.

My goofball older brother took me and my 9 y/o son fishing by this dam over the holiday. My son had never been fishing like that so I wanted to do it for him. Well, we get to the boat ramp...there must be been over a 100 vehicles, which means about 200-300 hot guys!!! I get out the truck and my brother starts introducing me to many of the people which was nice right???? Except for, he says, this is my sister, she has cancer. Over and over....I was kind of embarrassed but didn't say anything cuz he was taking us fishing and all and didn't want to be rude. My cancer must just really upset him, I think. Each time I just looked at my son, nodded my head side to side, and we laughed it off together. But we caught the hugest fish, stripers, warmouth, bass(had to throw back). My son caught the biggest and most fish so it was super awesome in the end!! It was a trip my son will never forget. I had to be in bed for 2 days!!

Let's see..I don't like when people say just think of someone worse off than you. can someone in a worst situation than me give me comfort. That just makes me sad for them.

And I hate the word remission. Its so negative to the cancer is just lurking about still. When I get better I will use the word recovered. It makes me feel better.

Yes, cancer treatment has advanced and the side effects become a simultaneous battle and you try to balance the meds or discontinue to ward them off. My worst side effect right now is my joint pain...very, very difficult to walk, especially down stairs. My pain medicine helps but I may have to get a pain patch instead of pills to give me more coninuous relief.

You're right about me needing to only worry about me! I think I'm going to see a psychiatrist soon to get help with that. I got some serious issues of just taking it from people and being too afraid to speak back. Nice to a fault. Not a good thing.

Sorry for the long post...thanks so much always for your kind thoughts!!


tulip2633's photo
Sun 12/06/15 07:56 AM

I agree

don't know your beliefs on it or the availability around you
but my nephew said he partaked of the doobage so to speak
and it really helped with his nausea and helped him maintain his weight
I was the one in fact, that encouraged him
now in everyday life am I 420 friendly? do I tell my 25 year old nephew who is a senior in college to sit around smoking all day?
nooooooooo no noooooo no no! I am so NOT that kind of aunt..but when it comes to pain and cancer? that is a different.

I like the new picture of you too bigsmile

Yeah, that has come up but my body has a weird reaction to it. I have done it a couple of times in the past and each time I blacked out. Very weird. So I'm just sticking with the pain med. And I use nausea patch and meds after chemo that help enough to get through. I'm glad it works/worked for your nephew. It's definitely medicinal.

Thanks so much for mentioning it and all your sweet thoughts!!


MelMaxx's photo
Mon 12/07/15 05:17 AM

So very happy to see you here again! The new pic is Awesomeshades
Stop pickin it apart, you look Beautiful flowerforyou


tulip2633's photo
Mon 12/07/15 10:58 AM


So very happy to see you here again! The new pic is Awesomeshades
Stop pickin it apart, you look Beautiful flowerforyou


Hi Mel!

Thanks! I'll stop..I'm being ridiculous by doing!!

I'm supposed to be getting chemo this week but it's delayed cuz insurance change. Probably get it next week.

Gives us more time to get this Xmas tree decorated. We've been hunting for last year's decorations and I think we finally found most of them. It was like an Easter egg hunt. Lol.

I got a little depressed this morning. I'm just letting things people say (IRL) really get me down. Some one said I probably have 5 year's left; then someone said I probably don't have much time left. Then someone else is acting like/planning things long term as if I won't be around. Four different people in last week....all men (lol). It's made me cry a lot. I'm being stupid to do that but I'm they know something I don't or just aholes. Probably the latter.

My spoiled brat younger brother made me sleep on sofa over holidays when I was at my mom's. There's just one spare bedroom and he took the bed. What an &sshole. That lasted one night...I went home the next day.

Sorry to b$tch but this thread helps me to vent this stuff at least. Lol

Glad to hear from you! Hope all is well!!!!


MelMaxx's photo
Mon 12/07/15 11:33 AM
Vent Vent Vent.....that is a part of why we seek out friendships online..IMHO! :wink:

Peeps just seem to only have "STUPID" in their vocabulary when dealing with a situation that THEY are uncomfortable with :angry: mad

I have learned, as well as you, to simply write them off as DUMBA$$ES (yes, that includes family as well).

