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Topic: What is it you miss the most as a single?
SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 10/30/13 12:28 PM
I'm quite happy, sure a date and/or sex-life and/or partner would be nice, all in good time. Really can enjoy being on my own, have my own freedom and so on.

What I do miss, however, and not had that before, is the good conversations you can have with a partner. I used to have real good in-depth conversations with my ex, and I'm seriously beginning to miss that.
Basically because I've started to grow, read and learn again. I now miss a partner to reflect or discuss these things. And the interesting things that come up when you learn how your partner feels about it etc.
And sure I have friends, but it's not the same as with a partner.
So in that sense, for the first time as a single, I'm beginning to feel alone.

Made me wonder what it is that you miss the most as a single? (having to put out the garbage yourself is a good one too :laughing: )

lilott's photo
Wed 10/30/13 01:16 PM
Not a thing. Having a partner is like having shackles on.

navygirl's photo
Wed 10/30/13 01:18 PM

Not a thing. Having a partner is like having shackles on.

Yep, what he said. :thumbsup:

peachy78's photo
Wed 10/30/13 01:40 PM
I separated from my ex husband a year and a half ago, and I miss having someone to help me out. But mostly I miss having someone to cuddle with. I do not miss the bull **** and the lies. He started using drugs toward the end and things got really bad so it was for the best, but before the drugs he was my best friend.

sybariticguy's photo
Wed 10/30/13 01:52 PM
the joy that comes from intimacy in a relationship is missed as being able to share day to day thoughts,feelings, and gestures is most notably absent and how much these mean on a daily basis, is acutely felt. there is a space in my heart thats yearns for company and i miss that as much as any other intimacy....

no photo
Wed 10/30/13 02:01 PM
A certain three letter word

jkl881's photo
Wed 10/30/13 02:06 PM
Edited by jkl881 on Wed 10/30/13 02:09 PM
I miss having a nice conversation with a partner too.I used to have nice long talks with my ex boyfriend and I miss that.I also miss the company of a partner.I used to live with someone and it was nice having someone around to talk to.Living alone can get lonely but it has it's benefits too.Like I don't have to answer to anyone if I want to stay up late or sleep late or watch tv.

boxz's photo
Wed 10/30/13 02:13 PM
I like to be loved if anybody out there in leeds

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 10/30/13 02:34 PM
I really miss having that best friend to say Honey isn't this beautiful, I am so excited by this, I am so happy, ooooh try this it is yummy. or comfortable. I can deal with the hard times but not sharing the good times feels kind of empty.

I miss having the person that appreciates the little things you do for yourself when you are a lover. Trying a new hair do, putting on a perfume, resisting that extra cookie, or reading something interesting they like that expands my interests. I miss that motivation to be my best and good enough seems to seem acceptable.

I miss having the object of my affection. Yea great lusty sex would be wonderful too but sometimes I think I would give a small fortune to just have someone welcome that little kiss, that quick massage, or that tender nuzzle.

Oh yea someone to help me to remember to put the garbage bin back so all my friends don't come pounding on the door when I am in my pajamas to see if I am alright. lol

lordthur's photo
Wed 10/30/13 03:01 PM
I knw wt dt is@raw girl...there is absolutely nothing I miss about being single..maybe that's because I've nt been n any relationship being single is pretty normal for me

no photo
Wed 10/30/13 03:05 PM

A certain three letter word


dcastelmissy's photo
Wed 10/30/13 03:22 PM

A certain three letter word


I kept that in the divorce! laugh laugh

ridewytepony's photo
Wed 10/30/13 06:01 PM

A certain three letter word

The familiarity of it, for sure.
I like to be monogamous, which makes that three
letter word a lot better.
I miss the connection, hanging around having pillow talks, holding her because I love her.
someone loving me and waiting for my return
even if I'm just out for a short while, we miss
each other.

I'm obviously an "all or nothing kinda guy and a guy that has only had that kind of relationship.
When they work its heaven.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 10/30/13 06:16 PM

Not a thing. Having a partner is like having shackles on.

Only if you have the wrong partner.

My late wife was nothing like that.

hellsboy's photo
Wed 10/30/13 06:21 PM

A certain three letter word

I love u rawrrr??

navygirl's photo
Wed 10/30/13 06:30 PM

Not a thing. Having a partner is like having shackles on.

Only if you have the wrong partner.

My late wife was nothing like that.

Your late wife sounds like an amazing lady. Every guy I ever dated wanted to shackle me down which is why my relationships never lasted. I am too much of a free spirit.

PacificStar48's photo
Wed 10/30/13 06:35 PM

Not a thing. Having a partner is like having shackles on.

Only if you have the wrong partner.

My late wife was nothing like that.


IvorySnow's photo
Wed 10/30/13 06:38 PM
Edited by IvorySnow on Wed 10/30/13 06:39 PM
I miss having someone to confide in and share everything with. Also just miss having a companion.

lilanne's photo
Wed 10/30/13 06:44 PM
I miss the security of knowing there's someone else who see's the world as beautiful as I do.
I hate going through my day thinking I'm at it alone. I like doing things on my own but I love a little extra support. I miss babying someone and loving them every minute, kissing them after everything they say because no matter what, I know I'm their woman.

chris75feb's photo
Wed 10/30/13 06:55 PM
well i miss it all, even the little stupid arguements, i hate eating breakfast and dinner alone, i hate sitting there watching tv alone, i just hate being alone, i like cuddling with my lady, making her feel like a queen, spoil her, having someone to hold while we lay there asleep...and of course the sex, the love making or just flat out hardcore banging :P

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