Topic: Developing: Shootout at Naval Shipyard
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 09/17/13 04:20 PM

Among the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years that we studied, not a single case includes evidence that the killer chose to target a place because it banned guns. To the contrary, in many of the cases there was clearly another motive for the choice of location. For example, 20 were workplace shootings, most of which involved perpetrators who felt wronged by employers and colleagues.

Proponents of this argument also ignore that the majority of mass shootings are murder-suicides. Thirty-six of the killers we studied took their own lives at or near the crime scene, while seven others died in police shootouts they had no hope of surviving (a.k.a. "suicide by cop"). These were not people whose priority was identifying the safest place to attack.

So 62 mass shootings in the last 30 years.
What about the over 11,000 murders every year?
Should we focus more on criminals getting guns illegally and being slapped on the wrist when arrested for gun violence? Just to get out and committ violent crimes with guns?
Out of the 62 how many legally owned guns?
Out of the over 11,000 how many legally owned guns?

since you ask

from the same piece above

'Nearly 80 percent of the mass shooters we documented obtained their weapons legally'

,,bringing it back , in my opinion, to the point of not EVERY AMERICAN needing or deserving or obtaining a weapon

the paranoid and mentally unstable amongst those that should have some restriction,,,

I think we all agree people with mental health issues shouldn't own a gun.
Yet our government does nothing about it.
What about the over 11,000 murders every year?
Why are they not glamorized like the mass shootings are?
Murder is murder wether its 1 or 12.
Yet government uses the mass murders to push an agenda of gun control.

I think we all agree people with mental health issues shouldn't own a gun.

The only problem with this statement is who determines what "mental health issues" restricting gun ownership are.

Do people with insomnia who see a shrink fall into that category?
Returning vets?
Victims or offenders of domestic violence (regardless of how minor)?
Accident victims?
Victims of violent crimes?
Young adults with childhood problems?

The problem is about 60% of Americans seek help for some type of issue or another for which they are prescribed drugs that would qualify them for denial in language typical of most gov't mandates.

By trying to solve one problem you create another as gov't has shown their enept ability to do just that time and again!

When the gov't gets involved in anything, it turns into an albatross or goes to hell, or morphs into something worse than the problem they are seeking to fix.

I don't need the gov't to tell me what's right or wrong, how to raise my kids, when and where I can't go, who I have the right to talk to and what I can say.

I'm not religious, but the golden rule and the 10 commandments (simple logics), along with an adherence to the Constitution and Bill of Rights (simple yet monumental documents!), should be all anyone ever needs.

There will ALWAYS be crime and criminals! Restricting the general law abiding public of the rights will never change that....EVER!

I agree where is the line drawn and who decides.
This guy in the Naval yard should have never been able to buy a gun with his record.

Agreed, and simple logic along with a small amount of effort could have done that without the elimination of the rights of all law abiding citizens.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 09/17/13 04:22 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 09/17/13 04:25 PM

Factually speaking more guns equals more murders.
Factually speaking a gun present means more women and children die in family disputes
Factually speaking more guns equal more gun accidents :)
Factually speaking guns have been present at mass shootings and the gun toter did not save the day.

Fearful gun toters are not good guys. They are full of fear so badly they need to have a gun so they are a bit neurotic.

Factually speaking .... the town of Kennsaw GA can give you the facts about more guns equals more murders.

[EDIT] And because my previous post came from an NRA site means nothing. The stories are originally printed in local papers. American Rifleman simply uses them to show that guns in the hands of the 'average joe' can and do stop criminals.

Crap from pro gun toting sites is just that fearmongering crap. ooooo BE SCARED SOME IS COMING TO GET YOU AND TAKE YOUR GUN AWAYoooooooo noway

"Gun toters" are not scared....they are prepared! Even to defend people like you who want to take their rights away through ignorance

Yea prepared to kill their family when they are depressed.
Prepared to kill those people at work that piss them off.
Prepared to Kill those at the school down the street because they get an idea in their head that it is the "good guy" thing to do.
Prepared to look foolish talking about how their little pea shooter is gonna take on the goverment rofl
Yea prepared to leaved the gun down so the their son shoots their sister, neighbor, stranger...
Prepared to have the gun so they can intimidate that damn liberal guy down the street with the Obama sticker on his car while he is drunk
It goes on and on
None of which is a good guy thing

And you call US scared? rofl Who will you hide behind when the shooting starts?

