Community > Posts By > Alismyname
It's not that men have "settled" it's that someone finally DIDN'T reject us. The truth of the matter is that you probably had your chance DOZENS of times but you rejected each time because you thought
you could do better. What beautiful women fail to grasp is that sooner or later beauty fades. Why do men end up with "less attractive" women? Again I do not believe it is that they "settled". Maybe some have but I don't think most men would marry a women they didn't see as beautiful. And there's the rub. YOU do not see these women as beautiful but men do. I'm not even talking about inner beauty here. Another idea is that these women WERE what you may call beautiful but their beauty has over time faded away due to aging. Of course intimidation is a factor. But it's less so that beauty intimidates men then attitude. If you're cold then men will probably not want to approach you regardless of how you look. Plus I would suspect that a lot of men are like me, afraid to make the first move. I don't just go up to a girl and say hi most of the time because I feel like if I'm honest that I'm going to look like a creep. Since I can't come up with a good segway most times I just end up not ever talking to the girl. Even though I really want to. Finally opportunity is a huge influence. There are plenty of times that I have seen very beautiful women but I pretty much could not talk to them due to circumstances. Or at the very least I didn't know how. For example while walking to work another girl was walking to the bus stop. I wanted to talk to her but I have no idea how to do so without it seeming creepy. I'm not very good at small talk. I like to get straight to the point. But it's not easy for me to just say "You're beautiful." I don't consider myself that attractive and worse than that I'm extremely awkward. Put that together and you get this creepy lonely loser. :( At the same time I have had great opportunities to talk to beautiful women but I just couldn't mustard the courage. Then again I don't really talk much to anyone beautiful or otherwise. I don't hang out in big groups. I barely know any girls. Henceforth why I am even here. Because it's so much easier to write hi than it is to say it. Too bad it's also easier to ignore. |
How do I look? Is my profile boring? You're hot. Honestly, I couldn't care less about your profile or anybody elses. I'm shallow so if I'm gonna date someone it's because they're hot and they like me. If we date and you're cool then it's awesome. But if you're not cool then your being hot won't cut it anymore. |
Are there any real men left?? One that reads profiles and genuinely wants to meet a real woman. Not just a hookup. Why should I bother getting to know you when I'm just gonna get rejected for my looks anyways? |
Is it that I'm dull and uninteresting or is that I'm not that great looking? I'm not seeking attention here I just want to know what needs to be changed.
I am honest so for me I would prefer straight forward after a few questions are answered to make sure we are not wasting our time meeting :) I like girls like you. :) |
there is a book,(i've recommended it a few times on here), that basically states that you should try to be fun to be around, and learn to have fun with or without the girl. He states that it's better to "AMGOW" basically "Ask as a Man Going his Own Way" Basically have a plan already, and follow through with it. whether or not she says yes. Example, instead of saying "Would you like to go to movies?" and then letting her pick the movie, time, etc everything, Say something more like "I"m going to go see the new Superman movie on Friday at 8pm wanna come?" If she says no, go anyway, then later tell her how good/bad etc it was, she may feel left out, and next time you ask maybe she'll say yes...of course every situation varies, but you get the general idea....basically don't rely on a woman for you to have a good time, start having a good time, and they will want to join as well. Thanks for the advice. But I dunno if it will work. I'm poor and boring. I don't have much of a life besides work, sleep and killing time on the computer. "You should get out more." I'm not an outdoorsy person and I never will be. I hate sports and I'm socially inept. And the things I WANT to do I can't. So really I don't blame girls for not being interested in me because I wouldn't be interested in me. I'm boring. :/ |
Even if you meet a woman online the reality is you are going to have to ask her out in person. You have to look her in the eyes and ask her ,that's just how it is and every guy goes through it. If she says no then you have to swallow hard and try to find someone that you have more things in common with.There is not set answer every guy goes about it in different ways. Best of luck to you. Thank you some actual advice. Instead of patronizing me. |
Met a lotta girls...seen a lotta people...but it hurts me that all they want is just sex sex sex...for God sakes get a ***** or tired of all that...can it be sooooo hard?? To find a lady that would truly love you?? I wanna feel what it means to be in love...please I need your advice fellas...for now am willing to try love...and am open minded... Stop trolling. |
I don't need advice on how to get rejected.
I already know how to do that. |
I haven't been on a date ever.
So I don't know jack. But what are the differences if any of how a guy should handle finding a girl to date both online and off? I dunno but it seems to me that if I just ask a girl if she wants to go out on a date I won't ever get any response even though they see the message. I dunno if this just cause I'm not their type or I'm doing something wrong. On the other hand if I "get to know them" first then I could be spending a lot of time on a girl who never had any interest in me in the first place. But again if I'm point blank it seems to be a turn off. I feel like it's hopeless. |
Seriously they do. Maybe it's because I'm not willing to fork over large amounts of cash money in order to NOT find someone but this is just a terribly inefficient system. Could I do better? If I knew how to make a web page and all the technical crap--maybe.
See the most annoying thing is that the closest you can get to your own city is like what 15 miles. I don't want to travel 15 friggin miles just to see someone! I want to know who actually lives in my own darn city! Also I want to be able to do an advanced search--of people who are actually online. Why am I even seeing people halfway across the country!? I mean hello this is a dating site! Yeah it might work for some people but I think most of us would like to find LOCALS. Honestly if I have to actually go out in order to meet people then what is the friggin point of these dating sites anyways? I'm gonna be single forever because I'm stuck seeing 50 year old moms from Idaho. No offense to you 50 year moms from Idaho. You are cool. Dating sites aren't. |