Topic: Tulip
JaiGi's photo
Thu 12/31/15 10:35 AM
If we jam pack all the prayers and wishes
and hugs n kisses in here
it would shake and explode to the sky
and form 'Happy New 2016, Tulip'

Followed by a shower for all her friends

some people may say it's Global Warning

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 12/31/15 10:50 AM
Wishing I could send you a cup of my Black-eyed peas and cornbread for a Lucky New Year ya all. Star (Lol my southern leanings are showing)

tulip2633's photo
Thu 12/31/15 12:10 PM

Hi Tulip, I just read your story and I just want to give you a big hug.

Thanks Rosie! You're a super sweetheart!

I'm getting a cat scan next week. Hoping for some more improvement. I'll let you guys know...good or bad. Its always been good results but you never know with this stuff. Always keeping my fingers crossed.


You're welcome, Tulip. Keeping you in my prayers. I hope today is a good day for you.


So cute! I love that! Thank you!

Happy New Year!

tulip2633's photo
Thu 12/31/15 12:13 PM
Edited by tulip2633 on Thu 12/31/15 12:13 PM

If we jam pack all the prayers and wishes
and hugs n kisses in here
it would shake and explode to the sky
and form 'Happy New 2016, Tulip'

Followed by a shower for all her friends

some people may say it's Global Warning

You're always so sweet and funny, Jai! Thank you!

Happy New Year!


tulip2633's photo
Thu 12/31/15 12:17 PM

Wishing I could send you a cup of my Black-eyed peas and cornbread for a Lucky New Year ya all. Star (Lol my southern leanings are showing)

Thanks Pacific! Not to worry though, we do the southern Lucky meal also with all that stuff and greens. Yum, yum. My kids eat it even though they can't stand the taste of the peas and greens, just for Luck. Lol.

It's a southern thing for sure!

Happy New Year!


Annierooroo's photo
Thu 12/31/15 12:35 PM
Hi Tulip
A tip never do things in front of family because they have a habit of remembering.
frustrated :laughing:

How have you been?

The fishing is not that good at the moment. I haven't caught one not even in the net.

I have mozzies Sucking blood it would be better if it was my fat :laughing:
I have bites in unseen places and girl I don't know how they got there. shocked

Happy new year mate.

tulip2633's photo
Thu 12/31/15 01:38 PM

Hi Tulip
A tip never do things in front of family because they have a habit of remembering.
frustrated :laughing:

How have you been?

The fishing is not that good at the moment. I haven't caught one not even in the net.

I have mozzies Sucking blood it would be better if it was my fat :laughing:
I have bites in unseen places and girl I don't know how they got there. shocked

Happy new year mate.

Yeah, fishing not best for me either but the boys are catching the most, thank goodness!

I hear ya about those blood suckers! I go in when they come out!!!

Yeah, family don't forget but I just say, "I don't remember." then it deflates the balloon. Lololol. All in good fun though.

Hey, at least your getting some action from those bugs. Lololol!

Happy New Year, girl!!!


Annierooroo's photo
Thu 12/31/15 01:43 PM
Yes its the only action I'm getting. Lol

tulip2633's photo
Thu 12/31/15 01:51 PM
Me too!


no photo
Thu 12/31/15 02:07 PM
Happy new year tulip.

flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

tulip2633's photo
Thu 12/31/15 02:11 PM

Happy new year tulip.

flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers flowers

Happy New Year to you too, my sweet Debbie!! I'm always wishing you the best!!


Annierooroo's photo
Thu 12/31/15 02:16 PM
I went down stairs and was in formed they filmed me. Girl what kind of family does that?
My sister said next time play the piano not the table top. Huh?

I think I need a new family lol do you have one for me?

Staying in bed today, mum told me to. ill

tulip2633's photo
Thu 12/31/15 02:25 PM

I went down stairs and was in formed they filmed me. Girl what kind of family does that?
My sister said next time play the piano not the table top. Huh?

I think I need a new family lol do you have one for me?

Staying in bed today, mum told me to. ill

rofl rofl rofl

Your family is hilarious! I think my family just wants no drama for the new year, just fun. Sometimes I tell God, Don't you think my family has been through enough. Give us a break! God is not listening, though. Lololol. He's too busy trying to help Donald Trump get elected. laugh laugh

Hope you feel better, soon!!!


tulip2633's photo
Thu 12/31/15 09:57 PM
Best New year for me already! I just held my mom's hand and in tears told her I just wouldn't be here if she had not stayed by my side and healed me. She fed me, sat me up in bed, took me to all my appointments, told me I looked beautiful when I weighed 90 pounds and was literally a skeleton. She did so much...too much to put here. And I thanked my dad for not leaving my side as well. They are my superheros!

I can't love them enough!

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

And I also want to say to everyone here in this thread and in the forums, from the bottom of my heart, you are very special people to me. I was down a lot and you always picked me up when I needed picking up. Its been a rollercoaster ride for sure. I wish so many super awesome things to come your way! You guys are the best!!!

