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Topic: Zee's Pub! - part 2
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Thu 04/04/13 06:45 AM
well peeps.. gots a few hours work ta do then some 'other' stuff bigsmile

so hope you have a splenderIFFIC day :thumbsup: drinker waving

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 04/04/13 07:02 AM

no WONDER you weren't at yer place.. I just went over to say HI and giggle about my april fools joke but you t'werent there..

HEY :angry: is that a TAIL I see sticking out from under your shirt??spock

huh April Fool's joke?

I came here to ask if a certain brewery had contacted you.
It has been contacting its customers to warn them about an April Fool's joke that one of the brewery's employees tried to pull on the brewery's customers.

The employee substituted colored water for the liquor in a few cases. Thankfully, the brewery contacted Luv2's bar before I opened any of the bottles of the fake stuff.

no photo
Thu 04/04/13 06:58 PM
jokes on me it seems then ohwell

been a long one folks.. and tamarra's lookin ta be the same.. *sighs*
at least it's FLYDAY.. YAY :banana:

cheers drinker

geppetto55's photo
Thu 04/04/13 11:54 PM

I'll take a crack at yer meal ifn you're in the mood for steer up this alley of quick 'n simple. I do a mean steak/salt 'n peppa sizzle.
~How do you take it?...watch timed just under 'n slaps it on a sizzlin' plate is one of my baby moments of fav. Wida simple green 'n crunchy along side. Asparagus 'n GP slaps quick 'n good...no cream no crying even tho sauce iza fun thang to whet da buds, as mind so said.
~sharp ref ay? :wink:
so just one cannelloni squirted full of fine 'matoie red stuff.. taste tested thirteen times. lol ;)
nottoforget ~ relax unmentioned, three melon ball scoops of Italian ice to nip..well rough cut with chain saw angus iza purty big chuncka. the ice will relax 'n let finish...ena Coke.
lol, something doesn't fit. huh

I'm gonna be picky here.. cause I CAN bigsmile
keep yer salt'n pepper.. I'll toss my steak on the bar-bee 'n pull 'er off when its to taste.. yeah.. I'm fussy like that cuz I only eat T-bones 'n fillet mignon.. keep the asparagus cuz I like to keep my meal down 'n not be racin off ta see Johnny on the spot.. sick I'll take a side order of salad though bigsmile

I prefer cheese cannelloni not meat..noway
I had Italian ice in Rome.. noway didn't like it HERE 'n didn't like it THERE either.. give me some old fashioned maple walnut 'n I'm happy..
Diet coke if you please.. yeah.. I know.. it's gonna kill me one day.. well.. it's inevitable I'll die ANYways.. might as well go happy :banana:

I never salt actually Ms. Holycowyouarepicky. :smile: Salt 'n peppa just erodes away anyhoo, but the barbie hotter than ay? That's why ol' Bri gotsta time the buggar. winking Looks more like going to see the Wiz than bbq. ;) Quicker than a brook trout, patwammie to the sizzle plate. ~ yeah likes the T-bones, porterH, 'n migs I do.
'oly moly I guessed wrong of asparagrass. I thought it Gods gift. I eat it raw roadside picking for stash as well..well nuff of grass thick as thumb. ill
~meat/cheese ina side pasta? jista tomato thang going on with yucky arsed garlic flair. Acid to not plug the palate, but thick, squirted up the ol' void. I could care less ifn the outside sucks yer lips like an octopus. It seeks when forked. ..lol, me mum called me starch boy as a lad. tongue2 ~even dough balls were great to me.
Italian ice is only to be nipped at here 'n there. Say ten to fity grams.
~ Maple..hmm, may as well be clove muscle to me. Thinks an arnge duck turned me away from, away from, as a lad..or maybe me bro getting me to blow maple syrup pancakes out me nose via sinus moons ago.

