Topic: Is the God of Israel the God of all? | |
Is the God of Israel the God of all? Your sincere opinion please The god of Israel was The Word (Jesus Christ). 1 Corinthians 10:4 "For they drank from the spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Christ" He also created the world with the power of God the father. 1John :1 "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god. He was in the beginning with God. all things came into being through him and without him not one thing came into being." There are two beings. God the father and Jesus Christ. They are spirit beings and their spirit can flow, like water. This verse has been slightly abbreviated and the second and third verses have been run-together respectively. A common mistranslation, John 1: Verse:1... It should read more accurately, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God's." (It's Important To Note, "God's" Is Possessive And Not Plural) For more than 17 hundred years this verse has been deliberately altered to propagate the Trinity Doctrine. If One is able to get themselves an original Greek translation of the Gospels, you'll be able to see the difference yourself. The interesting thing about this persons statement that God the father and Jesus are 'two beings' that flow together like water, is that it goes completely against the actual Creeds that have been made to covey the Trinity Doctrine. As a teenage, when I was still at my church is was raised in, I once thought more or less the same way, but I was reproached by my Deacon for doing so. The word "Trinity" is not in any of the Bibles that I have seen. The trinity doctrine came from the Council of Nicaea. The council of Nicaea was overseen by Constantine who had questionable ties to Christianity. More likely he was Pagan and only interested in using Christianity to further his control of the Roman Empire. The version of Christianity that came out of the Council of Nicaea was mixed with Paganism to the point where it didn't look anything like what Christ taught. Christ warned that would happen Mathew 24:5 "For many will come in my name, saying, I am the Christ and will deceive many" also Mark 13:6 and Luke 21:8. That is exactly what we have today, Thousands of Catholic and Protestant denominations preaching a doctrine based on the Council of Nicaea. A mixture of Paganism and Christianity. Christ proclaimed the Gospel. Gospel means "Good News" Do you know what that "Good News" is? |
Religion has caused more wars and deaths than you could ever imagine! Some people always preach the bible to others as if they actually witnessed those supposed miracles and deeds happen. The truth is nobody knows what happens when we die, or can prove the events in the bible happened the way they are portrayed. Science will debunk most of these tall tales instantly and logically! False Christianity, has caused more wars than you could ever imagine. Science has uncovered some amazing things in cells and DNA. The symbiotic relationship of the flowers and the bees is nothing compared to these. The term "irreducible complexity" is used where all the parts are needed to make the unit function. If you Google, "Bacterial Flagellum" Or "Cilia", you can see examples of Intelligent design. |
"God cannot be explained, He cannot be argued about, He cannot be theorized, nor can He be discussed and understood, God can only be lived.....
To understand the infinite, eternal Reality is not the GOAL of individualized beings in the illusion of Creation, because the Reality can never be understood, it is to be realized by conscious experience. Theefore, the GOAL is to realize the Reality and attain the 'I am God' state in human form." ~AMB~ |
Zeus is much better as the GOD of all gods .... i believe
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Occationally we all get a fat head and think were better than we really are.
Only if one believes it! |
Edited by
Thu 12/04/14 07:26 PM
for what is a most god?
the best of what can exist in reality upon earth for all... for what is a most devil... the worst pains induced upon others by people in reality upon earth... for that which sea's all others as gods in training become a god, but that which see's it self as a god, become a devil in training. |
I agree!
for what we agree to as a mortal become who we are eternally.
