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Topic: Stand your ground Law should it be changed or reformed?
no photo
Fri 02/20/15 09:28 AM

The real question is, if Trayvon martin had on a white hoodie would things have gone differently?

This is why stand your ground is a terrible law. Get rid of class and race warfare in the streets, then we will give you back your guns. Like children who misbehave..

They only problem with your statement is this...Laws banning guns won't keep guns out of the hands of those who want them, most especially criminals...

MadDog1974's photo
Fri 02/20/15 09:37 AM

The real question is, if Trayvon martin had on a white hoodie would things have gone differently?

This is why stand your ground is a terrible law. Get rid of class and race warfare in the streets, then we will give you back your guns. Like children who misbehave..

They only problem with your statement is this...Laws banning guns won't keep guns out of the hands of those who want them, most especially criminals...

Leigh, I'm quoting you because I missed what you responded to and there is a lot to scroll through to find it.

Using your logic, let's get rid of violence in the name of religion, then we will let you have your churches, mosques, and synagogues back. Until then, we are banning religion.

beachdog50's photo
Fri 02/20/15 09:38 AM

The real question is, if Trayvon martin had on a white hoodie would things have gone differently?

This is why stand your ground is a terrible law. Get rid of class and race warfare in the streets, then we will give you back your guns. Like children who misbehave..
So Estelle how do we go about and collect all these guns? or are the nice criminals gonna hand them ovEr? I see all hell breaking loose. I'm not a regestered gun owner but a gun owner and i aint givving them up without a fight. stand your ground law or not!!

no photo
Fri 02/20/15 09:41 AM

The real question is, if Trayvon martin had on a white hoodie would things have gone differently?

This is why stand your ground is a terrible law. Get rid of class and race warfare in the streets, then we will give you back your guns. Like children who misbehave..

They only problem with your statement is this...Laws banning guns won't keep guns out of the hands of those who want them, most especially criminals...

Leigh, I'm quoting you because I missed what you responded to and there is a lot to scroll through to find it.

Using your logic, let's get rid of violence in the name of religion, then we will let you have your churches, mosques, and synagogues back. Until then, we are banning religion.

laugh laugh Exactly!...

no photo
Fri 02/20/15 09:51 AM

The real question is, if Trayvon martin had on a white hoodie would things have gone differently?

This is why stand your ground is a terrible law. Get rid of class and race warfare in the streets, then we will give you back your guns. Like children who misbehave..
So Estelle how do we go about and collect all these guns? or are the nice criminals gonna hand them ovEr? I see all hell breaking loose. I'm not a regestered gun owner but a gun owner and i aint givving them up without a fight. stand your ground law or not!!

Give them better guns in exchange, telling them it's for safety and the new ones will only be capable of shooting on owner's command, little do they know there will be a chip in each one identifying the owner and the location will record conversations and video. After a few years come out to the public and let them know about this little detail, then begin using the info it to catch the criminals. Be ahead of the criminals.

messi_is_a_tim_1888's photo
Fri 02/20/15 09:58 AM

The real question is, if Trayvon martin had on a white hoodie would things have gone differently?

This is why stand your ground is a terrible law. Get rid of class and race warfare in the streets, then we will give you back your guns. Like children who misbehave..
So Estelle how do we go about and collect all these guns? or are the nice criminals gonna hand them ovEr? I see all hell breaking loose. I'm not a regestered gun owner but a gun owner and i aint givving them up without a fight. stand your ground law or not!!

Give them better guns in exchange, telling them it's for safety and the new ones will only be capable of shooting on owner's command, little do they know there will be a chip in each one identifying the owner and the location will record conversations and video. After a few years come out to the public and let them know about this little detail, then begin using the info it to catch the criminals. Be ahead of the criminals.
You tripping on acid, or something? laugh laugh laugh

metalwing's photo
Fri 02/20/15 10:00 AM

The real question is, if Trayvon martin had on a white hoodie would things have gone differently?

This is why stand your ground is a terrible law. Get rid of class and race warfare in the streets, then we will give you back your guns. Like children who misbehave..

Sooooo, the Constitution doesn't mean anything. I wonder exactly who "we" is.

MadDog1974's photo
Fri 02/20/15 10:09 AM

The real question is, if Trayvon martin had on a white hoodie would things have gone differently?

