Toks88's photo
Mon 12/09/13 07:31 AM

Good News Guys and Gals. Just heard from my daughter, NurseAud and she was diagnosed as having fibromyalgia musculoskeletal pain in her chest from the cold weather, so it is not heart related, thank goodness. The doctors have sent her home with an injection and pain medication to take, but she should be fine. I can't tell you how very much all your prayers and well wishes have meant to me and to my daughter. May you receive back tenfold the kindness and concern and love you have shown me and mine in our moment of crisis. I truly feel so much love from this community and truly feel that you are my family away from home. May you be blessed for your concern and please know how very much all of you are appreciated. I love each and every one of you! Missy
flowers flowers flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart:

When you mentioned chest pain, shortness of blood, I said in my mind that this could be caused by cold because I experienced something like that 5months ago (in July). She needs to relax herself and have some rest for the moment to enable the treatment she took work.

BettyB's photo
Mon 12/09/13 07:41 AM

Prayers are being sentflowerforyou

BettyB, I got the package. You must have sent it express

I did. I delivered them on my super sonic broom
I am so glad everything turned out ok. Now your Mom can breathe again too.flowerforyou

dcastelmissy's photo
Mon 12/09/13 07:57 AM

My daughter, NurseAud, who is a new member to Mingle2 called me and said her daughter was taking her into the emergency room at the closest hospital with chest pains and shortness of breath. I am requesting prayers be offered up by the Mingle2 family on her behalf. Will update this post when any more information is received. Thanks in advance for your prayers! Very Concerned Mom, Missy.

Thanks, Mom, for posting this. It brought all the prayers I needed to stick around and be an eternal burden to you. Lol:heart:

That's my little rascal for you! laugh :heart:

varun1varun's photo
Mon 12/09/13 10:26 AM
get well soon!!!!!!

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 12/09/13 12:09 PM
Just read this and glad to hear she is okay...

Sending prayers for a fast recovery~~~~flowerforyou

NurseAud's photo
Mon 12/09/13 12:50 PM

Sending prayers her way...I hope everything is okay flowerforyou

Thanks, Maria. Everything is okay because I am still around.drinker

NurseAud's photo
Mon 12/09/13 12:51 PM

Sending prayers her way...I hope everything is okay flowerforyou

Thanks, Maria. Everything is okay because I am still around.drinker

NurseAud's photo
Mon 12/09/13 12:57 PM

Sending prayersflowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Prayers AND flowers waterbearer? My favorite combination. Thanks.happy

NurseAud's photo
Mon 12/09/13 01:04 PM

All my best, hope you all receive
some positive news ASAP Mrs Robonson
NurseAud...does she expect me to call
her Mrs R. too or twoflowerforyou flowerforyou :wink: keep your chin up

That would be Mrs. Robinson, Too to you, sir! Lol. Thanks for the prayers, Pony!

oldhippie1952's photo
Mon 12/09/13 01:05 PM
Add my prayers and well wishes missy!

NurseAud's photo
Mon 12/09/13 01:11 PM

Sending prayer for her to be okay
Really sorry to hear
Let us all know she is okay

Be well NurseAud !

Prayer worked, KiK2me. Thanks so much! flowerforyou

NurseAud's photo
Mon 12/09/13 01:14 PM

Always , my friend; You �re on my mind,
Because you're somehow ailing,
But your response to any challenge
Has always been unfailing.
So I am confident you will win again;
Hang in there, and you"ll see;
You �ll be back on top in no time,
Tackling life courageously.

All the best missy love to you ladys :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Beautiful, uplifting poem, Phoenix. smile2

NurseAud's photo
Mon 12/09/13 01:28 PM

The devil is a liar!
LORD! As I lift up my voice in prayer this morning, perfect everything that concerns Mummy Missy and her family in the name of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. And as mountains are round about Jeruselem, so shall you guild and protect Nurse and her family and by the anointing and power that you have given to me as your son, I hereby speak against every heart pains, chest pains, short breath or whatever its called. LORD!!! The word of God says in 1 John 3 verse 8b and it says: for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil. LORD!!! Destroy every works of the devil in Nurse's life and heal her in the name of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST! AMEN!!!
All will be well!. AMEN!!!

Thank you so much, Toks88, for taking the time to write such a beautiful prayer for someone you've never met. I'll bet others read your prayer and prayed it. The fact that you typed it up made it even more powerful. I bet the devil was really ticked after reading it! mad Ha! Ha!

NurseAud's photo
Mon 12/09/13 01:31 PM

Prayers being sent

Got 'em! Thanks, pkh! flowers

Toks88's photo
Mon 12/09/13 02:43 PM

The devil is a liar!
LORD! As I lift up my voice in prayer this morning, perfect everything that concerns Mummy Missy and her family in the name of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. And as mountains are round about Jeruselem, so shall you guild and protect Nurse and her family and by the anointing and power that you have given to me as your son, I hereby speak against every heart pains, chest pains, short breath or whatever its called. LORD!!! The word of God says in 1 John 3 verse 8b and it says: for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil. LORD!!! Destroy every works of the devil in Nurse's life and heal her in the name of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST! AMEN!!!
All will be well!. AMEN!!!

Thank you so much, Toks88, for taking the time to write such a beautiful prayer for someone you've never met. I'll bet others read your prayer and prayed it. The fact that you typed it up made it even more powerful. I bet the devil was really ticked after reading it! mad Ha! Ha!

Yes! The devil must flee and will never come again!

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 12/09/13 03:43 PM
Glad to see your okay.flowerforyou

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 12/09/13 03:58 PM
Wow Dear Ones sorry to find out so late you had such a rocky weekend. Continue to keep you in my prayers and send you all the good wishes and positive vibes I can. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

NurseAud's photo
Tue 12/10/13 06:09 AM

Good to hear she will be okay!Will still keep her in my

Thanks, wolfchic! Still need them. Please keep them coming. I want to go back to work! :smile:

NurseAud's photo
Tue 12/10/13 06:12 AM

I am praying more healing love for your family. Praise God it is not heart related!

Yes, princess, He indeed showed me grace. It Would have been so traumatic for my children having just lost their father last year to a heart attack. All praises to Him! :banana:

NurseAud's photo
Tue 12/10/13 06:15 AM

The good Lord smiled on your family today and you all deserve it!!

He certainly did, jacktrades. Our family has been through so much in the last year, and He showed us mercy today.