Topic: Homosexual redux
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Fri 03/22/13 08:06 PM

Christians duty is to stand up for God's Word, for it is not only His spiritual code of conduct but ours. Homosexuality is a sin—the lifestyle is considered abominable by God, not the person, for if they choose they can repent and be transformed by God.

I don't go around bashing people in the head with it, but I will speak up about it if the situation arises. The greatest victory the devil gets is when believers don't do or say anything.

I’m a curious person so actually have a two part question for you, as the first person to mention it...

While marriage obviously has a specific religious significance to you as a Christian, the significance is different for people of other religions, and to those with no religious affiliation at all.

Do you feel that only Christians should be allowed to marry?

If homosexuality being an abomination is the main reason Christians protest their right to “marry”, then shouldn’t women who wear men’s clothing and people who; sew two kinds of seeds in their soil, wear clothes woven of two different cloth, eat shellfish, re-marry their ex wives who have had another husband, craft molten or graven images, also be denied the legal right to marry? According to the Bible, these and 102 other things are ALL abominations in the eyes of the Lord.

I would like to understand why every Christian I know takes more offense to homosexuality than to any other abomination.

Might I add it says stone them to death and they don't, so none of them are standing up for the word of God.

The Bible explicitly states the exercise of free will, God wants people to come to him of their own volition because He knows forced obedience just harbors resentment and rebellion.

The Bible also states judge not, for that is God's province. So we should not judge others who exercise their free will, regardless of how repulsive or deranged from nature it is. God will sort it out.

I do not condone homosexuality, but it is not my place to force my beliefs on another who might not believe in God or whatever, etc. The two people involved in the behavior only hurt themselves, imo.

I agree with you, who gave anyone the right to judge. I guess thats why I stopped going to church many years ago and found a much more loving belief. Too many hyprocrites in religion

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Fri 03/22/13 08:33 PM
Edited by cuddlebunny00 on Fri 03/22/13 08:37 PM
If you want to get down to the nitty many people have done things like lie..cheat..steal which are all sins, A sin is a sin but some sins seem to be more acceptable than others.

I do not get this way of thinking at all. Either you are going to follow the bible 100% or you are no better than the people you are judging. Why is homosexuality any worse?

Everyone is a sinner..EVERYONE, and there is no such thing as a perfect person.

Having sex before marriage is a sin, living common law is a sin according to Christianity. So I wonder how many of you who are judging homosexuals have sinned in this way?

1Cynderella's photo
Fri 03/22/13 08:36 PM

If you want to get down to the nitty many people have done things like lie..cheat..steal which are all sins, A sin is a sin but some sins seem to be more acceptable than others.

I do not get this way of thinking at all. Either you are going to follow the bible 100% or you are no better than the people you are judging. Why is homosexuality any worse?

Everyone is a sinner..EVERYONE, and there is no such thing as a perfect person.

I don't understand this either. Murderers are allowed to marry.

no photo
Fri 03/22/13 08:45 PM

well, one thing people don't seem to understand is that there is no such thing as total freedom... some laws just need to be there, for the good of the people... i don't care if anyone is gay or not, i just don't see the need for all the "advertising" gay people do...

i would like for someone to tell me what the gays cannot get out of common law marriage that others get by being married...

Advertising? Do you mean like straight people do by showing/telling people they're straight?

no photo
Fri 03/22/13 08:47 PM

well, one thing people don't seem to understand is that there is no such thing as total freedom... some laws just need to be there, for the good of the people... i don't care if anyone is gay or not, i just don't see the need for all the "advertising" gay people do...

i would like for someone to tell me what the gays cannot get out of common law marriage that others get by being married...

The only reason they "advertise" is because people judge them. If people stopped JUDGING them, maybe this wouldn't be a problem. Think about it dude.......

And short of that, the good of the people line is bunch of bs, most laws that remove a personal right of one person are about CONTROL, not good of the people. How does it personally effect you if gays marry, tell me how. And no that it hurts your moral code doesn't count. Get over yourself.

