Topic: Criticizing the President | |
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Mon 03/02/15 05:08 PM
Does this exist anymore? Can we criticize the fumbles of Obama without being called a racist for doing so? I swear nearly every conversation I've read, (not on here but others) always bring up his race as the main reason people are so upset with the conflicts of this country when the issue at hand has nothing to do with his race but his policies at the first.
Why can't we live in a country where we can criticize without this pc race branding bullchit following a conversation? I'm seeing it a lot more in the news, the paper, just everywhere in politics. I'm just a little puzzled on why it's always certain people who really don't allow any form of talk unless it's praise and shrugging apathy. |
I hate to be that one but honestly theres nothing wrong with critisizing the president if you feel there is room for improvement but the thing is most americans that find thmselves critisizing our president do so through racially motivated terms. Its really clear alot of people dislike him for vain reasons based on simply the arguments they put up as criticism. If its genuine critism then ok if its racism then expect it to be poorly received!
... most americans that find thmselves critisizing our president do so through racially motivated terms.
That is a false claim. |
I hate to be that one but honestly theres nothing wrong with critisizing the president if you feel there is room for improvement but the thing is most americans that find thmselves critisizing our president do so through racially motivated terms. Its really clear alot of people dislike him for vain reasons based on simply the arguments they put up as criticism. If its genuine critism then ok if its racism then expect it to be poorly received! I disagree. I've seen the same bashing of past presidents. I'm not a fan of any politician, regardless of race. People used to burn Bush in effigy but I've been called racist before for talking about Obama's policies that I don't like. |
I don't care what I'm called.
Obama is crap as a leader. |
Edited by
Mon 03/02/15 05:24 PM
I just feel like what I see in the media is not what people really are. I don't believe the motivations of every criticism toward Obama are racist, especially when they focus on the topic and never bring race into the discussion. I am really sick of hearing so much guff about white privilege. White people on the news are terrified to criticize anything anymore without being branded a racist. The opposition is always labeling any criticism on Obama as racist. It's all sad to see. I think people really need to listen to each other instead of jumping to their own conclusions because they have seen it before.
And people can't talk to each other this way. It just needs to stop. |
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Mon 03/02/15 05:33 PM
Does this exist anymore? Can we criticize the fumbles of Obama without being called a racist for doing so? I swear nearly every conversation I've read, (not on here but others) always bring up his race as the main reason people are so upset with the conflicts of this country when the issue at hand has nothing to do with his race but his policies at the first. Why can't we live in a country where we can criticize without this pc race branding bullchit following a conversation? I'm seeing it a lot more in the news, the paper, just everywhere in politics. I'm just a little puzzled on why it's always certain people who really don't allow any form of talk unless it's praise and shrugging apathy. we can. we do. we criticize whatever we feel is flawed, including others criticisms,, and I wouldn't want it any other way There are situations where race does seem to make a difference in what is being criticized, when there is precedent from other presidents that are praised for their presidencies,,, we should feel free criticize the politics associated with a president we shouldn't make it personal for instance, I do not agree with Obamas support of same sex marriage. I would not agree with ANY president supporting same sex marriage If I didn't support One president position who supported SSM but did support another's position who didn't and the most obvious difference is their race,, its reasonable for observers to consider it is the race that causes my change of heart,, but whichever president supported a policy I did not I wouldn't extend this to some personal character judgment like that they hate heterosexual or are trying to ruin the country,,,etc,, no president is perfect, they are stilly humanly flawed,, intelligent discourse over their policies should be welcomed personal attacks against their character should be criticized' refusals to give credit for the positives happening under a president should be criticized too,, but what happens when people don't like a president is this: ANYTHING wrong that happens is laid at their feet(although the government is more than the president and the president only has the power BEHIND the congress, this president being particularly rare in vetoing their decisions) and when anything happens RIGHT, there is always an explanation of why that president shouldn't receive credit ,its the opposite when people like a president, all the right things are to their credit and any bad things are not really their fault it would be nice to have balanced discussion about what is going right AND what is going wrong under any president,, instead of making it a free for all bash against a POTUS the problem is an all or nothing, t hey are crap or they are heroes,, which isn't true of any of them they all have made hits and misses in their term{s} |
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Mon 03/02/15 05:47 PM
I don't care what I'm called. Obama is crap as a leader. I know but it slows down probable solutions at the end of the road. That's spent arguing on suggestions and reform, not sophomoric hyperbole illusions. Obama has made mountains of mistakes under his nearly 8 year term that could take days and myriad of hours to configure, discuss and argue over. I don't loosely throw that term around either. Real racists are the ones without solutions in their pocket and heaps of baiting excuses. |
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Mon 03/02/15 05:59 PM
mountains of mistakes? such as?
