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Topic: How the Tea Party is to Blame for Bombing
no photo
Sun 04/21/13 04:05 PM

Well if you don't believe in the death penalty, You are certainly entitled to that opinion. Perhaps you'll change your mind if god forbid some personal tragedy should happen to a loved one. At the hands of some psycho murderer, bomber or otherwise. Maybe you'd change your tune if someone you knew was at that marathon.


So do you think that people will (or should) change their basic beliefs if and when it becomes personal to them?

Do you think a person would change their mind about the death penalty simply if someone they knew was at the marathon? Suddenly they would be traumatized to now start demanding the death penalty?

If so, then you don't have a lot of respect for a person's core belief system and perhaps you believe that people can be (or should be) persuaded with the use of emotionalism.

One of my pet peeves are politicians and media whores who use emotionalism and exploit the grieving parents of victims to push their agendas into the faces of the public.

Important decisions should be well thought out, not manipulated with emotionalism and sensationalism.

When anyone tries to use emotionalism to manipulate or persuade someone else or the public or to change their mind or attempt to cause some reaction that they want, I automatically hear warning bells going off in my brain.

Don't be manipulated. Using emotions to manipulate others is a cheap shot and no one should fall for it. Unfortunately, many people will.

They all seem to love the drama.

I'm actually on your side on this one. I also am against emotional media exploitation. However I do believe In Stopping a killer from killing again. if the individual in question is not remorseful for the death they caused, Which means they possibly will kill again. Then stick him in the chair and deep fry his azz. Before he kills someone else.

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 04:07 PM

Unfortunately they have video of him, and the resultant chase and bomb hurling at cops and killing one cop makes him cold-blooded now.

Im tired of debating it really, havent seen the video, or who pulled what trigger or why,, there were two of them, two coldblooded or possibly one coldblooded and the other trying to stay alive,,,,

coldblooded to me implies no concern for the life of others, it doesnt mean concern for staying alive oneself,,,,there is a difference to me,,,,

Maybe you should consider doing a little more research on the subject in question, Before debating it. Otherwise you could end up like a one legged man in an azz kicking contest. Not a good place to be.

which subject are you suggesting I 'research'? The two day old information still being gathered about the bombers?
gun control debates?

what is the 'topic' exactly that research would help discuss?

Your own admittance in the above post where you stated. That you didn't know who pulled the trigger or who did what.

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 04:07 PM

Well if you don't believe in the death penalty, You are certainly entitled to that opinion. Perhaps you'll change your mind if god forbid some personal tragedy should happen to a loved one. At the hands of some psycho murderer, bomber or otherwise. Maybe you'd change your tune if someone you knew was at that marathon.


So do you think that people will (or should) change their basic beliefs if and when it becomes personal to them?

Do you think a person would change their mind about the death penalty simply if someone they knew was at the marathon? Suddenly they would be traumatized to now start demanding the death penalty?

If so, then you don't have a lot of respect for a person's core belief system and perhaps you believe that people can be (or should be) persuaded with the use of emotionalism.

One of my pet peeves are politicians and media whores who use emotionalism and exploit the grieving parents of victims to push their agendas into the faces of the public.

Important decisions should be well thought out, not manipulated with emotionalism and sensationalism.

When anyone tries to use emotionalism to manipulate or persuade someone else or the public or to change their mind or attempt to cause some reaction that they want, I automatically hear warning bells going off in my brain.

Don't be manipulated. Using emotions to manipulate others is a cheap shot and no one should fall for it. Unfortunately, many people will.

They all seem to love the drama.

I'm actually on your side on this one. I also am against emotional media exploitation. However I do believe In Stopping a killer from killing again. if the individual in question is not remorseful for the death they caused, Which means they possibly will kill again. Then stick him in the chair and deep fry his azz. Before he kills someone else.

... or at least before you let him back out on the street.

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 04:11 PM

Well if you don't believe in the death penalty, You are certainly entitled to that opinion. Perhaps you'll change your mind if god forbid some personal tragedy should happen to a loved one. At the hands of some psycho murderer, bomber or otherwise. Maybe you'd change your tune if someone you knew was at that marathon.


So do you think that people will (or should) change their basic beliefs if and when it becomes personal to them?

Do you think a person would change their mind about the death penalty simply if someone they knew was at the marathon? Suddenly they would be traumatized to now start demanding the death penalty?

If so, then you don't have a lot of respect for a person's core belief system and perhaps you believe that people can be (or should be) persuaded with the use of emotionalism.

One of my pet peeves are politicians and media whores who use emotionalism and exploit the grieving parents of victims to push their agendas into the faces of the public.

Important decisions should be well thought out, not manipulated with emotionalism and sensationalism.

When anyone tries to use emotionalism to manipulate or persuade someone else or the public or to change their mind or attempt to cause some reaction that they want, I automatically hear warning bells going off in my brain.

Don't be manipulated. Using emotions to manipulate others is a cheap shot and no one should fall for it. Unfortunately, many people will.

They all seem to love the drama.

I'm actually on your side on this one. I also am against emotional media exploitation. However I do believe In Stopping a killer from killing again. if the individual in question is not remorseful for the death they caused, Which means they possibly will kill again. Then stick him in the chair and deep fry his azz. Before he kills someone else.

... or at least before you let him back out on the street.

That would just be foolish

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/21/13 04:16 PM


If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


alot of IFS that didnt happen in this case, still making it irrelevant to the gun control debate,,,

yes, please answer how a natural born citizen having the rights given them in the CONSTITUTION has anything to do with either OBama or gun control or this case

Didn't happen? They had a shootout with police, while running around armed through peoples neighborhoods. You don't see the relevance to that and protecting your life with a firearm while they were at large? Some people are so far to the left, They fell off the cliff. Then landed in Al Sharpton's lap. When you can't make a simple connection like this. This is right up there with the liberal media saying "Lets hope its a white guy who did this" before they caught the Jihadist perpetrators. Not only was it insulting, But just as ridiculous as this. Can you say brainwashed?