This is why stand your ground is a terrible law. Get rid of class and race warfare in the streets, then we will give you back your guns. Like children who misbehave..
So Estelle how do we go about and collect all these guns? or are the nice criminals gonna hand them ovEr? I see all hell breaking loose. I'm not a regestered gun owner but a gun owner and i aint givving them up without a fight. stand your ground law or not!!

Give them better guns in exchange, telling them it's for safety and the new ones will only be capable of shooting on owner's command, little do they know there will be a chip in each one identifying the owner and the location will record conversations and video. After a few years come out to the public and let them know about this little detail, then begin using the info it to catch the criminals. Be ahead of the criminals.

I love how people like to implement technology that doesn't exist as a means of enforcing their ideas because the rest of us are too incompetent to handle freedom. This is a pipe dream because even if this technology was in place, it takes away the ability to take someone to the range and teach them to shoot, AND the criminals will use the old guns. Nice try. Now, how else would you like to shred the Constitution?

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 02/20/15 10:27 AM

Stand your ground is a terrible law. There are other ways the law can protect people, like banning guns.

Of course! Why didn't I think of that? slaphead

After all, American society has banned murder. indifferent

no photo
Fri 02/20/15 10:30 AM
I don't know why men invented guns, they cause more harm than good.

MadDog1974's photo
Fri 02/20/15 10:44 AM

I don't know why men invented guns, they cause more harm than good.

Maybe because it made hunting easier? But your attempt to change the subject isn't going to be that easy. You have all kinds of other brilliant ideas about how we can shred the Second Amendment. I'll give up my guns if the criminals give up theirs, and when a deer just hands over the meat. Dirty little secret is violence doesn't exist because of guns. Cain killed Abel, and many other violent acts, including very bloody wars were fought thousands of years before the gun was invented. But let's blame the tool. Are hammers to blame for the man in Saint Louis who was beaten to death using them? We need hammer control. What about knives and stabbings? In some places, stoning is still used as a means of killing people. Let's ban rocks. Start actually thinking instead of regurgitating left wing talking points.

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/20/15 10:51 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 02/20/15 10:52 AM

I don't know why men invented guns, they cause more harm than good.

why do they invent most things?

to make things easier (in this case easier to kill and/or 'defend')

I wouldnt mind allowing everyone the types of guns our forefathers owned though,, ,no mass killings cause they couldnt fire hundreds of rounds at one time,, and took EFFORT ,,,

no photo
Fri 02/20/15 10:52 AM
I agree banning guns doesn't work. I guess we need to look at what works in other countries besides banning guns. I think there are answers, I just don't know them because I haven't done the research. Stand your ground isn't working out..I don't see how it's safer for everyone to walk around with a gun for protection. The more guns the more mistakes and accidents will happen. Like the toddler (I think it was) who accidently shot his mother to death in the grocery store the other day.

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/20/15 11:01 AM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 02/20/15 11:05 AM

I didn't say they cant be considered

I said from the standpoint of black lives mattering

stand your ground doesn't benefit black victims

the only 'benefit' it hss to blacks is the fact that they mostly kill other blacks and the law doesn't value black lives when they are TAKEN

taking that black life will be justified more often, whether the killer is black or white

than taking that white life will be

Black would-be victims are victimized less because of Stand Your Ground. If that means black perpetrators are taken out more often, I'm ok with that. I'm ok with perpetrators of any race taken out by the law abiding of any race. I'm sorry that you don't want the inherent right to self defense that benefits black Floridians more than any other demographic. Denying that fact doesn't make your false narrative true.

yet when they are victimized they can much more often not get justice because 'stand your ground' will justify their killer,,,and Im NOT alright with that

I have given no false narrative. This isn't about the right to self defense, this is about the right to intimidate and play fortune teller about who might be a criminal and worthy of death,,,

such a right is for cowards, and the law is behind them,, and Im NOT alright with that either,

Your blatant disregard for the facts because they don't fit your narrative has removed any credibility you may have had. Because of your insistence on altering facts to fit your opinion, you have proven yourself incapable of reasonable debate.

what 'facts' did I alter?