As for common law, you do realize it takes 10 years for that to go into effect......what happens if someone dies or they split before then? SOL? It's not the same at all.

maybe you should read more about common law marriage... it may vary from state to state, but i have never heard of ten years...

doesn't count? don't try to tell me what counts or doesn't count in my world, if i'm against gays marrying, then i'm against it, and none of your business why... it's mainly pushy people like you that says i have to is one of the main reasons i'm against it. so, get over yourself and don't tell me how or what to think... you wanna go marry your "partner", go for it, but i will never be at one of of these "ignorant" affairs...

No it doesn't count, because just cause you get all butthurt over gays marrying, doesn't give you the right to tell them they can't. It's not a damn bit of your concern, so stay out of their lives. They don't tell a straight person they can't marry can they? You are not the center of the universe, others live in it too and they may want to things different from you, deal with it.

If you wanna stay prejudiced though feel free, but don't be surprised when people call you on it or push back.

in your little mind, you might think it doesn't count, but guess what: your not the only one on the planet... don't even try to shove your beliefs on me, it won't work... thats the problem with gays like you, your so worried about what others think that you cannot function is society because you have this need to be accepted by everyone... another news flash: not everybody cares what the hell you do... i don't, and never will... so you can keep on with the name calling, like a little baby, or you can accept the fact that not everyone on the planet will agree with your viewpoints and stop attacking people that don't agree with them... and by the way, it's not racist, race has nothing to do with this... so you have any other inept names you wanna call me?

Why do people assume that those who stick up for gay rights, or who are even just ok with gay people, are gay themselves?

no photo
Fri 03/22/13 08:50 PM

Christians duty is to stand up for God's Word, for it is not only His spiritual code of conduct but ours. Homosexuality is a sin—the lifestyle is considered abominable by God, not the person, for if they choose they can repent and be transformed by God.

I don't go around bashing people in the head with it, but I will speak up about it if the situation arises. The greatest victory the devil gets is when believers don't do or say anything.

I’m a curious person so actually have a two part question for you, as the first person to mention it...

While marriage obviously has a specific religious significance to you as a Christian, the significance is different for people of other religions, and to those with no religious affiliation at all.

Do you feel that only Christians should be allowed to marry?

If homosexuality being an abomination is the main reason Christians protest their right to “marry”, then shouldn’t women who wear men’s clothing and people who; sew two kinds of seeds in their soil, wear clothes woven of two different cloth, eat shellfish, re-marry their ex wives who have had another husband, craft molten or graven images, also be denied the legal right to marry? According to the Bible, these and 102 other things are ALL abominations in the eyes of the Lord.

I would like to understand why every Christian I know takes more offense to homosexuality than to any other abomination.

Might I add it says stone them to death and they don't, so none of them are standing up for the word of God.

The Bible explicitly states the exercise of free will, God wants people to come to him of their own volition because He knows forced obedience just harbors resentment and rebellion.

The Bible also states judge not, for that is God's province. So we should not judge others who exercise their free will, regardless of how repulsive or deranged from nature it is. God will sort it out.

I do not condone homosexuality, but it is not my place to force my beliefs on another who might not believe in God or whatever, etc. The two people involved in the behavior only hurt themselves, imo.

It seems as though your views have evolved a bit since this subject has been previously discussed here. Good for you. I can understand people not condoning if they believe it's a sin, but good for not trying to force others to feel the same.

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/22/13 08:52 PM

If you want to get down to the nitty many people have done things like lie..cheat..steal which are all sins, A sin is a sin but some sins seem to be more acceptable than others.

I do not get this way of thinking at all. Either you are going to follow the bible 100% or you are no better than the people you are judging. Why is homosexuality any worse?

Everyone is a sinner..EVERYONE, and there is no such thing as a perfect person.

