Topic: What's with all the misogyny towards women? This is what.. | |
Men can be pigs, we don't deny that. But omen are pigs too they just hide it and play innocent. Sex is human nature.
Political correctness. Men have to walk on egg shells around women these days because of political correctness. Women can flame and bash men all day, but once a guy says anything slightly bad about women he's the one who gets flamed. Honesty. Girls go much of their lives being told what they want to hear from parents, boyfriends, friends. Men though, not so much. Looks. You see tons of handsome or lean men dating unattractive or chubby women. You rarely ever see hot girls dating unattractive or fat men (unless he's bodybuilder fat). Sex. Any girl can get it, all she has to do is walk into a bar and offer herself to a single guy and she'll get it. Guys though? They have to work to get some. Divorce. The USA has the highest divorce rate, and it's the female gender who calls for most divorce. Relationships wont always be easy or fun all the time... Empowerment. Women in the western world were never powerless (raising a family and bringing humans to life is more empowering than being a corporate slave until you get laid off). Don't confuse our grandparents generation for the caveman days. There is a reason most grandparents lasted. Acceptance. Ladies, go on a date and act really weird or say something dumb; most guys will just laugh or play along. Now guys, go on a date and act weird or say something dumb, and I bet the girl will never see you again. Ladies, tell a guy on a date that you have anxiety or depression issues; I bet most guys will stay around. Now guys, tell a girl you have depression or anxiety issues; I bet you'll never hear from her again. Games. Girls love playing 'hard to get'. It actually does more harm than good; playing 'hard to get' is not an old fashioned thing. Men should court women, but not chase (chasing is playing games). Pictures. When men take selfies or pictures of their muscles, women flame them. When women take selfies or take promiscuous pictures, nobody seems to mind. Harassment. Harassment is not acceptable, but how many guys do you see wearing provocative clothing to work, gym, or anywhere really? Not many. Now what about girls? You see it all the time, even at work. Men will be men, ladies. Equal pay? The USA is the lawsuit capital of the world. If the equal pay cry was real, there would be lawsuits all day everyday about it. But, there isn't. Again, women have political correctness on their side.. Cheating. Do men cheat and lie? Yes, many do. But so do women. But, how often do girls cheat on or ditch a jerk? Rarely. Girls bash nice guys all day long, and then wonder why guys aren't nice. Girls date jerks knowing very well that he is a jerk, they just hope to change him; but you wont change a jerk ever. Dating site profiles. You see tons of girls putting on their profiles not to message them unless you are tall, in shape, have a good job, etc. Men though? Men would get flamed if they said those things. You see tons of short girls demanding tall men. Now imagine what girls would say if a chubby guy demanded a skinny girl? "Shallow". Accusations. How many girls willingly hookup with guys, and then later said he used her or harassed her? Tons. Some girls do get used for sex, but how many guys get used for money or get manipulated? Tons. Drama. That's a simple one. The female gender is well known for being the dramatic, blow things out of proportion one. Even many girls say they'd rather be friends with guys, because guys are less dramatic and more simple. 40% of domestic violence victims are men. But, medias and people don't take it seriously. Both men and women are victims of gender discrimination, abuse, harassment. Ladies, everyone is struggling these days, not just you. The most important one: Equality. Women claim to want equality, yet still expect men to pay, open doors, protect them, not hit back, carry the heavy stuff, be chivalrous (they don't want equality, they want the upper hand). However, as soon as a guy even thinks of his woman cooking or cleaning, he is deemed a sexist. If you want equality, take it on all fronts: if you hit a guy, be prepared to get hit back. .....If women think they have it so hard then why are men the ones committing these heinous crimes? Because men are the ones who have it hard. There is a reason American men are flocking overseas to find wives. |
Wow, I did not read all this blah blah crap...All I can say live in the real world and quit trying to blame one sex or the other...
Half of this is rubbish and most likely wrote by a man that got dished and wanted to whine about all his short comings..... ![]() |
what else would you expect from a angry child
OP got dumped.
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OP,are you making the Round to all Dating Sites spreading this Dung?
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have you looked at his profile?? something about True Poison dot com.. it's a promo for a website as well as a facebook page promo..
total drivel.. MODS ![]() don't waste your breath peoples... they've been here before and got deleted by the site... |
Humm Zee look up I posted first lmao....