SHOOUTOUT WITH POLICE,, involves people who are ALL ARMED

it made no difference

your connection isnt a connection, is irrelevant to gun control...

I wasnt 'hoping' for it to be any ethnicity or race, criminal profiling will usually suggest someone of extreme radical beliefs but I Didnt hear any mainstream media saying that either,, it would be just as insulting as calling black people 'ferals'....I dont engage in that speech and its also irrelevant to the gun control debate

Can you say 'logic'?

no unarmed people were threatened with a gun,, the gun control debate has nothing to do with this series of events

The perps were armed! Should it matter that they were caught before they had a chance to gun down any innocent people? The potential for death was eminent. Or do you feel they needed to shoot someone to make you open your eyes? I guess its a little difficult for someone to put 2 and 2 together, When your hero is someone who can't solve a 7th grade math problem.

no clue who this so called hero is,, but in any case

there is no evidence they PLANNED to dun down innocent people., so like I said, a gun wouldnt stop a bomb, and all the people who tried to stop him or whom they fired upon had WEAPONS

so gun control remains irrelevant,,,,when their victims were victims of a bomb or ARMED Themselves,,,,

You don't know who this hero is? ok lol. No evidence they planned to gun people down? I guess the people they bombed before hand, Are no indicator these men were killers. Also I'm sure it would have just been to much trouble for these men to go to the F.B.I. and simply say.. "We need help! There is a group of brainwashed Al Qaida operatives forcing us to kill people" Yes I guess the witness protection program is overrated. Let's just all hold hands, Light a candle for the dead. Then grant this killer amnesty, Or better yet sit back and do nothing like Ben Ghazi. I wonder, Is there a limit to this B.S.?

bombs are not guns,, cant say it any clearer than that,,

these men were planning destruction with bombs, no evidnece that guns were for more than their own protection against capture ,,,,,

irrelevant to INNOCENT people needing guns,,,,

and if ONE Of these men was an older brother with authority over the other, than its more about whether the trouble would be for ONE TEEN to go to fbi and ask for help,

but Im sure everyone here would have been just that type of totally self sacrificing teen,,,whoa

look up duress instead of just reacting emotionally, the older brother coldblooded killer PROBABLY From everything in his past

the younger brother coldblooded killer POSSIBLY though nothing in his life or past points to it,,,

Let me get this straight, These men after murdering people with a bomb. Whom were carrying guns for their own protection against capture as you say. In your opinion were not ready to kill, Oh say Law enforcement, innocent people who got in their way, Or murdering someone in their home after they break down the door or in their case breaking into a boat. Should they have been in their way? The fact that an armed person in their home would have been able to defend themselves against this, Does not register in your mind?

Then the question of a dominant brother, You mean to tell me this non self sacrificing teen. Should receive sympathy because he chose to murder many people as opposed to turning in his brother?

In regards to getting emotional, Please explain to me. How you can read emotion on a written blog post. Without having the person in front of you to decipher their emotional reactions.

Maybe you should or do work for the psychic hotline. Oh wait you do kind of look like miss Cleo.

these brothers murdered fewer people than most of our non jihadist serial killers do wih guns

try to spin it anyway you want, but the damage here was due to a bomb, the only gun victim to be harmed was one TRAINED WITH A GUN, and there was a carjacking in which the owner was not shot,, leading me to believe this was not about GUNS or killing with guns

I believe people under duress do receive leniency in PLENTY of legal cases,,,,

Im reading emotion when I read people lumping 2 people in together, and calling for death,,,,thats emotional, noone cares what the situation actually was, just what they think it was,,,,

and Im fine with looking like miss cleo (being black),,,,,but that doesnt make me a psychic anymore than the people assuming the two brothers were BOTH 'coldblooded'

So because they murdered fewer people than some serial killers, Means to you that they should receive sympathy?

In regards to calling for death, On a man who murdered many people isn't an emotional response. There is a much better suited word for that its called "Justice"

Also I know its the in thing, To pull the "im black" card when someone calls you out on your B.S. However when your wrong, Your'e wrong. Whatever race, creed, or color that you are.

Also your emotions are a whole lot easier to read on this blog. You are the one capitalizing words. Using emotional clicks like whoa

Maybe your not so psychic after all. Just predictable as most followers are.

1. no, because they mrudered fewer people with a bomb than the serial and spree killers who ignite gun control debate, it makes this case irrelevant to the gun control debate

2. no 'they' dont deserve sympathy, but the teen may depending upon what the circumstances of his involvement are

3.in regards to the death penalty for one who murdered others, I dont agree with the death penalty in general because of how much I Feel details matter,, and Ive made no secret of it,,,but ESPECIALLY in cases of duress where I feel legal precedent backs me up on what constitutes murder of the death penalty type from others

4. there is no 'im black' card, I believe someone compared me to miss cleo of which the only obvious similarity is that we are both black

5. emotional clickes like whoa and capitalizing words are just as easy to read as using words like 'coldblooded' and using insults like falling off a cliff and having difficulty putting 2 and 2 together. takes one to know one,,,,seems like emotions on both sides, but IM just trying to interject LOGIC In WITH THE EMOTION.

6. Im no more pyschic or predictable than anyone else posting with the desire to just see more death/revenge.

Well if you don't believe in the death penalty, You are certainly entitled to that opinion. Perhaps you'll change your mind if god forbid some personal tragedy should happen to a loved one. At the hands of some psycho murderer, bomber or otherwise. Maybe you'd change your tune if someone you knew was at that marathon.

The miss Cleo reference is because you apparently think you can read emotion on a blog. Would you prefer, a reference to a gypsy fortune teller? its all the same to me. I'll change it for you.

