Topic: Is the God of Israel the God of all? | |
sure glad you call it Freedom! ![]() Others would call it Catch-22! ![]() Some Freedom in:"You either believe in God(Whatever The Preacher Tells you),or he will punish the crap out of you"! ![]() Sure glad you liken Religion to a Loaded Gun! Fitting Comparison! ![]() |
sure glad you call it Freedom! ![]() Others would call it Catch-22! ![]() Some Freedom in:"You either believe in God(Whatever The Preacher Tells you),or he will punish the crap out of you"! ![]() Sure glad you liken Religion to a Loaded Gun! Fitting Comparison! ![]() |
sure glad you call it Freedom! ![]() Others would call it Catch-22! ![]() Some Freedom in:"You either believe in God(Whatever The Preacher Tells you),or he will punish the crap out of you"! ![]() Sure glad you liken Religion to a Loaded Gun! Fitting Comparison! ![]() If you practice certain Rituals,it is a Religion,regardless of your rationalization! ![]() |
In reality, no one can really pardon you of all of your sins.
If a person learns a real lesson and his experience truly changes him so much that he is genuinely a new and better person, and if he forgives himself and begins to live as a new person (Like Saul and Paul is said to have done.) he will still need to take responsibility (and pay for) all of his past evil or illegal deeds, and being a Christian he will do this willingly. You may believe that you are forgiven and pardoned by God and you may have even forgiven yourself and you may be a changed man, but if you killed someone in your past, you will not be pardoned by the legal system of mankind. |
In reality, no one can really pardon you of all of your sins. If a person learns a real lesson and his experience truly changes him so much that he is genuinely a new and better person, and if he forgives himself and begins to live as a new person (Like Saul and Paul is said to have done.) he will still need to take responsibility (and pay for) all of his past evil or illegal deeds, and being a Christian he will do this willingly. You may believe that you are forgiven and pardoned by God and you may have even forgiven yourself and you may be a changed man, but if you killed someone in your past, you will not be pardoned by the legal system of mankind. |
If you talk about the G-d of Israel then you have to consider to talk about Judaism..because Israel and Judaism is the whole things like 1 package...
as a Jew i can only give my opinion or my point of view about that area.. The conception of God in Judaism is strictly monotheistic. God is an absolute 1,indivisible,divine and incomparable being who is the ultimate cause of all existence. Jewish tradition teaches that the true aspect of God is incomprehensible and unknowable, and that it is only God's revealed aspect that brought the universe into existence, and interacts with mankind and the world. In Judaism, the one God of Israel is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who is the guide of the world, delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt, and gave them the 613 Mitzvot at Mount Sinai as described in the Torah. so my answer is Big YES... |
If you talk about the G-d of Israel then you have to consider to talk about Judaism..because Israel and Judaism is the whole things like 1 package... as a Jew i can only give my opinion or my point of view about that area.. The conception of God in Judaism is strictly monotheistic. God is an absolute 1,indivisible,divine and incomparable being who is the ultimate cause of all existence. Jewish tradition teaches that the true aspect of God is incomprehensible and unknowable, and that it is only God's revealed aspect that brought the universe into existence, and interacts with mankind and the world. In Judaism, the one God of Israel is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who is the guide of the world, delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt, and gave them the 613 Mitzvot at Mount Sinai as described in the Torah. so my answer is Big YES... Now when speaking of "Jews being the chosen" and the reason it was offered to the Jews before any other person(s) is because the communication of the world as a whole was very limited and scarce. Thus the Jews being "basically" the only one's following God's word he offered Heaven to them first, then Jesus came to give eternal love and life to the gentiles as well *anyone is not Jew*. But as for the question of the thread in itself think the following will answer. Deuteronomy 10:17 17 For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward: |
If you talk about the G-d of Israel then you have to consider to talk about Judaism..because Israel and Judaism is the whole things like 1 package... as a Jew i can only give my opinion or my point of view about that area.. The conception of God in Judaism is strictly monotheistic. God is an absolute 1,indivisible,divine and incomparable being who is the ultimate cause of all existence. Jewish tradition teaches that the true aspect of God is incomprehensible and unknowable, and that it is only God's revealed aspect that brought the universe into existence, and interacts with mankind and the world. In Judaism, the one God of Israel is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who is the guide of the world, delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt, and gave them the 613 Mitzvot at Mount Sinai as described in the Torah. so my answer is Big YES... Now when speaking of "Jews being the chosen" and the reason it was offered to the Jews before any other person(s) is because the communication of the world as a whole was very limited and scarce. Thus the Jews being "basically" the only one's following God's word he offered Heaven to them first, then Jesus came to give eternal love and life to the gentiles as well *anyone is not Jew*. But as for the question of the thread in itself think the following will answer. Deuteronomy 10:17 17 For the Lord your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward: you mean Saint Paul USURPED Judaism? ![]() |
The worship and belief in one 'All Powerful, Non-descript' Entity has been in existence long before even Judaism or Israel.
When I say, 'Non-descript' I'm implying that no art-form can ever serve to compliment this Entity. There are a number of ancient patriarchs who's names obviously predate the house of Judea or Jacob. It would be fairer to say a Hebrew lineage from Abraham on back-wards, including Lot, Melchizedek, Noah, Enoch, and Seth to mention a few. The concept of large-scale Monotheistic (Worship Of One God) formats of faith are commonly known in their relative order of occurrence: Zoroasterianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It's important to note that all of these religions in their original formats are acceptable forms of worship, but apostasy in the course of time has encroached upon all. Each has occurred in succession to compliment the previous format and reiterate the True God's original purpose. It's also important to note that while Islam is the last great reiteration as a minimum prerequisite of faith for humanity, it is by no means exempt from having apostate encroachment occurring within it as well. It being more than 14 hundred years from its original manifestation. So, where is the hope in all this...? Quite simply, just finding the unchanging constants in all of these formats of faith is the key to real peace of mind and hope and practical instruction for daily existence. With this comes not only the hope of the present but also for the life to come. |
Please stay on topic I have deleted a few post due to off topic.