I do feel we began an era of foreign relation disaster once we went in after Hussein that will take plenty of time to correct whatever else he was , he knew a hell of lot more about that region /culture and sustaining it than we ever will,, ,,but that's the biggest 'mistake' I could understand his critics having,,, and then perception is important, many major accomplishments being made UNDER HIS PRESIDENCY (notice I don't say 'by him' because presidents dont have singular power to effect such things) are currently viewed as 'mistakes' like accomplishment in healthcare with reform accomplishment for LGBT with same sex marriage and repeal of dadt in the military accommplishments for women with equal pay legislation accomplishments for immigrants with immigration reform unemployment coming back down to pre presidency rates job gains coming back up alternate energy sources increasing in development ,,,etc,,, |
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Mon 03/02/15 06:00 PM
I don't care what I'm called. Obama is crap as a leader. I know but it slows down probable solutions at the end of the road. That's spent arguing on suggestions and reform, not sophomoric hyperbole illusions. Obama has made mountains of mistakes under his nearly 8 year term that could take days and myriad of hours to configure, discuss and argue over. I don't loosely throw that term around either. Real racists are the ones without solutions in their pocket and heaps of baiting excuses. Obama is in the last two years of his presidency. Like all lame ducks before him, no amount of debate will change him, or his course. Because, he needn't worry about reelection. 'If', it has to do with how dark one's skin is, I supported Alan Keyes for the nomination in 2000. I do believe, by pigmentation, that Keyes is "blacker". I simply do not like obama as a leader. Nor, do I care for that entire spectrum of politics that he represents. Again, I don't care what I'm called for disliking obama as a leader. |
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Mon 03/02/15 07:54 PM
Over here criticizing the prez could land you in jail.... a rule brought by the former corrupt prez 4 years ago
I think it's important to remember that and the end of the day and regardless of your political view, he is a human being, who other human beings love and need.
I have no doubt that there are some who don't like him because of his colour but there are also some black people who like to remind us of the mistakes our grandfathers made. Both have to stop because it leads to divide and we meet each other with cynicism and distrust and only when both sides stop will we ALL learn to live in harmony and the word colour, in this context, will become a thing of the past. |
Americans can think what they want about their President? All I know is our Prime Minister David Cameron, over here in the UK, is an arsehole!!
... most americans that find thmselves critisizing our president do so through racially motivated terms.
That is a false claim. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 03/03/15 03:27 AM
mountains of mistakes? such as? I do feel we began an era of foreign relation disaster once we went in after Hussein that will take plenty of time to correct whatever else he was , he knew a hell of lot more about that region /culture and sustaining it than we ever will,, ,,but that's the biggest 'mistake' I could understand his critics having,,, and then perception is important, many major accomplishments being made UNDER HIS PRESIDENCY (notice I don't say 'by him' because presidents dont have singular power to effect such things) are currently viewed as 'mistakes' like accomplishment in healthcare with reform accomplishment for LGBT with same sex marriage and repeal of dadt in the military accommplishments for women with equal pay legislation accomplishments for immigrants with immigration reform unemployment coming back down to pre presidency rates job gains coming back up alternate energy sources increasing in development ,,,etc,,, ![]() Especially Immigration Reform,Alternate Energy(-Cronyism),the Unemployment-Lie,the gutting of the Military,net-Neutrality,dang,he's even beating Jimmy Carter! Last but not least,his Failed Arab-spring! ![]() ![]() |
Obama is a terrible president, he has not really done anything he said he was going to do before he got elected. his executive orders are way out of hand, immigration "reform" is a joke and obamacare is the biggest joke ever. funny if you go back before he was president he was on the ellen DeGeneres show saying his health care **** was optional, complete BS! it has nothing to do with color at all hes terrible, bush was terrible, Clinton had us in a surplus but people don't realize Clinton really wasn't that great of a president, theyre all crooks every single one of them. I swear the united states presidency is a revolving door for tyrants to come rule over us for 4 years at a time, that's what it seems. its really not obamas fault, theres people that tell him what to do, people need to wake up and realize there is a shadow government that rules this country and all other industrialized nations. u can say im a conspiracy theorist all you want, but it stops being a theory when theres more evidence to prove that its true! cops are running around shooting unarmed people every day,including little kids, and Obama wants to take OUR guns? why not take the guns from the killer cops and throw theyre *** in jail. Obama couldn't ban assault rifles, so now he is going to executive order a ban on assault rifle ammo... ppl wake up seriously stop worrying about kim Kardashian and all that other nonsense that doesn't mean anything, its purely there to distract you keep you occupied while good old gov. takes all your rights away in the name of "safety". ******** anyone who believes our government isn't corrupt needs a serious reality check, look at all the problems we have, and obamas out playing f****** golf every day, like r u f****** kidding me? were in massive debt, and yet Obama