Community > Posts By > vsumfun

vsumfun's photo
Mon 02/09/15 11:53 PM
Christian life is like being active in an active battle ground...
There z nothing like taking rest in between...
Temptations are always there...
Just like God told Cain, sin z crouching at our doors...n its desire is for us...
It z all about us now...if we open t WL enter our lives...otherwise we can keep our doors shut n strengthen our walls ..

We all human beings do sin....Bible says...if we say we r sinless.. We r liars...

As Christians we have to safeguard our lives from temptations n tests of Satan...
But if we have already fallen into some kind of sin...just get up from there, confess it before God n try not to repeat it...n ask for t help of Holyspirit... N ask for Gods grace in our lives...then we r holy n righteous... Because God is t one who makes us righteous...we don't have t right to judge anyone...if God forgives me..wat u have to say against me...

Guilt z something Satan brings to make us feel scary guilt z t culprit...he will put temptations...n when we do sin...he WL bring guilt feelings...
So no need to feel guilty if u confessed our sins before God n asked for forgiveness...
Live a happy life in Chtist...
Christian life rockss

vsumfun's photo
Mon 02/09/15 11:40 PM
This whole forum is just about rating t profiles....
So I m also asking t same...
Wat u guys say?