Site Mod Kristi |
The worship and belief in one 'All Powerful, Non-descript' Entity has been in existence long before even Judaism or Israel. When I say, 'Non-descript' I'm implying that no art-form can ever serve to compliment this Entity. There are a number of ancient patriarchs who's names obviously predate the house of Judea or Jacob. It would be fairer to say a Hebrew lineage from Abraham on back-wards, including Lot, Melchizedek, Noah, Enoch, and Seth to mention a few. The concept of large-scale Monotheistic (Worship Of One God) formats of faith are commonly known in their relative order of occurrence: Zoroasterianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It's important to note that all of these religions in their original formats are acceptable forms of worship, but apostasy in the course of time has encroached upon all. Each has occurred in succession to compliment the previous format and reiterate the True God's original purpose. It's also important to note that while Islam is the last great reiteration as a minimum prerequisite of faith for humanity, it is by no means exempt from having apostate encroachment occurring within it as well. It being more than 14 hundred years from its original manifestation. So, where is the hope in all this...? Quite simply, just finding the unchanging constants in all of these formats of faith is the key to real peace of mind and hope and practical instruction for daily existence. With this comes not only the hope of the present but also for the life to come. |
The simple answer is, Yes He is. The complication comes when when you factor in the prophetic books of the Old Testament, especially Isaiah. The foretelling of the coming of the Messaiah was (and is) much anticipated by Israel. As a Christian I see that what Israel wanted is not what they got. They did not get a warrior of vengance to defeat all the enemies. Part of that problem was, in the words of the great philosopher Pogo, "We have met the enemy and it is us." The Messaiah came for all people. Jew and Gentile alike. He is a man of peace and grief, but most of all HOPE. I have read here from some that they could not follow a God that was going to throw you into the pits of Hell for sinning. God doesn't do that, you do. I will use the analogy of the drowning man again. You are in the lake drowning and I throw a purple life preserver to you, you don't like purple, but purple is all I have. You reject the purple life saver and drown. Am I responsible for your rejection? No! I offered a way and you chose to ignore it at your own peril. In the New Testament Jesus quotes from Isaiah frequently. John tells us that God gave His only begotten Son to pay the price for our sin. The only payment God will accept is that of blood from a "spotless" lamb. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is truly the God of all. Bill Awesome illustration! ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 11/27/14 05:18 PM
the only god that exist is what tell each human in their brains what be better or worse... for the better than and less than in the brain it self, lead humankind and advance up the ladder of evolution for the entire species. why does one think it was stated "NO MAN shall EVER see "the face of god", in the book where one got many of the "god notions"... because there is no "the face" of god, since god is simply the best of humanity in all faces that exist upon earth. to believe in a physical "god" besides humans them selves is to believe in a ghost none shall ever see nor meet. peace |
Please get back to the topic.
(1 post removed) |
it seems many can't seem to realize, that if their "god beliefs" create the self superiority of some groups over others, creating prejudice and conflict and unpeace as wars and brutality...
than they are reckoned in the same book as of satan, and denounced as not of god or good... it is rather what these belief's CREATE that prove who and what they are... they are not of eternal peace or love of and for all, as love of "god" was called, so not actually of "god" at all, but rather more of the opposite of what be defined as "god", the devil and satan, ![]() it would seem the consequences of these things believed and said of "god", would simply be the majority of one's own fellow man one day not being able to be deceived by such hostile self superior mentalities of hatred, and thus such beliefs no longer tolerated by the collective majority, and these banished from buying or selling anywhere in society for as long as they continue to promote and propagate belief's that create hostilities and unpeace in humankind. a toast and cheers to that day. |
"Chrisianity is a relationship between God and humans made possible and easy via Jesus.Imagine the bliss of having all your sins pardoned!"
Unfortuately too many Christians use this philosophy as a excuse to behave anyway they like... Ya, no thanks. ![]() |
"Chrisianity is a relationship between God and humans made possible and easy via Jesus.Imagine the bliss of having all your sins pardoned!" Unfortuately too many Christians use this philosophy as a excuse to behave anyway they like... Ya, no thanks. ![]() |
"Chrisianity is a relationship between God and humans made possible and easy via Jesus.Imagine the bliss of having all your sins pardoned!" Unfortuately too many Christians use this philosophy as a excuse to behave anyway they like... Ya, no thanks. ![]() keep me out of this ;) |
Edited by
Fri 11/28/14 02:59 PM
"Chrisianity is a relationship between God and humans made possible and easy via Jesus.Imagine the bliss of having all your sins pardoned!" Unfortuately too many Christians use this philosophy as a excuse to behave anyway they like... Ya, no thanks. ![]() you mean Lucy is still at War? I really wish they fought it out between them and left Man out of it! Really unfair to involve Mankind in the Hassle they have with each other! Totally uncalled for! ![]() |
"Chrisianity is a relationship between God and humans made possible and easy via Jesus.Imagine the bliss of having all your sins pardoned!" Unfortuately too many Christians use this philosophy as a excuse to behave anyway they like... Ya, no thanks. ![]() "he that imputes sin unto his fellow man be not of the father, but rather of that wretched one called the devil"...davidben 11:28 |