Having sex before marriage is a sin, living common law is a sin according to Christianity. So I wonder how many of you who are judging homosexuals have sinned in this way?

sex before marriage may or may not be a sin, depending upon what constitutes a marriage, the bible has several occasions of men knowing their wife and THEN making t hem their wife

sex without the commitment/marriage, is a sin

so, adultery , although not usually criminally prosecuted, can be punished in civil procedures via a divorce,,,ie the government doesnt sanction or support adultery although that action doesnt STOP ADULTERY from happening

similarly, many of us dont feel government should sanction or support HOMSEXUAL ACTIVITY,,,,except most of us dont take it to the extreme of it being a matter of law ( like adultery is) where people should be punished in anyway for their choice to engage in it,,,

no photo
Fri 03/22/13 08:53 PM

Marriage is a religious thing and Government should have no part in it. But if we do allow other types of marriage, who will support the idea of having multiple mates? I might want to have two wives at one time?

I have to wonder why people always bring up polygamy when same sex marriages are being discussed. With same sex marriages, we're still talking about two, non related, consenting adults getting married, just as with opposite sex marriages. Why compare that to polygamy?

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/22/13 08:54 PM

Marriage is a religious thing and Government should have no part in it. But if we do allow other types of marriage, who will support the idea of having multiple mates? I might want to have two wives at one time?

I have to wonder why people always bring up polygamy when same sex marriages are being discussed. With same sex marriages, we're still talking about two, non related, consenting adults getting married, just as with opposite sex marriages. Why compare that to polygamy?

I think it is because the underlying justification seems to be the parties are
1) adults


2) consenting

as would be the case in consentual polygamy, or consentual incestuous marriage,,,

no photo
Fri 03/22/13 09:11 PM
I guess I got offtopic a bit. I don't think the government or anyone should be sticking their noses into anyones personal business that doesn't cause harm to others. Once again, the masses want the govermment to make laws to suit their own personal beliefs.

Governments are already taking away so many of our freedoms and there is no end to it. Just wait until all our freedoms are taken away completely.

There HAS to be an end to this insanity.

msharmony's photo
Fri 03/22/13 09:26 PM
its not really about freedom its about equality, from what I understand

people are still free to be with and commit to whomever they wish, but because government sanctions and encourages commitments between heterosexual, adult, non relatives, other adults are now demanding gobernment sanction and encourage their commitments equally,,,

no photo
Fri 03/22/13 09:33 PM

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/23/13 12:37 AM
government is not involved in our relationships until or unless we ASK or demand of them to validate our relationships by defining them for us as marriage,,,,

having a government free relationship is a very simple thing,, whats more complicated is actually demanding government involvement when demanding government validation ,,,,

willing2's photo
Sat 03/23/13 04:23 AM
View from the Muslim community on homosexer marriage.

The agenda to legalise gay marriage has now become a huge problem. Politicians and celebrities alike are falling over themselves to be seen supporting this abomination which is promoted as the greatest civil rights issue of our time. One would have expected such a major civil rights issue to have made it into the manifestos of the three main political parties; yet a firm commitment was conspicuous by its absence in all three parties’ manifestos.
This Same Sex Marriage Bill is not aimed at changing the legislation regarding what marriage is per se, yet it is most definitely aimed at changing a universal Divine law that has been established since the creation of mankind.
The gay lobby has invested much time, effort and money in changing the public’s perception of homosexuality and has effectively created a public fear of criticism against this unnatural act with the label of ‘homophobia’. In fact, along with the help of morally degenerate people in society they have terrorised others not to speak out or show any form of objection to their agenda. It is shocking to see a Conservative government, which on one hand is seemingly adamant to “preserve British Values” and morality, then acting cowardly and accepting this fundamental change to the oldest institution known to man: the stability of the society; a stable and natural family unit.
During the recent debate about Same Sex Marriage (SSM), there has been a clear absence of the Muslim voice; this is a reflection of the fear within the Muslim community and in particular Muslim institutions to raise their concerns. When the Church of England and the Catholic Church do not cower from questioning the absurdity of the government in its attempt to re-define marriage and when their religious leaders openly oppose this misguided agenda, they are well within their rights to question the lack of a vocal response from the Muslim community.
Yet this is more than about how we are perceived by others. Muslims have to be undeniably clear and vocal in opposing this bill. I should make it clear that any Muslims who do not do anything to oppose this bill while he or she can do something even if it is minimal, are sinful and will be questioned about this at the Day of Judgment.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 03/23/13 04:58 AM

