Topic: sierra locos.
Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:41 AM
Resting weary upon the stone
Dust from trails walked alone.
Shadows call and fright left cold
Thoughts of days, and loves of old.
Clinging coldly as the morning dew
To leaves curled tight so fresh and new.
Sadness wells within dark cloak
And catches breath with each new stroke
Of heartbeats felt across the sky
The ever circling crows of why
Look down upon this battered soul
Eager to break the heart of gold.
Strength and purpose shift inside
Writhing deep no cracks can hide.
Placing foot once more on ground
World stops still, no wind, no sound.
Bones and skin, and weathered hide
Step once more and take the stride.
Belief and hope, such small sweet flame
Test the footings and cause to blame.
Lessons learned, and stories shared
Whispered legends of days once cared.
Heroes past and present due
Cast eye upon this soul so true.
Tempest fierce, storm blown away
Dawn gold and bright, shall lead the way.
To lands of lore and folk untold
Harken weary traveller's path unfold.
Over ridge and valley, safe haven found
No longer held or lives be bound.
Stretch the mind unfurl the words
And fly once more as plumed gracious birds.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:42 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Thu 03/06/08 07:22 AM
Wonderland Poerty

Bites of this and bites of that
And madness wearing big top hats.
Cats that grin and chase the birds
Hands appear with crazy words.
Queens that roar and take off their heads
Scalliwags who forgot their meds.
Doughnuts in the naughty chair
Gobstoppers and gum stuck in their hair.
What rabbit hole did we fall down?
Who is that man that looks a clown?
Furbys scare the owls at night
And leprechauns dost run with fright
Laughter chases once it's tail
And madness will again prevail.
Clapping rainbows in the clouds
With cups of tea slurped way too loud.
Egos in the store for sale
Mr Wrong did get the mail!
Acid wit, and export ruled
To some it was those that we fooled.
Academys and cellars post
Is that a man or is he ghost?
Spits and sparks and mild guffaw
This place we left with big uproar.
Feeble ones with heads asleep
Worn out from laughter all to deep.
Alice, sweet, where did you land?
And was with peace did lend a hand.
To masturbate or was it clear?
That climax was to give a cheer.
That big was small and small was big
And no one could catch the greasy pig.

Oh the wonders!!!!


Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:42 AM
I crave your mouth... by Pablo Neruda

I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
Like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:43 AM
Reflect the illusion
Of my fancy
Hold it just so
That I may bask
In the beauty
Of my creation.

Do not veil
This mirror
Nor cloud it
With your doubt
For it is mine
And I love you.

All that is
Within me
Shines within
The you I see
Shining back to me
And I love you.

Allow me the space
To reflect you
In the passing
Glance I take
As I shyly wander by
For I love you.

Mirror, Mirror
On the wall
Of barriers
Broken down
Judge me not
And fear me not
And lay me
Softly down.

For I see you
As you see me
A wonder to the eye
And marvel at your
Grace and heart

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:43 AM
Two happy lovers... by Pablo Neruda

Two happy lovers make one bread,
a single moon drop in the grass.
Walking, they cast two shadows that flow together;
waking, they leave one sun empty in their bed.

Of all the possible truths, they chose the day;
they held it, not with ropes but with an aroma.
They did not shred the peace; they did not shatter words;
their happiness is a transparent tower.

The air and wine accompany the lovers.
The night delights them with its joyous petals.
They have a right to all the carnations.

Two happy lovers, without an ending, with no death,
they are born, they die, many times while they live:
they have the eternal life of the Natural.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:44 AM
And the upward.....

Flicker flame of resolve true
Building faith, core mending wounds
Silence loosened, words tumble forth
Hand flies parchment scrawled with facts
Faltered steps, hesitate, retreat
Corners pushing forward, breathe.

Counting seconds, holding on
Stretch to minutes, scraps of a day.
Bruising leaves, remnants released.
Spine straightened, jaw set begin
Lungs fill deep the story told.
Gathered strength, damburst felt.

Defiance, truth, tongue unlocked.
Accuser, pointer, fierce wisdom held.
Momentum, rapid stride long night
Ears open, eyes of horror held.
Releasing, ending, fear held long.
Replaced with petals soft embrace.

Dignity returned intact,
Cauterised, cleansed respect.
Retreating shadows of past now told
Diminished grasp, scars healed.
Empowered walls, battlegrounds overgrown.


Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:45 AM
The downward...

What motive of this disdain did cause?

Black fear and shaking, call was made.
Power, force, and icecold rage
Used deep to wound the souls soft core.
Knife edge blood spills to the floor.
Silence bears the scream within,
And closing mind to pain too great.

Detached one watches from ceiling's height,
As body ruined, soiled, defiled.
Whiteness of face and dark blank eyes
Peer to the place of no return.
Agony of time winds centuries slow
Measured not in jackrabbit heartbeat.

Final wrench of last sanity scrapes
Indignant words of solicitous lies.
Pretending actions, survival's needs
When death had died five thousand lives.
Stolen safety, robbed till blind
Corners no longer safe to hide.

Toxic waste purged, cast over all
Stripped bone and ashes, crumpled score.
Ghost-like motions, stumbled path
Sweating glass and demons foam
Fanged memories scrape mindless raw
Darkness of ending craved one last breath.

To the edge with dangled feet
Clifftops of madness waiting to drop
Briney ocean awaits the tide
Sweet relief, possibility awaits.
Child's call returns some heart
Turns and drags reluctance into the light.

Fantasies of red-black rage
Flames removing burning beds
Desolate, torn, trust weak resolve
Collapse divided unkempt lives.
Pooled dignity trickles down
Through sewage of contempt.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:46 AM

The joyful wolf
She pads her way
Through scent trails
Old and new.
Tongue hung loose
And ears askew
She grins with
Easy gait.

Pastures full
And creeks run sweet
Ridges high
She sees her terrain.
Calls loud and long
To her clan.
Joyful and with glee.
Answers drift on the wind.

The joyful wolf has found her pack.

The joyful wolf is home.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:47 AM
The Nature of Things...


Sunbeams and kisses
Summer rain and jumping puddles
Mudpies and tadpoles.

It is the nature of things.

Scraped knees and bruised pride
Dirty faces and wide grins
Odd socks and crazy hats.

It is the nature of things.

Crafty things and fairy gifts
Breathless tales and wonderment
Cold coffee and burnt buscuits.

It is the nature of things.

Inspiration and camping trips
Sandy butts and salty tears
Goofy looks and pig tails.

It is the nature of things.

Wildest dreams and ponies pure
Grassy hills and rolling down
Leaves stuck in her hair.

Rhianna, you are the nature of things.

Mum x

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:48 AM
Wear The Worthless Coat

Convictions get me into trouble

Beliefs are way too strong
Ideals with standards too high
Words too long
Hair too long
Or too short
Walk too different
Say too much
Say not enough
Yell too loud
Sing too soft
Wear a dress
Dont wear jeans
Drive a car
Don't ride a bike
Get a job
Tidy and polite
Dont be bright
Don't be clever
Hush your mouth
Hold your tongue
Sit so still
Smile too bright
Check yourself
And don't be more.

I shrug this worthless coat from off my shoulders
It is too tight for me, and way too wrong.
Drop this coat upon the floor
And wrap myself within my troublesome convictions
As I head for the door.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:49 AM

Devoid of

Oh to be empty,

Oh, to be filled with

And only in the silences of me,
For me,
Shall I find them.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:50 AM
Broken child delivered in fog
Of disbelief and empty eyes
Catatonic puppet.

Pure rage of disbelief
Stutters forth
Cacophony of outrage

Car door slams
Broken silences
Shattered doorframe

Hide the child
Rapid fire response
Slow motion time

Thoughts gone, reaction strong
Empty moments paused in time
Body present with clenched fists

Disrupted mind with roaring pain
Rains down upon the focal point
Allow me this death of worthless contempt

Take away that which is not worthy
Give me the strength, the right to decide
Concede no longer available.

Justice prevails with lights of blue
Removing the stain of evil
From physical space

Childhood forever stolen
Sweet damaged bird shivers
As soft arms hold close.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:50 AM
And because Love battles

And because love battles
not only in its burning agricultures
but also in the mouth of men and women,
I will finish off by taking the path away
to those who between my chest and your fragrance
want to interpose their obscure plant.

About me, nothing worse
they will tell you, my love,
than what I told you.

I lived in the prairies
before I got to know you
and I did not wait love but I was
laying in wait for and I jumped on the rose.

What more can they tell you?
I am neither good nor bad but a man,
and they will then associate the danger
of my life, which you know
and which with your passion you shared.

