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Topic: I have a great question about the Bridge/Food cards?
BryanZieroff's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:08 PM
You know the food stamp cards that needy people use to buy groceries at stores, I think it's called an EBT card... How can people but junk food on those cards? I've noticed they can buy pop/soda, ice cream, and even candy. It really doesn't make any since to me, the food card is meant to help families out but they are using it for all the wrong reasons. I can understand the bread, eggs, milk, ect... but come on, some people just come in and buys junk with the card. Who all agrees with my on this, they need to limit the cards even more to nutrition dence foods?

no photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:11 PM
Well this is the same kind of situation when you give money to homeless people on the street that might use it for drugs to make their drug abuse condition worse. The tricky thing for me is that I love to help and to give, so it's hard to actually know their motives.

I had one guy turn my offer to buy him a meal when I had no cash on me. I was going to use my credit card. It was either because he didn't want to put me through too much trouble or he wanted direct cash for drugs or anything else..

winnie410's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:11 PM
i agree totally. my mom works in a supermarket and tells me all the stuff that gets bought. some ppl even use food stamps to buy something small so they can get the change. WIC checks are different, they give you a list of items you can buy (peanut butter, milk, etc.)

no photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:12 PM
so are you saying that just because some people need to use food stamps that they are not worthy of a few goodies for their kids' lunchbox?

s1owhand's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:12 PM
i propose they limit the cards to potatoes, broccoli,
cucumber, bananas, chicken, popcorn and peanuts
and disposable diapers for the recent moms and dads

Soazcowgirl's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:14 PM
What kills me is that they can buy junk food and things like that, but they can'y buy soap or detergent or razors or things that are important to have.

no photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:14 PM
Winnie, they are NOT supposed to give cash from the food stamps.
That is why everyone should be using the EBT card.

no photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:15 PM
My brother and his family went on foodstamps for a while last year when he lost his job . I think he got almost $300 a month and really you dont need $300 of bread , milk and eggs . Besides just because someone is using foodstamps doesnt mean they dont deserve a few indulgences .

winnie410's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:16 PM
im not saying they cant buy goodies, but i have seen some families spend A LOT of money on nothing but junk. that is what bothers me. i teach a lot of kids on food stamps, welfare, etc. and they never get a nutritious meal except in school. but they always have unhealthy foods around.

BryanZieroff's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:17 PM
Why can't the parents pay for the goodies out of their own pocket? I understand WIC and it's a great program but I've seen people just buy pop and ice cream and that's it, and some will even try to but liquor on their cash side.

no photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:17 PM
True, but then you do have the parents that when they do the shopping the goodies are the last thing that goes in their cart.

adj4u's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:18 PM

why not say they can not have a phone cause they should use that money to buy food

or no they can not have a car niether caause they don't need to go no where

and hey lets just put them in four by 8 boxes cause thats enough room

and hey why not just use lethal injection one shot and look all the money ya save

how ignorant are these things

i wonder how many said yes to any of them

i hope none of you ever need any of the assistance ye begrudge
others of having

canubetheone's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:18 PM
well here from someone who uses that card. I don't buy alot of junk i do buy some food that i need but were its only me its hard to buy alot i do have a certain ammount each month my thing is that i think they should have personal items on there as well like bath stuff don't know why they dont but i don't use it to buy a lot of junk food i use it just to get what i like to eat:)

winnie410's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:18 PM
i guess i get defensive b/c of the kids i teach. they cant afford clothes, the kids aren't clean or well fed but mom is wearing expensive jewelry or they get the new playstation as soon as it comes out. things like that.

no photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:18 PM
:wink: Bryan, THIS would be a GOVERNMENT ISSUE, not a USER ISSUE, as if the GOVERNMENT ALLOWS its use to USE, then it should and is the USER'S WANTS as to WHAT they want to use it for..
Hell, kids DO need SOME TREATS in life to, as "THATS" better than the ones who SELL there food for DRUGS, and leave the KIDS GO HUNGRY all MONTH.:angry:

Many use this card ONLY because LIFE has forced them to become w/o, money, and the ability to provide for their children.

Their are ALWAYS going to be ASSSHOLES who rip-off the system,
but DON'T let "THAT" make YOU think that ALL OF THEM are bad.....:heart:

canubetheone's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:21 PM
well i have it cause I amdit I do get a check each month I haven't worked in over 11yrs but that is a personal issue an i do need the assisant but there are other people that i see have these cards that really shouldn't an for those of us that need the help those that don't ruin it for the ones that do:)

pms64's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:22 PM
In some cases food stamps are meant to supplement what a person or family gets, not be the main source of foods. If that were the case I'd be in a world of poo. As much as I hate to admit it on here, I do get them. I recieve a whole $10.00 a month. Now how do you expect me to feed my 20 year old son and myself on that? I was taught at a young age how to make food streach and last. But now come on, that's beyond ridicules. No one alive can buy $10.00 worth of any food out there and still feed two adults for a month.
The amount of Food Stamps you recieve is based on your income.
Winnie, the Food Stamp Program had changed, here in Illinois anyway. The do not give you paper Food Stamps anymore. You get what's known as a Link Card. It's like a debit card, and what ever change you are supposed to get stays on the card for future use, you never see any cash from the food stamp part of it.

winnie410's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:24 PM
thanks for clarifying that pms....i dont know what it is in jersey. probably the same.

alexiateigra's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:26 PM
Have you notice how people only notice negative things, but they never notice the good things?

Yes, it is true that SOME people will take advantage of the system, but why punish everyone. Besides, just because they are poor does not mean they do not deserve a treat now and then.

mnhiker's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:26 PM
Anything that's given
for free can always
be abused.

That's why it's always
better when you
'teach a man to fish',
instead of 'giving him a fish'.

'A fish' being symbolic for
something that's given
out for free.

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