Community > Posts By > messi_is_a_tim_1888
whose available to chat here
i said whose available to chat in this site :) lol, depends on how drunk you are... i have a Scottish friend i can beat at darts when he's sober, but after a few glengoolies, he can't miss at darts and i can't understand anything he says... |
whose available to chat here
i said whose available to chat in this site :) |
whose available to chat here
Welcome to mingle, but I never understood a word of your thread title though! Best of luck, ok?
50 ways to find your lover
Well You could always find the guy that interests you lasso him... hog tie him... drag him... back to the house... padlock the door presto instant lover ![]() ![]() |
Where I grew up in the east end of Glasgow, they were run out of the area, by any means possible! No ifs, no buts, they left, or faced the consequences, on a daily basis! Not just my view, but the views of nearly everyone that was in the community. If the police did nothing about them, then they got street justice from the residents, simple as!
I want to chat Ha ha ha that looks freaky |
I want to chat |
My young son hopefully going back to sleep,is what I'm listening to just now as he's starting teething. Gonna have a few sleepless nights in the not too distant future also, because of that!
Lone Ranger
It will be better, Romeo. Sometimes it just lasts longer till we accept that the special one is not a part of our life anymore. But... we can be grateful we had that person in our life anyway, no matter how long it lasted. For me at least it was helpful when I tried to change sorrow in gratitude for every moment I was granted by his presence. And I am grateful till today, 20 years after. Wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart ![]() Thanks. I'm not dwelling in the past about my ex or anything like that. Ive passed that stage & moved on but i duno why today i had a flashback of that closeness & special feeling we had. i do sometimes wonder if she ever thinks of me lol Oh, I think she surely does ![]() ![]() Thank you. my question is...when ever you in that situation who do you hold on & hug etc for doesnt have to be a lover but im sure all of you have Someone.....where as i don't |
Still want to pass a fridge in the street that's carrying a 4 pint carton of milk and reading a newspaper though! C'mon? I got told at primary school, that everybody would have flying car by now? Fibs, (lies) that's all that was! A fridge that can do shopping though? I'd settle for that! Oh aye and a toaster that can paint walls and ceilings would come in handy also! ha ha
Free Speech
Many people, of many backgrounds have wanted to shut down free speech. When it didn't suit their purpose. I've always figured that 'if' a person truly dislikes, things American... They're more than welcome to gtfo. ![]() |
odd trail-cam pics
That must be a ghost kid though? I've saw countless deer, here in Scotland and know that you can't get anywhere near them, without them running away, but that one at the back is just staring at her like she's just appeared outta nowhere? The Grim Reaper one, is probably someone taking the piss and at the wind up? The last one looks like a ghost my mate said he saw outside Kirk 'o' Shotts, cemetery, in North Lanarkshire, Scotland, only he said it had an 18th century tricorn hat on and clothes to match! This was at 3pm in the afternoon as well! Very strange?
I don't want to freak you guys out but genetic sequencing is part of human progress, at birth, we all have a genetic code that will better identify us as individuals. The world needs to prepare for the next century(if we don't get knocked back to the stone age that is) There are big medical initiatives all based on genomes and real-time treatment of Cancers, this is amazing IMO and nothing to fear. Those who worry about their codes being "out there" should consider the cost of not joining the medical revolution. There's always a minute chance of sinister uses but think all the rotten people who live in the shadows causing harm from anonymity. anyways, I think it's a good thing. Chq out this link... amazing As a side note on progress, and totally unrelated, Volvo has said, there will no longer be any vehicle deaths in their cars after 2020, that's in five years! ![]() lol, volvo can say anything they want, doesn't mean it's actually true... I knew you'd say that, Moe you funny guy, the IoT, internet of things... Your car will signal your town to let them know exactly where the pothole it just hit is, sensors that monitor the surroundings of your car... constantly, oncoming vehicles, mothers in baby strollers, while you're texting, self driving vehicles... obviously you have no idea what treats we're in for. Don't be too surprised when your new fridge texts you cause you're out of milk ![]() ![]() |
The Prodigy - Music for the jilted generation (album)
Free Speech
What do expect from people who don't have a sense of humour and can't take a joke? I agree with Franky 100%!
Work stress, anxiety |
Not sure how I feel ... I think I want meat... Need meat... Had chicken for 3 days now, just not the same as a nice juicy piece of meat! |
The day it brings me a beer though, I will tip my hat to it and take it for a few frames of Snooker! ha ha
The Happy Mondays - Pills, thrills and Bellyaches (album)
Dream Frequency - Take Me To The Top (old skool rave)