government is not involved in our relationships until or unless we ASK or demand of them to validate our relationships by defining them for us as marriage,,,,

having a government free relationship is a very simple thing,, whats more complicated is actually demanding government involvement when demanding government validation ,,,,

actually it was Government interspering itself into the private Affairs of the Citizen,by making certain Laws which do deny People born out of Wedlock,or People of the same Gender living together certain Rights which are common ones for the Mainstream!

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 06:18 AM

View from the Muslim community on homosexer marriage.

The agenda to legalise gay marriage has now become a huge problem. Politicians and celebrities alike are falling over themselves to be seen supporting this abomination which is promoted as the greatest civil rights issue of our time. One would have expected such a major civil rights issue to have made it into the manifestos of the three main political parties; yet a firm commitment was conspicuous by its absence in all three parties’ manifestos.
This Same Sex Marriage Bill is not aimed at changing the legislation regarding what marriage is per se, yet it is most definitely aimed at changing a universal Divine law that has been established since the creation of mankind.
The gay lobby has invested much time, effort and money in changing the public’s perception of homosexuality and has effectively created a public fear of criticism against this unnatural act with the label of ‘homophobia’. In fact, along with the help of morally degenerate people in society they have terrorised others not to speak out or show any form of objection to their agenda. It is shocking to see a Conservative government, which on one hand is seemingly adamant to “preserve British Values” and morality, then acting cowardly and accepting this fundamental change to the oldest institution known to man: the stability of the society; a stable and natural family unit.
During the recent debate about Same Sex Marriage (SSM), there has been a clear absence of the Muslim voice; this is a reflection of the fear within the Muslim community and in particular Muslim institutions to raise their concerns. When the Church of England and the Catholic Church do not cower from questioning the absurdity of the government in its attempt to re-define marriage and when their religious leaders openly oppose this misguided agenda, they are well within their rights to question the lack of a vocal response from the Muslim community.
Yet this is more than about how we are perceived by others. Muslims have to be undeniably clear and vocal in opposing this bill. I should make it clear that any Muslims who do not do anything to oppose this bill while he or she can do something even if it is minimal, are sinful and will be questioned about this at the Day of Judgment.

You're Muslim now?

no photo
Sat 03/23/13 07:42 AM

its not really about freedom its about equality, from what I understand

people are still free to be with and commit to whomever they wish, but because government sanctions and encourages commitments between heterosexual, adult, non relatives, other adults are now demanding gobernment sanction and encourage their commitments equally,,,

Ok I get what you mean now.

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/23/13 10:01 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 03/23/13 10:06 AM

government is not involved in our relationships until or unless we ASK or demand of them to validate our relationships by defining them for us as marriage,,,,

having a government free relationship is a very simple thing,, whats more complicated is actually demanding government involvement when demanding government validation ,,,,

actually it was Government interspering itself into the private Affairs of the Citizen,by making certain Laws which do deny People born out of Wedlock,or People of the same Gender living together certain Rights which are common ones for the Mainstream!

again 'rights' are about an individual, not about contracts and interactions between two or more people,,,

being born out of wedlock is not a crime one can be locked up for, so it is therefore a natural 'right'

living together is also not a crime , so it is also a natural 'right'

when the government is involved by providing a privilege, or a perk, it is no longer a 'right' in the first place

it is the government setting guidelines for the conditions of its budget in terms of what it will support and not support with the PEOPLES MONEY,,,,or through legislative perks

when homosexuals or out of wedlock children have to pay a tax for their situation,, than I would say a right was being infringed upon

because they do not receive the same benefits in terms of government perks or encouragement, does not mean they dont have the same 'right',

although they may not be treated identically when exercising their right

just like single folks dont get the same tax consideration as married folks,,, inequitability does not always equal an infringed 'right'

msharmony's photo
Sat 03/23/13 10:08 AM

View from the Muslim community on homosexer marriage.