In reference to using logic..
(1) They were armed
(2) They hurled bullets and bombs at police
(3) They broke into someones boat while they were armed.
(4) You claim this has nothing to do with gun control. Nor with the defense of a firearm.

That's about the most illogical argument ive ever heard.

Lastly you claim he should not have sympathy, Yet you defend his actions by saying he was under mind control by the older brother.

You contradict yourself my dear. I don't have to do anything emotional or otherwise. To debunk what you are saying. You are doing a fine job yourself.

the added statement 'you do kind of look like miss Cleo' is a strict reference to what I look like, and the only similar asthetic I have to miss cleo is being black,,,but in any case

no , you miss basic grammar my dear, there is a difference between 'they' and 'he'

this debate makes both people identical, my logic entertains the idea that they were two seperate INDIVIDUALS, with different pathology and motivation,,,,the potential for duress being one of those motivss, makes a difference to me

let me paint the difference,, if two people break into a party and shoot two people, and then put the gun to your teen head, hand you a gun, and tell you to choose to shoot someone or die, and you shoot someone

are you just as 'cold blooded' as the people who implemented the plan to kill and include you in the killing?

there is a thing called duress , there are things called motive and pathology to which duress applies,,,

that is no contradiction,,,,

Sure there is, For one they weren't in an enclosed party. They were out in public. At any given time the brother or brothers could have chosen to go to law enforcement and refrain from the evil they were going to do. They did not. The fact He or they chose to kill. Makes them not a victim. More like a murderer.

Personally if I were at a party under the above mentioned circumstances. I'd turn the gun handed to me on the people who are attempting to force me to kill innocent people.

I guess that's the difference between someone trained in the use of firearms. As opposed to, Well someone who just chooses to be a victim.

Also before you attempt to correct someone else's grammar, You might want to consider that Capitalization. Should come at the beginning of a sentence. Not with random words in a paragraph.

Miss Cleo is black. You are right about that, Also I did make reference to you looking like her. If you can't see the reason behind it was because you think you can read minds. Then go ahead and play the race card. Anyone else reading this would know better.

I applaud you on being willing to trade your life for others, taking the chance that the two armed men would shoot you the moment you point the gun and kill that other person themself anyway,

I dont think all people can do that, especially youngsters,,,

I capitalize because I am unable to bold words for emphasis, I am very aware of where capitals go. But you are still speaking in terms of 'they' when I am discussing two seperate INDIVIDUALS,,,

and if anyone can see where me and cleo look alike (other than race) Id love to be enlightened

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 04/21/13 04:18 PM
I'll have to wait and see what the jury says...who hears all evidence and arguments.

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/21/13 04:20 PM

I'll have to wait and see what the jury says...who hears all evidence and arguments.

yes, should be interesting, Im already reading other articles with information about the older brothers extreme history and questioning how involved the younger one was,,,,

but it will come down to the evidence and the jury involved, IF the younger one survives,,,

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 04:31 PM


If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


alot of IFS that didnt happen in this case, still making it irrelevant to the gun control debate,,,

yes, please answer how a natural born citizen having the rights given them in the CONSTITUTION has anything to do with either OBama or gun control or this case

Didn't happen? They had a shootout with police, while running around armed through peoples neighborhoods. You don't see the relevance to that and protecting your life with a firearm while they were at large? Some people are so far to the left, They fell off the cliff. Then landed in Al Sharpton's lap. When you can't make a simple connection like this. This is right up there with the liberal media saying "Lets hope its a white guy who did this" before they caught the Jihadist perpetrators. Not only was it insulting, But just as ridiculous as this. Can you say brainwashed?

SHOOUTOUT WITH POLICE,, involves people who are ALL ARMED

it made no difference

your connection isnt a connection, is irrelevant to gun control...

I wasnt 'hoping' for it to be any ethnicity or race, criminal profiling will usually suggest someone of extreme radical beliefs but I Didnt hear any mainstream media saying that either,, it would be just as insulting as calling black people 'ferals'....I dont engage in that speech and its also irrelevant to the gun control debate

Can you say 'logic'?

no unarmed people were threatened with a gun,, the gun control debate has nothing to do with this series of events

The perps were armed! Should it matter that they were caught before they had a chance to gun down any innocent people? The potential for death was eminent. Or do you feel they needed to shoot someone to make you open your eyes? I guess its a little difficult for someone to put 2 and 2 together, When your hero is someone who can't solve a 7th grade math problem.

no clue who this so called hero is,, but in any case

there is no evidence they PLANNED to dun down innocent people., so like I said, a gun wouldnt stop a bomb, and all the people who tried to stop him or whom they fired upon had WEAPONS

so gun control remains irrelevant,,,,when their victims were victims of a bomb or ARMED Themselves,,,,

You don't know who this hero is? ok lol. No evidence they planned to gun people down? I guess the people they bombed before hand, Are no indicator these men were killers. Also I'm sure it would have just been to much trouble for these men to go to the F.B.I. and simply say.. "We need help! There is a group of brainwashed Al Qaida operatives forcing us to kill people" Yes I guess the witness protection program is overrated. Let's just all hold hands, Light a candle for the dead. Then grant this killer amnesty, Or better yet sit back and do nothing like Ben Ghazi. I wonder, Is there a limit to this B.S.?

bombs are not guns,, cant say it any clearer than that,,

these men were planning destruction with bombs, no evidnece that guns were for more than their own protection against capture ,,,,,

irrelevant to INNOCENT people needing guns,,,,

and if ONE Of these men was an older brother with authority over the other, than its more about whether the trouble would be for ONE TEEN to go to fbi and ask for help,

but Im sure everyone here would have been just that type of totally self sacrificing teen,,,whoa

look up duress instead of just reacting emotionally, the older brother coldblooded killer PROBABLY From everything in his past

the younger brother coldblooded killer POSSIBLY though nothing in his life or past points to it,,,

Let me get this straight, These men after murdering people with a bomb. Whom were carrying guns for their own protection against capture as you say. In your opinion were not ready to kill, Oh say Law enforcement, innocent people who got in their way, Or murdering someone in their home after they break down the door or in their case breaking into a boat. Should they have been in their way? The fact that an armed person in their home would have been able to defend themselves against this, Does not register in your mind?

