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Topic: Stand your ground Law should it be changed or reformed?
Rock's photo
Fri 02/20/15 04:54 PM
It isn't about the guns.

It's about the skittles.
Skittles cause violence.

Let's ban hammers.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are bludgeoned to death annually, the world over.

Let's ban kitchen knives.
Thousands of people are murdered by stabbings and laceration, annually, the world over.

Hell yeah! Let's ban automobiles.
Countless deaths, the world over, can be attributed to automobiles.
Hell! Ted Kennedy killed more people with his car, than most citizens will ever kill with a gun.

no photo
Fri 02/20/15 05:28 PM
What is ideal about living in a country that has laws to allow civilians to murder each other and one of them can say he was the victim, the one with his life in tact?

Rock's photo
Fri 02/20/15 05:52 PM

What is ideal about living in a country that has laws to allow civilians to murder each other and one of them can say he was the victim, the one with his life in tact?

What country has legal murder?

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/20/15 07:29 PM

I don't know why men invented guns, they cause more harm than good.

why do they invent most things?

to make things easier (in this case easier to kill and/or 'defend')

I wouldnt mind allowing everyone the types of guns our forefathers owned though,, ,no mass killings cause they couldnt fire hundreds of rounds at one time,, and took EFFORT ,,,

still blanking out the real Purpose of the 2nd Amendment,are you?

no , they change because society grows and gets wiser

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, But shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labor may be due. . . .

...amended, WISELY, and no longer in effect:wink:

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/20/15 07:30 PM

more people die from motor vehicle mishandling than guns why is no one

trying to ban motor vehicles

more people die from car ACCIDENTS, not from intentional car homicide,, and cars weren't built to harm or kill but to transport,,,

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/20/15 07:34 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 02/20/15 07:35 PM

It isn't about the guns.

It's about the skittles.
Skittles cause violence.

Let's ban hammers.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are bludgeoned to death annually, the world over.

Let's ban kitchen knives.
Thousands of people are murdered by stabbings and laceration, annually, the world over.

Hell yeah! Let's ban automobiles.
Countless deaths, the world over, can be attributed to automobiles.
Hell! Ted Kennedy killed more people with his car, than most citizens will ever kill with a gun.

hammers are made to be tools for building, they build far more often than they kil

kitchen knives are made as eating and cooking utensils they prepare far more meals than they kill people

automobiles are made as transportation, they deliver more people to and from destinations than they kill

guns are made for maiming and killing, that's all they do,,they serve no other purpose and they don't do much else nearly as often as they maim and kill

that being said, to ban is different than to regulate,,, to hold stricter expectations on those who have them is also different than banning them

Rock's photo
Fri 02/20/15 08:16 PM

It isn't about the guns.

It's about the skittles.
Skittles cause violence.

Let's ban hammers.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are bludgeoned to death annually, the world over.

Let's ban kitchen knives.
Thousands of people are murdered by stabbings and laceration, annually, the world over.

Hell yeah! Let's ban automobiles.
Countless deaths, the world over, can be attributed to automobiles.
Hell! Ted Kennedy killed more people with his car, than most citizens will ever kill with a gun.

hammers are made to be tools for building, they build far more often than they kil

kitchen knives are made as eating and cooking utensils they prepare far more meals than they kill people

automobiles are made as transportation, they deliver more people to and from destinations than they kill

guns are made for maiming and killing, that's all they do,,they serve no other purpose and they don't do much else nearly as often as they maim and kill

that being said, to ban is different than to regulate,,, to hold stricter expectations on those who have them is also different than banning them

Hammers as tools...
Hammers have been used in one form or another, to maim and kill, throughout the course of recorded history.

Kitchen knives as tools to prepare and eat meals...
Kitchen knives, in one form or another, have been used as weapons to maim and kill, since before the dawn of recorded history.
Automobiles as tools of conveyance...
Automobiles, in one form or another, have been used and misused as weapons to maim and kill, since the advent of the horseless carriage.
Guns as weapons to maim and kill.
Guns have been used as a tool to put food on the table, since a Chinese man discovered, that the Chinese alchemist's invention "black powder", could be put inside a tube to launch a
a projectile.

Every item I've listed, hammer, knife, car, gun, has been used as a weapon of war, to maim and kill.

Statistically speaking, far more fatalities in the U.S. are automobile related.

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/20/15 09:53 PM
and yet all these things have been used MUCH more often for purposes that build and sustain us,,,,,

guns don't build or sustain, just subtract,,,,

MadDog1974's photo
Fri 02/20/15 10:08 PM
So because you don't like the right to self defense, we need to take away that right? I don't like your religious views, so for the betterment of everyone, your religion needs to be banned. And now that we have the Internet, it is so much easier for people to say hurtful and destructive things, let's just get rid of that whole freedom of speech thing. We can't let idiots spread their stupid opinions. And the news needs to report only the positive stories. Freedom of the press is dangerous also. The right against unreasonable search and seizures? Shouldn't that really depend on what they were accused of? Trial by jury? No way. Someone might be falsely acquitted or convinced. All those "rights" are dangerous. For the betterment of society, we need to take them all away.