And good, this danger
is danger of love, of complete love
for all life,
for all lives,
and if this love brings us
the death and the prisons,
I am sure that your big eyes,
as when I kiss them,
will then close with pride,
into double pride, love,
with your pride and my pride.

But to my ears they will come before
to wear down the tour
of the sweet and hard love which binds us,
and they will say: “The one
you love,
is not a woman for you,
Why do you love her? I think
you could find one more beautiful,
more serious, more deep,
more other, you understand me, look how she’s light,
and what a head she has,
and look at how she dresses,
and etcetera and etcetera”.

And I in these lines say:
Like this I want you, love,
love, Like this I love you,
as you dress
and how your hair lifts up
and how your mouth smiles,
light as the water
of the spring upon the pure stones,
Like this I love you, beloved.

To bread I do not ask to teach me
but only not to lack during every day of life.
I don’t know anything about light, from where
it comes nor where it goes,
I only want the light to light up,
I do not ask to the night
I wait for it and it envelops me,
And so you, bread and light
And shadow are.

You came to my life
with what you were bringing,
of light and bread and shadow I expected you,
and Like this I need you,
Like this I love you,
and to those who want to hear tomorrow
that which I will not tell them, let them read it here,
and let them back off today because it is early
for these arguments.

Tomorrow we will only give them
a leaf of the tree of our love, a leaf
which will fall on the earth
like if it had been made by our lips
like a kiss which falls
from our invincible heights
to show the fire and the tenderness
of a true love.

Pablo Neruda


Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:51 AM
Where do I take you
When you close your eyes?

How do I reach you with
Your ears covered so?

Am I near you as you
Move amongst your day?

Will you find me in the crumpled
Flower resting at your feet?

Is that I that ruffled
Your hair on the morning breeze?

What do you see as you
look upon those stars?

Are those my footprints
In the dust of times gone by?

Or am I only shadowed dreams of childhood's
Past, merely fragments of a day?

Powerless to know you.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:53 AM
A Walk

My eyes already touch the sunny hill,
Going far ahead of the road I have begun.
So we are grasped by what we cannot grasp;
It has its inner light,
Even from a distance...

And changes us,
Even if we do not reach it,
Into something else,
Which, hardly sensing it,
We already are.

A gesture waves us on,
Answering our own wave...

But what we feel is the wind in our faces.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:55 AM
Shadows call,
Darkness beckons,
Interrupted actions
Aimless meanderings
Through time and mind.

Silent screams
and shaking heart.
Soul bruised
Ungrounded in the now,
Collapsing barriers.

Solace in the space
Of breath.
Earth beneath the nails,
Digging in
Or digging out?

Private hell
and public heaven.
Spectres of
Wander past.

For now.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:56 AM
Making love....

It is in the telling
In the sharing
In the breathing

of space.

In the windows of our souls
In the comfortable silences
In the singing of our journeys

of time.

Making love is naked,
The stripping down of walls
The patience and the caring
Of seeing each others souls.

You inspire me, all of you.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:57 AM
Tangle in the wisdom
Wander through the words,
Show yourself in colour
Set free the inner birds.

Allow the flight of fancy
Express what's on your mind
Take us on your journeys
As compliments paid in kind.

To dig so deep and feel so raw
To shout and run with glee
And share these moments with us all
Is to trust with memories.

Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:58 AM
Love is the spectrum...all colours, all shades..

The greens of the summer field, forest shadows,
Earthy, and calming.
The yellows of the blazing sun, high in a desert sky,
Burning golden rays of hope.
The softest pinks of a gentle sunrise
Embracing a new day.
The indigo of a winter's night,
Deep and enveloping.
The subtlest of spring violets,
So delicate and easily crushed.
The blues of the ocean
as mysterious as time itself.
The red of fires burning slow on winter's night,
Drawing closeness in it's heat.
The black of space, unspoken secrets
Expansive and infinite.
The white of pure light, calling hearts...


Jess642's photo
Thu 03/06/08 07:06 AM

What moves you?

To hear my heart echoed in your words

Your smile reflecting my joy

Pieces of you mingled in me

Beginnings, with no endings

Entwined in the yesterdays,

Todays, and tomorrows.

Debating the differences,

And embracing the sameness.

Love reverberating in the cosmos.

I am you, as you are me,

You move me.