for if we agree to that which is of the best good of and for all the prize of becoming a creator of the good of all be gifted unto these, whom no longer sea just the good for one self, but the largest grandest picture of all to sea, the true truer truest grand good of all. peace |
Edited by
Thu 12/04/14 10:07 PM
That verse is neither plural or possessive, there is no "s" on the latter word "God" � �� - Jesus said "The father and I are one". Jesus also has said many times over he is our God, yet he also says there is but one God and refers to his father as "God". Jesus is our God, he is the one that made us and "controls" us. We answer to Jesus Christ for he is our father, our God. It's called context of how things are said and or why they were said. And Jesus came to do the father's will, thus making his father his "God" THE PREVIOUS QUOTES ABOVE ^ ARE FROM COWBOYGH******* So, the lie is still being propagated 17 hundred years later! I've given an authentic translation of a commonly abrogated verse and CowboyGH seeks to disclaim it. What is more, I haven't a clue were this '111<<1' with ^^^ on top has come from or has anything to do with the Greek word for Deity. Yes, Jesus did say, "The Father and I are one." But he also said this about a husband and wife! Are we to conclude the husband and the wife are the same entity? ![]() Never once, in all the original translations of the gospels have I ever read that Jesus said that, "I am your God." How many grammatical oxy-morons are we to have to filter through? If we are to assume that Jesus is already God and CowboyGH has stated that Jesus is the Father... Who's will is he to do, if he is already the same entity and thus must have the same will? (Nothing Very Integral About That) In short, with this logic, God sends himself to earth to live as a mere human, then orchestrates his own death, then resurrects himself, and somehow there's something 'INTEGRAL' about this narcissism. Apparently, God-Jesus who is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost can 'will' himself to death, and then, 'will' himself back to life again. (Where's The Love?) |
for when jesus said i and the father are one, he also as well told with the same words, unto all with ear's to hear, each hath their own father and guide.
and so then bestowed the grand wisdom of the cosmos unto all that hath ear to hear... to thine own self be true... never compromising one self just because one be tempted to think in doing so it self will receive more good for it self from those around one self. peace |
Zeus is much better as the GOD of all gods .... i believe ![]() Your god leaves much to be desired... A picture of some old fart! |
it is not so far off, just a wee bit old...
hehehe... for zeus did encompass some traits of a knight. for indeed, each follow in their heart a "piece" of the total sum of god. for indeed, if god be eternal, can it age. add if one add all the pieces of all the images of god together from all mortal humans, this one will be privileged to sea the total sum of a true god in reality. and to sea most god is to know god. |
Zeus is much better as the GOD of all gods .... i believe ![]() Your god leaves much to be desired... A picture of some old fart! Oh No ! don't say that ! you will burn in hell !! , sorry, i mean by thunders ![]() ![]() |
for those who didn't get it , i meant that the gods of modern religions are simply as realistic as Zeus is ..... and it is just a matter of time before they turn into myths .
it was already apparent by your other posts you do not subscribe to silly notions filled with self declared godish folly... ![]() |
Kindly honor others opinions on this thread which has been edited.
soufie Site Moderator |
for those who didn't get it , i meant that the gods of modern religions are simply as realistic as Zeus is ..... and it is just a matter of time before they turn into myths . Hasn't happened yet and I highly doubt it ever will! |
Edited by
Fri 12/05/14 04:52 AM
It was said that if the true values of the gods were ever spoken on earth by mortals, they would turn mortal to immortal, stop all wars and violence, and create no more tears from the crying upon earth.
I'll be awaiting only those kinda words to show proof of any gods that care about the plight of the plundered of humankind. peace |
it was said that if the true values of the gods were ever spoken on earth by mortals, they would turn one self to immortal, stop all wars and violence and create no more tears upon earth. i'll be awaiting only those kinda words to show proof of any gods that cares about the plight of plundered of humankind. peace I've never believed that religious differences should be the cause of any unkindness or injustice in the world. I believe we should love others despite our differences. However, wars and injustices continue to be perpetuated, and has been practiced by those claiming belief in a God as well as those who do not believe in a God! |
for those who didn't get it , i meant that the gods of modern religions are simply as realistic as Zeus is ..... and it is just a matter of time before they turn into myths . Hasn't happened yet and I highly doubt it ever will! oh really ? what makes Abrahamic religions (Judaism :3000 y/o , Christianity :2000 y/o , Islam : 1500 y/o , ) so special when compared to ancient religions that lasted long and then rested in peace ? ancient Egyptian religion ? ancient Greek religion ? religions of native American tribes ? religions of Southern American civilizations (Aztec , Maya ... ) ? do you think that it will last forever just because you believe in it ? well , millions did the same before you do and they turn into history with their religions . by the way , tell someone 100 years ago that human will land on the moon , and have the same answer "Hasn't happened yet and I highly doubt it ever will" |