Topic: Paganism | |
You and Art are two of the wisest happy silly funster's I've had the honor of meeting so far. Make it three, Kat's gotta be included in there. If I've missed anybody, don't be shy, jump on in and add your names. We can have a Foolish Tarot free for all...
Speaking of Tarot, has anyone seen the Red Violin?
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============================================================== Excerpt 1: “The original evidence for the virgin birth is found only in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, two unknown historians, and both these evangelists implicitly deny their own tale when they trace the descent of Jesus from David through Joseph.” Here Floyd shows that the authors (Matthew and Luke) contradict themselves by first claiming that Jesus was born of a virgin, and then proclaiming Jesus inherited right to be the King of Israel by tracing the lineage of King David to Joseph. But they just got done saying that Joseph wasn’t Jesus’ father! They contradict their own story. ============================================================== I know we have covered this before, according to Jewish tradition, a child could be accepted as the fathers and receive full rights to the fathers inheritance. Any children produced by the child would be considered to belong to the father's blood line. There is one instance in the Bible wherein a young man of the line of Levi arrives at the house of an old man. The old man adopts the young Levite (who was of adult years) and the young man was considered his son from then on. Those sorts of things were common. Joseph was adopted by his father-in-law Heli, because Heli had no male heirs to carry on his blood-line. So when Joseph accepted Jesus as his son, Jesus became Joseph's son and was fully entitled to David's throne. You aren't going to find any contradictions in the Bible, so you need to just reject the Bible as a whole without trying to find justification in the Bible containing "contradictions". It's not going to happen, people have been trying unsuccessfully for 2000 years. |
No, I just googled it to make sure it was a movie? Sounds interesting though. What does it have to do with tarot. Sounds almost like a musical version of the Monkey's Paw.
Spider, the Bible also covers Mary's lineage when they do Jesus's lineage backwards from Jesus in the same chapter. I posted it in that same thread. Mary's sounds more like what was written about in Isaiah (If I spelled that wrong, I 'pologize, he's spelled different in the bible than the American version I'm used to).
Wench wrote:
“No, I just googled it to make sure it was a movie? Sounds interesting though. What does it have to do with tarot. Sounds almost like a musical version of the Monkey's Paw.” A lady in the beginning of the movie uses Tarot to foretell the history of the violin maker’s wife’s baby. For reasons disclosed at the end of the movie the violin itself takes on the spirit of mother and her baby and the foretelling of the Tarot comes true for the violin itself. The movie reveals the reason for this at the end (like it is supposed to be a ‘twist’). But, I personally feel that they could have just included that information at the onset without loss of suspense. In any case, the movie is well done, you should check it out. I think you might enjoy it. |
Spider wrote:
“You aren't going to find any contradictions in the Bible, so you need to just reject the Bible as a whole without trying to find justification in the Bible containing "contradictions". It's not going to happen, people have been trying unsuccessfully for 2000 years.” Sorry Spider, the Bible is riddled with them from the first book on. And obviously I’m not the only one who has recognized this. This is why I have rejected it. It can’t possibly be true. Thank you for voicing your opinion, and have a good day! ![]() |
Jess you are right there........not doing it here.....let the pagans hang out in this one.....
The Red Violin - an excellent movie. It's been so long since I've seen it - oh, wish I had more time to watch it again.
I watched three time in one week. Maybe I'm not too perceptive when I'm enjoying the view (oxymoron) but each time I watched it I found something I had missed the first time. Excellent movie, indeed. |
Awww...I feel all left out... former strict christian belief system which has been evolving into so much more of a complete and loving belief system... universally... if you will... I believe that the love of the creator is and has been everywhere for everyone since the beginning... in the forests, in the sky, in the water, desert, etc., etc.
Cheers to all who have whichever they choose. A complete and comfortable idea that causes positive thoughts and therefore actions... for the good of all... I absolutely love nature and this beautiful earth upon which humans have forced themselves into the forefront of it's very existence...egotistically speaking... Zat mean I am "part" pagan? I have a self proclaiming Pagan friend who owns a small store which sells books and collectibles, etc. In this store she also teaches Tarot card reading and such... Wonderfully peaceful spirit... She tells me that I am a Pagan, but I just do not know it Peace to all... |
Red wrote:
"I watched three time in one week. Maybe I'm not too perceptive when I'm enjoying the view (oxymoron) but each time I watched it I found something I had missed the first time." Yes, it's quite the journey. And there are a lot of intricacies that slip by the first time through. I think it’s sad though that the “Hero” of the film turns out to be a thief. I mean, the way it’s portrayed we’re almost rooting for him. But at the same time, stealing is wrong. At least I think it would be in that contextual situation. In a sense, the movie is almost condoning the theft. Too bad they couldn’t have made it turn out where he got the violin legitimately somehow. They could have a sequel where his daughter grows up to become a great violinist, marries, and has a son who turns out to be the spirit of the original unborn child and is even a greater violinist. Then he could travel back to his original birth place and find the Tarot cards still lying on the table after all these years! Wouldn't it be fun to be a movie producer and get to make these movies? ![]() |
Creative Soul part, full, 3/4, whatever, be you
![]() sorry song flash back.............. |
Paganism wicca and Asatru- ( me ) have been around since the begining of time out dating christianity by hundred's of thousands of years.Christianity stole alot of sacred things from pagans.They enslaved and killed pagans for not converting.Christianity is a man made religion designed to control the masses.
Asatru places an exceptionally high value on human freedom and on individuality. This applies bolth in worldly and in spiritual matters, and is so strong that we honor our dieties, but do not grovel before them . To us, the Gods and Goddesses
are models, inspirations, friends ; but never are they our masters or we their slaves. We do not bow before them when we call on them, nor do we surrender our human sovereignty to them. We do not beg from them, sacrificing freedom for a handout. It is true that Odin, our high God, is called "All Father", but this does not implie inferiority or submissiveness on our part. Among the Norse peoples and in Germanic societies generally, defiance and strength of will were considered favorable traits in children, for they indicated a capacity for self-responsibility and independance. So it is between us and our Gods. |