takes a 1 week vacation to Africa at the cost of 100,000,000 tax payer dollars... one hundred million for a 7 day trip to Africa? don't believe me look it up for yourself. he is destroying the very constitution this country was founded upon and all American people can f****** care about is new englands deflated footballs, like r u kidding me? its really gets under my skin how black people will stick by Obama no matter what he does and they will come up with the most ridiculous excuses to justify his ILLEGAL actions.. I am not racist at all one bit but like I said black people will stick by him no matter what he does. instead of playing golf his *** should be in court being tried for treason wit all these other corrupt bastards. the America we live in today is not even close to what the founding fathers established, and its sad. everybody needs to drop the whole race card and look at it for what it is, hes a dictator that breaks the law on a daily basis and he should be dealt with accordingly, but no, the rest of our corrupt government will let him get away with it, cuz theyre all on the same team... the whole republican democrat system is a scam to give the people the illusion of choice, while billionaires sit in a room every few years and decide whos gonna be the next president... if Obama spent half as much time doing "legal" things to help americans as he did golfing or going on vacations we would be a lot better off. but no he knows what hes doing is illegal and he just does it anyway cuz hes an arrogant POS and the rest of our gov wont do nothing bout it cuz theyre all on the same team. he wants to ban all ammo that is armor piercing, I wonder why, maybe so when he sends his goon squads in to take your guns away you wont have nothing to fight back with, cuz u know the people coming to take your guns are gunna have full armor, and they will have armor piercing rounds and armored vehicles. we live in scary times and most people don't give a ****, but they will be the first ones crying when its too late. your 5 times more likely to die from being stabbed, than shot with an assault rifle, and that's the fbi's own statistics. look at countries where they don't have guns, they have crazy corrupt goverments and still have the same amount of murders as places with guns, you take away guns, people will just be creative when they kill someone. sandy hook was a f****** scam completely fake BS, it was all a drill to sway peoples feelings towards guns, and once again before you call me a liar look it up for yourself, funny one of the fathers of the supposed dead kids is laughing when he doesn't know the camera is on him soon as he does all of a sudden he gets really sad and starts crying. I know im rambling now but Obama is a crook and so is the rest of the federal government, and if we sit back and continue to let them do what they want America will be no more. o yea and 9/11 was an inside job, before you say it isn't, look up operation north woods... a plan by the cia and gov. to fly planes into buldings in America and blame it on cuba so we could go to war with cuba, so all you people that say "o our gov. would never do that" look up operation north woods, its declassified. they woulda did it too but americans were too against going to war with cuba so they scrapped it, but the point is THEY MADE A PLAN TO FLY PLANES INTO BUILDINGS AND BLAME IT ON SOMEONE ELSE SO THEY CAN GO TO WAR! WAKE UP PPL
I feel bad I just rambled on about the corrupt gov. as a whole, it is true tho. but like I said Obama is a terrible president and anyone who defends him is a f******* retard, like im sorry but anyone who still defends this criminal needs to stop watching the main stream news where it all lies(brian Williams)and actually pay close attention to what hes doing, he systematically destroying our country and all the Spanish people and black people couldn't be happier with him SMH. hes a tyrant pure and simple, how are you going to force people to get health insurance that was written by insurance companies turning our hospitals into the DMV, we can all imagine how great that will be. just open our borders and let any and everyone come in and give them the same rights that our ancestors died for so we can have, but yea just give it to all these illegal immigrants for nothing great job Obama. and please Obama take all of our guns cuz we all knows guns are the problem. look at all the other countrys that banned gun ownership, lots and lots of murder by the goverments of people who didn't agree with their agenda. its called democide look it up. like I said I am not racist not even the slightest but he is terrible and his actions are going to have a long lasting effect on this country
I think it's important to remember that and the end of the day and regardless of your political view, he is a human being, who other human beings love and need. I have no doubt that there are some who don't like him because of his colour but there are also some black people who like to remind us of the mistakes our grandfathers made. Both have to stop because it leads to divide and we meet each other with cynicism and distrust and only when both sides stop will we ALL learn to live in harmony and the word colour, in this context, will become a thing of the past. I agree with the colour being a primary reason some hate him or love him. I also wish people could talk about 'colour' without it being taken as an immediate personal affront. History cant be changed but it has REAL impact on the present that shouldnt be ignored just to avoid unpleasant converations either. when we speak more in terms of the system and the demographics instead of individual bigotry,,, we get further to finding solutions that can continue the progress thats been made if we avoid that,, we are in danger of regressing back to those past INSTITUTIONAL wrongs or allowing them to grow again,,, |
anyone who believes that ALL of any profession are crooks, should be cautious of calling names,, they are obviously not concerned with LOGIC,,,,