Dementia is treatable you know

willowdraga's photo
Tue 09/17/13 04:47 PM
Edited by willowdraga on Tue 09/17/13 05:41 PM

Factually speaking more guns equals more murders.
Factually speaking a gun present means more women and children die in family disputes
Factually speaking more guns equal more gun accidents :)
Factually speaking guns have been present at mass shootings and the gun toter did not save the day.

Fearful gun toters are not good guys. They are full of fear so badly they need to have a gun so they are a bit neurotic.

Factually speaking .... the town of Kennsaw GA can give you the facts about more guns equals more murders.

[EDIT] And because my previous post came from an NRA site means nothing. The stories are originally printed in local papers. American Rifleman simply uses them to show that guns in the hands of the 'average joe' can and do stop criminals.

Crap from pro gun toting sites is just that fearmongering crap. ooooo BE SCARED SOME IS COMING TO GET YOU AND TAKE YOUR GUN AWAYoooooooo noway

"Gun toters" are not scared....they are prepared! Even to defend people like you who want to take their rights away through ignorance

Yea prepared to kill their family when they are depressed.
Prepared to kill those people at work that piss them off.
Prepared to Kill those at the school down the street because they get an idea in their head that it is the "good guy" thing to do.
Prepared to look foolish talking about how their little pea shooter is gonna take on the goverment rofl
Yea prepared to leaved the gun down so the their son shoots their sister, neighbor, stranger...
Prepared to have the gun so they can intimidate that damn liberal guy down the street with the Obama sticker on his car while he is drunk
It goes on and on
None of which is a good guy thing

And you call US scared? rofl Who will you hide behind when the shooting starts?

Dementia is treatable you know

Im not scared so I don't need a gun.

Yes dementia is treatable and I won't tell anyone you need treatment ok?

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 09/17/13 07:25 PM

Factually speaking more guns equals more murders.
Factually speaking a gun present means more women and children die in family disputes
Factually speaking more guns equal more gun accidents :)
Factually speaking guns have been present at mass shootings and the gun toter did not save the day.

Fearful gun toters are not good guys. They are full of fear so badly they need to have a gun so they are a bit neurotic.

Factually speaking .... the town of Kennsaw GA can give you the facts about more guns equals more murders.

[EDIT] And because my previous post came from an NRA site means nothing. The stories are originally printed in local papers. American Rifleman simply uses them to show that guns in the hands of the 'average joe' can and do stop criminals.

Crap from pro gun toting sites is just that fearmongering crap. ooooo BE SCARED SOME IS COMING TO GET YOU AND TAKE YOUR GUN AWAYoooooooo noway

"Gun toters" are not scared....they are prepared! Even to defend people like you who want to take their rights away through ignorance

Yea prepared to kill their family when they are depressed.
Prepared to kill those people at work that piss them off.
Prepared to Kill those at the school down the street because they get an idea in their head that it is the "good guy" thing to do.
Prepared to look foolish talking about how their little pea shooter is gonna take on the goverment rofl
Yea prepared to leaved the gun down so the their son shoots their sister, neighbor, stranger...
Prepared to have the gun so they can intimidate that damn liberal guy down the street with the Obama sticker on his car while he is drunk
It goes on and on
None of which is a good guy thing

And you call US scared? rofl Who will you hide behind when the shooting starts?

Dementia is treatable you know

Im not scared so I don't need a gun.

Yes dementia is treatable and I won't tell anyone you need treatment ok?

As you look in that mirror and tell yourself that, try taking the next step and making the appointment. bigsmile

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Tue 09/17/13 07:27 PM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Tue 09/17/13 07:34 PM

President Barack Obama accelerated firearm shipments to al-Qaeda on the very same day he demanded more gun control in the wake of the D.C. Navy Yard shooting.

A Nation In Distress Credit: Aldaron via Flickr

Obama waived a provision in federal law specifically designed to keep the U.S. government from supplying firearms to terrorists such as al-Qaeda, according to the Washington Examiner.