No reference here rest is noted..... I just could not help posting to this one lmao... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Men can be pigs, we don't deny that. But omen are pigs too they just hide it and play innocent. Sex is human nature. I don't think sex equates to 'being a pig' Yes men and woman both can be 'pigs' not just because of sex, what is 'piggish' is the way some men approach sex, they expect the woman to roll-over and throw their legs up in the air because some idiot sent them a picture of his wang. I had a girl try to use a 'direct approach' with me, she came up to me and just asked to get her pregnant... I put her in the 'slut' catergoy..aka female pig. Political correctness. Men have to walk on egg shells around women these days because of political correctness. Women can flame and bash men all day, but once a guy says anything slightly bad about women he's the one who gets flamed. This is simply untrue, while I think political correctness is bullcrap to begin with, most companies have a policy and it will apply to both sexes, because if it didn't the company can get sued Honesty. Girls go much of their lives being told what they want to hear from parents, boyfriends, friends. Men though, not so much. This may boil down to a culture things, and cultures can differentiate between countries, states, and even individual homes. For example, I highly doubt the woman in Saudi Arabia are "hearing what they want hear" Looks. You see tons of handsome or lean men dating unattractive or chubby women. You rarely ever see hot girls dating unattractive or fat men (unless he's bodybuilder fat). one of my chubbiest friends is a complete ladies man, but you have to look deeper than looks, and most woman do look deeper than looks because of your next point. Even attractive guys will have trouble keeping a woman, especially if he has nothing else going for him, no personality, no job, no house, no drive, and the list can go on and on. Sex. Any girl can get it, all she has to do is walk into a bar and offer herself to a single guy and she'll get it. Guys though? They have to work to get some. Question, if you know you have a 'sure' thing with the most 'unattractive' do you go with that? or do you choose to 'trade up' with a little work? If a woman knows that she can get almost any guy in the place why would she settle? you wouldn't, so you shouldn't expect them too either. Also some guys are like this, some guys just know how to approach. Divorce. The USA has the highest divorce rate, and it's the female gender who calls for most divorce. Relationships wont always be easy or fun all the time... please provide where you got this information, because I'd be willing to be is closer to 50/50, and also you need to factor out any divorces 'called' for by the woman because the man cheated on her. If the man cheats, she should call for divorce... No one wants to get divorced,(gold-diggers excluded) just because someone was the first to file doesn't mean they are the ones responsible. Empowerment. Women in the western world were never powerless (raising a family and bringing humans to life is more empowering than being a corporate slave until you get laid off). Don't confuse our grandparents generation for the caveman days. There is a reason most grandparents lasted. I agree with you that raising a family and bringing humans into the world is empowering, as it should be. Do I agree it's more empowering?...not so much. I believe having a choice in how you want to live your life is empowering, whether it be a homemaker, or a corporate employee. When a woman HAS to be dependent on a man, because they are 'not allowed' to work, than it is very obvious that the man has the power, he can do whatever he wants, because she would need to feed herself and the kids, so she would stay sometimes with really vile men, because it was a necessity. How is that empowering for her? it isn't. Acceptance. Ladies, go on a date and act really weird or say something dumb; most guys will just laugh or play along. Now guys, go on a date and act weird or say something dumb, and I bet the girl will never see you again. Ladies, tell a guy on a date that you have anxiety or depression issues; I bet most guys will stay around. Now guys, tell a girl you have depression or anxiety issues; I bet you'll never hear from her again. The only guys that would stay around are the ones using this type of woman for sex, or really insecure guys who think they can't get any better, I for one would be like Donkey Kong, But i've known guys to stay, and often those guys leave at the first sign of interest from another woman. But i've also known girls to stay with in my opinion complete losers, street goes both ways Games. Girls love playing 'hard to get'. It actually does more harm than good; playing 'hard to get' is not an old fashioned thing. Men should court women, but not chase (chasing is playing games). And guys love to play 'can't ever hold me down' both sexes play games, you may not recognize it yet, but they do. Some guys are think that woman are 'playing hard to get' when in reality THEY REALLY don't want you to even try, and they are actually genuinely no interested in you, I've heard woman tell guys to flat out 'go away' and the guy comes back and says 'she's playing hard to get' she's not. Pictures. When men take selfies or pictures of their muscles, women flame them. When women take selfies or take promiscuous pictures, nobody seems to mind. Miley Cyrus....enough said, woman get 'flamed' all the time for promiscuous pictures, Men actually have it better in this department, if a guy want to go to the beach and take his top off, no one bats an eye, if a woman does the same.... I'm all for equality, woman should be allowed to undress just