Topic: I have a great question about the Bridge/Food cards?
canubetheone's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:26 PM
wow pms when i was with my bf i was getting 150 a month when i was on my own a few months i was getting 50 a month now im back up again only cause i'm living back home now with my folks but yes they do help us that need the help i been on it for awhile now an i do have a person reason for it also:)

adj4u's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:27 PM
every where but wyoming

the card is not accepted there

lulu24's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:27 PM
heh, i receive 143 bucks a month, for myself and three children. in becoming divorced, my personal income went to one third of what it was before.

anyhow...i DO buy junk. i buy anything i kids deserve snacks for school and treats to freaking make them smile. it's MY choice whether to stretch those dollars...or not. if i choose not, then i'll have a harder time paying my bills, since i'll be buying food. but it's MY choice whether to take that trade-off or not.

winnie410's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:27 PM
i notice the negative b/c i see my kids suffer. it is a good program for ppl who need it. but like child support, maybe it should be monitored more b/c of the ppl who do abuse it.

canubetheone's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:28 PM
well i wasn't married no kids an i use it just for me i have low income that is why i'm getting them but my biggies is insurance medicare stinks lol

adj4u's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:31 PM
no one is saying there are not those that abuse the system

but how much do you spend to save what is lost

is it like the pinto where they said the lawsuits would be cheaper than replacing the fuel tanks

just a thought

but hey what do i know

BryanZieroff's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:33 PM
True "iam4u" and don't get me wrong, I get that people like to treat themselves and I can understand it every once in a while but the food card should be more for the nutrition for famlies rather then letting them buy junk. But why can't people teach their kids that fruits and veggies can be great treats too, for those who like to treat their kids to candy? Ever heard of peanut butter and celery? The other stuff is a good idea too like soap and whatnot.

adj4u's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:38 PM
have you been to the store lately

3 pounds of apples 3 bucks plus

box of lil debbie cakes buck nineteen

for about the same number of items

do you aprove of adding at least 50% to the food grant

or do you not

BryanZieroff's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:40 PM
Sure "adj4u", they can add as much money as they want to it as long as it's more nutrition based.

pms64's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:41 PM
I guess everyone here would say that I am an abuser too, I normally only buy some soda with it. Not much you can do with $10.00 though. And since that is all I do get, and no, I'm not gripping about the amount, what difference would it make what I spent it on anyways. One small pack of meat, or some soda, maybe 3 gallons of milk. The one I didn't use cash for is the one I'd use the Link card for. Yes, I have seen some people who have used food stamps, and also had on more jewelery then the local jewelry store. And bought nothing but pure junk. Maybe they should oversee the ones who recieve large amounts, so they do buy some good stuff as well. But let's not go overboard with it. All kids need treats too, no matter how poor our mom's and dad's were, we had them. Why shouldn't they?

adj4u's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:44 PM
it again comes back to how much ya wanna spend to

see what is going on

spend 5 billion to save 20 million

i am not real good w/math but that does not make sense to me

lulu24's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:49 PM
my kids have EXTREMELY healthy diets. vegetables, fruits, soy, and whole grains make up the majority of our diets...almost nothing is processed, nothing with anything added...i scrutinize every label, and most things on the shelf i won't touch.

my idea of treats...include fruit and nut trail bars...dried fruit...fruit muffins...that sort of thing. these things eat up the money, with a quickness. and that's okay. my food budget is 150 per week, regardless of what i spend it on.

WIC, on the other hand...only goes to specific healthy items.

oh, i DO use my EBT on diet soda. that's MY treat, damnit...and i'm keeping it.

if it makes you feel better...consider that out of the 600 i spend on can guarantee that well over 143 of it is healthy.

canubetheone's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:55 PM
Yep Lulu u said it were its just me even though i live back home again for now I use my food money only for me not for anyone else in the house an my parents don't even give me money for food expect my money i get once a month its hard being a low budge income even with just one person but you know I'm doing what i can do an out of the whole thing i have great family an friends that will help me when i need it don't really matter what people use or not just as long as that person is happy an heathly in life flowerforyou flowerforyou

Jess642's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:58 PM
Healthy versus 'convenient' equals cost.

Bananas $7.99 a kilo (2.2pounds)
Red delicious apples $15.99 a kilo
Milk, stock standard generic breand, $3.20 for 2litres
Bread wholemeal or other, $4.86

Versus 'junk food', crisps, potato chips, $1.59 for a 200gram bag

So, an apple, a banana and a bottle of milk is about $9.00...bizarre in the way the world turns..and economically crazy to provide a healthy alternative to any who don't grow their own foods on a low income...(this is in Australia, and is a little steeper than city prices, as we are isolated, so pay more for freight)

pms64's photo
Thu 08/16/07 08:58 PM
I only buy diet sodas as well. There is way too much diabetes in my family not to. Healthy foods though is not much of an option in my house. I try to make things as healthy as possible. But I only have a food budget of $200. a month, with out my $10. in food stamps. And the $200. is in a good month, but not always is that the case. I'm not saying this so people will feel bad for me, I don't need that. There are some months that the $200. is what we have to live on for the whole month. That is after all the bills are paid. The $200. is for gas for my car, cleaning supplies, personal supplies, groceries, and aything else that might pop up for two people.

adj4u's photo
Thu 08/16/07 09:00 PM
yep jess my point up a little higher

:wink: :wink:

Jess642's photo
Thu 08/16/07 09:06 PM
I saw Robin, and wanted to share a perspective from another 'affluent' country, just how crazy it seems that countries that are seen to be major food producers in the world, can have such extortionate prices for food, that make healthy food choices difficult when incomes are low.:wink:

lulu24's photo
Thu 08/16/07 09:07 PM
i thought milk was bad HERE...4.12 for a gallon of generic milk.

soy milk is even higher.

adj4u's photo
Thu 08/16/07 09:10 PM
ya know as wrong as this might be

i wish the ones that say it needs to be limited more

had to survive on it for six months

then see what they say

Jess642's photo
Thu 08/16/07 09:11 PM
We grow most of our greens, and supplement our food bill, by having a 'collective' amongst other low income families. We buy bulk where possible and divvy it up between households.

Milk is apparently an economic indicator of how a country is fairing economically...we suck.:cry: :wink: