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Topic: do you think your actions in life have been your own will or
AsSati1's photo
Thu 08/14/14 02:23 PM
There is a cause and result model in dualistic world. And - yes - it is possible to think that we can chose to do smth, and - no - we have no free will, we just act accordingly without capability to 'switch off' thoughts... so - at the same time everything IS and everything IS NOT. And this is possible to understand by getting out of the box thinking. Trying not to understand , but to experience.

mysticalview21's photo
Sat 08/23/14 07:18 PM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Sat 08/23/14 07:25 PM
I believe both and all depends one's circumstances ...
for instance... why do bad things happen to good people its title of a book I never read lol but when you think about it why ? was that their destiny ?... or in the wrong place at the wrong time ... what was the meaning for ? is what some may ask ... or what came out of that horrific issue ... why is their drought and suffering in some places and not others in the world ...that seemed to be meant to be... they where born in a place where this was meant to be ... not that I am not saying it is right becouse it does really suck ... but the answers most seems to know and some don't ... still goes back to one's circumstances in their life ... that some say was meant to be just the way it is ...

mysticalview21's photo
Sat 08/23/14 08:39 PM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Sat 08/23/14 08:40 PM

I believe both and all depends one's circumstances ...
for instance... why do bad things happen to good people its title of a book I never read lol but when you think about it why ? was that their destiny ?... or in the wrong place at the wrong time ... what was the meaning for ? is what some may ask ... or what came out of that horrific issue ...any thing good ... why is their drought and suffering in some places and not others in the world ...that seemed to be meant to be... they where born in a place where this was meant to be ... not that I am not saying it is right becouse it does really suck ... but the answers most seems to know and some don't ... still goes back to one's circumstances in their life ... that some say was meant to be just the way it is ...

I wanted to add somethings are out of your control ... what would you like to call that... meant to be ... all ready part of the design of your own life's journey... or just plain and simple out of your control ...

bashajones's photo
Sat 08/23/14 11:55 PM
It's Obama's fault.

no photo
Sun 08/24/14 05:51 AM

It's Obama's fault.

But he couldn't have done it w/o Nancy's help.....

bashajones's photo
Sun 08/24/14 08:07 AM

It's Obama's fault.

But he couldn't have done it w/o Nancy's help.....

If Obama and Pelosi were both drowning...and you could only save one of them...?...What kind of sandwich would you make?....

no photo
Sun 08/24/14 08:10 AM

It's Obama's fault.

But he couldn't have done it w/o Nancy's help.....

If Obama and Pelosi were both drowning...and you could only save one of them...?...What kind of sandwich would you make?....

Swiss cheese on rye....laugh

waving flowerforyou

Beachfarmer's photo
Sun 08/24/14 08:18 AM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Sun 08/24/14 08:39 AM
oops ...sorry....offtopic

Philosopher8659's photo
Fri 10/31/14 05:36 AM
The human mind is responsible for human behavior.

Claiming that something else is responsible for the behavior of the body within which you reside is just another way of saying what is factually true.

No one is home.

davidben1's photo
Fri 10/31/14 11:03 AM
total power over the total self is created by the extreme power of the mind it self, but the power of the brain is not "activated" until the moment the self deem it self the total in control 1000% of it self...

hard to do at first, easily recognized, since all that brains do most hear from top to bottom in the house of the rising sun earth, is most other brains speaking their wishes to find how it is not, many falling by way heeding a belief, theory, reason, or way, to keep feeling the ACTION of others CREATED the self "REACTION"...

and that can be done...

and those who do live sad lives...

but for those who turn the equation around, MY action CREATE the REACTION of those around me...

hah, no power shall be not released from the brains mighty portals...

those that do not...

march to unsanity, no control over IF self acts out WHAT it HEARS from it's own mind...

hence, zombie preparedness drills.

bashajones's photo
Fri 10/31/14 11:06 AM
The devil made me do it.....pitchfork

Philosopher8659's photo
Fri 10/31/14 11:37 AM

The devil made me do it.....pitchfork

I certainly did not.

mysticalview21's photo
Sat 12/20/14 08:57 AM
Edited by mysticalview21 on Sat 12/20/14 09:09 AM

.. predetermined

The things that have defined you.. Do you feel like they were meant to happen or do you just think it was a chain of events?

Do you believe in free will?

I just threw my alarm at the wall, free will had nothing to do with that one

I use to believe we all have a purpose... and I kinda still do ...
do I believe in free will ...sure I believe in bipolar lmao ...
not sure or understand what you mean by free will ... some are on medications and have addiction ... and some are just mentally not able to handle life in away other can do and where born like that or something they are on or do changes their perceptions ... some are murders ... so free will is not always free will ...what about our subconscious when we dream and remember those dreams... that is something we can not control... so that to me is not free will ... but we do have more free will in this country the USA apposed to others ...

davidben1's photo
Sat 12/20/14 02:35 PM
for does it really matter the debate of what create our decisions, but rather only the knowing the wise do sea that we made our own decisions, based upon all permutations given.

but in the end, still all our own choices, based upon how we our self defined all seen and heard.

messi_is_a_tim_1888's photo
Sat 12/20/14 04:01 PM
Everything that's happened in my life happened for a reason and i wouldn't change a thing, cos i like the way i am these days! Happy chappie! :smile:

davidben1's photo
Sat 12/20/14 04:06 PM
cheers to happy, but more cheers of happy happy shall come to those whom regret any and all actions that caused unhappy for others since born.

StrictPapaKnows's photo
Sun 12/21/14 02:47 AM
Fate is the cards you are dealt
Free will is how you choose to play he hand.

I work as a brain scientist, so I have worked with about 11,289 people dealing with these issues to date. Here is what I know.

Your conscious mind is reasonable and does its best to operate on reasons.
Your subconscious mind makes up odd random rules. Your subconscious actually runs the show.
You are able to affect the rules the subconscious makes by increasing he number of perceived choices and testing these.

So, if when you were younger and your father yelled at you, perhaps you cried. Your subconscious mind made a rule that you survived because you cried. (It likely had nothing to do with your survival).

Later someone Looked at you in a way similar to the way your father looked at you right before he yelled and you cried. You subconscious mind says, "This looks like that time, so crying is the best response." You are standing there crying and your rational mind is saying, "This is crazy. I don't know why I am crying."

It actually takes work to expand the possible choices your subconscious mind has, just like it takes work to learn a new language or dance step, how to cook or play the violin.

People think they are making choices all the time, but they are just following a generally undeveloped subconscious set of poorly constructed rules.

The man who threw the alarm clock against the wall, likely has had many days when that alarm clock went off and he did not throw it, but a set of circumstances triggered a configuration inside his subconscious, where in the past it threw something and this looks like that and her throws.

After he might rationalized WHY he threw, but likely that will be totally wrong.

So: Fate is the cards you are dealt.
Free will is how you choose to play the hand.
Some people have spent more time learning to play this particular card game and will have a better chance to "win" the hand.

As the Cheshire Cat said, "when you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there."

MyBodyzBetter.com shows When you don't know what you are doing, you can't do what you want. More positively put
When you know what you are doing, you can do what you want.

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