Citing his authority under the Arms Export Control Act, the president declared Monday that he would “waive the prohibitions in sections 40 and 40A of the AECA related to such a transaction.”

No longer will Obama need to rely on the CIA to give free guns to Islamic extremists in Syria; now he will make the transfers openly with this “transparent government” initiative.

On the same day as his overt approval for arms to al-Qaeda, Obama announced that he is drafting executive orders for more gun control.


So he is trying to disarm America while he supplies arms to the enemies of America who have sworn and caused (supposedly) the worst attack on American soil to date, as well as killing our Ambassador and American soldiers in Libya, Iraq, and Afghanastan .... slaphead

HotRodDeluxe's photo
Tue 09/17/13 08:38 PM

I know right? All's that page has is user comments on a forum much like this one, not anything credible. It's sad that the conspiracy theory nuts think everything is an inside job.

It's more than sad, it's pathetic that such a tragedy is reduced to such a brain dead CT.

Nah I think what's pathetic is people who keep falling for the same damn ******** time and time again........but carry on........

Yes, it's often referred to as reality, but carry on, be my jest. laugh

msharmony's photo
Tue 09/17/13 11:44 PM
President Obama has formally authorized American shipments to Syria of non-lethal equipment and supplies specifically aimed at countering the threat of Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons as the world waits for them to be neutralized.

In a signed order, Obama today waived prohibitions of such shipments by the Arms Export Control Act, determining that the assistance is “essential to the national security interests of the United States.”

The materials — including chemical weapons-related personal protective gear and medical supplies —

..nothing here about supplying weapons, only protective gear and medical supplies,,,

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 09/18/13 01:49 AM

President Obama has formally authorized American shipments to Syria of non-lethal equipment and supplies specifically aimed at countering the threat of Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons as the world waits for them to be neutralized.

In a signed order, Obama today waived prohibitions of such shipments by the Arms Export Control Act, determining that the assistance is “essential to the national security interests of the United States.”

The materials — including chemical weapons-related personal protective gear and medical supplies —

..nothing here about supplying weapons, only protective gear and medical supplies,,,
So we are supplying terrorists?

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 09/18/13 03:45 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 09/18/13 03:52 AM

President Obama has formally authorized American shipments to Syria of non-lethal equipment and supplies specifically aimed at countering the threat of Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons as the world waits for them to be neutralized.

In a signed order, Obama today waived prohibitions of such shipments by the Arms Export Control Act, determining that the assistance is “essential to the national security interests of the United States.”

The materials — including chemical weapons-related personal protective gear and medical supplies —

..nothing here about supplying weapons, only protective gear and medical supplies,,,
yep,all the Supplies needed to wage a successful Campaign!


They already have those!

Why does Obama support People who wish ill for the US?

metalwing's photo
Wed 09/18/13 04:05 AM

President Obama has formally authorized American shipments to Syria of non-lethal equipment and supplies specifically aimed at countering the threat of Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons as the world waits for them to be neutralized.

In a signed order, Obama today waived prohibitions of such shipments by the Arms Export Control Act, determining that the assistance is “essential to the national security interests of the United States.”

The materials — including chemical weapons-related personal protective gear and medical supplies —

..nothing here about supplying weapons, only protective gear and medical supplies,,,

It didn't say that.

"In a sharp escalation of the U.S. role in Syria's bloody civil war, the White House announced late Thursday that it will provide military aid to rebels fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad after confirming that his government used chemical weapons against the opposition.

Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes told reporters on a conference call that President Barack Obama had heard pleas from Syria's rebel Supreme Military Council (SMC) for more help. "Our aim is to be responsive," Rhodes said, underlining that the new assistance would have "direct military purposes."

Rhodes brushed aside repeated questions about whether this meant Washington would now start providing weapons to the rebels, insisting he could not give an "inventory" of the aid. But while he never explicitly confirmed that Obama had decided to to arm the opposition, he left little doubt about Washington's new course of action.

"The president has made a decision about providing more support to the opposition. That will involve providing direct support to the SMC. That includes military support. I cannot detail for you all of the types of that support for a variety of reasons," Rhodes said. The assistance is "aimed at strengthening the effectiveness of the SMC on the ground."