Dirty little secret is, the Constitution wasn't written to "give" us rights. It was designed to spell out our natural rights and limit the government. I'm sorry that you prefer rights that come from the government.

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/20/15 10:23 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 02/20/15 10:27 PM
who? me?

I never said I don't like the right to 'self defense', which is merely the ACT of defending oneself

however, the tools we use and whose hands they should be in should be regulated a bit better, I wouldn't expect individuals to own bombs that can take out dozens with no chance of escape, and I don't support similar types of 'guns' being in the hands of citizens with records of violence, temper, or paranoia,,,,

the same thing with speech, we have a right to speak, but we don't have a right to use speech as a tOOL to incite violence or chaos,,,,

news should try to strike some balance between negative and positive, that is reality,, not all bad and not all good

freedom of the press can be dangerous if that enables individuals to infringe upon others right to their own lives,,,,or if it causes lives to be in jeopardy

unreasonable, is one of those vague and unmeasurable concepts like liberty and the pursuit of happiness

juries are a necessary part of the system, though they are flawed by nature of being made of HUMANS,, which is unavoidable,, but can evolve when the values and perceptions of those humans evolve with an evolving culture

'rights' aren't dangerous,, the human capacity to hide behind them as excuse to harm others is,,,

no one wants to take rights away, teaching and promoting the humane and civilized way of exercising them,,,,,? that's a different story

would love to see that change coming,,,

Im not impressed with the clich� concept of 'freedom' and 'rights'' they are but soundbytes to the harsh realities of life and coexisting in civilization

life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
what about treyvons right to 'self defense' when some strange man stalked and followed him late one night while in possession of a gun?

'rights' are too often a nice distracting soundbyte people drop to distract from the harm done to others,,

kind of like when parents get their kids high and say well if I didn't someone else would,,,,

the old serpent technique where bad is good with a few semantic changes

its good for me to party with the kids because, well,, we bond and it keeps them from doing it with strangers

its good for me to stalk and confront and shoot an unarmed teen , because, well,, right to self defense,,,laugh

MadDog1974's photo
Fri 02/20/15 10:57 PM
So in other words, rights are good, but only for the "right" people because not everyone can handle them. And the government needs to decide which rights we are allowed to have, even though our rights don't come from the government.

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/20/15 11:00 PM
no, in other words, tools can be dangerous in the wrong hands

tools are not 'rights'

I have the right to do a lot of things until it interferes in others rights

that happens a lot, keeping 'rights' not such a black and white issue,,

no photo
Sat 02/21/15 12:18 AM
I never needed a gun in my whole life, and if I did I would be able to call the cops and them do their job.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 02/21/15 11:56 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sat 02/21/15 12:03 PM

I don't know why men invented guns, they cause more harm than good.

why do they invent most things?

to make things easier (in this case easier to kill and/or 'defend')

I wouldnt mind allowing everyone the types of guns our forefathers owned though,, ,no mass killings cause they couldnt fire hundreds of rounds at one time,, and took EFFORT ,,,

still blanking out the real Purpose of the 2nd Amendment,are you?

no , they change because society grows and gets wiser

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, But shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labor may be due. . . .

...amended, WISELY, and no longer in effect:wink:

So you are saying it is wise to give up your rights or allow those "in power" to change them for you?


Conrad_73's photo
Sat 02/21/15 12:14 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sat 02/21/15 12:22 PM

I don't know why men invented guns, they cause more harm than good.

why do they invent most things?

to make things easier (in this case easier to kill and/or 'defend')

I wouldnt mind allowing everyone the types of guns our forefathers owned though,, ,no mass killings cause they couldnt fire hundreds of rounds at one time,, and took EFFORT ,,,

still blanking out the real Purpose of the 2nd Amendment,are you?

no , they change because society grows and gets wiser

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, But shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labor may be due. . . .

...amended, WISELY, and no longer in effect:wink:

sure glad you think that Rights change over time!
You are really in dire need to study what Right really are,seems you do not have a Clue!
It isn't Society who bestows those Rights!

no photo
Sat 02/21/15 12:18 PM
Civil rights do change, many of us are trying to make a society that is more civilized.

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/21/15 12:21 PM

MadDog1974's photo
Sat 02/21/15 12:27 PM
If rights change, you don't support human rights. You support privileges granted by government overlords.

messi_is_a_tim_1888's photo
Sat 02/21/15 12:38 PM

I never needed a gun in my whole life, and if I did I would be able to call the cops and them do their job.
If the cops are like the ones in the UK, you'd die of old age before they arrived. They only turn up quick over here, if you're a politician, or have masonic ties and that's the truth!

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 02/21/15 12:41 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sat 02/21/15 12:42 PM

Is this a joke? Alabama middle school principal's CRAZY proposal to stop armed intruders

A Valley, Alabama middle school principal has a solution for armed intruder situations: give the students canned goods. Yes, just tell your child to hold this can of corn and, when they get close enough, chuck it at the person holding a gun.

This won't work, and it's actually a very dangerous idea. Think about it, someone with a gun walks into a classroom and if you are a student you obviously won't have a gun. Would you think about finding your canned good and being the first brave soul to throw it and probably be the first shot?

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Idiocy of the anti-Gunners!

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