Topic: Why are men often rejecting beauty for average? | |
I am in the "If I can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" mood today! |
whats up with Irish guys? second woman that pointed them out...
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whats up with Irish guys? second woman that pointed them out... ![]() |
whats up with Irish guys? second woman that pointed them out... ![]() i guess... the accent makes the, no wonder the divorce rate is so high, women are crazy... ![]() |
whats up with Irish guys? second woman that pointed them out... ![]() i guess... the accent makes the, no wonder the divorce rate is so high, women are crazy... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
whats up with Irish guys? second woman that pointed them out... ![]() i guess... the accent makes the, no wonder the divorce rate is so high, women are crazy... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The sexiest accent in the world? You gotta be kidding me? I don't find top of the morning accent particularly sexy at all ![]() Not sure about Irish men in general, just know the one and he was a total w@nker. Beat the chit out of my girlfriend, his partner, who'd moved to Ireland. And she's far from the kind of woman who'd put up with a guy like that, not timid, not a small girl either. But she got the beating nonetheless. That story and vision stuck with me, so much so, that I'd never dare date an Irish man. As for the drinking, all you people across the channel seem to do that, haha. The English are pretty bad as well. Maybe something to do with the weather ![]() |
whats up with Irish guys? second woman that pointed them out... ![]() i guess... the accent makes the, no wonder the divorce rate is so high, women are crazy... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The sexiest accent in the world? You gotta be kidding me? I don't find top of the morning accent particularly sexy at all ![]() Not sure about Irish men in general, just know the one and he was a total w@nker. Beat the chit out of my girlfriend, his partner, who'd moved to Ireland. And she's far from the kind of woman who'd put up with a guy like that, not timid, not a small girl either. But she got the beating nonetheless. That story and vision stuck with me, so much so, that I'd never dare date an Irish man. As for the drinking, all you people across the channel seem to do that, haha. The English are pretty bad as well. Maybe something to do with the weather ![]() ![]() ![]() |
uhm think its safer for me to not comment on this one best wishes on your hunt Hmmmm......chicken!!! Sorry for calling you that..datwasntme!!! ![]() ![]() I'm the fool! Should have known why you chose not to comment! Missed this in the long write up I don't check replies on this topic area.
Yes indeed she writes the sequel to War and Peace and does not monitor any of the answers -- so save your comments and stop putting this thread out there..... Bet her email is overflowing........ ![]() |
Not even average looking women want someone who is not successful. And men will hit on women who they know are out of their league anyway. ![]() ![]() So nice your story ended in a fairy tale. Back to reality now, most women want a man who is a provider, which dates back to prehistoric days, and they certainly don't want to end up with a man who is struggling financially because that means she would have to struggle as well. |
It's not about being shallow, dearie, it's about being smart.
Well Nenew you wrote a lot, but didn't say much about what you want. Or, why you are here. Might I recommend some light reading? ![]() That is a great book.I have read it a few times. ![]() ![]() |
... most women want a man who is a provider, which dates back to prehistoric days, and they certainly don't want to end up with a man who is struggling financially because that means she would have to struggle as well. ![]() |
Sorry for that Newew, but the fact is: We men get rejected all the time. I have been rejected 300 times, while on the other hand you can check that my profile speaks for itself. They call me ugly, and that I am not handsome enough or don't have money. They want someone who can take care of them, and that is why I am left out. How many times I have said hi to a gal, if she was desperate enough she should have said, "Hi?, How are you doing? And we could have just had a chit chat and exchanged numbers. Then they say like you, "they just want to use me as sex object." Women are not sex objects. They look you with bad eyes saying, "even I don't want you!." You are looking for me"? That is how they treated me, and you are lucky if you are getting a boyfriend. I am about to close the chapter on that one. Maybe its not you, now you are here and insisting on marriage. When they make a move on you for another reason you refuse. Now Newew!, are you rejecting them in the same way I was rejected by pretty women? Its a purely waste of time, I also knew that you would not reply, so I guess maybe you thought I was a Gold digger looking for money. I think I will just settle for less attractive women. Let me do my business. |
It's not that men have "settled" it's that someone finally DIDN'T reject us. The truth of the matter is that you probably had your chance DOZENS of times but you rejected each time because you thought