The agenda to legalise gay marriage has now become a huge problem. Politicians and celebrities alike are falling over themselves to be seen supporting this abomination which is promoted as the greatest civil rights issue of our time. One would have expected such a major civil rights issue to have made it into the manifestos of the three main political parties; yet a firm commitment was conspicuous by its absence in all three parties’ manifestos.
This Same Sex Marriage Bill is not aimed at changing the legislation regarding what marriage is per se, yet it is most definitely aimed at changing a universal Divine law that has been established since the creation of mankind.
The gay lobby has invested much time, effort and money in changing the public’s perception of homosexuality and has effectively created a public fear of criticism against this unnatural act with the label of ‘homophobia’. In fact, along with the help of morally degenerate people in society they have terrorised others not to speak out or show any form of objection to their agenda. It is shocking to see a Conservative government, which on one hand is seemingly adamant to “preserve British Values” and morality, then acting cowardly and accepting this fundamental change to the oldest institution known to man: the stability of the society; a stable and natural family unit.
During the recent debate about Same Sex Marriage (SSM), there has been a clear absence of the Muslim voice; this is a reflection of the fear within the Muslim community and in particular Muslim institutions to raise their concerns. When the Church of England and the Catholic Church do not cower from questioning the absurdity of the government in its attempt to re-define marriage and when their religious leaders openly oppose this misguided agenda, they are well within their rights to question the lack of a vocal response from the Muslim community.
Yet this is more than about how we are perceived by others. Muslims have to be undeniably clear and vocal in opposing this bill. I should make it clear that any Muslims who do not do anything to oppose this bill while he or she can do something even if it is minimal, are sinful and will be questioned about this at the Day of Judgment.

I agree up to the point of 'do something even minimal', we cant really do anything about what others choose to do,,,,,

we can make sure we dont 'support' it or encourage it if its wrong, but the rest is up to that person and their conscious or creator,,,,

oldhippie1952's photo
Sat 03/23/13 10:29 AM

Christians duty is to stand up for God's Word, for it is not only His spiritual code of conduct but ours. Homosexuality is a sin—the lifestyle is considered abominable by God, not the person, for if they choose they can repent and be transformed by God.

I don't go around bashing people in the head with it, but I will speak up about it if the situation arises. The greatest victory the devil gets is when believers don't do or say anything.

I’m a curious person so actually have a two part question for you, as the first person to mention it...

While marriage obviously has a specific religious significance to you as a Christian, the significance is different for people of other religions, and to those with no religious affiliation at all.

Do you feel that only Christians should be allowed to marry?

If homosexuality being an abomination is the main reason Christians protest their right to “marry”, then shouldn’t women who wear men’s clothing and people who; sew two kinds of seeds in their soil, wear clothes woven of two different cloth, eat shellfish, re-marry their ex wives who have had another husband, craft molten or graven images, also be denied the legal right to marry? According to the Bible, these and 102 other things are ALL abominations in the eyes of the Lord.

I would like to understand why every Christian I know takes more offense to homosexuality than to any other abomination.

Might I add it says stone them to death and they don't, so none of them are standing up for the word of God.

The Bible explicitly states the exercise of free will, God wants people to come to him of their own volition because He knows forced obedience just harbors resentment and rebellion.

The Bible also states judge not, for that is God's province. So we should not judge others who exercise their free will, regardless of how repulsive or deranged from nature it is. God will sort it out.

I do not condone homosexuality, but it is not my place to force my beliefs on another who might not believe in God or whatever, etc. The two people involved in the behavior only hurt themselves, imo.

It seems as though your views have evolved a bit since this subject has been previously discussed here. Good for you. I can understand people not condoning if they believe it's a sin, but good for not trying to force others to feel the same.

Not really. My views are the same, but as a person who believes in freedom for all I just realized I should not put restrictions on another because I don't care for what they are doing.