the FACTS are,, z watched T,, as he called in and stated it personally on a phone call

the FACTS are, T knew someone was following and watching him as his conversation on the phone with his witness dictates

the FACTS are,, Z had a gun and T did not

the FACTS are, T tried THREE times to avoid Z, as Z admits on the phone call and T's friend stated in her testimony

the DEBATE is whther Zs account of what happened after those FACTS is truth or BS,, I call BS

his version: after the boy loses him apparently, he has to go and check the street name on the STREET over in the community where he is neighborhood watch so that he could tell police where he was,,,,,,,lol,, BS

and after innocently going to see where he was he is surprise attacked by T, a teenager on a phone with a girl eating candy and trying to get home to see a playoff game who has exhausted himself of trying to lose Z and succeeded, apparently doubled back to engage in an assault,,,lol BS again

the likely and more reasonable version: after the boy tries THREE TIMES to lose him, he turns around and sees Z RIGHT BEHND HIM ON FOOT, once more(as his witness proclaimed he said to her DURING THe time she is verified to be on the p hone with him)

the boy decides to stop running and turns to ask the stranger why he is following him , the boy still has his drink and food and phone in his hand,,, not something people usually do when engaging in an assault,, teens LOVE Their phones

the man, as he has done before with actual POLICE officer, motivated by his disgust at the idea this kid may 'get away'(also heard on the mans phone call) tries himself to restrain him asking him 'what are you doing here'

there is a tussle, not a sucker punch(Zs own witness at one point described a VERTICAL tussle,, meaning they were engaged upright with each other for a period)

during the tussle this 5 foot 11 158 pound teen gets the best of the coward and because it happens near concrete and possibly because the boy realizes he has a gun(the responding officer said he could see the gun easily) starts to get the best of him and possibly fight for his life

at that point the stalker/intimidater, fears his own weapon may be used against him, that his own intimidation has launched a DEFENSE he cant get out of

and he SHOOTS this unarmed teen dead

now that is not disregarding any FACTS
I dont dispute what actual FACTS were presented
I just call BS on Zimmermans explanations,,,

MadDog1974's photo
Fri 02/20/15 11:08 AM
Banning guns doesn't work, but you are the one who said to do exactly that. And civilians can get guns that fire hundreds of rounds at once? Really? If you're talking about the AR-15, it fires one round at a time and holds a 30 round magazine. You are blatantly ignorant of firearms. I say that not in a derogatory way, but to point out that you are uninformed. Contrary to the lies you hear, the AR-15 is not the machine gun you apparently think it is. The guy who shot up the school in Connecticut had an AR-15 that was left in the trunk of the car. The shooting was done with a handgun. All the weapons he used, he stole. He committed several felonies that day. The laws didn't stop him. And gun control is strict in Connecticut. The guy who shot up the movie theater in Colorado also had an AR-15 that jammed after only a few rounds. He dropped that rifle and did most of his killing with a 12 guage shotgun, which does much more damage in one shot than the 5.56mm round that the AR-15 fires. Learn the truth so you are not regurgitating lies.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 02/20/15 03:41 PM
The majority of people who aren't trigger-happy shouldn't be punished because of the few who are.

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 02/20/15 03:57 PM

The real question is, if Trayvon martin had on a white hoodie would things have gone differently?

This is why stand your ground is a terrible law. Get rid of class and race warfare in the streets, then we will give you back your guns. Like children who misbehave..
So Estelle how do we go about and collect all these guns? or are the nice criminals gonna hand them ovEr? I see all hell breaking loose. I'm not a regestered gun owner but a gun owner and i aint givving them up without a fight. stand your ground law or not!!

Give them better guns in exchange, telling them it's for safety and the new ones will only be capable of shooting on owner's command, little do they know there will be a chip in each one identifying the owner and the location will record conversations and video. After a few years come out to the public and let them know about this little detail, then begin using the info it to catch the criminals. Be ahead of the criminals.

Yep,one that won't shoot when you need it most!
Why not pet your Unicorn while you're at it?

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 02/20/15 04:06 PM

I don't know why men invented guns, they cause more harm than good.

why do they invent most things?

to make things easier (in this case easier to kill and/or 'defend')

I wouldnt mind allowing everyone the types of guns our forefathers owned though,, ,no mass killings cause they couldnt fire hundreds of rounds at one time,, and took EFFORT ,,,

still blanking out the real Purpose of the 2nd Amendment,are you?

adj4u's photo
Fri 02/20/15 04:37 PM

more people die from motor vehicle mishandling than guns why is no one

trying to ban motor vehicles

no photo
Fri 02/20/15 04:38 PM

more people die from motor vehicle mishandling than guns why is no one

trying to ban motor vehicles

:thumbsup: Good point!!

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