Then the question of a dominant brother, You mean to tell me this non self sacrificing teen. Should receive sympathy because he chose to murder many people as opposed to turning in his brother?

In regards to getting emotional, Please explain to me. How you can read emotion on a written blog post. Without having the person in front of you to decipher their emotional reactions.

Maybe you should or do work for the psychic hotline. Oh wait you do kind of look like miss Cleo.

these brothers murdered fewer people than most of our non jihadist serial killers do wih guns

try to spin it anyway you want, but the damage here was due to a bomb, the only gun victim to be harmed was one TRAINED WITH A GUN, and there was a carjacking in which the owner was not shot,, leading me to believe this was not about GUNS or killing with guns

I believe people under duress do receive leniency in PLENTY of legal cases,,,,

Im reading emotion when I read people lumping 2 people in together, and calling for death,,,,thats emotional, noone cares what the situation actually was, just what they think it was,,,,

and Im fine with looking like miss cleo (being black),,,,,but that doesnt make me a psychic anymore than the people assuming the two brothers were BOTH 'coldblooded'

So because they murdered fewer people than some serial killers, Means to you that they should receive sympathy?

In regards to calling for death, On a man who murdered many people isn't an emotional response. There is a much better suited word for that its called "Justice"

Also I know its the in thing, To pull the "im black" card when someone calls you out on your B.S. However when your wrong, Your'e wrong. Whatever race, creed, or color that you are.

Also your emotions are a whole lot easier to read on this blog. You are the one capitalizing words. Using emotional clicks like whoa

Maybe your not so psychic after all. Just predictable as most followers are.

1. no, because they mrudered fewer people with a bomb than the serial and spree killers who ignite gun control debate, it makes this case irrelevant to the gun control debate

2. no 'they' dont deserve sympathy, but the teen may depending upon what the circumstances of his involvement are

3.in regards to the death penalty for one who murdered others, I dont agree with the death penalty in general because of how much I Feel details matter,, and Ive made no secret of it,,,but ESPECIALLY in cases of duress where I feel legal precedent backs me up on what constitutes murder of the death penalty type from others

4. there is no 'im black' card, I believe someone compared me to miss cleo of which the only obvious similarity is that we are both black

5. emotional clickes like whoa and capitalizing words are just as easy to read as using words like 'coldblooded' and using insults like falling off a cliff and having difficulty putting 2 and 2 together. takes one to know one,,,,seems like emotions on both sides, but IM just trying to interject LOGIC In WITH THE EMOTION.

6. Im no more pyschic or predictable than anyone else posting with the desire to just see more death/revenge.

Well if you don't believe in the death penalty, You are certainly entitled to that opinion. Perhaps you'll change your mind if god forbid some personal tragedy should happen to a loved one. At the hands of some psycho murderer, bomber or otherwise. Maybe you'd change your tune if someone you knew was at that marathon.

The miss Cleo reference is because you apparently think you can read emotion on a blog. Would you prefer, a reference to a gypsy fortune teller? its all the same to me. I'll change it for you.

In reference to using logic..
(1) They were armed
(2) They hurled bullets and bombs at police
(3) They broke into someones boat while they were armed.
(4) You claim this has nothing to do with gun control. Nor with the defense of a firearm.

That's about the most illogical argument ive ever heard.

Lastly you claim he should not have sympathy, Yet you defend his actions by saying he was under mind control by the older brother.

You contradict yourself my dear. I don't have to do anything emotional or otherwise. To debunk what you are saying. You are doing a fine job yourself.

the added statement 'you do kind of look like miss Cleo' is a strict reference to what I look like, and the only similar asthetic I have to miss cleo is being black,,,but in any case

no , you miss basic grammar my dear, there is a difference between 'they' and 'he'

this debate makes both people identical, my logic entertains the idea that they were two seperate INDIVIDUALS, with different pathology and motivation,,,,the potential for duress being one of those motivss, makes a difference to me

let me paint the difference,, if two people break into a party and shoot two people, and then put the gun to your teen head, hand you a gun, and tell you to choose to shoot someone or die, and you shoot someone

are you just as 'cold blooded' as the people who implemented the plan to kill and include you in the killing?

there is a thing called duress , there are things called motive and pathology to which duress applies,,,

that is no contradiction,,,,

Sure there is, For one they weren't in an enclosed party. They were out in public. At any given time the brother or brothers could have chosen to go to law enforcement and refrain from the evil they were going to do. They did not. The fact He or they chose to kill. Makes them not a victim. More like a murderer.

Personally if I were at a party under the above mentioned circumstances. I'd turn the gun handed to me on the people who are attempting to force me to kill innocent people.

I guess that's the difference between someone trained in the use of firearms. As opposed to, Well someone who just chooses to be a victim.

Also before you attempt to correct someone else's grammar, You might want to consider that Capitalization. Should come at the beginning of a sentence. Not with random words in a paragraph.

Miss Cleo is black. You are right about that, Also I did make reference to you looking like her. If you can't see the reason behind it was because you think you can read minds. Then go ahead and play the race card. Anyone else reading this would know better.

I applaud you on being willing to trade your life for others, taking the chance that the two armed men would shoot you the moment you point the gun and kill that other person themself anyway,

I dont think all people can do that, especially youngsters,,,

I capitalize because I am unable to bold words for emphasis, I am very aware of where capitals go. But you are still speaking in terms of 'they' when I am discussing two seperate INDIVIDUALS,,,

and if anyone can see where me and cleo look alike (other than race) Id love to be enlightened

Ms. Harmony I'd do it for you, Just as I would for anyone else. Before I turn a gun on an any innocent person. Under the forced hand of a gunman trying to manipulate me.

