Topic: do men like big girls | |
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Thu 09/19/13 07:51 AM
I am a thin man and I prefer women who don't look like little boys. I don't think skin and bones thin is attractive at all. I prefer a woman between 130-150. Maybe even a little more if she is athletic. Of course there is a point where big is too big but that's also depending on the person looking. Some men really do like very large women and some men are large themselves and prefer someone close to their own weight. I do find slightly larger women the most attractive though. They can still have a thin waist, relatively flat stomach, and weight in all the right places ;) A woman who is 130 pounds is considered slightly larger? No wonder so many women who aren't fat think they're fat. Where I'm from most of my male friends would say that lol I don't think beach areas are very kind :( By slightly larger I meant closer to 150 though. That is insane. Even thinking a girl that is 150 is slightly larger is wrong. Size is not an issue if she takes care of herself and is a good person. Too many people are hung up on "just looks" it is a shame, bc there are so many great girls that feel bad about themselves and they have absolutely no reason to. Well that's a very subjective thing though. I'm only 5'8", I'm athletic and I only weigh 145 lbs. I would prefer to have a mate thats at least relatively near me in size and preferable NOT taller hahaha. It's bad enough when you're dating a girl who's 5'5"(not tall at all) who towers over you in heels. Also I'm young and the first thing that attracts me to a woman is her look. I do think that being shallow is not a bad thing. If a girl doesn't do her makeup, work out, dress nicely, or present herself the way I do it just turns me off to her. Your outward appearance is the first thing people see and judge you off of. Looks aren't the MOST important thing in the world but if you don't care to put out the extra effort to present yourself in a certain manner then you should have no problem with someone like myself who does not giving you a second look. Know what I mean? I do not agree with generalizing that "X" is not an issue if this, this, and this though. Each person is different and if X man ONLY likes women at ~125 then that is his preference and there is nothing wrong with that. Doesn't matter if Y woman has a great personality. This man is looking to engage in a long term relationship. He should not settle for something he doesn't 100% want. Would I date a 600 pound woman even if she was rich, had the perfect compatible personality to myself, was a great person, etc...? No. Why? That's just not what I am looking for in a long term relationship. If you're not sure of what you want inward and outward in a mate won't it be harder to make it through the long haul? Of course there will always be imperfections but to say one is less important than the other is an OPINION. Not X's opinion but yours. Haha sorry for the giant paragraphs. |
Im a skinny guy I like bigger girls for many reasons but if they got some chip abot it and snapping at people ,that what I don't like.
Im a skinny guy I like bigger girls for many reasons but if they got some chip abot it and snapping at people ,that what I don't like. Chip about what? |
i do , big girls are full of life ... and love
xxxxxx |
Women are emotional beings so i have come to realise with my years of earthly living. While, we men are creatures of sight, we are moved by what we see. I think it all boils down to how a woman packages herself. Phat or not. If you have that sparkle that we men crave for . Your golden!
I think they do
My ex always asking me to gain more weights, but I cnt help it, as I dance a lot, ended up he cheated on me with a big girl @@ |
Women are emotional beings so i have come to realise with my years of earthly living. While, we men are creatures of sight, we are moved by what we see. I think it all boils down to how a woman packages herself. Phat or not. If you have that sparkle that we men crave for . Your golden! I agree, many guys have said before there's a lot of chemistry that goes on, outside the shape of your body, there is mental and sexual Chemistry as well. |
As long as shes not got a backside like a 3-piece suite, as thats too big! Then its all good, I say. :-):-)
![]() BORING ! |