Humans are strange ~ it's not likely you may meet a squirrel that doesn't like acorns, giraffe that doesn't tongue around thorns fer tidbits. Perhaps I've something I say once ina backwards. Dislikes are for babies. "smiles"

slow around here? ..wondering ifnI ~ I feel a song a coming.
but bafore..grabs a few of them gargantuan leafs from the plant up front..sorry. But some of them guys on on the Velcro wall been there too long 'n doin' the camel-T thang. lol

geppetto55's photo
Fri 04/05/13 01:20 AM
dinwe all climb a tree in the wind, sa high as home looked small 'n distant? twas Elm with two large arms swaying as might split each gust. The heave of insurmountable power..dis side dat side, higher higher till next hood 'n folks at eateries can be seen, clings near as stuck wayward kite...ifn I grab here...Bee come down mum shouts..such the wimp I was, spark of made me climb to near branch snap. Gusts of near slapped branches to face..felt the earth I did ona big stick protruding from said earth like it could rip out any ol' time. Perception of wood fiber strength was learned aza carni ride.

~near every time I lept down from last branch..five/six footish toss I near always bit me tongue...wada wimp.

tell us of steamboat Zee, Zee. Ima sure I'm not alone on that. Paddle wheel, chugga chugga, frothed riva comes to my mind...loving folk that trade stuff. :)

geppetto55's photo
Fri 04/05/13 01:22 AM
ran ova this~ tis odd. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_yRvxy9HVs

no photo
Fri 04/05/13 01:27 PM
Edited by Zero_Effected on Fri 04/05/13 01:28 PM
you sure have an interestin taste in music g-man.. whoa

YAY..it's FLYDAY.. 'n I'm done workin :banana:
although the clock says I should be done in 2 hrs laugh

well.. gots ta go my hiney movin to go gets me wee one
while singin this ol ditty bigsmile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px2s9NoWgHg

no photo
Fri 04/05/13 06:30 PM
Edited by Zero_Effected on Fri 04/05/13 06:31 PM
ahhhhhh.. there's no better fun then singin at the top of your lungs during a long drive with a 2yr old... now to get rid of this headache.. I think I'll try something new.. THIS looks yummy bigsmile

seems I only had one lung surprised sad

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 04/05/13 06:36 PM

ahhhhhh.. there's no better fun then singin at the top of your lungs during a long drive with a 2yr old... now to get rid of this headache.. I think I'll try something new.. THIS looks yummy bigsmile

seems I only had one lung surprised sad

Perhaps you scared away the other lung with your singing. laugh

no photo
Fri 04/05/13 06:41 PM

Perhaps you scared away the other lung with your singing. laugh

either that or what I THOUGHT was a fur ball... wasn't surprised

no photo
Sat 04/06/13 08:37 AM

you sure have an interestin taste in music g-man.. whoa

YAY..it's FLYDAY.. 'n I'm done workin :banana:
although the clock says I should be done in 2 hrs laugh

well.. gots ta go my hiney movin to go gets me wee one
while singin this ol ditty bigsmile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px2s9NoWgHg

for clarity.. when I was a wee lass.. every weekend my dad would drive us to our country home... at that time the main highways weren't yet constructed so what SHOULD have taken only a mere hour ta drive.. took 3 hrs (back roads and small towns UGH.. well at THAT age it was UGH) to pass the time my dad would try 'entertaining' the masses (there was 6 of us in the car.. 4 kids 'n mom 'n dad) one of my dads faves was a song about what annoys an oyster.. thus the post above with the link to the oyster song...

there.. bigsmile

oldhippie1952's photo
Sat 04/06/13 08:41 AM
Just for that I need you to fix me a hurricane! I be thirsty after long drives.

