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Topic: sierra locos.
Jess642's photo
Sat 09/29/07 08:37 AM
"Bitterness runs with the shadow of lust"

Kelly Running

(age 14)

Jess642's photo
Sat 09/29/07 08:41 AM
Soar above the sea
Trudge through lucsious forests
Dream under the sun
Smell delicate petals
Sing sweet music
Read and recall
Whisper behind fingers
Watch white fluffy skies
Shine like diamonds.
I'll tell you how to live.

Kathering Ward

(age 13)

Jess642's photo
Tue 10/02/07 05:34 AM
Surrender leaves the floor bowing slightly
with a delicate laze.
Ask the moon to dance this time
she is leaning against the wall.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 10/02/07 05:39 AM
WoW nicebigsmile flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Tue 10/02/07 05:41 AM
A gorgeous woman sits
.........................in an elaborate garden
Her beauty sweet and true
..........................soars as rose petals on the wind.
She sings a smooth symphony
.........................whispers powerful pictures of life into the lake
and lets them swim away.

Soon she will have no more dreams or gifts
..............................left to give anyone.
The breeze is cool as it blows through her hair
...................the flowers are covered with fresh dew and the air is filled with mist.

A sleeping dog lies on her red satin dress.

Jess642's photo
Tue 10/02/07 06:19 AM
He-ing, she-ing

You-ing, me-ing

Laughing, seeing

His-ing, her-ing

Am-ing, my-ing

Living, dying

and all you do is sit?


Jess642's photo
Tue 10/02/07 06:33 AM
Be as the rain
For it is the mother of mist.
The sun will light the day
Taking you to your love.

Winter's slumbering sighs
Through life's diamond moment
Recalling a spring sea shadow
Dreaming her sweet stare
Into autumn's lusty summer storm.

Jess642's photo
Tue 10/02/07 07:03 AM
from Winter Moon....

Under the winter moon's pale light,
Across the cold and starry night,
From snowy mountains soaring high
To ocean shores echoes the cry.

From barren sands to verdant fields,
From city street to lonely wealds,
Cries the tortured human heart,
Seeking solace, wisdom, a chart
By which to understand its plight
Under the winter moon's pale light.

Dawn is unable to fade the night.
Must we live ever in the blight
Under the winter moon's cold light,
Lost in loneliness, hate, and fright,
Last night, tonight, tomorrow night
Under the winter moon's bleak light?

From The Book Of Counted Sorrows- Dean Koontz

s1owhand's photo
Tue 10/02/07 07:55 AM
A poem which is like a lingering kiss.
A special one which is...


bigsmile :heart: bigsmile


pkh's photo
Tue 10/02/07 08:58 AM
wow Jess thanks for all thatflowerforyou flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Wed 10/03/07 12:22 AM
In her darkest garden blooms
.........................a gown of a thousand blossoms.

Branches of fine boned skirts sweep the ground
....................on the wake of her delicate perfume.

Stars pale against her beauty
......................as the full moon bows
and asks her for this dance.

The rustle of her finery
....................holds melody on the fragile breeze
of ethereal occasion.

A passing echo of yesterday
......................temporal with Spring's lust
glows uopn her exquisite face.

"White Bouganvillia"

no_psychos_please's photo
Wed 10/03/07 12:31 AM
I think I have just witnessed a poetic orgasm laugh

Girl, when you nail something down, do you use a piledriver? ohwell

Can't help but love ya!! :heart:

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Wed 10/03/07 02:16 AM
Bathe within me,
drink with fierce abandon
of lips plump with sweet desire.

Roll within me,
in the soft spring field
of my wildest thoughts.

Share within me,
passion freed from fettered
past and dreams unbroken.

Melt within me,
saturate the soul's deep yearning
to entwine, embrace and be.

Or walk away.

no photo
Wed 10/03/07 02:35 AM
Pretty self thought:smile:

Jess642's photo
Wed 10/03/07 03:01 AM
Inside that man
..................with the crumpled frown
a battered tin soldier
a red rubber ball
six white feathers
a wooden sword.............from backyard battles won
and a boy with a dazzling smile.

Inside that woman
.................with the shuffling gait
a porcelain doll
a skipping rope
chipped china teasets
a posy of wildflowers picked......by the side of the road
and a girl with flame coloured hair.

Inside that boy
................with the dazzling smile
one room he calls home
a battle with the bottle
broken dreams
a broken heart.................forgotten by passersby
and a man with a crumpled frown.

Inside that girl
................with flame coloured hair
children buried
battered faces
empty bellies
fear on dark nights.................of loves lost
and a woman with a shuffling gait.

Inside the adults are yesterday's children
Inside the children are tomorrow's adults.

BonnyMiss's photo
Wed 10/03/07 04:25 AM
Oh we have feasted on the words of one so wise
Outpouring of her inner thoughts summerized
She captured our attention with poetic quest
and put it into words so we could digest
We watched as the verses piled and multiplied
Some of her verses have made us laugh and some have made us cry
Her musings took us to places undiscovered
But never has her words been discolored
Reading her sierra locos made time fly by
She is a vauable asset to Just Say Hi

{{{{{ Jess }}}}} thank you flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Wed 10/03/07 07:43 AM
Secrets lace through morning avenues
immense in liquid people
bruising minutes as they stagger by.

Her day consumed in page pronouncement
she smells his skin upon her work
his bouquet a meal only like him.

These slender tendrils of wildish man
builds dark song within the glass
yet sounds of wanting has sliced his tongue.

Burning showers of blinding cracks score
footprints amongst the parchment leaves
vowing silently to speak his name.

no photo
Wed 10/03/07 07:47 AM
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou my eyes drink in every word, every syllable

s1owhand's photo
Wed 10/03/07 01:11 PM

Jess642's photo
Wed 10/03/07 11:04 PM
haiku journey

a wounded bird falls
from the branch into my hand
open, like my heart

bamboo stands silent
while the soul's song soars unbound
as day becomes night

ibis drink deeply
as golden koi drift slowly
at river bank's edge

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