Topic: Zee's Pub! - part 2
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Tue 06/11/13 09:16 AM
obviously.. you did not drink enough ARRRRRRRRRRG drinks laugh

lionsbrew's photo
Tue 06/11/13 11:32 AM
Sure I did I was feeling good and got no hangover.smokin

no photo
Tue 06/11/13 06:00 PM
well then.. you must be getting the hang of it bigsmile drinker laugh

no photo
Wed 06/12/13 07:24 AM
how the HELL did I get a hangover..frustrated when I haven't had alcohol in like.. 6 months noway bro.. I think I know where yer hangover went to.. slaphead

happy HUMP day peeps drinker we're gettin there.. :thumbsup:

oldhippie1952's photo
Wed 06/12/13 07:26 AM
Happy hump day ZZZ

no photo
Thu 06/13/13 03:05 PM
oops.. thanks Hippie.. got soo darned busy with work 'n life that I haven't had time to pop by yet today(or even most of yesterday) hope everyone had a great Thursday drinker

YAY.. tomorrow's FLYDAY :banana: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeHA
man.. time sure does fly these days.. I wonder.. is it just cuz I'm gettin older?? GAWD I HOPE not noway
someone told me today that his retired friend said time went even FASTER surprised and here I thought Life was a journey.. not a race slaphead

well.. done work.. now.. EAT.. finally.. I'm famished drool later peeps waving

jemare's photo
Thu 06/13/13 03:12 PM
Zee I think time flies by so fast because there just doesn't seem to be enough of it bigsmile

no photo
Thu 06/13/13 03:40 PM
Is a time fly kinda like a fruit fly?

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Thu 06/13/13 06:19 PM
Edited by Zero_Effected on Thu 06/13/13 06:20 PM

Zee I think time flies by so fast because there just doesn't seem to be enough of it bigsmile

slaphead just imagine if the days had 48 hrs in them surprised
there probably STILL wouldn't be enough of it.. but WAIT.. hold it... hold it....
now.. breathe deeply bigsmile

oops went so fast.. forgot how ta spell slaphead

no photo
Thu 06/13/13 06:26 PM

Is a time fly kinda like a fruit fly?

well MG.. this is a time fly...

and THIS is a Fruit fly..

my thoughts are.. kinda.. aside from a few minor differences bigsmile drinker

JRonin's photo
Thu 06/13/13 06:54 PM
new here, just saying hi!


So I said it.

say hi back if the mood hits ya!

no photo
Fri 06/14/13 06:35 AM
hellooo JRonin waving

being the owner of this here establishment.. and Canadian bigsmile.. we're always polite :angel:

okay well.. maybe not ALways pitchfork *snigger*

kidding aside.. welcome JR.. to the land of Mingle :banana: and the crazy world of Zee drinker

no photo
Fri 06/14/13 06:40 AM
GUESS WHAT??????? it's FLYDAY drool YAY drinks

no photo
Fri 06/14/13 08:45 AM
well.. another short chapter of life over.. *sighs*

I'll give ya the short version.. youngest and her hoard (7 cats, 2 dogs, 1-bf and his 2yr old) moved back 'home' 2 weeks ago.. they were living in a total **** hole and she's about to give birth any second.. anywho I helped them out and per usual.. got shat on.. you see, one of the conditions was they had to get rid of the animals.. my dog has an auto-immune disorder that's somewhat like the 'kid in the bubble' where other dogs are concerned and in their careless way(the kids) left the door open last week to 'their space' and the animals got to roaming around in MY space... 2 days later my dog started showing signs of illness so I took her to the vet to get her checked out(to the tune of $210)... yup.. she's weakening and may need another blood transfusion(cha-CHING)... my dog is my best friend and has been there for me when no one else has, to comfort and love(and she's a rescue)... anywho.. the kids are also trying to bully me into being their ATM with empty promises of some future repayment.. yeah.. I don't think so.. so yesterday I gave them a choice.. get rid of the zoo NOW(the house is starting to really reek of cat pee to the point it's gotten into my Hepa central air system.. another cha-CHING to get cleaned) or if they decide to go well.. no hard feelings.. today her bf gets all pissy 'n in my face that THEY HAVE RIGHTS TOO and I should get rid of MY dog.. yeah.. you got it.. I suggested they take the door.. and fast.. and they did..

I realize some may think I'm nuts choosing my dog over my daughters chaos.. the way I look at it is.. this is HER life to live HER way..and it's not a way I wish to live.. I've done my part already.. this is my home I've invested years into of time, labor and love and in 2 short weeks.. my life has been turned upside down.. to the point I got soo sick I had to miss 2 days of work (something I haven't done in almost 2 years!!)

this morning I spent a few hours cleaning up the mess they had left in the back yard so "they could make room for their stuff".. all my lawn furniture and other items were strewn wherever they'd left them outside(since last sunday) with a promise to "tidy up as soon as he had time" which doesn't seem possible considering he's always out doing something OTHER than the 'chores' he said he'd be responsible for.. and because they haven't picked up one piece of their dog crap from the backyard "pen" (the pool, deck, patio, BBQ and fire pit are all in that "pen") I can't step foot out there for fear of bringing something nasty back in to contaminate my dog(nor can she go out there now).. so I have to WAIT for them to come up with another solution for me and MY dog? meanwhile I have to take her out front on a leash to do her business? nah.. starting to feel more like they're taking OVER..

whatever.. it's done.. after I clean up and clear out all their crap(I'll have to wash down the deck, stairs and patio with disinfectant AND pick up 2 weeks worth of 2 dogs crap then hose down 2000 sq ft of lawn) I can finally get back to living and sleeping better.. (he's the type that needs to get up 5 times a night for a smoke and having been a single mom for many years, still seem to sleep with one eye open *sighs*) all in all.. I believe I'd made the right decision for ALL concerned..

so given the situation.. what would YOU have done?

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 06/14/13 11:00 AM
so given the situation.. what would YOU have done?

I would have had a pint. drinker

no photo
Fri 06/14/13 11:20 AM
methinks I need a quart 'n a drinkin buddy Dave.. drinks

where's hippie laugh

no photo
Fri 06/14/13 01:24 PM

Is a time fly kinda like a fruit fly?

well MG.. this is a time fly...

and THIS is a Fruit fly..

my thoughts are.. kinda.. aside from a few minor differences bigsmile drinker

I see, yes, I believe I do see what you mean now.

no photo
Fri 06/14/13 01:36 PM
Boy Zee (not to be confused with Boise Idaho)

After reading that I felt like catching a plane and coming up to help you clean, but I'll settle for the details after you down the quart.

wise move

no photo
Fri 06/14/13 03:33 PM

Is a time fly kinda like a fruit fly?

my thoughts are.. kinda.. aside from a few minor differences bigsmile drinker

I see, yes, I believe I do see what you mean now.

oh shoot.. seems I may be infested by the time flies sadly slaphead
and even my Best and BIGGEST fly swatter can't catch the lil critters.. ohwell

no photo
Fri 06/14/13 03:35 PM

Boy Zee (not to be confused with Boise Idaho)

After reading that I felt like catching a plane and coming up to help you clean, but I'll settle for the details after you down the quart.

wise move

I'm sure NO one would confuse me with Boise laugh I'm more like a Texas gurl.. shoot'em up, ask questions later bigsmile

not that I'd want to put you to all that expense my dear but.. I COULD use the help *WINK* bigsmile laugh