Topic: “Watch Your Heart”
TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 09/11/07 02:24 PM
“Watch Your Heart”

I’ve been told my heart I wear on my sleeve.
And it would do nothing but make me grieve.
It is so hard at times to conceive.
Or that I must finally believe.

That what they said was true.
For it has only made me blue.
This is not the way love is supposed to.
Make you feel I guess this was my cue.

The tears fell and I ended upon my knees on the floor.
It is finally time to close that door.
Put away the key inside the drawer.
For now it will be there to store.

It seems as if from the day we are born.
Everyone always tried to warn.
Watch your heart for it will be torn.
And be made to bleed from the prick of a thorn.

I felt the burn.
As I slowly turn.
My heart did yearn.
Maybe this time I will learn.

Take my heart off of my sleeve.
That way it will be harder for one to achieve.
I seem to be naive.
When it comes to love and believe.

This should not be the way.
That one should have to pay.
Just because of those that betray.
And lead others astray.

We should be able to dare.
Put our hearts out there and care.
It is so unfair.
Because of ones that only leave despair.

If you only here to play.
With my heart this day.
Then do not stay.
Go far far away.


Katertots37's photo
Tue 09/11/07 02:25 PM
Beautiful hunflowerforyou

no photo
Tue 09/11/07 02:32 PM
:heart: AMEN,,SISTAR"""""""""IF YA PLAY, STAY A-WAY---:wink:

Good poem......:heart:

bullrider08's photo
Tue 09/11/07 02:41 PM
i hear you you on that sounds like you have it all figured out good job

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 09/11/07 02:49 PM
Kater thanks girl

Terry thanks again for reading

bullrider08 Shhhhhhhhssssssh figure it out noooooooooooo way it cant be done right when you think you got it figured out boom it will blow up in your face damn if ya do and damn if ya don't lmao Therefore you just live life one day at a time take the bump and bruises along the way and keep on going. bigsmile

frankfk's photo
Tue 09/11/07 02:52 PM
true feelings in words:wink:

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 09/11/07 02:56 PM
Texas Gal....I am sorry that you are hurting ...:heart:

Although I do not know you personally, Texas Gal
I have read some of your work & always am amazed...drinker

May I say, though maybe not at the most opportune moment,
that you have an incredible wealth of talent,
with seemingly effortless ability flowerforyou
to paint pictures with colorful words & descriptive poetry...
It flows from you so freely, flowerforyou
like a waterfall...
an eternal, living fountain....flowerforyou

Long may the deep wisdom & creative rivers within you flow, along the journey of life's brilliant full spectrum rainbow.
May your dearest dreams all come true, so real & profound...
like rare & precious gems just waiting to be found...

Love and Peace


TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 09/11/07 03:09 PM
frank thank you very muchflowerforyou

Vanessa WOW what can I say you have pretty much left me speechless you are an awesome lady I have read your post many times and have always been amazed with the ablilty you have in your words and how they affect others. Just like now as I sit here and read your words over once again you totaly amaze me and you have just made my day for sure.

As far as hurting we all know about pain we learn to take time to mend those type of things and move on if it was meant to be it would not have left. Like they say let it go if it comes back you always had it if it never comes back then you never really had it in the first place. bigsmile

pkh's photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:06 PM
Awesomely written,I agree one day at a time.You are such a terrific person and you deseve the bestflowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:13 PM
flowerforyou With the backround of "Look out for my Love"...By Neil young

Ahhhh, thank you Texas Gal...You are so kind...
I was hoping that you would receive that well...
I appreciate your kind compliments also.........

My folks got divorced when I was young...
hearts to be expressed, songs needing to be sung....

My Mom raised us with stories, poems and quotations
during the tough times which seemed to be often.
She did her best...our rough situation to soften...
between Brahms Lullaby & Beach Boys "Good Vibrations" :-)

Deep contemplative Poetry, Quotes & Good Music
have been a forever friend... a vital blend
Engrained in every fiber of my being,
their rich secrets & magical powers to lend
To ward away evil the bad to transcend...

I am honored to be your friend....

flowerforyou drinker :heart: drinker flowerforyou


Mystique42's photo
Tue 09/11/07 04:30 PM
Txs.... When one door closes, another one WILL open... and you WILL find the love you seek. Keep the faith!

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 09/11/07 07:38 PM
pkh we all deserve the best girl and some day we will all find what we are searching forbigsmile

Rapunzel who would not receive what you said well and appreciate it to the fullest. Kind words go a long way they are like a smile that once it is received it spreads like a wild fire one can never get enough. You have truly brought a smile to this face today thank you again my friend.

Mystique true someday it wil happen but first they will have to open that door and want to know the real me not what they think I am or who they want me to be. For there is much more to me then one can read upon the pages. bigsmile

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 09/11/07 07:51 PM
Thank you Texas Gal drinker
for all your heartfelt message...flowerforyou

It'll be a very fortunate man...drinker
who earns and wins your love... flowerforyou

pkh's photo
Tue 09/11/07 07:53 PM
You no what I'm feeling and you encouraged me.I only hope you don't wait as along as I did to move forward again.I know it can be painful but we have to believe that there is that one special person is out there. If it does not work for me,I'll be back having you right another one for me.LOL just trying to put a smlie back on that pretty face.flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 09/11/07 08:10 PM
Rapunzel your right it will be one fortunate man that catches this heart and wins it. For it would mean that he will get to see the love that is truly within and will be rewarded by recieving the same back that he was willing to give.

pkh I know just what your feeling yes girl been there done that mine just was not meant to be at the time. But give up never I'm too much of a dreamer. I do beieve out there somewhere is the one for me. I may not be searching but my heart will never be closed there may be a door there and it might be shut. All it takes is one to open it and want to know the person beyond the door. I mean to really know them.

For one to really know me they must at first capture my mind and be able to hold that attention. For if it has time to wonder then they truly have not captured it. They might have touched my heart, but............. to touch ones heart is one thing to embrace that heart means you have totaly captured there mind for the heart will soon follow. I have yet found that one that has embraced my heart that way. bigsmile

karmafury's photo
Tue 09/11/07 08:12 PM
Beautiful Txs.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

pkh's photo
Tue 09/11/07 08:14 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Tue 09/11/07 09:35 PM
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: