Topic: How the Tea Party is to Blame for Bombing
no photo
Sat 04/20/13 05:42 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,

He means after the bombers bombed the city. They were armed and at large. One was found in someone's boat. It wasn't a question of guns vs bombs. He's referring to these armed psychos, Running around peoples backyards and boats hiding from police. Then these civilians unable to defend themselves from them. Simply because some liberal morons think its a better idea to take your guns away and leave you defenseless. It amazes me how hell bent liberals are to push a communist agenda. That they have such little regard for human American lives. Were under threat of nuclear war from North Korea. Every Al Qaida Jihadist A-hole wants to bomb and kill all americans. Followed by cyber attacks by China. Yet Libs want to disarm the American people. No matter how many americans may die should one of these attacks or several at a time may even occur. Which we'd be powerless to defend ourselves in the American mainland. Cause people like Feinstein want us to turn in our guns. Though the hypocrite herself has a concealed weapons permit. tsk tsk

as I recall, no civilians were harmed with GUNS, the only death from guns were those who HAD GUNS THEMSELF

so I still dont see the relevance to gun control,,,,

You don't see the relevance, That 2 armed gunman were running around the city. After bombing the boston marathon. Proving they had killed and were ready to kill again? You can't make the mental connection, That a gun would stop these killers. From killing you? If you can't do that simple equation, I'm afraid I cannot help you understand.

InvictusV's photo
Sat 04/20/13 07:49 PM
Edited by InvictusV on Sat 04/20/13 07:54 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


no photo
Sat 04/20/13 08:30 PM
Well Said

msharmony's photo
Sat 04/20/13 08:37 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


alot of IFS that didnt happen in this case, still making it irrelevant to the gun control debate,,,

yes, please answer how a natural born citizen having the rights given them in the CONSTITUTION has anything to do with either OBama or gun control or this case

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 09:53 AM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


alot of IFS that didnt happen in this case, still making it irrelevant to the gun control debate,,,

yes, please answer how a natural born citizen having the rights given them in the CONSTITUTION has anything to do with either OBama or gun control or this case

Didn't happen? They had a shootout with police, while running around armed through peoples neighborhoods. You don't see the relevance to that and protecting your life with a firearm while they were at large? Some people are so far to the left, They fell off the cliff. Then landed in Al Sharpton's lap. When you can't make a simple connection like this. This is right up there with the liberal media saying "Lets hope its a white guy who did this" before they caught the Jihadist perpetrators. Not only was it insulting, But just as ridiculous as this. Can you say brainwashed?

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 04/21/13 10:03 AM

Traumer's photo
Sun 04/21/13 10:43 AM
Reading over these bizarre attempts at being rational and lucid opinions and descriptions of what occurred in this entire matter, I laugh when I recall one of 'Boston's Finest' ranting on about whoever did the bombing as being 'intellectually dysfunctional and stunted' in trying to justify their deed; he should read these rants....
I'm not at all surprised that no one has yet seen the motivation for this attack; no one here has , obviously, paid any attention to the war in Chechnya, especially during the first phase back in 1994 to "95 with the Russian assault and destruction of Grozny under then Russian President Yeltsin. The American govt. basic policy, when there were cries for US or UN intervention, was that the war in Chechnya was basically 'an internal matter' (like a US state that tried to secede from the Union) and the US was NOT going to intervene, nor make any formal protests. Needless to say, this was devastating news to the people of Chechnya who then issued statements to the effect that it was the fault of the US that the Russians were being allowed to slaughter them. Newspaper accounts were full of this ...and people here wonder why 2 radicalized pseudo Chechnyan patriots planted bombs in their US home ground: it was payback time for what many Chechnyans believe in that the US was directly responsible for what the Russians did to them. Convoluted logic, to be sure, but then, emotional upsets of that scale are never really logical, especially by those directly involved and their 'logic' will be passed on to others that come after them; that is and should be perfectly normal and logical...
The older brother made a rather telling remark on one of his posts that he did not understand the Americans at all, well, for what it's worth neither does most of the world; in some regions much more so than others, such as the Middle East, and most of Africa; basically wherever the US has their boots on the ground. It is always perceived as having their boots on their necks and they deeply resent it and one day, in some form or another, they will pay the US goes US foreign policy. Perhaps people should re-read the Farewell Addresses of George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower...

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 04/21/13 10:43 AM

BREAKING: Senator Lautenberg Introduces Legislation to Regulate Gunpowder
April 20 2013

Are you listening hunters? I know many hunters prefer to hand load their hunting cartridges to really dial in the accuracy of their rifles. Well, doing that could become more cumbersome and more expensive if Senator Lautenberg has his way.

The senator is introducing legislation that would require the sale of gunpowder of all types to be subject to a background check during the purchasing process.

Obviously, this will raise the price of gunpowder and make ordering online nearly impossible.

Currently, a person may have 50lbs of black powder on hand. This is an amount that would be appropriate for shooters who like to reload their own ammo to save money and create more accurate cartridges.

The full press release from the senator’s office is below:

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In the wake of the deadly bombing attacks in Boston, U.S. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) today announced that he will reintroduce legislation he has proposed in a prior Congress to require that sales of explosive powder be subject to a background check. He will also file the legislation as an amendment to the gun violence prevention bill currently on the Senate floor.

Current law allows an individual to purchase as much as 50 pounds of explosive “black powder” without a background check, and also permits an individual to purchase unlimited amounts of dangerous “smokeless powder” and “black powder substitute” without a background check. Sen. Lautenberg’s proposal would change that and require a background check for any purchase of these explosive powders. These powders can be used as the explosive material in assembling pipe bombs, used in the Columbine school shooting, and pressure cooker bombs, which may have been used in the recent Boston attack.

“It is outrageous that anyone, even a known terrorist, can walk into a store in America and buy explosives without any questions asked,” said Senator Lautenberg. “If we are serious about public safety, we must put these common-sense safeguards in place. While the police have not revealed what specific explosive materials were used in Boston, what we do know is that explosive powder is too easy to anonymously purchase across the country.”

Lautenberg will introduce the “Explosive Materials Background Check Act,” which will:

* Require a background check to purchase black powder, black powder substitute, smokeless powder, or any other explosive, in any quantity;
* Provide the Attorney General with the authority to stop the sale of explosives when a background check reveals that the applicant is a known or suspected terrorist and the Attorney General reasonably believes that the person may use the explosives in connection with terrorism; and
* Make it illegal to manufacture homemade explosives without a permit.

Lautenberg introduced a similar proposal in 2003 as part of his “Homeland Security Gun Safety Act of 2003.” Current law does not require an individual to produce a permit, identification or undergo a background check when purchasing up to fifty pounds of black powder. To make matters worse, no permit or background check is required for the purchase of any quantity of black powder substitute or smokeless powder. Current explosives laws also do not prevent the manufacture of homemade explosives without a license, unless the manufacturer is “engaged in the business” of making explosives.

In October 2010, Sen. Lautenberg released a report, “Firearms, Explosives and Terrorists – A Looming Threat – A Major U.S. Vulnerability,” examining the dangers posed to the United States by terrorism attacks using explosives. The report points to the Mumbai attacks and attempted bombing in Times Square, as demonstrating the interest and ability of terrorists to launch attacks in the United States using explosives.

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 11:21 AM

Reading over these bizarre attempts at being rational and lucid opinions and descriptions of what occurred in this entire matter, I laugh when I recall one of 'Boston's Finest' ranting on about whoever did the bombing as being 'intellectually dysfunctional and stunted' in trying to justify their deed; he should read these rants....
I'm not at all surprised that no one has yet seen the motivation for this attack; no one here has , obviously, paid any attention to the war in Chechnya, especially during the first phase back in 1994 to "95 with the Russian assault and destruction of Grozny under then Russian President Yeltsin. The American govt. basic policy, when there were cries for US or UN intervention, was that the war in Chechnya was basically 'an internal matter' (like a US state that tried to secede from the Union) and the US was NOT going to intervene, nor make any formal protests. Needless to say, this was devastating news to the people of Chechnya who then issued statements to the effect that it was the fault of the US that the Russians were being allowed to slaughter them. Newspaper accounts were full of this ...and people here wonder why 2 radicalized pseudo Chechnyan patriots planted bombs in their US home ground: it was payback time for what many Chechnyans believe in that the US was directly responsible for what the Russians did to them. Convoluted logic, to be sure, but then, emotional upsets of that scale are never really logical, especially by those directly involved and their 'logic' will be passed on to others that come after them; that is and should be perfectly normal and logical...
The older brother made a rather telling remark on one of his posts that he did not understand the Americans at all, well, for what it's worth neither does most of the world; in some regions much more so than others, such as the Middle East, and most of Africa; basically wherever the US has their boots on the ground. It is always perceived as having their boots on their necks and they deeply resent it and one day, in some form or another, they will pay the US goes US foreign policy. Perhaps people should re-read the Farewell Addresses of George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower...

Maybe you should try to explain this to the family of the 8 year old boy. That these A-holes murdered in cold blood. What does that lil boy know about U.N. policies or politics in general?

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 11:35 AM
Whatever the motivation might be, These men are cowards. If you feel you need to bomb and murder innocent children, people, Whom probably don't even know squat about your cause. Then you truly deserve what you're going to get. I personally hope he gets hung for treason or the like. Right on national T.V. With their Russian/jihadist comrades watching.

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/21/13 12:34 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


alot of IFS that didnt happen in this case, still making it irrelevant to the gun control debate,,,

yes, please answer how a natural born citizen having the rights given them in the CONSTITUTION has anything to do with either OBama or gun control or this case

Didn't happen? They had a shootout with police, while running around armed through peoples neighborhoods. You don't see the relevance to that and protecting your life with a firearm while they were at large? Some people are so far to the left, They fell off the cliff. Then landed in Al Sharpton's lap. When you can't make a simple connection like this. This is right up there with the liberal media saying "Lets hope its a white guy who did this" before they caught the Jihadist perpetrators. Not only was it insulting, But just as ridiculous as this. Can you say brainwashed?

SHOOUTOUT WITH POLICE,, involves people who are ALL ARMED

it made no difference

your connection isnt a connection, is irrelevant to gun control...

I wasnt 'hoping' for it to be any ethnicity or race, criminal profiling will usually suggest someone of extreme radical beliefs but I Didnt hear any mainstream media saying that either,, it would be just as insulting as calling black people 'ferals'....I dont engage in that speech and its also irrelevant to the gun control debate

Can you say 'logic'?

no unarmed people were threatened with a gun,, the gun control debate has nothing to do with this series of events

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/21/13 12:37 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 04/21/13 12:39 PM

Whatever the motivation might be, These men are cowards. If you feel you need to bomb and murder innocent children, people, Whom probably don't even know squat about your cause. Then you truly deserve what you're going to get. I personally hope he gets hung for treason or the like. Right on national T.V. With their Russian/jihadist comrades watching.

I agree, they were cowards. BUt tell me this. as A HIGH SCHOOL student, if all you had was an older brother in the states, and he brought you in with GROWN MEN who were dangerous and crazy and told you God knows what about participating in their crimes,, how brave would YOU be?

I can tell you any number of adults dont have the 'bravery' they would have expected from the recent high school graduate....

but I dont know that would make them 'cold blooded'

we know the older brother was 'radical' , we still know squat all about the younger one and what his involvement was specifically in terms of anything beyond delivering the bag with the explosive in it,,,

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 01:00 PM

Whatever the motivation might be, These men are cowards. If you feel you need to bomb and murder innocent children, people, Whom probably don't even know squat about your cause. Then you truly deserve what you're going to get. I personally hope he gets hung for treason or the like. Right on national T.V. With their Russian/jihadist comrades watching.

I agree, they were cowards. BUt tell me this. as A HIGH SCHOOL student, if all you had was an older brother in the states, and he brought you in with GROWN MEN who were dangerous and crazy and told you God knows what about participating in their crimes,, how brave would YOU be?

I can tell you any number of adults dont have the 'bravery' they would have expected from the recent high school graduate....

but I dont know that would make them 'cold blooded'

we know the older brother was 'radical' , we still know squat all about the younger one and what his involvement was specifically in terms of anything beyond delivering the bag with the explosive in it,,,

You are responsible for your own actions. I will tell you this, Plenty of people believe in causes. In regards to this, I shall quote Mahatma K. Gandhi.. "I am prepared to die for my cause, Yet there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill" Whatever These men may or may have not believed in. Any and all sympathy for them went out the window. When they chose to murder innocent people. Now if you find justification or sympathy in their actions. For whatever the reason big brother or otherwise. Then maybe you should go look at the photographs of the dismembered americans in that bombing. Followed by a good look at the corpse of that 8 year old boy.

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 01:06 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


alot of IFS that didnt happen in this case, still making it irrelevant to the gun control debate,,,

yes, please answer how a natural born citizen having the rights given them in the CONSTITUTION has anything to do with either OBama or gun control or this case

Didn't happen? They had a shootout with police, while running around armed through peoples neighborhoods. You don't see the relevance to that and protecting your life with a firearm while they were at large? Some people are so far to the left, They fell off the cliff. Then landed in Al Sharpton's lap. When you can't make a simple connection like this. This is right up there with the liberal media saying "Lets hope its a white guy who did this" before they caught the Jihadist perpetrators. Not only was it insulting, But just as ridiculous as this. Can you say brainwashed?

SHOOUTOUT WITH POLICE,, involves people who are ALL ARMED

it made no difference

your connection isnt a connection, is irrelevant to gun control...

I wasnt 'hoping' for it to be any ethnicity or race, criminal profiling will usually suggest someone of extreme radical beliefs but I Didnt hear any mainstream media saying that either,, it would be just as insulting as calling black people 'ferals'....I dont engage in that speech and its also irrelevant to the gun control debate

Can you say 'logic'?

no unarmed people were threatened with a gun,, the gun control debate has nothing to do with this series of events

The perps were armed! Should it matter that they were caught before they had a chance to gun down any innocent people? The potential for death was eminent. Or do you feel they needed to shoot someone to make you open your eyes? I guess its a little difficult for someone to put 2 and 2 together, When your hero is someone who can't solve a 7th grade math problem.

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 01:07 PM
Breaking News:
The Tea Party Employed a Seth Lord to do a Jedi Mind Trick on the two Bombers; Everyone knows that the Tea Party is given over to the Dark Side of the Force

"You will make Bombs and Terrorize the City of Boston." The Tea Party had Darth Cheney tell two Young Innocent Muslim Immigrants.

Facts will Follow as soon as they can be twisted to fit the Narrative.

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/21/13 01:14 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


alot of IFS that didnt happen in this case, still making it irrelevant to the gun control debate,,,

yes, please answer how a natural born citizen having the rights given them in the CONSTITUTION has anything to do with either OBama or gun control or this case

Didn't happen? They had a shootout with police, while running around armed through peoples neighborhoods. You don't see the relevance to that and protecting your life with a firearm while they were at large? Some people are so far to the left, They fell off the cliff. Then landed in Al Sharpton's lap. When you can't make a simple connection like this. This is right up there with the liberal media saying "Lets hope its a white guy who did this" before they caught the Jihadist perpetrators. Not only was it insulting, But just as ridiculous as this. Can you say brainwashed?

SHOOUTOUT WITH POLICE,, involves people who are ALL ARMED

it made no difference

your connection isnt a connection, is irrelevant to gun control...

I wasnt 'hoping' for it to be any ethnicity or race, criminal profiling will usually suggest someone of extreme radical beliefs but I Didnt hear any mainstream media saying that either,, it would be just as insulting as calling black people 'ferals'....I dont engage in that speech and its also irrelevant to the gun control debate

Can you say 'logic'?

no unarmed people were threatened with a gun,, the gun control debate has nothing to do with this series of events

The perps were armed! Should it matter that they were caught before they had a chance to gun down any innocent people? The potential for death was eminent. Or do you feel they needed to shoot someone to make you open your eyes? I guess its a little difficult for someone to put 2 and 2 together, When your hero is someone who can't solve a 7th grade math problem.

no clue who this so called hero is,, but in any case

there is no evidence they PLANNED to dun down innocent people., so like I said, a gun wouldnt stop a bomb, and all the people who tried to stop him or whom they fired upon had WEAPONS

so gun control remains irrelevant,,,,when their victims were victims of a bomb or ARMED Themselves,,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/21/13 01:16 PM

Whatever the motivation might be, These men are cowards. If you feel you need to bomb and murder innocent children, people, Whom probably don't even know squat about your cause. Then you truly deserve what you're going to get. I personally hope he gets hung for treason or the like. Right on national T.V. With their Russian/jihadist comrades watching.

I agree, they were cowards. BUt tell me this. as A HIGH SCHOOL student, if all you had was an older brother in the states, and he brought you in with GROWN MEN who were dangerous and crazy and told you God knows what about participating in their crimes,, how brave would YOU be?

I can tell you any number of adults dont have the 'bravery' they would have expected from the recent high school graduate....

but I dont know that would make them 'cold blooded'

we know the older brother was 'radical' , we still know squat all about the younger one and what his involvement was specifically in terms of anything beyond delivering the bag with the explosive in it,,,

You are responsible for your own actions. I will tell you this, Plenty of people believe in causes. In regards to this, I shall quote Mahatma K. Gandhi.. "I am prepared to die for my cause, Yet there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill" Whatever These men may or may have not believed in. Any and all sympathy for them went out the window. When they chose to murder innocent people. Now if you find justification or sympathy in their actions. For whatever the reason big brother or otherwise. Then maybe you should go look at the photographs of the dismembered americans in that bombing. Followed by a good look at the corpse of that 8 year old boy.

Ive seen it and looking at it doesnt change my mind, looking at it shows me the capability of he men involved and reminds me how difficult it might have been for a teenager to refuse or betray their orders,,,,,,knowing their capacity for such destruction

his fate was sealed in any case, he could die at their hands potentially by refusing or betraying them or he could do as he was told and risk that the state might kill him instead,,,,

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 01:21 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 04/21/13 01:23 PM

By David Horsey
April 19, 2013, 5:00 a.m.
Usually, it would be best to ignore conspiracy-mongers such as Alex Jones and not reward him and his angry gaggle of paranoiac followers with any sort of attention. But, in a week when thoughts of the dead and maimed victims of the Boston Marathon bombings weigh heavy on the hearts and minds of most Americans, it is worth pointing out what a worthless waste of skin and bones Jones and his minions happen to be.

Nearly as soon as I heard about the bombings on Monday, I was certain that somewhere in the nutty right-wing blogosphere someone was already concocting a storyline that would blame the crime on President Obama and the federal government. Alex Jones came through with impressive rapidity.

Jones runs a radio show from Austin, Texas. He describes himself as a libertarian and an “aggressive constitutionalist.” The Southern Poverty Law Center says he has stirred up racial animus “to appeal to the fears of the antigovernment Patriot movement.” He certainly appeals to fear. Jones asserts that both the Oklahoma City bombing and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks were perpetrated by the U.S. government as part of a scheme to promote a New World Order through “exploitable hysteria.”

So it is no surprise that he is now pushing the idea that the Boston bombings were the nefarious handiwork of federal agents. At Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick’s press briefing just a few hours after the explosions, one of Jones’ minions, Dan Biondi, was on hand to ask the governor if this was a "staged attack to take our civil liberties and promote homeland security while sticking their hands down our pants on the streets?"

"No," Patrick replied tersely. "Next question."

Meanwhile, Jones was on the air, on Twitter and on the Internet pushing his claim that the FBI engineered the bombings under the “false flag” of a terrorist group as a pretense for expanding the power of the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration. He warned of TSA groping teams at sporting events “coming soon.”

Jones is asking Americans to believe that their own government is responsible for all of the worst terrorist attacks in the country’s history and that the motivation for the latest one is a desire to grope sports fans. All of this is, of course, total ping-pong-balls-for-brains nonsense. It would be laughable if it were not for the fact that this conspiracy kook claims 2 million radio listeners and more online followers than Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh combined.

Jones is a purveyor of the neo-Confederate brand of “patriotism” that has gained currency on the far starboard side of American politics. I do not think he should shut up or be shut down; he has the same 1st Amendment rights as I do. But he deserves to be exposed for what he is: a delusional, self-promoting bully who is slandering the very people who are right now doing the truly patriotic work of bringing the Boston bombers to justice.

Original source: Alex Jones has a sick theory about the Boston Marathon bombings on Los Angeles Times Exclusive

And Alex Jones is a disinformation agent for Zionists. You notice he rarely talks about Israel or Zionism. That is because he is in their control.

Why would Zionists want Alex Jones to vilify the U.S. Government? Because They want to take over the entire world and they want the U.S. government to fall like the Roman Empire Fell.

Zionists are behind the globalist plan for a new world order, not the U.S. government. They have infiltrated our government.

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 01:34 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


alot of IFS that didnt happen in this case, still making it irrelevant to the gun control debate,,,

yes, please answer how a natural born citizen having the rights given them in the CONSTITUTION has anything to do with either OBama or gun control or this case

Didn't happen? They had a shootout with police, while running around armed through peoples neighborhoods. You don't see the relevance to that and protecting your life with a firearm while they were at large? Some people are so far to the left, They fell off the cliff. Then landed in Al Sharpton's lap. When you can't make a simple connection like this. This is right up there with the liberal media saying "Lets hope its a white guy who did this" before they caught the Jihadist perpetrators. Not only was it insulting, But just as ridiculous as this. Can you say brainwashed?

SHOOUTOUT WITH POLICE,, involves people who are ALL ARMED

it made no difference

your connection isnt a connection, is irrelevant to gun control...

I wasnt 'hoping' for it to be any ethnicity or race, criminal profiling will usually suggest someone of extreme radical beliefs but I Didnt hear any mainstream media saying that either,, it would be just as insulting as calling black people 'ferals'....I dont engage in that speech and its also irrelevant to the gun control debate

Can you say 'logic'?

no unarmed people were threatened with a gun,, the gun control debate has nothing to do with this series of events

The perps were armed! Should it matter that they were caught before they had a chance to gun down any innocent people? The potential for death was eminent. Or do you feel they needed to shoot someone to make you open your eyes? I guess its a little difficult for someone to put 2 and 2 together, When your hero is someone who can't solve a 7th grade math problem.

no clue who this so called hero is,, but in any case

there is no evidence they PLANNED to dun down innocent people., so like I said, a gun wouldnt stop a bomb, and all the people who tried to stop him or whom they fired upon had WEAPONS

so gun control remains irrelevant,,,,when their victims were victims of a bomb or ARMED Themselves,,,,

You don't know who this hero is? ok lol. No evidence they planned to gun people down? I guess the people they bombed before hand, Are no indicator these men were killers. Also I'm sure it would have just been to much trouble for these men to go to the F.B.I. and simply say.. "We need help! There is a group of brainwashed Al Qaida operatives forcing us to kill people" Yes I guess the witness protection program is overrated. Let's just all hold hands, Light a candle for the dead. Then grant this killer amnesty, Or better yet sit back and do nothing like Ben Ghazi. I wonder, Is there a limit to this B.S.?

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/21/13 01:40 PM

If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


alot of IFS that didnt happen in this case, still making it irrelevant to the gun control debate,,,

yes, please answer how a natural born citizen having the rights given them in the CONSTITUTION has anything to do with either OBama or gun control or this case

Didn't happen? They had a shootout with police, while running around armed through peoples neighborhoods. You don't see the relevance to that and protecting your life with a firearm while they were at large? Some people are so far to the left, They fell off the cliff. Then landed in Al Sharpton's lap. When you can't make a simple connection like this. This is right up there with the liberal media saying "Lets hope its a white guy who did this" before they caught the Jihadist perpetrators. Not only was it insulting, But just as ridiculous as this. Can you say brainwashed?

SHOOUTOUT WITH POLICE,, involves people who are ALL ARMED

it made no difference

your connection isnt a connection, is irrelevant to gun control...

I wasnt 'hoping' for it to be any ethnicity or race, criminal profiling will usually suggest someone of extreme radical beliefs but I Didnt hear any mainstream media saying that either,, it would be just as insulting as calling black people 'ferals'....I dont engage in that speech and its also irrelevant to the gun control debate

Can you say 'logic'?

no unarmed people were threatened with a gun,, the gun control debate has nothing to do with this series of events

The perps were armed! Should it matter that they were caught before they had a chance to gun down any innocent people? The potential for death was eminent. Or do you feel they needed to shoot someone to make you open your eyes? I guess its a little difficult for someone to put 2 and 2 together, When your hero is someone who can't solve a 7th grade math problem.

no clue who this so called hero is,, but in any case

there is no evidence they PLANNED to dun down innocent people., so like I said, a gun wouldnt stop a bomb, and all the people who tried to stop him or whom they fired upon had WEAPONS

so gun control remains irrelevant,,,,when their victims were victims of a bomb or ARMED Themselves,,,,

You don't know who this hero is? ok lol. No evidence they planned to gun people down? I guess the people they bombed before hand, Are no indicator these men were killers. Also I'm sure it would have just been to much trouble for these men to go to the F.B.I. and simply say.. "We need help! There is a group of brainwashed Al Qaida operatives forcing us to kill people" Yes I guess the witness protection program is overrated. Let's just all hold hands, Light a candle for the dead. Then grant this killer amnesty, Or better yet sit back and do nothing like Ben Ghazi. I wonder, Is there a limit to this B.S.?

bombs are not guns,, cant say it any clearer than that,,

these men were planning destruction with bombs, no evidnece that guns were for more than their own protection against capture ,,,,,

irrelevant to INNOCENT people needing guns,,,,

and if ONE Of these men was an older brother with authority over the other, than its more about whether the trouble would be for ONE TEEN to go to fbi and ask for help,

but Im sure everyone here would have been just that type of totally self sacrificing teen,,,whoa

look up duress instead of just reacting emotionally, the older brother coldblooded killer PROBABLY From everything in his past

the younger brother coldblooded killer POSSIBLY though nothing in his life or past points to it,,,