Last week I got home from work and there was this number on my display.
0 000 000-0000 I'm still puzzled about that one. |
It WOULD be ILLEGAL if enough people would take a few minutes to scribble their State senators and congress representatives how they feel about it. The Telemarketing industry and the charities sure make their wishes known. If you demand that EVERY unsolicited piece of mail include a prepaid postage opt out card and required EVERY telephone marketer to announce their opt out number at the beginning and end of the call we would have more power to stop this invasion. Since the do not call list law has holes in it the size of a whale we need to be able to hit these uninvited guests in their pocket book with reverse charges. If you refuse to sign up for freebies you can avoid a lot of these but shutting down charities that sell your info my not donateing would also help. For the young and able this may be a nusance but for the elderly or those who have to pay someone to assist them with their paperwork this is a huge problem.
I had a number like that show up on my cell, not sure what it was, never had it come up after that either.
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Thank you everyone for your help and advice...
![]() I love you all... ![]() ![]() ![]() Have a great day... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
does this apply only to the USA? or is it North America/world wide? just curious
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If I get a pre approval for credit car I mailback the form but don t fill it out make them pay 2x Coupons same think mail them back and they pay for it let them keep the junk instead of throwing away. |
Good One Sweetie...
![]() They are so persistent and relentless.. Speak their own language to them... Get em back where they are affected .. In the wallet... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thanks a bunch for the heads up. We have a pre-paid so I tend to get somewhat verbal with unask for calls
thank you
thanks for that info will do.
I also heard that the home phone do not call list has/is expired/ing and we have to redo that too!! Know if thats true Kojak? Anyone? thanks! ![]() |
Well that's going to suck...Well usually if a telemarketer calls my house, I yell obsenities and hang up on them. And I'll do the same when they call my cell phone. I think they shouldn't be allowed to get phone records without probable cause. In the legal system, you can't get phone records for a cell phone that belongs to someone else without a court order most of the time.
Calling and adding your "Cell Phone Number", to the National Don't Call Registry is a "Good Small Measure Of Protection". But, these "Rumors" about a "Deadline" is completely "FALSE". These rumors have been going out via email Since 2003, about "Telemarketers" and the so call "Dead-Line-Date". So there is "No Need" to register your cell number, you want to read more........, than just go to the link below. .......................Benz !!! |
YES........., That's ......"TRUE"!!! The "5 YEARS" are almost up and you need to "RE-REGISTER". By the way, if you add your "CELL PHONE" let's say today, you will also have to "RE-REGISTER" it in a couple of months. READ MORE: |
Unfortunately ,lists can be downloaded free for a lot of telemarketing companies......usually their numbers are all centers usually run everything threw channel banks. The best way to avoid them is just keep hanging up on them.They will stop because their salary usually relies on commission from sales and a constant hangup wastes their time & their money.
Thanks Kojack...just did it, and was quick and painless
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Wow. Thanks for the reminder Kojack. It's getting ridiculous...what we have to go through to be left alone.......
| is where you report calls you get after you've registered (I think somebody asked). Also, as a former telemarketer *ducks* I can tell you that it won't keep out all calls. I worked for a research firm, and they are not under the Do Not Call regulations. I would also like to ask all of you that if a researcher contacts you, please don't be too rude. I only ask because of all the days I cried my whole lunch break. Thanks.
Kojack, thank you for the notice. It really stinks that people can find your cell number. |