Obama reached the decision after America's intelligence community concluded that "the Assad regime has used chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin, on a small scale against the opposition multiple times in the last year," Rhodes said. Those attacks killed at least 100-150 people, he added. Rhodes said Assad's forces used chemical weapons on March 19, April 13, May 14 and May 23.

The confirmation—and a new United Nations study that raised the death toll from Syria’s bloody civil war to nearly 93,000—ramped up pressure on Obama to escalate American involvement in the conflict. The president has been weighing whether to arm the opposition, help create safe areas for refugees, or impose “no-fly zones” inside Syria enforced by American-led forces. Obama last year called the confirmed use of chemical weapons a "red line" that would make him reconsider whether to arm the rebels, but he later hedged that statement.

Republican Sen. John McCain, who for months had publicly pressed Obama to step up U.S. involvement, preempted the White House announcement in remarks, announcing on the Senate floor that U.S. intelligence agencies had confirmed the use of chemical weapons and thanking the president for opting to send weapons to the rebels.

“In just a couple of minutes, the president of the United States will be announcing that it is now conclusive that Bashar Assad and the Syrian butchers have used chemical weapons,” McCain said.

“The president also will announce that we will be assisting the Syrian rebels in Syria by other assistance” but the president “had better understand that just supplying weapons is not going to change the equation on the ground of the balance of power,” the senator added. "These people of the Free Syrian Amry need weapons and heavy weapons to counter tanks and aircraft, they need a no-fly zone."

“Just providing arms is not enough,” McCain said."

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Wed 09/18/13 06:06 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Wed 09/18/13 06:38 AM

Jon Stewart braces from the "wrongnado" of news broadcasting bigsmile

And on John McLame....

And Syria conflict in general....

Welcome back Jon! bigsmile

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/18/13 07:33 AM

President Obama has formally authorized American shipments to Syria of non-lethal equipment and supplies specifically aimed at countering the threat of Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons as the world waits for them to be neutralized.

In a signed order, Obama today waived prohibitions of such shipments by the Arms Export Control Act, determining that the assistance is “essential to the national security interests of the United States.”

The materials — including chemical weapons-related personal protective gear and medical supplies —

..nothing here about supplying weapons, only protective gear and medical supplies,,,
yep,all the Supplies needed to wage a successful Campaign!


They already have those!

Why does Obama support People who wish ill for the US?

which 'people' are those?

the ones getting gassed in Syria? how do we know they 'wish ill' for the US?

InvictusV's photo
Wed 09/18/13 09:37 AM
Edited by InvictusV on Wed 09/18/13 09:38 AM

President Obama has formally authorized American shipments to Syria of non-lethal equipment and supplies specifically aimed at countering the threat of Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons as the world waits for them to be neutralized.

In a signed order, Obama today waived prohibitions of such shipments by the Arms Export Control Act, determining that the assistance is “essential to the national security interests of the United States.”

The materials — including chemical weapons-related personal protective gear and medical supplies —

..nothing here about supplying weapons, only protective gear and medical supplies,,,

You are correct as far as this latest dog and pony show is concerned.


Who Is Supplying the Syrian Rebels With Weapons?

The US has repeatedly said it is reluctant to supply arms directly to rebel groups because it is concerned that weapons might end up in the possession of militant jihadist groups.

But on 14 June 2013 Washington said it would give the rebels "direct military aid" after concluding Syrian troops had used chemical weapons.

The CIA is reported to have played an important role behind the scenes since 2012, co-ordinating arms shipments to the rebels by US allies.

In June 2012, US officials said CIA officers were operating in Turkey, helping decide which groups would receive weapons.

The CIA is also reported to have been instrumental in setting up the alleged secret airlift of weapons from Croatia.

There are several reports that indicate dead Ambassador Stevens was coordinating heavy arms shipments from Libya via Turkey into Syria.

InvictusV's photo
Wed 09/18/13 09:41 AM
I find this tidbit interesting about the Navy Yard shooter..

After he returned from a contract job in Japan in Nov. 2012, he didn't seem as easy-going, though.