as much as the men, but I digress. Harassment. Harassment is not acceptable, but how many guys do you see wearing provocative clothing to work, gym, or anywhere really? Not many. Now what about girls? You see it all the time, even at work. Men will be men, ladies. What's your definition of provocative? As I mentioned above guys can run around shirtless and it isn't considered provocative but if a girl did the same it is considered provocative... I see guys in skinny jeans all the time in various places, clear outline of their junk, no one says that is provocative, But a woman wears yoga pants, and has a clear outline of her vajayjay, and that is considered provocative, it's funny how it seems only woman are able to dress provocatively, even when they are wearing virtually the same thing as the men... Equal pay? The USA is the lawsuit capital of the world. If the equal pay cry was real, there would be lawsuits all day everyday about it. But, there isn't. Again, women have political correctness on their side.. Again sources that state this isn't true? I know Harvard did a study and found the opposite true, but if you have sources from credible universities, or respected authors, I'll gladly give them a read. Cheating. Do men cheat and lie? Yes, many do. But so do women. But, how often do girls cheat on or ditch a jerk? Rarely. Girls bash nice guys all day long, and then wonder why guys aren't nice. Girls date jerks knowing very well that he is a jerk, they just hope to change him; but you wont change a jerk ever. No we are at the core of the topic 'whining nice guy'(it's been done) girls don't date a 'jerk' because he's a 'jerk' they date him because of his confidence, probably more exciting than the 'nice guy', he has his own life and his own set of friends that he will probably hang out with either with or without her(what a jerk lol) and if he really is a jerk, there are plenty of woman who leave him, he just moves on to the next. Dating site profiles. You see tons of girls putting on their profiles not to message them unless you are tall, in shape, have a good job, etc. Men though? Men would get flamed if they said those things. You see tons of short girls demanding tall men. Now imagine what girls would say if a chubby guy demanded a skinny girl? "Shallow". Oh my, a woman asking for what she run run. But I haven't rseen that many woman demanding a 'physical' set of attributes, but rather things like 'be independent' 'have a job' 'be out of your mother house' but that depends on the age of the woman as well as what type of relationship they are seeking. Don't get mad a woman for having standards, but let's face it that's not what you get mad at, you get mad because you may not fit a particular woman's standards. Life goes on, move on to a woman who's standards you do fit, and guys put things like 'must be active' aka 'please be in shape' just say it a different way, but most women still know what it means. Accusations. How many girls willingly hookup with guys, and then later said he used her or harassed her? Tons. Some girls do get used for sex, but how many guys get used for money or get manipulated? Tons. Street goes both ways, i've been used for sex(I just didn't mind lol) you can only be manipulated as much as you allow yourself to be. Drama. That's a simple one. The female gender is well known for being the dramatic, blow things out of proportion one. Even many girls say they'd rather be friends with guys, because guys are less dramatic and more simple. I would say this used to be the case, but with all the emo guys running around I'm not so sure anymore.... 40% of domestic violence victims are men. But, medias and people don't take it seriously. Both men and women are victims of gender discrimination, abuse, harassment. Ladies, everyone is struggling these days, not just you. again sources, where is this statistic coming from? But a big part of this problem is often men are too afraid to admit they are being abused, but this is a whole other topic, and it makes me wonder why it is even mentioned in this post. The most important one: Equality. Women claim to want equality, yet still expect men to pay, open doors, protect them, not hit back, carry the heavy stuff, be chivalrous (they don't want equality, they want the upper hand). However, as soon as a guy even thinks of his woman cooking or cleaning, he is deemed a sexist. If you want equality, take it on all fronts: if you hit a guy, be prepared to get hit back. How dare they request the same pay for the same job they are doing, and ALSO want a man to have manners....geeze the nerve. I would say the majority of households the woman probably does do the cooking, but expecting that is her only job, and that she is the only one who should EVER do it is sexist, there is nothing wrong with a man cooking and cleaning, just as there is nothing wrong with a woman going to work. But stating that either one HAS to do something based on gender is sexist. .....If women think they have it so hard then why are men the ones committing these heinous crimes? Because men are the ones who have it hard. There is a reason American men are flocking overseas to find wives. |
quite a first post!
too bad it makes no sense. |
someday i might read all that lol, yeah I type fast, didn't realize how long it was until after I posted lol. |
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Humm Zee look up I posted first lmao.... No reference here rest is noted..... I just could not help posting to this one lmao... ![]() ![]() ![]() yeah.. I SAW that.. ![]() yer right.. he must've cut that part off after pastin it ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 05/31/14 09:10 AM
Oh goody... a post I can really sink my teeth into... or at least the ones I have left...
