Topic: Police kill schoolboy wielding fake gun
soufiehere's photo
Tue 12/02/14 03:21 PM
Kindly remember that everyone's opinion is as valuable as your own.
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davidben1's photo
Tue 12/02/14 05:37 PM
and the parents could have made their child aware...

and the police could have diffused the situation...

and the 911 caller could have not called 911...

and the gum makers could have not made a replica weapon...

and the entertainment media could have not glorified violence and guns...

and the playground could have had signs no toy guns allowed...

and the police could have deployed stuns guns...

and the babysitter could have told the parents little fella was packin...

but only haters believe revenge is justice, and until that changes, the focus in humanity will not shift from a accusation based society, to a true focus of how to create better for all in society...

and that won't happen until all the hating rats are turned loose on each other and extinct each other.

Argo's photo
Tue 12/02/14 08:19 PM
after watching the independent surveillance video of the 12 year old kid fatally shot by cleveland is painfully obvious the police are clearly responsible for the death of Tamir Rice....

less than 2 seconds after arriving on the scene the boy was shot dead.... veteran police officers have said the squad car should have never approached the suspect from a sideways angle, but from a head-on direction to assess the situation using the doors as shields for protection..
i'll speculate they approached this way to avoid the dash-cam if they were equipped with one...

the officers also gave a false account of their actions....three commands to show your hands and several bystanders in the covered picnic area...the film shows no bystanders and the squad car approaching at a fast rate of speed the rookie officer opening fire on the kid as soon as he opened the car door.....all this, within 2 seconds...

the grand jury should hand down an indictment charging both officers with a minimum of manslaughter, falsification of official documents, dereliction of duty and throw in a felony injury-to-a-child for good measure...

if you take away the insignia on the car and the uniforms of the officers this tape could be easily mistaken for a drive-by murder by rival gang thugs........not even close to the idea of " to Serve and Protect "

Totage's photo
Wed 12/03/14 12:11 AM

lets see now...2 cops 2 real guns --- 1 12 year old kid 1 pellet gun....

indeed better safe than sorry is right.....

maybe they could have waited and possibly risked taking a stray bullet from a kid waving a gun around rather than opening fire with a shot to the torso.....

as far i know, nobody is drafted into the police know the risks when you sign get paid to take start takin' them....

better safe than sorry, indeed....

OK, how about you try out your theory yourself. Wait for some to shoot you before you determine if they have a gun or not. Let me know how that goes for you.

Argo's photo
Wed 12/03/14 01:56 AM

lets see now...2 cops 2 real guns --- 1 12 year old kid 1 pellet gun....
indeed better safe than sorry is right.....
maybe they could have waited and possibly risked taking a stray bullet from a kid waving a gun around rather than opening fire with a shot to the torso.....
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as far i know, nobody is drafted into the police know the risks when you sign get paid to take start takin' them....
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better safe than sorry, indeed....

OK, how about you try out your theory yourself. Wait for some to shoot you before you determine if they have a gun or not. Let me know how that goes for you.

do you even read the words you quote ? i've marked this sentence for you to look at person is forced or even asked to serve as a policeman it is strictly a volunteer position....if someone wants to be an officer of the law they are fully aware of the risk they are taking, it may cost them their life in return, they get paid to take that risk...the majority of policemen are honest and courageous individuals who risk their lives on a daily basis without resorting to the tactics used by these two officers..
have you even seen the video of the incident ?? please look at it and point out, for me, exactly what risk they faced by driving up to the victim and shooting him dead in the less than 2 second confrontation...
i challenge anyone who has seen this video, to honestly say that this is the type protocol we, as citizens, want our police to follow....

the people are fed up with this type of storm-trooper behavior by those who have sworn an oath to serve and protect...there are countless videos of people being pummeled while in handcuffs, beaten with batons by six or more cops while down on the ground, grandmas being tased...and the blatent denial of citizens constitutional rights, enough is enough....

if they fail to indict in this case, Cleveland will make Ferguson look like a campfire marshmallow roast in comparison....

BlkmatureMan57's photo
Wed 12/03/14 02:52 AM
If white kids was being out lived by most people pets like black kids today. Trust me white people woulod be upset an blacks aswell. The 911 caller told them most likely it was a fake gun from the start but it seems the killer cop wanted a good reason to kill a child of color. Again why put a cop that can not relate to the people he is working around. Thats like black gun happy cop in a all white town. Just pure krasy. That gun happy cop that really dislike white people would be just waiting for a good reason to hurt kill a white kid.
Anyway someone point a gun at you an you have a gun most likely you will not have a happy ending at all. Now if you was told the gun most likely is a fake toy. Thats another story an did the kid point the gun at the cop?