Life is important, However to some of us there are things even more important, Like honor, Respect for human life. The difference between right and wrong.

I'd rather die doing the right thing, Than live as a coward. Or change my belief in God and freedom. Simply because a man points a gun at my head.

If that's miss Cleo in the pic you posted, Then I stand a man corrected. You are more attractive in your photo.

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/21/13 04:36 PM


If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


alot of IFS that didnt happen in this case, still making it irrelevant to the gun control debate,,,

yes, please answer how a natural born citizen having the rights given them in the CONSTITUTION has anything to do with either OBama or gun control or this case

Didn't happen? They had a shootout with police, while running around armed through peoples neighborhoods. You don't see the relevance to that and protecting your life with a firearm while they were at large? Some people are so far to the left, They fell off the cliff. Then landed in Al Sharpton's lap. When you can't make a simple connection like this. This is right up there with the liberal media saying "Lets hope its a white guy who did this" before they caught the Jihadist perpetrators. Not only was it insulting, But just as ridiculous as this. Can you say brainwashed?

SHOOUTOUT WITH POLICE,, involves people who are ALL ARMED

it made no difference

your connection isnt a connection, is irrelevant to gun control...

I wasnt 'hoping' for it to be any ethnicity or race, criminal profiling will usually suggest someone of extreme radical beliefs but I Didnt hear any mainstream media saying that either,, it would be just as insulting as calling black people 'ferals'....I dont engage in that speech and its also irrelevant to the gun control debate

Can you say 'logic'?

no unarmed people were threatened with a gun,, the gun control debate has nothing to do with this series of events

The perps were armed! Should it matter that they were caught before they had a chance to gun down any innocent people? The potential for death was eminent. Or do you feel they needed to shoot someone to make you open your eyes? I guess its a little difficult for someone to put 2 and 2 together, When your hero is someone who can't solve a 7th grade math problem.

no clue who this so called hero is,, but in any case

there is no evidence they PLANNED to dun down innocent people., so like I said, a gun wouldnt stop a bomb, and all the people who tried to stop him or whom they fired upon had WEAPONS

so gun control remains irrelevant,,,,when their victims were victims of a bomb or ARMED Themselves,,,,

You don't know who this hero is? ok lol. No evidence they planned to gun people down? I guess the people they bombed before hand, Are no indicator these men were killers. Also I'm sure it would have just been to much trouble for these men to go to the F.B.I. and simply say.. "We need help! There is a group of brainwashed Al Qaida operatives forcing us to kill people" Yes I guess the witness protection program is overrated. Let's just all hold hands, Light a candle for the dead. Then grant this killer amnesty, Or better yet sit back and do nothing like Ben Ghazi. I wonder, Is there a limit to this B.S.?

bombs are not guns,, cant say it any clearer than that,,

these men were planning destruction with bombs, no evidnece that guns were for more than their own protection against capture ,,,,,

irrelevant to INNOCENT people needing guns,,,,

and if ONE Of these men was an older brother with authority over the other, than its more about whether the trouble would be for ONE TEEN to go to fbi and ask for help,

but Im sure everyone here would have been just that type of totally self sacrificing teen,,,whoa

look up duress instead of just reacting emotionally, the older brother coldblooded killer PROBABLY From everything in his past

the younger brother coldblooded killer POSSIBLY though nothing in his life or past points to it,,,

Let me get this straight, These men after murdering people with a bomb. Whom were carrying guns for their own protection against capture as you say. In your opinion were not ready to kill, Oh say Law enforcement, innocent people who got in their way, Or murdering someone in their home after they break down the door or in their case breaking into a boat. Should they have been in their way? The fact that an armed person in their home would have been able to defend themselves against this, Does not register in your mind?

Then the question of a dominant brother, You mean to tell me this non self sacrificing teen. Should receive sympathy because he chose to murder many people as opposed to turning in his brother?

In regards to getting emotional, Please explain to me. How you can read emotion on a written blog post. Without having the person in front of you to decipher their emotional reactions.

Maybe you should or do work for the psychic hotline. Oh wait you do kind of look like miss Cleo.

these brothers murdered fewer people than most of our non jihadist serial killers do wih guns

try to spin it anyway you want, but the damage here was due to a bomb, the only gun victim to be harmed was one TRAINED WITH A GUN, and there was a carjacking in which the owner was not shot,, leading me to believe this was not about GUNS or killing with guns

I believe people under duress do receive leniency in PLENTY of legal cases,,,,

Im reading emotion when I read people lumping 2 people in together, and calling for death,,,,thats emotional, noone cares what the situation actually was, just what they think it was,,,,

and Im fine with looking like miss cleo (being black),,,,,but that doesnt make me a psychic anymore than the people assuming the two brothers were BOTH 'coldblooded'

So because they murdered fewer people than some serial killers, Means to you that they should receive sympathy?

In regards to calling for death, On a man who murdered many people isn't an emotional response. There is a much better suited word for that its called "Justice"

Also I know its the in thing, To pull the "im black" card when someone calls you out on your B.S. However when your wrong, Your'e wrong. Whatever race, creed, or color that you are.

Also your emotions are a whole lot easier to read on this blog. You are the one capitalizing words. Using emotional clicks like whoa

Maybe your not so psychic after all. Just predictable as most followers are.