He felt like he had been cheated out of money from the contract and complained that he was mistreated because he was black, Kristi Suthamtewkal said.

"He felt a lot of discrimination and and racism with white people especially," she said.

There was also a growing sense of entitlement and disrespect, she said. "He did have the tendency to feel like people owed him something all the time."

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 09/18/13 09:48 AM

President Obama has formally authorized American shipments to Syria of non-lethal equipment and supplies specifically aimed at countering the threat of Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons as the world waits for them to be neutralized.

In a signed order, Obama today waived prohibitions of such shipments by the Arms Export Control Act, determining that the assistance is “essential to the national security interests of the United States.”

The materials — including chemical weapons-related personal protective gear and medical supplies —

..nothing here about supplying weapons, only protective gear and medical supplies,,,

You are correct as far as this latest dog and pony show is concerned.


Who Is Supplying the Syrian Rebels With Weapons?

The US has repeatedly said it is reluctant to supply arms directly to rebel groups because it is concerned that weapons might end up in the possession of militant jihadist groups.

But on 14 June 2013 Washington said it would give the rebels "direct military aid" after concluding Syrian troops had used chemical weapons.

The CIA is reported to have played an important role behind the scenes since 2012, co-ordinating arms shipments to the rebels by US allies.

In June 2012, US officials said CIA officers were operating in Turkey, helping decide which groups would receive weapons.

The CIA is also reported to have been instrumental in setting up the alleged secret airlift of weapons from Croatia.

There are several reports that indicate dead Ambassador Stevens was coordinating heavy arms shipments from Libya via Turkey into Syria.

Probably the reason the Obama Administration doesn't want to come clean about that 9/11 Incident in Libya!

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/18/13 09:52 AM
In August, Newport, R.I., police were called to a Marriott Hotel room where Alexis said he was being followed by three people and heard voices coming from his closet. He couldn't sleep because he thought they were using a microwave machine to send vibrations through the ceiling, the police report says.

mental illness isn't easy to detect sometimes,, but it seems he suffered a paranoia not much different than many 'anti government' people ,,,its sad really that it ended this way

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 09/18/13 09:55 AM

In August, Newport, R.I., police were called to a Marriott Hotel room where Alexis said he was being followed by three people and heard voices coming from his closet. He couldn't sleep because he thought they were using a microwave machine to send vibrations through the ceiling, the police report says.

mental illness isn't easy to detect sometimes,, but it seems he suffered a paranoia not much different than many 'anti government' people ,,,its sad really that it ended this way
isn't this statement similar to the one Clinton used about Koresh on National Television before they slaughtered all those People in Waco?
You need to thread very careful making such Statements!

msharmony's photo
Wed 09/18/13 09:56 AM

In August, Newport, R.I., police were called to a Marriott Hotel room where Alexis said he was being followed by three people and heard voices coming from his closet. He couldn't sleep because he thought they were using a microwave machine to send vibrations through the ceiling, the police report says.

mental illness isn't easy to detect sometimes,, but it seems he suffered a paranoia not much different than many 'anti government' people ,,,its sad really that it ended this way
isn't this statement similar to the one Clinton used about Koresh on National Television before they slaughtered all those People in Waco?
You need to thread very careful making such Statements!

or not

mental illness is real
paranoia is real

and IM not the president,,,

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 09/18/13 09:59 AM

In August, Newport, R.I., police were called to a Marriott Hotel room where Alexis said he was being followed by three people and heard voices coming from his closet. He couldn't sleep because he thought they were using a microwave machine to send vibrations through the ceiling, the police report says.

mental illness isn't easy to detect sometimes,, but it seems he suffered a paranoia not much different than many 'anti government' people ,,,its sad really that it ended this way
isn't this statement similar to the one Clinton used about Koresh on National Television before they slaughtered all those People in Waco?
You need to thread very careful making such Statements!

or not

mental illness is real
paranoia is real

and IM not the president,,,
doesn't matter!

no photo
Wed 09/18/13 11:17 AM
Something doesn't add up. If all people need passes to get into the White House, including staff, then it could only be members of staff in disguise who shot victims. Otherwise, how could someone carrying a weapon get past security?