BlkmatureMan57's photo
Wed 12/03/14 02:59 AM
I'm a black man as you can tell by my screen name. Trust me I don't want a cop that dislike people of color stoping me. The cop can't relate to me an I can't relate to him.
Main reason I don't try to chat with other race of women. We really can't understand an relate to each other.
I'm just saying.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 12/03/14 03:04 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 12/03/14 03:05 AM

If white kids was being out lived by most people pets like black kids today. Trust me white people woulod be upset an blacks aswell. The 911 caller told them most likely it was a fake gun from the start but it seems the killer cop wanted a good reason to kill a child of color. Again why put a cop that can not relate to the people he is working around. Thats like black gun happy cop in a all white town. Just pure krasy. That gun happy cop that really dislike white people would be just waiting for a good reason to hurt kill a white kid.
Anyway someone point a gun at you an you have a gun most likely you will not have a happy ending at all. Now if you was told the gun most likely is a fake toy. Thats another story an did the kid point the gun at the cop?

The problem is,that the Dispatcher failed to tell the Cops it might be a Fake-Weapon!
If he had,things would definitely have ended differently!

On November 22, 2014 in Cleveland, Ohio, a 12-year old boy with an airsoft gun was shot and killed by police. After a 911 caller reported a juvenile male with a "probably fake" gun on a playground, police arrived on the scene, but had not been told by the dispatcher that the gun may have been fake. Police report that they asked the boy to show his hands, but he reached for his waistband instead. The police fatally shot him within 2 seconds of arriving on the scene. Police later said that the orange tip indicating the gun was a toy had been removed.[17][18]

There definitely needs to be lots of improvements between Communities and Law-Enforcement,but to consistently blaming the Police is counterproductive and foolish!

BlkmatureMan57's photo
Wed 12/03/14 04:52 AM
Edited by BlkmatureMan57 on Wed 12/03/14 05:02 AM
Darn man please read what happen again. It happen at a darn playgound. What do kids do at a playgound?
They play!
At 12 yr of age.What did you do on a playground? All young kids of any race play with toy guns.This was a child a baby a kid having fun at the place where kids his age play an have fun at. No darn reason on this earth for the child to have lost his darn life having fun! That was a very gun happy cop getting away with killing another kid of color. I bet that cop that killed this kid have a dog or cat at home older than the kid he killed for having fun.

Argo's photo
Wed 12/03/14 05:33 AM
whether or not the guns orange tip was removed or that it was reported to be a fake weapon or that the manufacturer had issued a disclaimer not to carry the gun in public has no bearing at all in this case...the police MUST assume it is a real weapon UNTIL the suspect is disarmed...the problem is the manner in which they handled the situation...if they had confronted the suspect at a distance of 10 or 15 yards away and given their commands from behind the open squad car doors the kid may have had a chance to comply with them....the video shows the police quickly pulling up to within five or ten feet of him and the officer using deadly force in less than TWO SECONDS....they could have diffused this scene in a much safer way and most likely without even firing their weapon at all....

watch the video.....this 12 year old kid had NO chance at all....

BlkmatureMan57's photo
Wed 12/03/14 07:34 AM

whether or not the guns orange tip was removed or that it was reported to be a fake weapon or that the manufacturer had issued a disclaimer not to carry the gun in public has no bearing at all in this case...the police MUST assume it is a real weapon UNTIL the suspect is disarmed...the problem is the manner in which they handled the situation...if they had confronted the suspect at a distance of 10 or 15 yards away and given their commands from behind the open squad car doors the kid may have had a chance to comply with them....the video shows the police quickly pulling up to within five or ten feet of him and the officer using deadly force in less than TWO SECONDS....they could have diffused this scene in a much safer way and most likely without even firing their weapon at all....

watch the video.....this 12 year old kid had NO chance at all....

BlkmatureMan57's photo
Wed 12/03/14 07:43 AM
Wow we I just viewed the video on youtube. Unreal. A 12 kid playing in a playground. Two cops pull up an one get out the car an shoot the kid playing with a play gun on a playground.
This cop pull up get out the car an shoot a 12 yr child for playing on a playground.

Totage's photo
Wed 12/03/14 02:28 PM

lets see now...2 cops 2 real guns --- 1 12 year old kid 1 pellet gun....
indeed better safe than sorry is right.....
maybe they could have waited and possibly risked taking a stray bullet from a kid waving a gun around rather than opening fire with a shot to the torso.....
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

as far i know, nobody is drafted into the police know the risks when you sign get paid to take start takin' them....
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

better safe than sorry, indeed....

