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Topic: Two more states allow same sex marriage.
no photo
Fri 05/10/13 11:45 AM

For or against, anyone who begins their argument with the assumption that government is obligated to regulate ANY type of marriage between two consenting adults is fundamentally wrong....Marriage is a PRIVATE institution; it is often RELIGIOUS in nature...Federal government has no right to interfere....Don't forget that it was government involvement in marriage that made it possible for states to ban inter-racial marriages...In a republic, the rights of heterosexuals and homosexuals are IDENTICAL...The PRIMARY responsibility of government is to defend these rights by upholding the constitution...As long as marriage is a VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION between consenting adults, no one has the right to interfere ...Same sex marriage is not the problem, government overreach is the problem....

People keep saying this, but what about the laws concerning divorce? i rarely hear of people willing to amicable in a divorce...

For the most part, state law governs marriage and divorce...Federal government has no right or responsibility in either....By not recognizing same sex marriages, states invite involvement at federal level ... Constitutionally speaking, every "type" of marriage between consenting adults should be permitted and recognized as a legally binding contract in every state in the union...If this were the case, the need for federal involvement in same sex marriage and divorce issues would all but cease to exist....Very few, if any, heterosexual divorce issues reach federal level because their constitutionality is being questioned....
right on, babe :wink:

no photo
Fri 05/10/13 11:55 AM
of course the irony of the argument that government should stay out of it is the demand that government be involved in it,,,lol

laugh laugh

:angry: I demand the government pass and enforce laws forbidding the government from passing and enforcing laws where they get involved with our private sex lives!

msharmony's photo
Fri 05/10/13 01:33 PM
Edited by msharmony on Fri 05/10/13 01:35 PM

For or against, anyone who begins their argument with the assumption that government is obligated to regulate ANY type of marriage between two consenting adults is fundamentally wrong....Marriage is a PRIVATE institution; it is often RELIGIOUS in nature...Federal government has no right to interfere....Don't forget that it was government involvement in marriage that made it possible for states to ban inter-racial marriages...In a republic, the rights of heterosexuals and homosexuals are IDENTICAL...The PRIMARY responsibility of government is to defend these rights by upholding the constitution...As long as marriage is a VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION between consenting adults, no one has the right to interfere ...Same sex marriage is not the problem, government overreach is the problem....

People keep saying this, but what about the laws concerning divorce? i rarely hear of people willing to amicable in a divorce...

For the most part, state law governs marriage and divorce...Federal government has no right or responsibility in either....By not recognizing same sex marriages, states invite involvement at federal level ... Constitutionally speaking, every "type" of marriage between consenting adults should be permitted and recognized as a legally binding contract in every state in the union...If this were the case, the need for federal involvement in same sex marriage and divorce issues would all but cease to exist....Very few, if any, heterosexual divorce issues reach federal level because their constitutionality is being questioned....
right on, babe :wink:

Constitutionally speaking, every "type" of marriage between consenting adults should be permitted and recognized as a legally binding contract in every state in the union

what part of the constitution says this...?

the constitution says nothing about marriage or marriage being a 'right'

marriage is, legally speaking, a contract involving sexual consummation

actually, I believe the constitutional argument would only be that the states should be able to define state sanctioned marriage,,,,,as this is not an explicit function of 'congress'.....

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 05/10/13 01:57 PM
Government Benefits

This is one of the largest reasons to get married, because the government provides a lot of benefits exclusively to married couples. A small sample of these benefits include Social Security benefits, health care benefits, nursing home care, and unpaid leave from your job to care for family members. Federal benefits are not available to same-sex married couples for the most part, but benefits may be available under state law.

Typically, legal marriage is the most reliable way to become a citizen in the U.S.

One of the effects of marriage's joint property status is that if you divorce, regardless of who is at fault, both partners are often entitled to half of the property accumulated during the marriage, depending on whether the divorce occurs in a community property state. Note that this also applies to liability for debts.

Married couples also have a right to seek alimony, whereas unmarried couples may have to account for this in a pre-marriage agreement

jessejames2's photo
Fri 05/10/13 02:00 PM

The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century.

And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused.

Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right.

no photo
Fri 05/10/13 02:59 PM

The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century.