no photo
Sat 04/06/13 08:54 AM
mornin peeps.. drinker

what a BEAUTiful sunny Saturday.. a wee bit brisk walking this mornin BUT.. refreshing none the less..:thumbsup:

weirdest thing happened earlier.. I was clearing my throat (got a wee bit of a cold I do.. and I only spent an hour 'n a half with da kids grumble ) anywho.. when I pulled the kleenex away it was RED surprised BRIGHT red with a VERY metallicy taste.. I raced into the bathroom and said AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH preparing for the worst.. slaphead SOMEhow I had cut my tongue and silly me almost freaked over it.. whoa it's a good job I'm not one to PANIC though.. PHEW ohwell

well.. best get some chores done.. cuz they won't do themSELVES.. stupid robot broke AND the kitchen staff is on strike.. grumble

in the meantime.. 'ave a good one :wink:drinker

no photo
Sat 04/06/13 08:57 AM

Just for that I need you to fix me a hurricane! I be thirsty after long drives.

here ya go hippie.. mind the winds though bigsmile

ViaMusica's photo
Sat 04/06/13 10:53 AM
I'm thirsty... how're the rumrunners around here? :smile:

geppetto55's photo
Sat 04/06/13 11:21 AM

you sure have an interestin taste in music g-man.. whoa

YAY..it's FLYDAY.. 'n I'm done workin :banana:
although the clock says I should be done in 2 hrs laugh

well.. gots ta go my hiney movin to go gets me wee one
while singin this ol ditty bigsmile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px2s9NoWgHg

for clarity.. when I was a wee lass.. every weekend my dad would drive us to our country home... at that time the main highways weren't yet constructed so what SHOULD have taken only a mere hour ta drive.. took 3 hrs (back roads and small towns UGH.. well at THAT age it was UGH) to pass the time my dad would try 'entertaining' the masses (there was 6 of us in the car.. 4 kids 'n mom 'n dad) one of my dads faves was a song about what annoys an oyster.. thus the post above with the link to the oyster song...

there.. bigsmile

Thanks Zee ~ I do get a kick outa youtube links sans thumbnail. Not unlike that box of chocolates the Gumpster spoke of ay? (lol, unudder show tune G?)

thanks for the li'l story ~ seeded what my father spoke of it did. Same as, but not my experience. Dad said it took 6-7 hours to get to the farm back in the earlyish fities, vs 3 now.

Raises me glass to your singing pop, and thanks him too. ;)

no photo
Sat 04/06/13 01:59 PM

I'm thirsty... how're the rumrunners around here? :smile:

here ya go m'lady bigsmile

no photo
Sat 04/06/13 02:01 PM

Thanks Zee ~ I do get a kick outa youtube links sans thumbnail. Not unlike that box of chocolates the Gumpster spoke of ay? (lol, unudder show tune G?)

thanks for the li'l story ~ seeded what my father spoke of it did. Same as, but not my experience. Dad said it took 6-7 hours to get to the farm back in the earlyish fities, vs 3 now.

Raises me glass to your singing pop, and thanks him too. ;)

by the way.. I was speaking of grandkids.. this baby factory's been closed for a few years now.. phew

ViaMusica's photo
Sat 04/06/13 02:08 PM
Ah, thanks for the rumrunner!

*sits back and sips contentedly*

geppetto55's photo
Sat 04/06/13 05:28 PM

Thanks Zee ~ I do get a kick outa youtube links sans thumbnail. Not unlike that box of chocolates the Gumpster spoke of ay? (lol, unudder show tune G?)

thanks for the li'l story ~ seeded what my father spoke of it did. Same as, but not my experience. Dad said it took 6-7 hours to get to the farm back in the earlyish fities, vs 3 now.

Raises me glass to your singing pop, and thanks him too. ;)

by the way.. I was speaking of grandkids.. this baby factory's been closed for a few years now.. phew

phew is..some at work have sa late...way later matter of.
I just wondered ~ thanks. Brave in me eye you remain just the same...comes to.
~I once spoke of you being sock having near same text as lazy tongued folk do spelt out as. Now I see m'lady. I thought I made that up. lol, shakes me mane.
Sunday to ya, as warm short blast betcha..tis here now..flipping the flag awkward, 'n oven vent jista keeping with the beat. :)

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