Topic: Bad Boys Over Nice Guys? WHY?
Biscuit42's photo
Mon 01/27/14 01:28 PM
Im a very bad boy but a real good man.

im so bad i once tore the tag off my mattress that says do not remove. a real good man because later i stitched it back on.

i even ate a peanutbutter cup once by starting in the middle. i recycled the wrapper though

GoodCountryGirl's photo
Mon 01/27/14 01:34 PM
LOL!!:) Such a Rebel!!

Biscuit42's photo
Mon 01/27/14 06:32 PM
Why thank you very much.

i do try my best to cover the entire bad to good spectrum.

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Sun 02/02/14 12:02 AM
I feel I need to just be bold about this. If someone is a self-proclaimed nice guy, yet he's too scared to flirt with the woman he's attracted to, he shouldn't whine about her going off with some OTHER guy. Time waits for no-one. It's only fair that a guy with self-confidence won her over. She won't wait forever. Even if you want her to. Sorry, but it's the harsh truth.

mcrjuice's photo
Sun 02/02/14 12:18 AM
sweetie don't b too nice hold some back women will use a man who too nice but men r the same its human nature.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 02/02/14 12:45 AM
Because she doesn't like you.

And, that said, just because she doesn't like you that way doesn't necessarily mean it is because you are a nice guy. As a matter of fact, most of the guys who fed me the same depressed drivel when they were single were hardly the nicest people.

So...Just because you think you are nice, or a million people tell you that you are nice, does not mean there isn't anyone out there that thinks you are an a*hole for whatever reason.

no photo
Sun 02/02/14 01:28 AM

Because she doesn't like you.

And, that said, just because she doesn't like you that way doesn't necessarily mean it is because you are a nice guy. As a matter of fact, most of the guys who fed me the same depressed drivel when they were single were hardly the nicest people.

So...Just because you think you are nice, or a million people tell you that you are nice, does not mean there isn't anyone out there that thinks you are an a*hole for whatever reason.

How subtle.:wink:

larsson71's photo
Sun 02/02/14 02:19 AM
I'm 50/50. Good when I need to be and bad when I want to be!

no photo
Sun 02/02/14 09:35 AM

Because she doesn't like you.

And, that said, just because she doesn't like you that way doesn't necessarily mean it is because you are a nice guy. As a matter of fact, most of the guys who fed me the same depressed drivel when they were single were hardly the nicest people.

So...Just because you think you are nice, or a million people tell you that you are nice, does not mean there isn't anyone out there that thinks you are an a*hole for whatever reason.

How subtle.:wink:

Yet true....

no photo
Sun 02/02/14 09:48 AM

I feel I need to just be bold about this. If someone is a self-proclaimed nice guy, yet he's too scared to flirt with the woman he's attracted to, he shouldn't whine about her going off with some OTHER guy. Time waits for no-one. It's only fair that a guy with self-confidence won her over. She won't wait forever. Even if you want her to. Sorry, but it's the harsh truth.
well said.

Totally agree!

In so many ways..

allie0408's photo
Tue 02/04/14 06:42 AM
Edited by allie0408 on Tue 02/04/14 06:42 AM

heres a scenerio for you

A guy is talking to two women in a chat. One woman is showing some skin in her pics and likes to talk naughty and flirt, we will call her Angela. The other one is equally attractive but more on the sweet side but isn't showing skin, we will call her Tammy.

Tammy...Hi sweety, how was your day? I just finished work..Im relaxing now

Guy...I had a great day too ty

Angela...Hey sexy thang

Guy...Woah! the new pic baby

Tammy...great and what are you doing later?

Guy...Umm not much and you?

Angela...Mmm thanks would you like to come over and see me in real?

Guy...He^^ yeah...what are you wearing right now baby?

Angela...something sexy just for you ...feeling a bit naughty? Guess where my finger is now?


Guy to Angela...Fu** your makig me so hard right now


Tammy...guy? are you there?

Guy...Angela? Baby? I wanna see you on cam...please..I'm begging baby?


Tammy...where did you go?

And so true.flowerforyou

I think this is a very possible and clear scenario. Let me give you another one.
Tammy... leaves Guy sweet cheesy songs such as let's say a Chicago song
Guy ... Doesn't even mention it
Angela... leaves Guy an openly sexual song such as "kiss me Through the Phone"
Guy... likes the song Angela left him on his wall but when Tammy asks about it she gets an: "Why are you being dramatic and all jealous about?

frustrated rant

allie0408's photo
Tue 02/04/14 06:48 AM

I feel I need to just be bold about this. If someone is a self-proclaimed nice guy, yet he's too scared to flirt with the woman he's attracted to, he shouldn't whine about her going off with some OTHER guy. Time waits for no-one. It's only fair that a guy with self-confidence won her over. She won't wait forever. Even if you want her to. Sorry, but it's the harsh truth.

I think you're right. The person may wait for a while but If the guy is not making his mind then most likely she is going to move on not because she didn't like him in the first place but because as you said. "Time waits for no-one"... Still, If you like her might as well tell her what you feel and leave it up to her to choose.

2469nascar's photo
Tue 02/04/14 09:10 AM

heres a scenerio for you

A guy is talking to two women in a chat. One woman is showing some skin in her pics and likes to talk naughty and flirt, we will call her Angela. The other one is equally attractive but more on the sweet side but isn't showing skin, we will call her Tammy.