And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused.

Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right.

I don't have any right to do what?
Talk about Wisconsin?

I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular.

Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread.

This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE.

You are so territorial. laugh

no photo
Fri 05/10/13 03:30 PM

For or against, anyone who begins their argument with the assumption that government is obligated to regulate ANY type of marriage between two consenting adults is fundamentally wrong....Marriage is a PRIVATE institution; it is often RELIGIOUS in nature...Federal government has no right to interfere....Don't forget that it was government involvement in marriage that made it possible for states to ban inter-racial marriages...In a republic, the rights of heterosexuals and homosexuals are IDENTICAL...The PRIMARY responsibility of government is to defend these rights by upholding the constitution...As long as marriage is a VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION between consenting adults, no one has the right to interfere ...Same sex marriage is not the problem, government overreach is the problem....

People keep saying this, but what about the laws concerning divorce? i rarely hear of people willing to amicable in a divorce...

For the most part, state law governs marriage and divorce...Federal government has no right or responsibility in either....By not recognizing same sex marriages, states invite involvement at federal level ... Constitutionally speaking, every "type" of marriage between consenting adults should be permitted and recognized as a legally binding contract in every state in the union...If this were the case, the need for federal involvement in same sex marriage and divorce issues would all but cease to exist....Very few, if any, heterosexual divorce issues reach federal level because their constitutionality is being questioned....
right on, babe :wink:

Constitutionally speaking, every "type" of marriage between consenting adults should be permitted and recognized as a legally binding contract in every state in the union

what part of the constitution says this...?

the constitution says nothing about marriage or marriage being a 'right'

marriage is, legally speaking, a contract involving sexual consummation

actually, I believe the constitutional argument would only be that the states should be able to define state sanctioned marriage,,,,,as this is not an explicit function of 'congress'.....

Thats my POINT Harmony!..There is NO mention of marriage anywhere in the Constitution...According to the 9th and 10th amendments, any power that is NOT explicitly given to the federal government in the Constitution is reserved for the people and/or the states....Constitutionally speaking, gay men and women have EXACTLY the same rights as straight men and women...

jessejames2's photo
Fri 05/10/13 04:23 PM

The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century.

And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused.

Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right.

I don't have any right to do what?
Talk about Wisconsin?

I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular.

Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread.

This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE.

You are so territorial. laugh

You aren't very good at fallacies--strange since you use a list of them quite frequently. The topic is clearly about the goal of having every state cave in to others' views from different states. That is what is ridiculous. I vote in my state. You do not vote in my state. Get that through your head. Now, when you use words like "should" and "need", it leaves no room for any type of conceptualization whatsoever and everyone knows that's insane.

So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone. You want people to think one thing, to see one thing, to end all thought and submit. That's never going to happen no matter what laws there are. Sorry, but that's just pure fantasy.

If you haven't noticed, take a look at the crime rate for my great state, then go ahead and make with that sarcastic laugh emoticon thingy.

no photo
Fri 05/10/13 06:05 PM

of course the irony of the argument that government should stay out of it is the demand that government be involved in it,,,lol

laugh laugh

:angry: I demand the government pass and enforce laws forbidding the government from passing and enforcing laws where they get involved with our private sex lives!

what are you hiding?

Kleisto's photo
Fri 05/10/13 07:23 PM
Edited by Kleisto on Fri 05/10/13 07:29 PM

The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century.

And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused.

Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right.

I don't have any right to do what?
Talk about Wisconsin?

I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular.

Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread.

This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE.

You are so territorial. laugh

You aren't very good at fallacies--strange since you use a list of them quite frequently. The topic is clearly about the goal of having every state cave in to others' views from different states. That is what is ridiculous. I vote in my state. You do not vote in my state. Get that through your head. Now, when you use words like "should" and "need", it leaves no room for any type of conceptualization whatsoever and everyone knows that's insane.

So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone. You want people to think one thing, to see one thing, to end all thought and submit. That's never going to happen no matter what laws there are. Sorry, but that's just pure fantasy.

People can think anything they want, no one is gonna say they can't, but what they CAN'T or at least SHOULDN'T be able to do is impact public policy and what a person can or can't do irrespective of them through those thoughts. No one should have a right to tell someone else how to live simply because they don't like it. That's where your right ends where theirs begin. It's really that simple. You don't have to like it, you don't have to agree with it, but unless there is proof of harm to you directly, you cannot tell them to stop it or force them to.

I don't agree with mainstream religion and churches, but I cannot tell you you can't be a part of them just because I disagree. We either live in a society where we ALL have rights or no one does, because once you allow one's to be taken away you open the door for yours to be taken as well. If we value our rights at all, we will protect them all not just the ones that suit us. Otherwise, we are asking for them to be removed completely.

no photo
Fri 05/10/13 07:40 PM

The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century.

And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused.

Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right.

I don't have any right to do what?
Talk about Wisconsin?

I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular.

Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread.

This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE.

You are so territorial. laugh

You aren't very good at fallacies--strange since you use a list of them quite frequently.

I don't know what you are talking about or why you have taken to making this subject about me.

what what

The topic is clearly about the goal of having every state cave in to others' views from different states. That is what is ridiculous.

Really? You should read the original O.P. I don't see how it is about that at all. You seem to be reading a lot into something that simply is not there.

I vote in my state. You do not vote in my state.

Voting is just giving someone else the permission to govern you. I don't vote in any State, but has nothing to do with why I feel your statement is ridiculous. It is ridiculous because you think gay sex needs to be 'legalized.'

Get that through your head.

I don't vote in any state.

Now, when you use words like "should" and "need", it leaves no room for any type of conceptualization whatsoever and everyone knows that's insane.

My opinion is simply my opinion. I'm really sorry you have a problem with it.

Back to the subject or your remark, I have a question. Does Wisconsin have laws on the books making gay sex illegal?

So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone.

Well, I'm sure I am probably considered biased on many topics.

But your statement about "The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin.." is still pretty ridiculous.

(Again, is gay sex illegal in Wisconsin?)

You want people to think one thing, to see one thing, to end all thought and submit. That's never going to happen no matter what laws there are. Sorry, but that's just pure fantasy.

How would you have a clue about what I want people to think? Are you even talking to me, or are you talking to yourself? Where are you getting all these assumptions anyway?

If you haven't noticed, take a look at the crime rate for my great state, then go ahead and make with that sarcastic laugh emoticon thingy.

Okay I am going to assume that you live in Wisconsin as you keep referring to "my great state."

So you live and vote in Wisconsin and you don't think they will legalize gay marriage because they are so Christian and moral and you think the crime rate is low and probably because of that.

But I don't see that the crime rate in Wisconsin is special or low at all. It has more robbery than most states, and more forcible rape and murder than California and some others according to this:


no photo
Fri 05/10/13 08:05 PM
Edited by techknowlove on Fri 05/10/13 08:08 PM
Why the he ll is gay marriage and cranberry juice mentioned in the same sentence? If it's meant as a slur against the homosexual culture it's a lame a$s one. If belittling others puts a feather in your cap, atleast be original.

jessejames2's photo
Fri 05/10/13 10:00 PM

Why the he ll is gay marriage and cranberry juice mentioned in the same sentence? If it's meant as a slur against the homosexual culture it's a lame a$s one. If belittling others puts a feather in your cap, atleast be original.

Hello there. I suppose you've never seen The Departed.

If this and if that? I can play that game as well. If you were a banana I would want to peel and eat you. If you smelled like barn I wouldn't sit next to you. If one loves asking questions, one might want to wait for the answers.

jessejames2's photo
Fri 05/10/13 10:36 PM

The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century.

And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused.

Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right.

I don't have any right to do what?
Talk about Wisconsin?

I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular.

Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread.

This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE.

You are so territorial. laugh

You aren't very good at fallacies--strange since you use a list of them quite frequently. The topic is clearly about the goal of having every state cave in to others' views from different states. That is what is ridiculous. I vote in my state. You do not vote in my state. Get that through your head. Now, when you use words like "should" and "need", it leaves no room for any type of conceptualization whatsoever and everyone knows that's insane.

So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone. You want people to think one thing, to see one thing, to end all thought and submit. That's never going to happen no matter what laws there are. Sorry, but that's just pure fantasy.