1. no, because they mrudered fewer people with a bomb than the serial and spree killers who ignite gun control debate, it makes this case irrelevant to the gun control debate

2. no 'they' dont deserve sympathy, but the teen may depending upon what the circumstances of his involvement are

3.in regards to the death penalty for one who murdered others, I dont agree with the death penalty in general because of how much I Feel details matter,, and Ive made no secret of it,,,but ESPECIALLY in cases of duress where I feel legal precedent backs me up on what constitutes murder of the death penalty type from others

4. there is no 'im black' card, I believe someone compared me to miss cleo of which the only obvious similarity is that we are both black

5. emotional clickes like whoa and capitalizing words are just as easy to read as using words like 'coldblooded' and using insults like falling off a cliff and having difficulty putting 2 and 2 together. takes one to know one,,,,seems like emotions on both sides, but IM just trying to interject LOGIC In WITH THE EMOTION.

6. Im no more pyschic or predictable than anyone else posting with the desire to just see more death/revenge.

Well if you don't believe in the death penalty, You are certainly entitled to that opinion. Perhaps you'll change your mind if god forbid some personal tragedy should happen to a loved one. At the hands of some psycho murderer, bomber or otherwise. Maybe you'd change your tune if someone you knew was at that marathon.

The miss Cleo reference is because you apparently think you can read emotion on a blog. Would you prefer, a reference to a gypsy fortune teller? its all the same to me. I'll change it for you.

In reference to using logic..
(1) They were armed
(2) They hurled bullets and bombs at police
(3) They broke into someones boat while they were armed.
(4) You claim this has nothing to do with gun control. Nor with the defense of a firearm.

That's about the most illogical argument ive ever heard.

Lastly you claim he should not have sympathy, Yet you defend his actions by saying he was under mind control by the older brother.

You contradict yourself my dear. I don't have to do anything emotional or otherwise. To debunk what you are saying. You are doing a fine job yourself.

the added statement 'you do kind of look like miss Cleo' is a strict reference to what I look like, and the only similar asthetic I have to miss cleo is being black,,,but in any case

no , you miss basic grammar my dear, there is a difference between 'they' and 'he'

this debate makes both people identical, my logic entertains the idea that they were two seperate INDIVIDUALS, with different pathology and motivation,,,,the potential for duress being one of those motivss, makes a difference to me

let me paint the difference,, if two people break into a party and shoot two people, and then put the gun to your teen head, hand you a gun, and tell you to choose to shoot someone or die, and you shoot someone

are you just as 'cold blooded' as the people who implemented the plan to kill and include you in the killing?

there is a thing called duress , there are things called motive and pathology to which duress applies,,,

that is no contradiction,,,,

Sure there is, For one they weren't in an enclosed party. They were out in public. At any given time the brother or brothers could have chosen to go to law enforcement and refrain from the evil they were going to do. They did not. The fact He or they chose to kill. Makes them not a victim. More like a murderer.

Personally if I were at a party under the above mentioned circumstances. I'd turn the gun handed to me on the people who are attempting to force me to kill innocent people.

I guess that's the difference between someone trained in the use of firearms. As opposed to, Well someone who just chooses to be a victim.

Also before you attempt to correct someone else's grammar, You might want to consider that Capitalization. Should come at the beginning of a sentence. Not with random words in a paragraph.

Miss Cleo is black. You are right about that, Also I did make reference to you looking like her. If you can't see the reason behind it was because you think you can read minds. Then go ahead and play the race card. Anyone else reading this would know better.

I applaud you on being willing to trade your life for others, taking the chance that the two armed men would shoot you the moment you point the gun and kill that other person themself anyway,

I dont think all people can do that, especially youngsters,,,

I capitalize because I am unable to bold words for emphasis, I am very aware of where capitals go. But you are still speaking in terms of 'they' when I am discussing two seperate INDIVIDUALS,,,

and if anyone can see where me and cleo look alike (other than race) Id love to be enlightened

Ms. Harmony I'd do it for you, Just as I would for anyone else. Before I turn a gun on an any innocent person. Under the forced hand of a gunman trying to manipulate me.

Life is important, However to some of us there are things even more important, Like honor, Respect for human life. The difference between right and wrong.

I'd rather die doing the right thing, Than live as a coward. Or change my belief in God and freedom. Simply because a man points a gun at my head.

If that's miss Cleo in the pic you posted, Then I stand a man corrected. You are more attractive in your photo.

ty, and I commend your level of bravery, I just dont agree that those who dont have that same level are necessarily 'cold blooded',

especially when they are still young,,,

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 04:43 PM


If you think about it..

This week has pretty much derailed Obama's gun grabbing and amnesty agenda.

A couple of America loving immigrants blowing people up and then having an entire city locked down with its sheeple cowering in their homes wishing they had a firearm to defend themselves..

Couldn't have been a better week for El Commandate..

not sure what firearms can do against a bomb,,,

but I can see how people will try to use this in the gun control debate,,,,

or what this has to do with immigration, as legal immigrants they had the potential to be criminals as much as any natural born citizen,,,,,


I am talking about when they were on the lamb.. Running from the cops. Shooting it out in the streets.

You know.. the manhunt..

When the one escaped they locked the city down told the sheeple to stay indoors and shelter in place..

1. If you had a weapon you could at least attempt to defend yourself if that clown kicked in your door..

2. If you didn't I guess you would have been $hit out of luck..

Obama and his liberal cohorts would prefer #2..

As far as your thoughts on them being immigrants vs natural born..

Not really relevant since they were immigrants and not natural born..

Obama and his cohorts are trying to give natural born citizens rights?

You want me to answer that one for you?


alot of IFS that didnt happen in this case, still making it irrelevant to the gun control debate,,,

yes, please answer how a natural born citizen having the rights given them in the CONSTITUTION has anything to do with either OBama or gun control or this case

Didn't happen? They had a shootout with police, while running around armed through peoples neighborhoods. You don't see the relevance to that and protecting your life with a firearm while they were at large? Some people are so far to the left, They fell off the cliff. Then landed in Al Sharpton's lap. When you can't make a simple connection like this. This is right up there with the liberal media saying "Lets hope its a white guy who did this" before they caught the Jihadist perpetrators. Not only was it insulting, But just as ridiculous as this. Can you say brainwashed?

SHOOUTOUT WITH POLICE,, involves people who are ALL ARMED

it made no difference

your connection isnt a connection, is irrelevant to gun control...

I wasnt 'hoping' for it to be any ethnicity or race, criminal profiling will usually suggest someone of extreme radical beliefs but I Didnt hear any mainstream media saying that either,, it would be just as insulting as calling black people 'ferals'....I dont engage in that speech and its also irrelevant to the gun control debate

Can you say 'logic'?

no unarmed people were threatened with a gun,, the gun control debate has nothing to do with this series of events

The perps were armed! Should it matter that they were caught before they had a chance to gun down any innocent people? The potential for death was eminent. Or do you feel they needed to shoot someone to make you open your eyes? I guess its a little difficult for someone to put 2 and 2 together, When your hero is someone who can't solve a 7th grade math problem.

no clue who this so called hero is,, but in any case

there is no evidence they PLANNED to dun down innocent people., so like I said, a gun wouldnt stop a bomb, and all the people who tried to stop him or whom they fired upon had WEAPONS

so gun control remains irrelevant,,,,when their victims were victims of a bomb or ARMED Themselves,,,,

You don't know who this hero is? ok lol. No evidence they planned to gun people down? I guess the people they bombed before hand, Are no indicator these men were killers. Also I'm sure it would have just been to much trouble for these men to go to the F.B.I. and simply say.. "We need help! There is a group of brainwashed Al Qaida operatives forcing us to kill people" Yes I guess the witness protection program is overrated. Let's just all hold hands, Light a candle for the dead. Then grant this killer amnesty, Or better yet sit back and do nothing like Ben Ghazi. I wonder, Is there a limit to this B.S.?

bombs are not guns,, cant say it any clearer than that,,

these men were planning destruction with bombs, no evidnece that guns were for more than their own protection against capture ,,,,,

irrelevant to INNOCENT people needing guns,,,,

and if ONE Of these men was an older brother with authority over the other, than its more about whether the trouble would be for ONE TEEN to go to fbi and ask for help,

but Im sure everyone here would have been just that type of totally self sacrificing teen,,,whoa

look up duress instead of just reacting emotionally, the older brother coldblooded killer PROBABLY From everything in his past

the younger brother coldblooded killer POSSIBLY though nothing in his life or past points to it,,,

Let me get this straight, These men after murdering people with a bomb. Whom were carrying guns for their own protection against capture as you say. In your opinion were not ready to kill, Oh say Law enforcement, innocent people who got in their way, Or murdering someone in their home after they break down the door or in their case breaking into a boat. Should they have been in their way? The fact that an armed person in their home would have been able to defend themselves against this, Does not register in your mind?

Then the question of a dominant brother, You mean to tell me this non self sacrificing teen. Should receive sympathy because he chose to murder many people as opposed to turning in his brother?

In regards to getting emotional, Please explain to me. How you can read emotion on a written blog post. Without having the person in front of you to decipher their emotional reactions.

Maybe you should or do work for the psychic hotline. Oh wait you do kind of look like miss Cleo.

these brothers murdered fewer people than most of our non jihadist serial killers do wih guns

try to spin it anyway you want, but the damage here was due to a bomb, the only gun victim to be harmed was one TRAINED WITH A GUN, and there was a carjacking in which the owner was not shot,, leading me to believe this was not about GUNS or killing with guns

I believe people under duress do receive leniency in PLENTY of legal cases,,,,

Im reading emotion when I read people lumping 2 people in together, and calling for death,,,,thats emotional, noone cares what the situation actually was, just what they think it was,,,,

and Im fine with looking like miss cleo (being black),,,,,but that doesnt make me a psychic anymore than the people assuming the two brothers were BOTH 'coldblooded'

So because they murdered fewer people than some serial killers, Means to you that they should receive sympathy?

In regards to calling for death, On a man who murdered many people isn't an emotional response. There is a much better suited word for that its called "Justice"

Also I know its the in thing, To pull the "im black" card when someone calls you out on your B.S. However when your wrong, Your'e wrong. Whatever race, creed, or color that you are.

Also your emotions are a whole lot easier to read on this blog. You are the one capitalizing words. Using emotional clicks like whoa

Maybe your not so psychic after all. Just predictable as most followers are.

1. no, because they mrudered fewer people with a bomb than the serial and spree killers who ignite gun control debate, it makes this case irrelevant to the gun control debate

2. no 'they' dont deserve sympathy, but the teen may depending upon what the circumstances of his involvement are

3.in regards to the death penalty for one who murdered others, I dont agree with the death penalty in general because of how much I Feel details matter,, and Ive made no secret of it,,,but ESPECIALLY in cases of duress where I feel legal precedent backs me up on what constitutes murder of the death penalty type from others

4. there is no 'im black' card, I believe someone compared me to miss cleo of which the only obvious similarity is that we are both black

5. emotional clickes like whoa and capitalizing words are just as easy to read as using words like 'coldblooded' and using insults like falling off a cliff and having difficulty putting 2 and 2 together. takes one to know one,,,,seems like emotions on both sides, but IM just trying to interject LOGIC In WITH THE EMOTION.

6. Im no more pyschic or predictable than anyone else posting with the desire to just see more death/revenge.

Well if you don't believe in the death penalty, You are certainly entitled to that opinion. Perhaps you'll change your mind if god forbid some personal tragedy should happen to a loved one. At the hands of some psycho murderer, bomber or otherwise. Maybe you'd change your tune if someone you knew was at that marathon.

The miss Cleo reference is because you apparently think you can read emotion on a blog. Would you prefer, a reference to a gypsy fortune teller? its all the same to me. I'll change it for you.

In reference to using logic..
(1) They were armed
(2) They hurled bullets and bombs at police
(3) They broke into someones boat while they were armed.
(4) You claim this has nothing to do with gun control. Nor with the defense of a firearm.

That's about the most illogical argument ive ever heard.

Lastly you claim he should not have sympathy, Yet you defend his actions by saying he was under mind control by the older brother.

You contradict yourself my dear. I don't have to do anything emotional or otherwise. To debunk what you are saying. You are doing a fine job yourself.

the added statement 'you do kind of look like miss Cleo' is a strict reference to what I look like, and the only similar asthetic I have to miss cleo is being black,,,but in any case

no , you miss basic grammar my dear, there is a difference between 'they' and 'he'

this debate makes both people identical, my logic entertains the idea that they were two seperate INDIVIDUALS, with different pathology and motivation,,,,the potential for duress being one of those motivss, makes a difference to me

let me paint the difference,, if two people break into a party and shoot two people, and then put the gun to your teen head, hand you a gun, and tell you to choose to shoot someone or die, and you shoot someone

are you just as 'cold blooded' as the people who implemented the plan to kill and include you in the killing?

there is a thing called duress , there are things called motive and pathology to which duress applies,,,

that is no contradiction,,,,

Sure there is, For one they weren't in an enclosed party. They were out in public. At any given time the brother or brothers could have chosen to go to law enforcement and refrain from the evil they were going to do. They did not. The fact He or they chose to kill. Makes them not a victim. More like a murderer.

Personally if I were at a party under the above mentioned circumstances. I'd turn the gun handed to me on the people who are attempting to force me to kill innocent people.

I guess that's the difference between someone trained in the use of firearms. As opposed to, Well someone who just chooses to be a victim.

Also before you attempt to correct someone else's grammar, You might want to consider that Capitalization. Should come at the beginning of a sentence. Not with random words in a paragraph.

Miss Cleo is black. You are right about that, Also I did make reference to you looking like her. If you can't see the reason behind it was because you think you can read minds. Then go ahead and play the race card. Anyone else reading this would know better.

I applaud you on being willing to trade your life for others, taking the chance that the two armed men would shoot you the moment you point the gun and kill that other person themself anyway,

I dont think all people can do that, especially youngsters,,,

I capitalize because I am unable to bold words for emphasis, I am very aware of where capitals go. But you are still speaking in terms of 'they' when I am discussing two seperate INDIVIDUALS,,,

and if anyone can see where me and cleo look alike (other than race) Id love to be enlightened

Ms. Harmony I'd do it for you, Just as I would for anyone else. Before I turn a gun on an any innocent person. Under the forced hand of a gunman trying to manipulate me.

Life is important, However to some of us there are things even more important, Like honor, Respect for human life. The difference between right and wrong.

I'd rather die doing the right thing, Than live as a coward. Or change my belief in God and freedom. Simply because a man points a gun at my head.

If that's miss Cleo in the pic you posted, Then I stand a man corrected. You are more attractive in your photo.

ty, and I commend your level of bravery, I just dont agree that those who dont have that same level are necessarily 'cold blooded',

especially when they are still young,,,

Well that is the beauty of our great country. We can agree to disagree. Without having to kill each other, Now if only that message could get across to these jihadist extremist. Then the world would be a better place.

no photo
Sun 04/21/13 10:19 PM
xtreme305 and msharmony, geeze, can you trim your long posts pleeeze?

That's a lot of scrolling .......grumble

I have to agree with xtreme305 in this current subject.

The hypothetical situation was about duress:

... if two people break into a party and shoot two people, and then put the gun to your teen head, hand you a gun, and tell you to choose to shoot someone or die, and you shoot someone

are you just as 'cold blooded' as the people who implemented the plan to kill and include you in the killing?

there is a thing called duress , there are things called motive and pathology to which duress applies,,,

I might sign a document under duress or threat of my own death, but I would not shoot someone else if I was ordered to do so by someone with a gun to my head.

(And I LOVE living very much! But I am not such a coward that I would kill someone else(innocent or not) on command to save my own life.

As far as the Boston bombings are concerned, I don't trust the information we are being given enough to make any judgement about what is going on or who is responsible.

The entire story could be woven many different ways.

no photo
Mon 04/22/13 11:59 AM
Look at it another way, If a man points a gun to your head. Then orders you to shoot an innocent person. What makes you think, He's not going to shoot you right after the deed is done? If you find yourself in that situation, Turn and shoot the perp. Chances are you won't make it out of there alive anyway.

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/22/13 12:12 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 04/22/13 12:13 PM

Look at it another way, If a man points a gun to your head. Then orders you to shoot an innocent person. What makes you think, He's not going to shoot you right after the deed is done? If you find yourself in that situation, Turn and shoot the perp. Chances are you won't make it out of there alive anyway.

I guess I am a coward, I just dont know that I would let someone take me from my family and loved ones if there was any way I could survive,,,,,and no way to know my action was likely to prevent death,,,

and ESPECIALLY at 18 or 19, I may have believed a dear loved one if they caused me to believe I had no choice other than dying or doing what I was told,,,,

no photo
Mon 04/22/13 03:12 PM

Look at it another way, If a man points a gun to your head. Then orders you to shoot an innocent person. What makes you think, He's not going to shoot you right after the deed is done? If you find yourself in that situation, Turn and shoot the perp. Chances are you won't make it out of there alive anyway.

I guess I am a coward, I just dont know that I would let someone take me from my family and loved ones if there was any way I could survive,,,,,and no way to know my action was likely to prevent death,,,

and ESPECIALLY at 18 or 19, I may have believed a dear loved one if they caused me to believe I had no choice other than dying or doing what I was told,,,,

There is no honor among thieves and murderers. Taking the word of an immoral man. Whom has a gun pointed at your head. Makes as much sense, As swallowing a box of ex lax, Then locking the bathroom door expecting you wont need to go in there. Is he going to kill you after you've done his bidding? YES, Are you going to have to go in the bathroom after all that ex lax? Absolutely!

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