![]() Hi Colonelo, welcome to Mingle2, love the profile pics of the man and his dog... I'm assuming its you and yours... ![]() Men can be pigs, we don't deny that. But women are pigs too they just hide it and play innocent. Sex is human nature. Correction... some women don't bother to hide their love of sex and flaunt their lifestyles to get whatever it is they can get from a man by using their bodies. Political correctness. Men have to walk on egg shells around women these days because of political correctness. Women can flame and bash men all day, but once a guy says anything slightly bad about women he's the one who gets flamed. Men don't have to walk around on egg shells if they know how to treat women with decency and respect. Even before PC was the law of the land smart men that wanted to stay on women's polite side watched how they talked too and treated her, especially in front of others. And yes, women have been allowed more leeway when it relates to their complaints about the rude men they encounter. After all, some of us are accustomed to having our dignity honored even in the face of a duel to the death.... ![]() ![]() Honesty. Girls go much of their lives being told what they want to hear from parents, boyfriends, friends. Men though, not so much. Jeeez, are you really trying to kid me... if being told we need to conform in order to be accepted, rather than independently standing out and doing things our own way is what we really want to hear, then I guess you might have something with this point you're trying to make... Looks. You see tons of handsome or lean men dating unattractive or chubby women. You rarely ever see hot girls dating unattractive or fat men (unless he's bodybuilder fat). You left out unless he's wealthy too... as plenty of cash and class superiority can blind anybody to the flaws or contrasts others may see. Divorce. The USA has the highest divorce rate, and it's the female gender who calls for most divorce. Relationships wont always be easy or fun all the time... Tell this to my last husband... he's the one that wanted the divorce... so I granted his request... and no, it wasn't easy or fun sometimes but I did try to keep things together as long as I could... Games. Girls love playing 'hard to get'. It actually does more harm than good; playing 'hard to get' is not an old fashioned thing. Men should court women, but not chase (chasing is playing games). I don't think a woman who respects herself enough to hold out for what she wants and needs is really playing a game. And any man that doesn't want to meet her half way going the distance wouldn't be his thing either. IMO. Pictures. When men take selfies or pictures of their muscles, women flame them. When women take selfies or take promiscuous pictures, nobody seems to mind. Men who seek to focus on their muscles are sometimes seen as being immature and/or self absorbed. So why would a man want to limit the way women see him by showing off his attributes as if he's a poser just seeking attention? Whereas its always been the accepted custom in our culture that women's beauty and attributes is to be admired, and the prettier more shapely the better. Equal pay? The USA is the lawsuit capital of the world. If the equal pay cry was real, there would be lawsuits all day everyday about it. But, there isn't. Again, women have political correctness on their side.. This is still a man's world! And men still make more than women even if women do more work than men for it. We know that until there's an innate change in this kind of power structure there's no use complaining through the court's when we can let our individual abilities get us where we want to go with hard work, commitment, patience, persistence and maybe even a touch of luck. The most important one: Equality. Women claim to want equality, yet still expect men to pay, open doors, protect them, not hit back, carry the heavy stuff, be chivalrous (they don't want equality, they want the upper hand). However, as soon as a guy even thinks of his woman cooking or cleaning, he is deemed a sexist. If you want equality, take it on all fronts: if you hit a guy, be prepared to get hit back. Equality = being treated with respect and dignity. If we can and do earn it DON'T make us beg or fight for it! So often women are treated like mindless objects, as if the way we feel or think isn't important and has no validity. And the backbone we put into whatever we do isn't always given the credit its due. I've cooked for and cleaned up behind all three of my husbands and not once did I think they were being sexist or I was being degraded by their acceptance of my labor on their behalf. Having never struck a man in anger whether it was first or a reflex upon being attacked initially I cannot defend women who are daring enough to be in harms way. I can say that a man who strikes any woman rather than walking away is never justified. Regardless! Thanks for the opportunity to think about and express a differing opinion OP. ![]() |
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Sat 05/31/14 09:06 AM
![]() okays THAT didn't work ![]() |
Sounds like what a prementlepaused woman would spout.
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Every time I think different I get slapped in the face by the fact that there are way too many people out there with way too much time on there hands.
Well then, you'll be glad I'm not looking for a relationship, because I'd only get on your nerves. And you're in a different country. Thankgod for that.
I have seen in women's profile, most of them are having conditions to message them as like age should between this and dont drink and not seeking an intimate encounter. But havent seen a men's profile which is having conditions to msg him. Because most of the men want honest and truth women but womens are choosy with all conditions aplly still if they gets the men he will be piggish. Finally she blame the mens all the conditions a woman sets is probably to keep people like you away. i can hardly blame them |
What about men?
Or are you really going to hinge on that "We only account for 60% of domestic abuse cases!" drivel? Justifying one means over another isn't solving the problem and don't convince yourself otherwise. |