We're all gonna have a Happy New Year! POW!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Annierooroo's photo
Wed 01/06/16 07:16 PM
Edited by Annierooroo on Wed 01/06/16 07:26 PM
Oh Tulip
You are not going to believe this o have just finished a coffee date with this guy who wouldn't shut up. He was so negative interrupted me. Everything was negative. Culture, people.
He knew everything I mean everything, girl. He was right and didn't care what you said.
I thought hell dude I can talk but come on even I know when to shut up.
Get this he expected me to buy him a coffee.
He was demanding, controlling and a right pain in the arse.
The things that were being said in my mind.
I tried to think of ways to get out of it.
This is the worse one I have had.
He wanted me to drop everything and run after him.
What the heck I ain't you moma. he said not many like to date home after they meet
Man you wouldn't believe how hard I had to hold my tongue. It was soooooo painful.
But at the end of the day I walked away with class. I didn't stand him up.
Lol men why do we need them again.
PS I thought of mingle most of the time and was wondering what every one was doing.
How how bad is that?

tulip2633's photo
Thu 01/07/16 02:40 PM

Oh Tulip
You are not going to believe this o have just finished a coffee date with this guy who wouldn't shut up. He was so negative interrupted me. Everything was negative. Culture, people.
He knew everything I mean everything, girl. He was right and didn't care what you said.
I thought hell dude I can talk but come on even I know when to shut up.
Get this he expected me to buy him a coffee.
He was demanding, controlling and a right pain in the arse.
The things that were being said in my mind.
I tried to think of ways to get out of it.
This is the worse one I have had.
He wanted me to drop everything and run after him.
What the heck I ain't you moma. he said not many like to date home after they meet
Man you wouldn't believe how hard I had to hold my tongue. It was soooooo painful.
But at the end of the day I walked away with class. I didn't stand him up.
Lol men why do we need them again.
PS I thought of mingle most of the time and was wondering what every one was doing.
How how bad is that?

OMG! Shaking my head in awe that you withstood that horror! laugh

I can't believe he expected you to pay for coffee....what a d!ck!

I think drool would start coming out my mouth from pure boredom, then I would vomit a little and have to swallow it. laugh laugh

Oh, I'm not looking forward to dating now. Maybe, I'll wait till 2017! Hehehehe!

In the mean time, I got a cat scan this week. I get the results on Monday to see if my tumors shrunk some more.

I have to get chemotherapy again all next week so I'm just relaxing and pigging out till then. Its so hard to eat on chemo. Your mouth gets so raw. You have to force feed yourself. Mind over matter.

Don't give up though, he's out there somewhere. I just know it!!

Stay sweet!


tulip2633's photo
Mon 01/11/16 10:05 AM
I got my cat scan results today. Unfortunately, the news was bad. Cancer is so smart and developed a resistance to my medicine. So it's going in the wrong direction.

Were going to try a new treatment, though. I just have to tell myself this is ground zero and here I start anew.

I had a terrible anxiety attack when I told my children (not my youngest) this morning. I could hardly breathe. But I took some rest.

I don't really feel like posting on this thread for a little while. I think making fun of Mr.Trump would cheer me up the best or other post like that, that I make. I'm already starting to smile now.


Thanks you guys!


Annierooroo's photo
Mon 01/11/16 11:41 AM
Hey Girl
How are you?
I am working in a children's holiday program. Today we are having water fights and nerf gun wars. Woohoo a teacher's sweet revenge. I love it.
I have togs ready Lol

You are still in my prayers.
Sending you heaps of love
Take care sister.

tulip2633's photo
Wed 01/13/16 12:38 AM

Hey Girl
How are you?
I am working in a children's holiday program. Today we are having water fights and nerf gun wars. Woohoo a teacher's sweet revenge. I love it.
I have togs ready Lol

You are still in my prayers.
Sending you heaps of love
Take care sister.

Hey Annie!

I'm feeling better...the shock of my bad news is wearing off.

That sounds perfect to get those kids with a water fight. Only thing better would be a dodge ball game! That's super nice to do that program. I love doing charity work.

One time I helped out by spreading mulch on a playground at a special needs school. It was exhausting. Then the kids came out to play and they were crawling all over me and chasing me everwhere. I felt like a pied piper. It was a blast and very touching. Kids are awesome, especially special needs.

Well, I'll keep my chin up but I'm gonna face this reality and get things in order now, just in case things get worse. I think I might do videos to my kids so they will always have that. I've got to start talking to my little one about some things but I'm gonna wait a little on that. He knows what I'm going through but I keep it upbeat and positive.

Don't worry though, I'll keep up the fight.

I updated my profile like a's cracking me up!!!!

rofl rofl rofl

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/13/16 07:44 AM
We are in a new is a time for new things and starting over letting the past go and grabbing the future by the horns... :thumbsup:

Sorry to hear about the new results... But you have fought hard to get where you are never give up.. Try to find something to smile about each day... biggrin

The things you are talking about to do for your kids is a awesome idea.. Write them letters as well.. spill your heart out.. So when you kick this beast you can put those things away. Video's would be really heart felt and a would mean more to them then most would ever image..

It is great that you still have both of your parents and you are so close to them and your kids... Kids and grand kids are what makes this world go around.. With family/friends you have more support then you realize.

Any time you are down come in here and get out your frustrations out, it is good for the soul.. Besides that Annierooroo's stories are very delightful to read and I know they have to bring a smile to your face... To bad some of us don't live closer.. we could harass the hell out of you in real time...

But all in all you are a inspiration to many here in the forums... Your a fighter, but at times you must be able to get it out how you feel... It is good for the soul to let it out...It does not make you look weak it makes you human.. Stress/worrying can be your worst enemy don't let those consume you..

Have fun be silly do things that are off the wall just for a laugh or two... Love the pic you have up shows the fun and goofy side... Always remember even tho many of us do not post in here but from time to time. You and your family are always in our thoughts and prayers..

Time to kick Cancer in the butt~~~~ :banana:

I thought this was pretty and heartfelt may you stay strong and have more good days then bad...drinks