Tammy...Hi sweety, how was your day? I just finished work..Im relaxing now

Guy...I had a great day too ty

Angela...Hey sexy thang

Guy...Woah! the new pic baby

Tammy...great and what are you doing later?

Guy...Umm not much and you?

Angela...Mmm thanks would you like to come over and see me in real?

Guy...He^^ yeah...what are you wearing right now baby?

Angela...something sexy just for you ...feeling a bit naughty? Guess where my finger is now?


Guy to Angela...Fu** your makig me so hard right now


Tammy...guy? are you there?

Guy...Angela? Baby? I wanna see you on cam...please..I'm begging baby?


Tammy...where did you go?


msharmony's photo
Tue 02/04/14 09:50 AM

In the last almost 21 years of my life. I have been told I'm way too nice and respectful by almost every single girl I have met. I dont get it. They all have told me indirectly or even directly that they prefer men who are more like the "jerk" type. I dont get why its like that. And I know there are other guys out there who are in the same position as me but this is one question that always confuses me. Why is it that men with worse attitude towards females makes them wanna stay with guys like that? While guys like me who keep a positive, polite, and respectful behavior towards females are the ones left alone at the end. Im not willing to change myself for anyone because it is who I am. Neither am I gonna bring myself to the level of men who society calls "jerks"...Im not a smoker and a very occasional drinker. Not into gambling or any crap like that. So this puzzles me. But at the end of the day my question to females on here is simple...WHY ? Why do women prefer guys like that?.... And all the males on here feel free to join in with your opinions as well. Thanks for reading everyone! Share your thoughts :)

my thought,,,,the operative word here is 'girl'

no offense, but at the time of life you are in, people rarely have a clue what they 'want', and are still trying to figure things out

trust, as you get older and the 'girls' mature into women,, they will beat down your door,,,

be patient, enjoy loving yourself a while longer, you will attract what you put out,,,eventually,,lol


beautifulfox's photo
Thu 02/06/14 03:44 AM
For me, i find nice guys more dangerous. Dont get me wr0ng and i d0n generalize some "jerk" loves to pretend they are "mr nice guy" but at the end of the day u'l find them ditching their gal. And some w0men chooce a bad guy bcoz s0metimes real nice guys r too good to b true .

no photo
Thu 02/06/14 12:30 PM
It is all a gamble, many looks like nice guys but inside themselves, the bad guys.
You're nice until proved nice by someone.
U could be nice but lacking some qualities of a good relationship.

iwil55's photo
Thu 02/06/14 01:16 PM

This is a classic contradition/dicotomy of values/expectations.

Ladies, IMHO and I'm certainly no expert, are looking for a bad boy who is exciting, different, and unpredictable to keep the spark and the fun going. (No high expectations on us guys, huh?) Now, I'm not talking about someone who is a jerk and badmouths or worse other people, but rather someone a little on the edge with a different point of view about living live.

Kind of like when a lady's profile states that they want a man who can make them laugh.

They are also looking for the nice guy who is smart and intelligent (not always the same), articulate, stable, trustworth, reliable, and a gentleman.

For guy's expectations it is kinda like the whole Madonna/Whore thing (Madonna as in biblical reference not that worn out pop singer). i.e. A lady on the streets, a freak between the sheets.

So, how can one keep it fun and real at the same time? Well, just going for the nice guy you have a high chance to only get the real. With the bad boy you most likely get the fun and have some slim chance at real. Thus analizing the probabilities, gee, which one do you choose?

Add to that the human nature of deriving perverse pleasure from misbehaving... But that is the subject of a different thread.

That is why I'm a Harley riding Rocket Scientist. I'm the best of both worlds! lol

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Thu 02/06/14 08:53 PM

I feel I need to just be bold about this. If someone is a self-proclaimed nice guy, yet he's too scared to flirt with the woman he's attracted to, he shouldn't whine about her going off with some OTHER guy. Time waits for no-one. It's only fair that a guy with self-confidence won her over. She won't wait forever. Even if you want her to. Sorry, but it's the harsh truth.
well said.

Hi 2kids :)

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Thu 02/06/14 08:55 PM

I feel I need to just be bold about this. If someone is a self-proclaimed nice guy, yet he's too scared to flirt with the woman he's attracted to, he shouldn't whine about her going off with some OTHER guy. Time waits for no-one. It's only fair that a guy with self-confidence won her over. She won't wait forever. Even if you want her to. Sorry, but it's the harsh truth.
well said.

Totally agree!

In so many ways..


Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Thu 02/06/14 08:59 PM

I feel I need to just be bold about this. If someone is a self-proclaimed nice guy, yet he's too scared to flirt with the woman he's attracted to, he shouldn't whine about her going off with some OTHER guy. Time waits for no-one. It's only fair that a guy with self-confidence won her over. She won't wait forever. Even if you want her to. Sorry, but it's the harsh truth.

I think you're right. The person may wait for a while but If the guy is not making his mind then most likely she is going to move on not because she didn't like him in the first place but because as you said. "Time waits for no-one"... Still, If you like her might as well tell her what you feel and leave it up to her to choose.

Yeah ;). If the guy doesn't tell her, he is missing the opportunity, and will only kick himself for it later on. Gender-neutral, really, isn't it? Women do it too.