Just a little sisterinlaw (my husbands own sister), when He passed at the tender age of 49 and I had spent my entire adult life with Him..over 23 years. Her suggestion as to "get over" the anxiety and grief was to "do something to get your mind off of it, such as play cards". WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I truly wanted to retort with something evil like "when you have lost someone who has been at your side for 23 years, let me know how the card playing works for ya". I did NOT say that though, I took the better route and said nothing and simply walked away from her. I think I must've also glared at her because she has not said anything to me about Him since. :smile:

Ah, yes...the ole insurance crap!!!!! Gotta put our health on hold until the insurance gurus says it's ok to heal.slaphead

You got this, Tulip!!shades flowerforyou

TMommy's photo
Mon 12/07/15 01:03 PM
Tulip I think talking to a counselor might help a lot hon
and yes they could probably talk you thru why you might have trouble putting your own needs first and why you might benefit from learning how to create the boundaries you need in your life and letting people know when they have stepped over that line with youflowerforyou

tulip2633's photo
Mon 12/07/15 05:41 PM

Vent Vent Vent.....that is a part of why we seek out friendships online..IMHO! :wink:

Peeps just seem to only have "STUPID" in their vocabulary when dealing with a situation that THEY are uncomfortable with :angry: mad

I have learned, as well as you, to simply write them off as DUMBA$$ES (yes, that includes family as well).

Just a little sisterinlaw (my husbands own sister), when He passed at the tender age of 49 and I had spent my entire adult life with Him..over 23 years. Her suggestion as to "get over" the anxiety and grief was to "do something to get your mind off of it, such as play cards". WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I truly wanted to retort with something evil like "when you have lost someone who has been at your side for 23 years, let me know how the card playing works for ya". I did NOT say that though, I took the better route and said nothing and simply walked away from her. I think I must've also glared at her because she has not said anything to me about Him since. :smile:

Ah, yes...the ole insurance crap!!!!! Gotta put our health on hold until the insurance gurus says it's ok to heal.slaphead

You got this, Tulip!!shades flowerforyou

That made laugh...still! I do the same and take the higher road. I'm definitely trying to avoid these people. I think people that say stuff like that have no clue about things. I don't even know why I let it get to me. It makes my fears surface I think. I'm going to shake it off now. It is good to vent for sure.



tulip2633's photo
Mon 12/07/15 05:48 PM

Tulip I think talking to a counselor might help a lot hon
and yes they could probably talk you thru why you might have trouble putting your own needs first and why you might benefit from learning how to create the boundaries you need in your life and letting people know when they have stepped over that line with youflowerforyou

I think so too. My mom thinks the same. I've never discussed this topic with a professional before. I have a doctor for this so I just need to expand the discussion for sure. Then I'll be a ninja!!! laugh smokin



MelMaxx's photo
Tue 12/08/15 05:17 AM

Jesusprincessmt's photo
Tue 12/08/15 06:36 AM
Edited by Jesusprincessmt on Tue 12/08/15 06:37 AM
Tulip I am praying strength and that the cancer leaves 100% and you are fully recovered! Don't let fear take over! I know it is hard, but fear brings depression.

When my doctor told me that I could be dead in three months. Fear started to creep in and depression was just right around the corner. That made everything worse. Now I just keep speaking life in my body. I am praying for you. God is bigger! Love ya beautiful lady! You are in my thoughts and prayers!flowers flowerforyou

JaiGi's photo
Tue 12/08/15 09:08 AM
Edited by JaiGi on Tue 12/08/15 09:27 AM

Tulip, i don't want you to get this well.
(why stir up some, well, hell, you know what i mean)

a bit plump and roundish is fine.

tulip2633's photo
Tue 12/08/15 02:53 PM

Too funny!!! laugh

OMG...I have been on the phone all day about medical appts, supplies and rxs. My chemo is set for this next week. Booooo. Jk. I hope it's the last month but probably not.

Thanks for that pic! Hope you are doing great!


SitkaRains's photo
Tue 12/08/15 02:59 PM
Tulip:heart: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

So glad to see you are back among us. Lovely lady
Love the new picture.
You were so missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tulip2633's photo
Tue 12/08/15 03:19 PM

Tulip I am praying strength and that the cancer leaves 100% and you are fully recovered! Don't let fear take over! I know it is hard, but fear brings depression.

When my doctor told me that I could be dead in three months. Fear started to creep in and depression was just right around the corner. That made everything worse. Now I just keep speaking life in my body. I am praying for you. God is bigger! Love ya beautiful lady! You are in my thoughts and prayers!flowers flowerforyou

Yes, that exactly what happens, the fear creeps in. At the beginning I was so much more cheerful and uplifting. Its just going on about my 9th or 10th month of chemo and it just wears you down. It slowly chips away at you. You can't help but get a little depressed and oversensitive. I still smile each day and have a good laugh about something. My situation is terminal if my liver starts to fail which is monitored weekly. I pick my head up each day.

I hope so much you are getting the treatment you need. Just try to live your life as normal as possible, even if you have to find a new normal. Sounds like your spirits are high, you need that. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers! Sending them your way as well. Hang in there!!!!


tulip2633's photo
Tue 12/08/15 03:22 PM

Tulip, i don't want you to get this well.
(why stir up some, well, hell, you know what i mean)

a bit plump and roundish is fine.

You are cracking me up, Jai!! Plump and roundish would be great!!

Be safe with all that flooding. Sending some candles your way!!!

:heart: :heart: