Topic: Wanting to have sex before Marriage | |
Does the Bible Comment on Same-Sex Marriages? The Bible’s answer Our Creator established rules governing marriage long before governments began regulating the institution. The opening book of the Bible tells us: “A man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) The Hebrew word “wife,” according to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, “connotes one who is a female human being.” Jesus confirmed that those yoked together in marriage should be “male and female.”—Matthew 19:4. Thus, God intended marriage to be a permanent, intimate bond between a man and a woman. Men and women are designed to complement each other so they may be capable of satisfying each other’s emotional and sexual needs and of providing children. ![]() |
Thank you Bemma, we all have, and most are just ashamed of it. For me there's just no point to hide it. I have no shame in the presence of God. I have to say i'm not ashamed of not being a virgin, but i take your point. Like Mr Pancho has just stated, i think there are more things to worry about than sex before marriage, especially when two people love each other Emma |
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Sun 02/08/15 03:24 PM
Fornication is sin but a forgivable one.I had that same problem but my conscience convicted me and she my now ex made it clear she did not want to attend a church were the preacher talked about marriage, so I chose not to engage in fornication since it is a sin not worth going to hell over because is better to marry than to burn. 1 Corinthians 7:9 (AKJV)
I believe that Christ didn't die for our sins so that we can willingly continue to sin. I believe that we should learn from our mistakes and change our behaviors so that we don't continue to make the same mistakes.
With that said, I know if I am trying to live a life that is following Gods will and I have a weak moment- my sins will be forgiven! |
Christian life is like being active in an active battle ground...
There z nothing like taking rest in between... Temptations are always there... Just like God told Cain, sin z crouching at our doors...n its desire is for us... It z all about us now...if we open t WL enter our lives...otherwise we can keep our doors shut n strengthen our walls .. We all human beings do sin....Bible says...if we say we r sinless.. We r liars... As Christians we have to safeguard our lives from temptations n tests of Satan... But if we have already fallen into some kind of sin...just get up from there, confess it before God n try not to repeat it...n ask for t help of Holyspirit... N ask for Gods grace in our lives...then we r holy n righteous... Because God is t one who makes us righteous...we don't have t right to judge anyone...if God forgives me..wat u have to say against me... Guilt z something Satan brings to make us feel scary guilt z t culprit...he will put temptations...n when we do sin...he WL bring guilt feelings... So no need to feel guilty if u confessed our sins before God n asked for forgiveness... Live a happy life in Chtist... Christian life rockss |
Hi, I am new here, but did read through the first page of posts on this topic. This is my experience. My late husband and I, out of necessity, had to move in together before marriage. We both wanted to wait until marriage, but unfortunately, that didn't happen. We were both Christians, both knew it was sinful. I couldn't repent because even though I felt bad about it, I had no desire to stop. True repentance means that you do not wish to grieve the Holy Spirit that is within you, by continuing to sin.
Before we moved in together, I was a Sunday School teacher. I was on fire for the Lord. Felt such love for and from my Savior that I felt like a newlywed. When we moved in together, not wanting to be a stumbling block, I pro-actively stepped down from the ministry. We also changed churches and were close-lipped about our relationship at our new church. As a Christian we are to avoid even the appearance of sin. Once we started having sex, we refrained from Communion. Biblically if you eat or drink communion unworthily, with sin or unforgiveness on your heart, you eat and drink damnation or condemnation on yourself. Eventually we finally managed to restrain ourselves until we married as we both felt such guilt. I however, continued in un-repentance as I hoped we would again resume sexual relations. Finally we married about 14 months after we started living together. I repented finally. But we lost the blessing of marriage and never fully consummated our marriage. I truly believe it was a consequence of our earlier disregard for God's law. My husband later died 2 years, one month and 2 days after our wedding. I wish I could say I have re-acquired my passion and fire for God. I am getting nearer. But I still struggle with distractions of this world, not sex, but just things that steal my time and focus from my calling. I know God forgave us. He more than proved that to me as my husband sickened and died. He was palpably there helping us through that precious time saying good-bye to one another. But there are still consequences to turning my face from him in rebellion and un-repentance. It wounded our relationship, between God and myself. Exactly like infidelity wounds a marriage. There may be forgiveness and restoration, but the closeness and trust is gone. I also see what sex outside of marriage has done to a family member, who abandoned his wife, a good Christian, for a worldly Christian. He still claims Christianity, but he no longer goes to church. He has become bitter to other Christians, even if nothing has been said about him. It has affected his walk and his testimony. He is no longer in his position of Deacon in his church. His ex-wife is treated as an outcast there, which she does not deserve. She is having trouble trusting fellow Christians and avoids church now. It has affected her walk. Sin affects others outside of the ones involved. It destroys. The wages of sin is death. Sin causes separation from the person who loved us enough to die for us. It has consequences. It damages your relationship with the other person, and with God. I am in no place to judge anyone else. For I have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. However, I have truly repented of all my sins. I do not intend to repeat my mistake again in the future. Should I meet a nice Christian man, he will need to have the same desire to please Christ, rather than me or himself first. As far as adultery, if the divorce happened before you accepted Christ, I have reason to believe He forgives us that. We may still experience consequences, but we can be forgiven. I hope this helps you to see this from a different perspective. God will always give us a way to escape from temptation, but we have to be willing to take it. |
I know that I have committed this sin in the past but i have been forgiven by God as well it is the choices we make from that point forward that matters or so I believe.Sin is sin and we all have fallen short. For me at least I choose to not have premarital sex been married for thirteen years and separated for the last three and believe me sex is the last thing I want there is more to life then sex just my thoughts if you are committed to someone and they are to you then build on that first, there is so much more to a relationship then the act of sex and in my opinion that is a gift from God for a marriage a way to connect more intimately to your spouse .