you could do better. What beautiful women fail to grasp is that sooner or later beauty fades. Why do men end up with "less attractive" women? Again I do not believe it is that they "settled". Maybe some have but I don't think most men would marry a women they didn't see as beautiful. And there's the rub. YOU do not see these women as beautiful but men do. I'm not even talking about inner beauty here. Another idea is that these women WERE what you may call beautiful but their beauty has over time faded away due to aging. Of course intimidation is a factor. But it's less so that beauty intimidates men then attitude. If you're cold then men will probably not want to approach you regardless of how you look. Plus I would suspect that a lot of men are like me, afraid to make the first move. I don't just go up to a girl and say hi most of the time because I feel like if I'm honest that I'm going to look like a creep. Since I can't come up with a good segway most times I just end up not ever talking to the girl. Even though I really want to. Finally opportunity is a huge influence. There are plenty of times that I have seen very beautiful women but I pretty much could not talk to them due to circumstances. Or at the very least I didn't know how. For example while walking to work another girl was walking to the bus stop. I wanted to talk to her but I have no idea how to do so without it seeming creepy. I'm not very good at small talk. I like to get straight to the point. But it's not easy for me to just say "You're beautiful." I don't consider myself that attractive and worse than that I'm extremely awkward. Put that together and you get this creepy lonely loser. :( At the same time I have had great opportunities to talk to beautiful women but I just couldn't mustard the courage. Then again I don't really talk much to anyone beautiful or otherwise. I don't hang out in big groups. I barely know any girls. Henceforth why I am even here. Because it's so much easier to write hi than it is to say it. Too bad it's also easier to ignore. |
It's not that men have "settled" it's that someone finally DIDN'T reject us. The truth of the matter is that you probably had your chance DOZENS of times but you rejected each time because you thought you could do better. What beautiful women fail to grasp is that sooner or later beauty fades. Why do men end up with "less attractive" women? Again I do not believe it is that they "settled". Maybe some have but I don't think most men would marry a women they didn't see as beautiful. And there's the rub. YOU do not see these women as beautiful but men do. I'm not even talking about inner beauty here. Another idea is that these women WERE what you may call beautiful but their beauty has over time faded away due to aging. Of course intimidation is a factor. But it's less so that beauty intimidates men then attitude. If you're cold then men will probably not want to approach you regardless of how you look. Plus I would suspect that a lot of men are like me, afraid to make the first move. I don't just go up to a girl and say hi most of the time because I feel like if I'm honest that I'm going to look like a creep. Since I can't come up with a good segway most times I just end up not ever talking to the girl. Even though I really want to. Finally opportunity is a huge influence. There are plenty of times that I have seen very beautiful women but I pretty much could not talk to them due to circumstances. Or at the very least I didn't know how. For example while walking to work another girl was walking to the bus stop. I wanted to talk to her but I have no idea how to do so without it seeming creepy. I'm not very good at small talk. I like to get straight to the point. But it's not easy for me to just say "You're beautiful." I don't consider myself that attractive and worse than that I'm extremely awkward. Put that together and you get this creepy lonely loser. :( At the same time I have had great opportunities to talk to beautiful women but I just couldn't mustard the courage. Then again I don't really talk much to anyone beautiful or otherwise. I don't hang out in big groups. I barely know any girls. Henceforth why I am even here. Because it's so much easier to write hi than it is to say it. Too bad it's also easier to ignore. Wow....good write! And FYI, you are good looking! And if you can gather the courage to speak like you write, the girls will definitely not ignore you. Good luck in your search, young man! |
It's not that men have "settled" it's that someone finally DIDN'T reject us. The truth of the matter is that you probably had your chance DOZENS of times but you rejected each time because you thought you could do better. What beautiful women fail to grasp is that sooner or later beauty fades. Why do men end up with "less attractive" women? Again I do not believe it is that they "settled". Maybe some have but I don't think most men would marry a women they didn't see as beautiful. And there's the rub. YOU do not see these women as beautiful but men do. I'm not even talking about inner beauty here. Another idea is that these women WERE what you may call beautiful but their beauty has over time faded away due to aging. Of course intimidation is a factor. But it's less so that beauty intimidates men then attitude. If you're cold then men will probably not want to approach you regardless of how you look. Plus I would suspect that a lot of men are like me, afraid to make the first move. I don't just go up to a girl and say hi most of the time because I feel like if I'm honest that I'm going to look like a creep. Since I can't come up with a good segway most times I just end up not ever talking to the girl. Even though I really want to. Finally opportunity is a huge influence. There are plenty of times that I have seen very beautiful women but I pretty much could not talk to them due to circumstances. Or at the very least I didn't know how. For example while walking to work another girl was walking to the bus stop. I wanted to talk to her but I have no idea how to do so without it seeming creepy. I'm not very good at small talk. I like to get straight to the point. But it's not easy for me to just say "You're beautiful." I don't consider myself that attractive and worse than that I'm extremely awkward. Put that together and you get this creepy lonely loser. :( At the same time I have had great opportunities to talk to beautiful women but I just couldn't mustard the courage. Then again I don't really talk much to anyone beautiful or otherwise. I don't hang out in big groups. I barely know any girls. Henceforth why I am even here. Because it's so much easier to write hi than it is to say it. Too bad it's also easier to ignore. I like the way you have explained away some of the OP's misguided thinking too ![]() ![]() |
At least the OP was honest about the second line of her second sentence........she never came back..................