OK, how about you try out your theory yourself. Wait for some to shoot you before you determine if they have a gun or not. Let me know how that goes for you.

do you even read the words you quote ? i've marked this sentence for you to look at person is forced or even asked to serve as a policeman it is strictly a volunteer position....if someone wants to be an officer of the law they are fully aware of the risk they are taking, it may cost them their life in return, they get paid to take that risk...the majority of policemen are honest and courageous individuals who risk their lives on a daily basis without resorting to the tactics used by these two officers..
have you even seen the video of the incident ?? please look at it and point out, for me, exactly what risk they faced by driving up to the victim and shooting him dead in the less than 2 second confrontation...
i challenge anyone who has seen this video, to honestly say that this is the type protocol we, as citizens, want our police to follow....

the people are fed up with this type of storm-trooper behavior by those who have sworn an oath to serve and protect...there are countless videos of people being pummeled while in handcuffs, beaten with batons by six or more cops while down on the ground, grandmas being tased...and the blatent denial of citizens constitutional rights, enough is enough....

if they fail to indict in this case, Cleveland will make Ferguson look like a campfire marshmallow roast in comparison....

You think just because someone chooses to be a police officer they should expect to be shot, because they're not forced into the line of work?

I've been to jail and have had many run-ins with the police. They always done their job and I didn't blame them for being ******** towards me when I was an ******* towards them, but when I calm and respectful they gave me the same.

Most police officers are just doing their job and trying to make it home to their families in one piece. The public needs to understand that. Stop blaming the police for doing their job and stop giving them a reason to suspect the worst.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Wed 12/03/14 04:40 PM
The story does sound as though this cop had an itchy trigger finger. Reminds me of a story where a cop asked for an ID and shot a man for reaching into his pocket. Or the shooting of another individual for reaching into his glove box for registration/insurance.

I have to ask... Were people running away from this boy as though he were a danger? What was his facial expression? There are environmental influences here that should help one measure the level of potential threat. The likelihood of someone so young, from a city nonetheless, being able to shoot with proficiency is minuscule.

Personally I would have a hard time labeling someone so young an imminent "threat". Even at the risk of my own life I would like to think I would hesitate, remembering my childhood and playing "guns" with my friends in my parents' back yard. To a certain degree a police officer must accept some form of risk, when putting on a badge.

davidben1's photo
Wed 12/03/14 06:05 PM
if there are trillions and trillions of happenings in the world, as there is...

and but a wee wee itsy teeny tiny few in proportion to these trillions and trillions of happenings...

are chosen to be displayed to the public...

than such doth tell all one needs to know...

about what be wished to be created for the world.


BlkmatureMan57's photo
Thu 12/04/14 12:11 AM
The flipside of this sad story is. First of all. The kid was having fun an doing his thang when he lost his life at just 12yr of age to a gun haapy cop. smiling an went to heaven.
Now you have a kid shooting an trying to kill everyone in a movie house in denver co. Some how the cops take him alive! I mean after shooting an killing people the cops bring him in alive!
Almost forgot to add. The 12yr kid was black" an just thinking he was cool. The kid that killed an hurt people in the movie house was white!

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 12/04/14 12:20 AM

The flipside of this sad story is. First of all. The kid was having fun an doing his thang when he lost his life at just 12yr of age to a gun haapy cop. smiling an went to heaven.
Now you have a kid shooting an trying to kill everyone in a movie house in denver co. Some how the cops take him alive! I mean after shooting an killing people the cops bring him in alive!
Almost forgot to add. The 12yr kid was black" an just thinking he was cool. The kid that killed an hurt people in the movie house was white!

yep,great,let's shout Racism,that will solve everything!

BlkmatureMan57's photo
Thu 12/04/14 04:49 AM
If the shoe fit you can call it whatever you want too.
Look at the kid that cut an stabed his school mates an againg the kid was taken alive.
This child was black 12 yr old an playing a cool bad man with a play toy gun an was shot dead. Call it what you want.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 12/04/14 05:54 AM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 12/04/14 05:50 AM

If the shoe fit you can call it whatever you want too.
Look at the kid that cut an stabed his school mates an againg the kid was taken alive.
This child was black 12 yr old an playing a cool bad man with a play toy gun an was shot dead. Call it what you want.

I would call it an "itchy trigger finger". Wouldn't be racism unless these acts were the same cop or department or even precinct. Then there would be a pattern.

Life and death situations are unique and details define causation. You cant lump them all into a broad category and actually expect it to have meaning.

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 12/04/14 06:25 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Thu 12/04/14 06:29 AM

If the shoe fit you can call it whatever you want too.
Look at the kid that cut an stabed his school mates an againg the kid was taken alive.
This child was black 12 yr old an playing a cool bad man with a play toy gun an was shot dead. Call it what you want.

I would call it an "itchy trigger finger". Wouldn't be racism unless these acts were the same cop or department or even precinct. Then there would be a pattern.

Life and death situations are unique and details define causation. You cant lump them all into a broad category and actually expect it to have meaning.

Probably also insufficient training!
But these days it is not unusual for a Cop to shoot if he encounters a Gun!

Wouldn't want to be a Police-Officer,unthankful Job to say the least!