Topic: Are you afraid to die?
yelred101's photo
Mon 07/01/13 05:46 PM
I'm a little bit afraid of dying but I think I would be more afraid if I knew I was dying. I don't want to have all that weight on my shoulders my last few days.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 07/01/13 06:32 PM
As far as dying....I'm not so much afraid of that part ....I just don't want to leave sorrow behind... I want to see my grand babies grow up...I want them to know me...and to be able to see my great grand babies.......:heart:

delightfulthots's photo
Mon 07/01/13 08:08 PM
I have faced death many times in my life and I am still here. I have always said that until the Lord decides its time, I am not going to check out. I have been amazed at the 'peace that surpasses all understanding' that has come over me during these many brushes with death, when my initial fear is replaced by the peace of Christ. I can't explain it, it just happens at that time.

Philippians 4:6-9 Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer & petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts & minds in Christ Jesus.
Finally, brothers & sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things. And what you learned & received & heard & saw in me, do these things. And the God of peace will be with you.

We can only live ONE DAY AT A TIME, not any faster than that. That helps me to focus. I can plan for the future but I can only live life one day at a time. I can be in no better place than in the center of God's will.

'For me--to live is Christ and to die--is gain. That is the hope of every Christian. I would wish that for everyone!

I am not going from the land of the living to the land of the dying, I am going from the land of the dying to the land of the living!

I have eternal for me physical death is but a momentary passage into eternity experiencing the life of Jesus.

DirtyRagnar's photo
Wed 07/03/13 04:09 PM
Edited by DirtyRagnar on Wed 07/03/13 04:10 PM

no photo
Fri 07/05/13 10:23 AM
I only fear death because I don't want my daughters to be without a father.

no photo
Fri 07/05/13 02:40 PM
at my age, with my mother, father, all my aunts and uncles gone, i am in the chamber and fear what the future holds. conclusion. i have more fear of living.

Journeyman236's photo
Fri 07/05/13 02:50 PM
Said no to this before but to elaborate
more, I'm actually curious & looking forward
to see what on "the other side" but I'm in no
rush to get there...

LaBellaSoul's photo
Wed 07/10/13 02:21 AM
Just scared of the moments leading up to death.. I wonder if i'll be aware that I'm dying? Not too concerned about the after-life.

It is weird thinking about the world going on after you die and you not being able to experience it.

bikerpilotdanny's photo
Sat 07/13/13 04:45 PM
When it's time to die, it's time to die!

But, because I'm also in the airline business, we've added a twist to that expression: when it's your time, then it's your time! But if it's the Captain's time, then it's ALSO your time!

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 07/13/13 05:44 PM
I'm more afraid of being reincarnated and having to do it again. So, I'm trying to get it right this time.

Jtevans's photo
Sat 07/13/13 06:01 PM
i'm more afraid of someone selling off all my stuff when i die so they can buy lottery tickets sad2

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 07/13/13 06:06 PM

i'm more afraid of someone selling off all my stuff when i die so they can buy lottery tickets sad2

Well, you can't take it with you. :wink:

Jtevans's photo
Sat 07/13/13 06:08 PM

i'm more afraid of someone selling off all my stuff when i die so they can buy lottery tickets sad2

Well, you can't take it with you. :wink:

no but i can be buried with it so i know nobody is selling it :smile: drinker

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 07/13/13 06:11 PM
"Are you afraid to die?"

1 Corinthians 15:54-55 (NIV): "When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”"

For me, death will be the beginning of a new adventure.

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 07/13/13 06:13 PM

i'm more afraid of someone selling off all my stuff when i die so they can buy lottery tickets sad2

Well, you can't take it with you. :wink:

no but i can be buried with it so i know nobody is selling it :smile: drinker


Fair enough. It's your stuff. flowerforyou

Terriann1's photo
Sat 07/13/13 07:23 PM
From first hand experience if your sick and you know that you will only possibly live 3-4 yrs. Your perspective changes greatly. You want to make sure you've rited your wrongs, forgive those that have hurt, put a smile on your face and live each day to the fullest.

Beachfarmer's photo
Sat 07/13/13 08:55 PM
I ain't afraid to sleep. It's the tooth and leg aches that get me.

I'd really miss (or would I) hugs, puppies, and a really perfectly done Mahi Mahi with Papaya Salsa and stuff.......I think most of that would be there if I did my work.

or I'd just sleep...which don't sound bad none neither

unsure's photo
Sat 07/13/13 11:16 PM
Am I afraid to die? I had cancer once and I survived that,
but I did prepare everything just in case I did die. I was
not afraid for myself but I was worried about my boys because
they were still in school and they would have been up-rooted
and would had to move with their dad.
I am actually looking forward to seeing my Dad again and all of
my loved ones. I have 4 friends that just passed away since
January so I have lots of catching up to do with them.
I am hoping that God makes my passing easy, but they say that
God doesn't give us more then we can handle. I guess when it
is our time to leave this life, we join our loved ones and
start our new journey with them. flowerforyou

Tulareman's photo
Sun 07/14/13 01:35 AM
I feel the same way as Dodo feels. I am also looking forward to the new adventure. And seeing Christ face to face.

kalee_go's photo
Wed 07/17/13 03:04 PM

i heard tht once u r 100 years u will get new teeth lol.. how does tht sound?

Woo Hoo!