People can think anything they want, no one is gonna say they can't, but what they CAN'T or at least SHOULDN'T be able to do is impact public policy and what a person can or can't do irrespective of them through those thoughts. No one should have a right to tell someone else how to live simply because they don't like it. That's where your right ends where theirs begin. It's really that simple. You don't have to like it, you don't have to agree with it, but unless there is proof of harm to you directly, you cannot tell them to stop it or force them to.

I don't agree with mainstream religion and churches, but I cannot tell you you can't be a part of them just because I disagree. We either live in a society where we ALL have rights or no one does, because once you allow one's to be taken away you open the door for yours to be taken as well. If we value our rights at all, we will protect them all not just the ones that suit us. Otherwise, we are asking for them to be removed completely.

I'm not sure you realize fully why people take stances and vote. They exercise their rights as well as voicing their opinions with their own greater life prospects and so forth in mind. Not doing so does not indicate any type of acquiescence. This is not a society, it is a culture of many different societies. To think the entire country is of common means for common ends is incorrect. In this particular neck of the woods, we feel that the greatest thing to be protected is the traditional family.... the single greatest. By popular vote, we banned same-sex marriage. Seen? Rights.

jessejames2's photo
Fri 05/10/13 10:54 PM

So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone.

Well, I'm sure I am probably considered biased on many topics.

I rest my case. I knew I'd get it out of you somehow. Consider yourself owned.

msharmony's photo
Sat 05/11/13 12:18 AM

Government Benefits

This is one of the largest reasons to get married, because the government provides a lot of benefits exclusively to married couples. A small sample of these benefits include Social Security benefits, health care benefits, nursing home care, and unpaid leave from your job to care for family members. Federal benefits are not available to same-sex married couples for the most part, but benefits may be available under state law.

Typically, legal marriage is the most reliable way to become a citizen in the U.S.

One of the effects of marriage's joint property status is that if you divorce, regardless of who is at fault, both partners are often entitled to half of the property accumulated during the marriage, depending on whether the divorce occurs in a community property state. Note that this also applies to liability for debts.

Married couples also have a right to seek alimony, whereas unmarried couples may have to account for this in a pre-marriage agreement

all these things could be taken care of with a 'registered partnership',,,I think thats a great idea of giving the same equal CIVIL Rights without being involved with the sexual relations or lack of sexual relations

this would also be great for people abstaining but who are close to a family member and wish to join lives and assets for their kids

or for those who are single parents and want to join assets and lives with a family member that they have known and trusted instead of some possibly fleeting sexual partnership...

msharmony's photo
Sat 05/11/13 12:20 AM

For or against, anyone who begins their argument with the assumption that government is obligated to regulate ANY type of marriage between two consenting adults is fundamentally wrong....Marriage is a PRIVATE institution; it is often RELIGIOUS in nature...Federal government has no right to interfere....Don't forget that it was government involvement in marriage that made it possible for states to ban inter-racial marriages...In a republic, the rights of heterosexuals and homosexuals are IDENTICAL...The PRIMARY responsibility of government is to defend these rights by upholding the constitution...As long as marriage is a VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION between consenting adults, no one has the right to interfere ...Same sex marriage is not the problem, government overreach is the problem....

People keep saying this, but what about the laws concerning divorce? i rarely hear of people willing to amicable in a divorce...

For the most part, state law governs marriage and divorce...Federal government has no right or responsibility in either....By not recognizing same sex marriages, states invite involvement at federal level ... Constitutionally speaking, every "type" of marriage between consenting adults should be permitted and recognized as a legally binding contract in every state in the union...If this were the case, the need for federal involvement in same sex marriage and divorce issues would all but cease to exist....Very few, if any, heterosexual divorce issues reach federal level because their constitutionality is being questioned....
right on, babe :wink:

Constitutionally speaking, every "type" of marriage between consenting adults should be permitted and recognized as a legally binding contract in every state in the union

what part of the constitution says this...?

the constitution says nothing about marriage or marriage being a 'right'

marriage is, legally speaking, a contract involving sexual consummation

actually, I believe the constitutional argument would only be that the states should be able to define state sanctioned marriage,,,,,as this is not an explicit function of 'congress'.....

Thats my POINT Harmony!..There is NO mention of marriage anywhere in the Constitution...According to the 9th and 10th amendments, any power that is NOT explicitly given to the federal government in the Constitution is reserved for the people and/or the states....Constitutionally speaking, gay men and women have EXACTLY the same rights as straight men and women...

they sure do, to marry a woman if they are a man or a man if they are a woman.....

constitution doesnt mention special consideration of 'sexual preference'....

Kleisto's photo
Sat 05/11/13 02:04 AM
Edited by Kleisto on Sat 05/11/13 02:07 AM

The day they legalize gay sex in Wisconsin is the day its hunters turn in their rifles for a glass of cranberry juice.

What a ridiculous thing to say.

Gay sex does not have to be "legalized." As far as I know there are no laws against it, at least laws that can be enforced. If Wisconsin still has any laws against what people can do in private con-sensually, they need to come into this century.

And what does gay marriage have to do with cranberry juice? I'm confused.

Everything you've said is ridiculous. Now, I can talk about my great state....what we need and don't need. You don't have any right.

I don't have any right to do what?
Talk about Wisconsin?

I'm not really talking about Wisconsin in particular.

Any state that still has any laws against what two consenting adults can do in private needs to come into this century. You are the one who brought Wisconsin into the subject of this thread.

This thread is not about who you should be able to have sex with, its about SAME SEX MARRIAGE.

You are so territorial. laugh

You aren't very good at fallacies--strange since you use a list of them quite frequently. The topic is clearly about the goal of having every state cave in to others' views from different states. That is what is ridiculous. I vote in my state. You do not vote in my state. Get that through your head. Now, when you use words like "should" and "need", it leaves no room for any type of conceptualization whatsoever and everyone knows that's insane.

So, instead of *****-footing around like a little girl, why don't you just go ahead and proclaim that you're just as biased and bigoted as anyone. You want people to think one thing, to see one thing, to end all thought and submit. That's never going to happen no matter what laws there are. Sorry, but that's just pure fantasy.

People can think anything they want, no one is gonna say they can't, but what they CAN'T or at least SHOULDN'T be able to do is impact public policy and what a person can or can't do irrespective of them through those thoughts. No one should have a right to tell someone else how to live simply because they don't like it. That's where your right ends where theirs begin. It's really that simple. You don't have to like it, you don't have to agree with it, but unless there is proof of harm to you directly, you cannot tell them to stop it or force them to.

I don't agree with mainstream religion and churches, but I cannot tell you you can't be a part of them just because I disagree. We either live in a society where we ALL have rights or no one does, because once you allow one's to be taken away you open the door for yours to be taken as well. If we value our rights at all, we will protect them all not just the ones that suit us. Otherwise, we are asking for them to be removed completely.

I'm not sure you realize fully why people take stances and vote. They exercise their rights as well as voicing their opinions with their own greater life prospects and so forth in mind. Not doing so does not indicate any type of acquiescence. This is not a society, it is a culture of many different societies. To think the entire country is of common means for common ends is incorrect. In this particular neck of the woods, we feel that the greatest thing to be protected is the traditional family.... the single greatest. By popular vote, we banned same-sex marriage. Seen? Rights.

No one has true rights if someone else can take them away on a whim. Rights cannot be taken away, if they can be they are no longer rights.

This is the flaw in a democratic society, it only protects those with the votes, it doesn't protect everyone. It's like a sheep and 2 wolves deciding what's for dinner, the lone sheep loses out. That's not the America, not the world I prefer to live in. What a person can or cannot do in their private lives should never come down to a vote.

You even say it yourself, we are a culture of many different societies......why are we trying to force everyone to act according to one?

no photo
Sat 05/11/13 07:01 AM
I say, let the homosexuals get married as long as one wears a wedding dress and that they serve cranberry juice cocktails at the reception.drinker

HappyBun's photo
Sat 05/11/13 07:17 AM

I say, let the homosexuals get married as long as one wears a wedding dress and that they serve cranberry juice cocktails at the reception.drinker
You should start a wedding arranging service I am sure you have plenty of ideas as to what men should wear and drink.

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