Well ya if she says its ok....
![]() ![]() Trying to get a laugh in here ..... ![]() ....what can I say.. ![]() . ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I understand your dilemma. I admit to being a carnal Christian in that I am having sex outsideof mmarriage. I know its a sin and I have been struggling with this for years and I came to realize that what really attracts me in a woman is her innocence between us and once we have sex it seems to stain the relationship and I don't view her the same way.I actually tarnish the relationship , something you lose in the way you probably cher oooooo shed a nut shell we have urges and we are to discipline those urges.whats right is right whats wrong is wrong.the Holy spirit convicts us when we sin.I hope I have given you a clear perspective on this issue.God bless.
As a kid I went there because it was my parents wishes,and that it was a good hunting ground for love and friends was just a sideline benefit, but now it seems many go just for finding intimate encounters, new friends, business-political connections and such! A shame it has gone that way but it is a result of the huge churches turning more into country clubs than houses of God and prayer. I go to a tiny church once in a while just to cleanse my spirit,but find my God mainly in the Magnificent Outdoors. Not sure God would have given us such a drive for it if it had been so bad, married or not. I really do not know???
Hi Bemma can we be friends?
im new this topic. Its an eye oponer.seriously its not easy when you still battle with ur flesh.but frm those who did not sex with who they wna marry before my dad were able to control it by always keeping a distance and each time he wna visit he does that with another brother....dont knw M2 has much more to offer than chat and all that.
All depend about How far you are on love with God.
SEX IS FOR MARRAGE PEOPLE,and that the bottom line, that s all that matters. Knowing right is to do what's right.
yes, old testament and in the new testament.
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I do not check here regularly but it is interesting today to check and see this conversation on sex which has continued into 2015. I bet the topic of sex appears to always sell among humans, like no other topic - for whatever reasons!!!
Now getting down to a concrete reply, I would say outrightly that CowboyGH, Dodo_david and some others have hit the nail on the head correctly. John 12:47-48 is reproduced below: 47And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. 48He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. It comes out clearly from these verses that the Word of God judges all men. Therefore, when the Bible says not to do anything and we go ahead and do that same thing, the same word that instructed us not to do it becomes our judge. When therefore, Cowboy and others quote the scripture, the judgment is not from them but from God's own word. It is because the word is our judge that we must repent with deep rooted repentance as well as turn away from anything that is against the word of God. Again, John 7.24 says, "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." What is righteous judgment? It is the judgment that God's word already pronounces! Matthew Chapter 16: 24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 26For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Please note verse 26 in particular. Is there anything worth losing your soul for? Think about the Bible's description of hell and the bible's description of eternity...flames of fire...sulphur... and... brimstone... the worms die of torment...crying...and...gnashing of teeth...forever...everlasting torment....etc...etc Sin (whether it is in the form of sex outside of marriage or theft...or murder or even lies) is not worth going to hell for. Jesus offers an alternative, which is HEAVEN. But we can only go to heaven on God's terms - not on our own terms. The Bible says no unclean thing will enter heaven. The blood of Jesus offers us the cleanliness that we need for heaven. The grace of God is poured down through Jesus Christ. We need to both embrace grace as well as remain in grace. The Bible says there is no temptation or trial that befalls us which is uncommon to man and that in every temptation or trial, God also provides a way of escape. We do not have to live according to fleshly desires - God wants us to live in His grace and thereby be free from satisfying the lusts of the flesh God bless us all and help us to live in the grace that Christ offers, so that sin does not have dominion over us. Amen> |
Well said Cowboy
If you don't take Sin Seriously then you become a NON Believer. God doesn't Hear the Prayers of a Sinner Brother. Remember what Jesus told us in Mathew 5:48=Be ye therefore Perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is Perfect. You sound like you have a problem with Uncleanness=Masturbation which is called Uncleanness, and Weakens Our Mind, and Destroys are Spirit when we are OVERCOME by it. I Speak from experience my friend.
