Topic: Paganism
no photo
Wed 10/17/07 09:42 PM
Be careful with Chaos Magic there Lizard. Very dangerous. Seriously. I am sure you are familiar with Enochian Magic... Crazy stuff there. I quit all that stuff because things got out of hand. Best choice I ever made.

transientmind's photo
Wed 10/17/07 09:46 PM
Although I identify with Adventism (SDA) and Spiritual/Christian Humanism, I do practice some dowsing, agree with a great deal of Native American philosophy and I believe that positive energy can be at least as powerful as a spoken-word prayer.

...And astrology's growing on me...


XaiverRoshai's photo
Wed 10/17/07 09:49 PM
Astrology is do you feel about Tarot?

transientmind's photo
Wed 10/17/07 10:42 PM
Well, there are certain elements of randomization in Tarot that I don't see basing my life on. I DO think that, like a ouija board, there can be another force behind it.

With my personal beliefs about the soul sleeping in death rather than being active, I don't think it's the dead... which leaves light or dark spirits.

"Try the spirit," consider the motives behind what you're being told.

XaiverRoshai's photo
Wed 10/17/07 11:32 PM
I've never looked at it that way, actually. I can definitely see your point though, about the influences behind it. I actually stopped using my tarot a while back. The one thing that I don't like, is to even have a glimpse of the future. Because in my opinion, the future is the unknown...and I'd rather keep it that way as much as I can.

And if the Tarot were wrong in it's reading, it could potentially become self-fulfilling, or worse, you could be worrying about nothing.

Although, yes, generally <agree> on that point.

transientmind's photo
Thu 10/18/07 12:05 AM
Yeah, can't argue with you on the the psychology aspect (chaos theory, if I remember correctly)... what if my subconscious fears somehow affected it and I believe the reading? Suicide by fear.

If I'm going to have a terrible accident, I want it to be a surprise.laugh

XaiverRoshai's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:31 AM
Exactly. And what about the reading that say "You'll find true love this month" Wouldn't you rather be surprised to find it, instead of worrying about screwing it up once you get there?

That's me anyhow, I'd rather kind of go with the flow, if you will.

lizardking19's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:39 AM
if find moonwater scrying to be far more effectve than taro

XaiverRoshai's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:45 AM
Ahh, well like I said before, I don't use tarot anymore. I use raw energy for everything that I do...if it doesn't work, throw more energy at it. May be a bit more time consuming than forming it, but it's what I've learned.

XaiverRoshai's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:45 AM
Ahh, well like I said before, I don't use tarot anymore. I use raw energy for everything that I do...if it doesn't work, throw more energy at it. May be a bit more time consuming than forming it, but it's what I've learned.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:46 AM
Different strokes for different folks and Thank You Universe, it's so.

XaiverRoshai's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:05 PM

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/18/07 07:17 PM
If anyone can predict that I’ll find true love this month, please feel free to do it!

I keep my eyes open at this end. :wink:

XaiverRoshai's photo
Thu 10/18/07 08:53 PM
I certainly wish that I could, sir. But I don't much believe in "true love" I believe that humans were designed to be able to move on if something befell their mate. Otherwise, whole generations would drop off the planet at the same time...and it would double our death ratio...however, that would make an excellent population

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/18/07 09:20 PM
I’m not sure how you are using the term “True Love”. Sounds like you are taking it to mean ‘soulmate’. Like you can only have one possible ‘true love’

I don’t think of it that way.

I have ‘true love’ in my heart to share. Anyone I fall in love with I will give my ‘true love’ to.

If she happens to also have ‘true love’ in her heart, then we will share our ‘true love’ together.

But if something should happen to one of us, that doesn’t mean that we can’t find ‘true love’ again.

Perhaps you use the term to mean something differnet from the way I use it?


creationsfire's photo
Thu 10/18/07 09:53 PM
I also generally believe SDA, but have a tarot and crystal ball. The terot never told me anything I didn't already know. But the ball, that is a very differnet story and I don't use it much at al anymore even though what it did show me was for my own good and a positve experience. I just keep to myself most of the time on subjects like this, but tonight I'm feeling the urge to avtually participate a bit....even in the stinking politics forum which I will not go bak to, ugh.

LadyValkyrie37's photo
Wed 10/31/07 07:17 AM
Christian Pagan Witch here... just call me a Pagan for short. Message me anytime.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Wed 10/31/07 08:53 AM
LadyV, at first I read this and went ----- Wh--at?

Sister Shaman 'splained it to me though, so I then went Oh! Okay, that'll work........

adj4u's photo
Wed 10/31/07 10:00 AM
is there such a thing magic man

i am thinking it is a delusional illusion

does that make it magic

insert head scratching emoticon here

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 10/31/07 10:50 AM
Robin wrote:
“is there such a thing magic man”

I believe there is. But for it to exist people need to be pretty down-to-earth. I have yet to find a down-to-earth partner, and so I wouldn’t know.

It’s not going to work if one of the couple has their head in the clouds. That just causes unrealistic expectations and that’s not going to work.

People say that we need to love ourselves before we can love another, and I’m sure that’s true. But we also need to get our heads out of the clouds and our feet firmly planted on the ground. If you have expectations of your partner you’re already lost. I mean, other than the normal expectation of honesty. But honest certainly isn’t enough. You can be honest as hell, but if you’re constantly harping on your partner to do this and do that then that honesty isn’t going to mean much. The bottom line is that most people don’t like to be ordered around.

In other words, any woman who can be happy coexisting with me might have a chance at finding true love, but if she has agendas and thinks I’m going to be her boy toy she’s totally delusional. By the way, I mean that entirely in the platonic sense.

In other words, if she’s looking for a free “gopher” who will jump every time she wants something then she’s got her head in the clouds. Love isn’t about becoming someone’s personal servant.

Hmmmm? When I typed that I just realized how odd that sounds. In a human relationship we would puke at such a notion, yet in a religious sense people are always talking about loving god by becoming his personal servant. How weird is that? huh