Topic: why are there so many scam artist on here
JG78's photo
Tue 03/04/14 07:03 AM
Hi, i seem to be very popular in Ghana and Nigeria. I must have gullible fool wrote on my sizable forehead,lol.

Argo's photo
Tue 03/04/14 08:25 AM
because its like fishing in a washtub for them,
they KNOW, one of them fish in the tub WILL take the bait...

no photo
Tue 03/04/14 08:59 AM

Hi, i seem to be very popular in Ghana and Nigeria. I must have gullible fool wrote on my sizable forehead,lol.

No WAY!slaphead

Me too!!! :laughing:

no photo
Tue 03/04/14 09:03 AM
But the fact is it seems the whole world is full of scammers ..friends hell even the the family pet ..look at him sitting there all innocent showing a little affection hoping you will reveal where the golden milk bones are hidden ..waiting for you to go you sleep so that he can slink his way into the kitchen..and steal your hoard of golden milk bones ,,ya know that's what he's really thinkin

I know it I've seen his kind before using affection just to get at the treats..scammer I say ,,scammer ..they re all scammers..and cats well they're the worst ..don't even get me started..look at those shifty eyes...scared ..scammers they're everywhere even where you might least expect it
Definitely sounds like my catohwell

Dodo_David's photo
Tue 03/04/14 10:07 AM
Did someone say "cat"? drool

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 03/04/14 10:20 AM
It is kind of sad that anyone who owns up to the fact that they are a widow under age 65 is usually seen as a scammer or a free loader.

Just like divorced folks who want to established who left who and why those who are widowed like to establish that their circumstances.

But if you are it is kind of hard to know when to tell it. Especially when most people have not a clue how to react to it. Even though it is a pivotal life change that is becoming more and more common.

(FYI it is usually just don't. Or a very polite "Sorry for your loss." and move on to the next subject. When the relationship develops a little then it is fine to have a chat about circumstances and so forth but if you would not talk about your dead parent over a date site why is it necessary to drill someone over a deceased spouse?)

no photo
Tue 03/04/14 10:29 AM

Did someone say "cat"? drool

oops Sorry Dodo, didn't mean to tease you with kitty talk.

no1phD's photo
Tue 03/04/14 11:10 AM
Edited by no1phD on Tue 03/04/14 11:14 AM

Did someone say "cat"? drool

oops Sorry Dodo, didn't mean to tease you with kitty talk.
.I heard that too.. Oh dang just a tease you might say Scooby.. Is one of those cats that likes to tease.. Hmm..around here we call them something else..laughing out loud..dang brother that's cold.. If your gunna say cat.. At least you can .do is make sure there's a cat here....meow meow.. I thought I .saw a putty Tat. ..

no photo
Tue 03/04/14 03:09 PM
Edited by Scoobert on Tue 03/04/14 03:13 PM
Geez what can I say, I'm a teaser instead of a spoiler. They get spoiled, they get too demanding. haha Am I talking kitties or ???


not what you were all

mowildflower's photo
Tue 03/04/14 11:13 PM

is a scam artist, he is actually a prisoner posting from the jail...... So beware..

That is creepy!!

A good reason to meet someone before we get too involved in sharing personal information. All may not be as it might appears...

Duttoneer's photo
Wed 03/05/14 01:21 AM
Did he look like Burt Lancaster of "Birdman of Alcatraz" and give himself away then.


graywolf55's photo
Wed 03/05/14 01:55 AM

I am tired of men saying they have looked at my profile and then im me
telling me they lost their wife to a sudden sickness or a auto accident with their child
That has also happened to me in the past, as well as Women telling me of abusive relationships from past! I've learned there are 2 sides to every story and don't believe neither,if you are with them long enough you learn the truth or come up with your own assumption! But hell this is the internet,nobody needs to look the other in the eyes before trying to steal you blind!! Just a bunch of Lazy Idiots with too much education not qualifying for Government Assistance so they can sit back play video games,do drugs and or get Drunk on your Dime, or in my case support their lazy Children that think the world owes them a Living !!!mad

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 03/05/14 02:52 AM
I don't get the military sob story often. In all these months on Mingle, it happened only once.
I get a lot of men pretending to be American, sometimes Irish. Their English gives them away. And like Carebear says, they use the line "I WILL like to know you" (Even if they got it right, what a CRAP opening line!)
My popularity in Ghana and Nigeria seems to have gone down the drain, but I'm not complaining about it!

sweetprincess68's photo
Wed 03/05/14 03:04 AM

Did someone say "cat"? drool

dodo would u like the kitty fried, broiled, or saute? seasoned or unseasoned gravy or none:banana: hair or hairless

no photo
Wed 03/05/14 05:28 AM
Sure wasn't me. I keep getting dumb bot nudges and bs messages also.

panchovanilla's photo
Wed 03/05/14 06:12 AM

Snowboarder1 is a scam artist, he is neither an author, lawyer, nor social worker, he is actually a prisoner posting from the jail...... So beware..

WTF how did he get access to a computer. did he do bubba or scooby or dodo to give him access laugh

Prisoners often have access to computers,internet, and smartphones.
Isn't that comforting?

sweetprincess68's photo
Wed 03/05/14 06:46 AM

Sure wasn't me. I keep getting dumb bot nudges and bs messages also.

oh but we still wuv ya scoob

flyfreemay2013's photo
Wed 03/05/14 05:16 PM
I have a cousin in the Military who just retired and did some investigating for me. There are a lot of men on here that say they are Us citizen deployed over seas and need to get home but don't have access, and need you to pay for them to come home, which is like $6000. This is a scam Ask questions the any US military personnel will know that that is not a possibility unless there is an emergency in their immediate family, then it doesn't cost them anything, and they have to return other wise it is a crime. If the person tells you that they have been deployed for like 2 years it is a load of crap. The longest our troops are being deployed is 9 months to 1 year. since we are really not at "war" we are just on a peace keeping mission. If the are over seas longer then they have been stationed at a base of their choice and that would be like Japan, Turkey those are permanent bases not the temporary ones in like Kuwait, Saudi, Afghanistan, Iraq. Ect... There are also other Nationals that are trying to get into the states through scams Nigerians are others that are scamming women. Stating they are Us citizens and received and inheritance so they had to go to Africa and the inheritance is from Gold mining and is in the form of solid gold so they need help getting it transferred into actual Us currency and then they need you to pay for them to get to the states with the promise of millions and such. Their are others out there too. You can usually tell by how the word things in their chats or emails whether they are us citizens or not. Please if any of you Gals have any questions about guys you are chatting with you can email me I would be happy to get you the information you need to verify whether or not the person is real or not. My cousin can look into all of these and get you the information. I would be happy to help. No one should be used.

flyfreemay2013's photo
Wed 03/05/14 05:22 PM
Edited by flyfreemay2013 on Wed 03/05/14 05:24 PM

flyfreemay2013's photo
Wed 03/05/14 05:29 PM

Snowboarder1 is a scam artist, he is neither an author, lawyer, nor social worker, he is actually a prisoner posting from the jail...... So beware..

WTF how did he get access to a computer. did he do bubba or scooby or dodo to give him access laugh

Prisoners often have access to computers,internet, and smartphones.
Isn't that comforting?

Very scary to know that if they are jailed for stalking you they can still stalk you online from their cell. It happened to a friend of mine. It was a fight too because it was his right to be online and have a computer. What a load of crap. You are in jail what rights should you have. a roof over your head, food access to bathroom facilities clothing a bed. maybe outdoor time if earned. and that's it.