Your attitude that you plan on Sinning the rest of your life tells "ME" you don't know God or the Word of Truth. Can you show me your Named Church in the Bible? Keep it real Brother. This is Forever in Hell. Which Woman/Man is worth that? That is what I tell myself when I put my Hormones before God. We have to CHECK our selves CONSTANTLY. Look how Paul Suffered. Paul wanted SEX I do believe=1-Corinthians 9:27. But He tells us we must Check our selves, and we do this by Living in the Spirit. NOT the Flesh. Read Galatians 5:16+17 please. If you want Wisdom know that YOU MUST FIRST FEAR God=Proverbs 1:7. Do you know Paul who calls the Church the Church of Christ, or Church of God (Same Thing)stopped attending the Jews Religion when Jesus CHECKED Him, and took His sight in the Desert? Do you know Paul calls Jesus the Church in Colossians 1:18=And He is the Head of the Body, the Church. This is why Paul only refers to the Church as the Church of Christ or Church of God (Same Thing)=1-Timothy 3:16=God, (Meaning Jesus) was Manifest in the Flesh=When He came to earth. My Point in all this is if you are in a Church of Satan created by Man for Man which is Motivated by Satan you don't know the TRUTH. Paul made it CLEAR in 2-Thessalonians 2:11 what happens when Satan Tricks you into attending Satan Churches. God makes you believe you are okay with Him by SENDING you a "Strong Delusion" that there is Salvation in Satan Church which is NOT in Scripture, and God CLEARLY tells us we can NOT ADD TO or TAKE AWAY from His Word or God will TAKE OUR NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE=Revelation 22:18+19. Satan REASON for Changing the Name of the Church which is the Body of Christ is TWO FOLD: 1) To Deceive you and kill you by Deception. 2) To Mock God,take the Glory away from Jesus who is, and Died for the Church, and GIVE THAT GLORY TO MEN INSTEAD OF JESUS. If you want to Communicate please Email me at: Peace to YOU ALL in Christ Jesus. Kurt. P.S. Remember, Acts 4:12=There is Salvation in NO OTHER NAME then Christ Jesus. Also 2-Corinthians 11:12-15=Ministers of Satan which are in Satan's Churches of today Deceiving Millions by convincing US to Glorify a Man's Name over Jesus. |
Dear Caroline,
Satan wants, and Teaches us that Judgment is Wrong. It is simply Misunderstood. Because Judgment is Love. There are TWO kinds of Judgments: 1) Telling you your know good, and NEVER change type of Judgment which Jesus says NOT to do. 2) Then there is the Judgment Spoke of in 1-Corinthians 2:15=He that is Spiritual Judgeth ALL THINGS, yet He Himself is Judged of No Man. This means when I use the TRUTH which is the New Testament to prove there is ONLY ONE Faith or Name for the Church for example. And lets say you are Catholic. You can't use Scripture to PROVE the Catholic Church is in Scripture because it is NOT. Paul calls the Catholic Faith is the Doctrine of Devils in 1-Timothy 4:1-6. So when we use Sound Doctrine (Scripture from Old Version King James)like I just did to Prove it is Truth there is NOTHING the other person can come back with. In John 7:24=Judge NOT according to the appearance, but Judge RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT (Scripture in the Old King James Bible ONLY). Please read 1-Corinthians 7:36=But if ANY Man think that He behaveth himself Uncomely Toward His Virgin, if she Passes the Flower of Her age, and NEED SO REQUIRE, let Him "DO WHAT HE WILL", He Sinneth Not: let them Marry. This is completely diffferent then what the New International Version says which is Satan's Bible. So if you are BOTH Christins, and have agreed to be Married soon, and you give in to SEX before the Wedding Day Scripture says you Sin Not. But you BOTH MUST be Sincere about getting Married. Better yet is to get a Quick Judge to Marry you if you have that much of a problem waiting. But I do believe it Profits you MORE to Suffer in the Flesh, and wait until your Wedding Night. Best Wishes to you two. Kurt in Christ Jesus |