Community > Posts By > geppetto55
Tail of women
They do ~ Sacrum is erogenous as well. |
Zee's Pub! - part 6
Hey, how'd they get that photo? lol, I thought I left with an "Off the Air" photo up, and don't recall even adding that avey pic. O.o |
Zee's Pub! - part 6
Edited by
Thu 03/03/16 10:45 AM
*zee cranks up the volume on track 7, 8 & 10* ![]() I had to skip track 11 though.. ![]() ![]() Seventh track all across your back, uh huh, I can see you had your fun, la la la.. HeyZee indeed, I got a few silly notices in my mail 'n thought I'd squeeze 'em at the mirror and stop by for a hand wave and a shallow wishin' ya well. (-: Have a good year li'l lady~ (retired 'n dooin' ok) |
Zee's Pub! - part 4
Edited by
Mon 12/30/13 12:33 PM
welllllllllll.. it's HERE.. FLYDAY ![]() man.. gotta love our wonderful medical system.. spent 9 freakin hours at the hospital for my grandson yesterday.. only to have a doctor spend 2 mins in the exam room and confirm the diagnose I made on Monday ![]() ![]() after the doctor left the room I sent my daughter and grandson out to get settled into the car while I grabbed his medical card and referral to the specialist.. the f*cking nurse however, not only made me wait ANOTHER 15 mins but.. thought she was talking to a complete moron.. she refused to give me his papers/card cuz she just HAD to EXPLAIN that I needed to call a certain # to make an appointment? ![]() ![]() okay then.. gots me a NEW mission.. to address the medical community and demand a special "4 HOUR MAX waiting period for infants and children up to 5 yrs of age" making kids and parents wait around for 9 hours PLUS is f*cking riDICulous and TOTALLY unprofessional!! I believe it's time EVERY hospital should instill this type of program.. AND have a designated area with toys and changing tables and cribs / playpens where kids & parents can pass the time in peace AND lessen the amount of pressure/stress!! ![]() I'm done ranting now.. but I'm STILL ![]() ![]() anywho.. hope everyone's FLYDAY day is FLY ![]() I'm off ta do what I was suPPOSED ta do YESTERday ![]() cheers!! ![]() ~erm..this bothered me 'n the lady who cleans my bow tie once a year long time. "it's my thread and I have fun" I always wondered why there were never any Orientals in this pub...Frisbee getting bigger 'n bigger..then it hit my thang. It's the Flyday making fun, racist as any other tossed about near every. Zee knowing you like being the nice to everyone you choose I thought I'd come by (actually got a Mingles email) and exfoliate your heart to reach farther. Surely just a faux pas of something that can't be helped by some, and wishing you all a happy new year. ~The tie dye Indian stands as was so don't bother yourself with sending out the chubby fanger bro's again Zee. tips me hat~ lol, leaves the boo boo typo...frisbee hit my dick is funny. ;) (me) |
Crabfest&Boat Show
~~~ And geppetto55, you should have seen the look on krupa's face when he said, 'you just HIT it with the hammer', which I did, and COVERED him in crab splatter :-) Too funny of picture there Soufie as my imagination runs with it. I think I can even catch they scent of lemon. ![]() So some puns were had after that ima sure? "Dayum hun, you make me crabby...or quit yer crabbin'...please". ![]() |
Crabfest&Boat Show
....and Geppetto....lots of meat in the body...and Soufie went straight up "Conan the Barbarian " with that crab hammer...I had crap all over me after her first couple of hits. Good times. :) Ha! thanks for the cwab info, and great Conan visual Krupa! That got me laughing. Dunno what I was thinking when I signed up using Geppetto for a handle. There's too many dang letters in it. :l Ifn in the future G will do. Or..actually my name is Brian. lol, Bwian? |
so y'all been spitting to the sky and catchin' in yer mouth ~ cool
No can handle
I can't handle the thought of I put one tire off bank of river backing a trail in the fine night wit da cuzzies in me pick'em up. Cuz sez ~ "Brian, don't forget the river is there". slams breaks... Bwi wuns awound back.. Fahh! Twas wondering why sa dark/void of twees. lol...sucking me thumb. (six foot sand bank/fifteen foot of water) third worst day of my life ~ second being some big fucca grabbed me by me feet 'n slapped me arse. :) |
Crabfest&Boat Show
Ha, it looks like it was a grand day Soufie. Thanks for the very nice photos of. ~hats off to the photographer ta boot..near feel as there I do.
I don't think I've ever seen a cwab body as that to be honest. Is there meat to be had inside that big old body section, or just goo mostly? lol! li'l wooden hammers? I'm game. Patwammie is one of my favorite sounds on the planet. ~loves the little hammers I do. ~~as a silly selfish "me me, my life" side note of mention..I was at a wedding once upon and Cornish hens was served as whole. ~looking around I saw on the faces of many as where/how do I start? as I. I was very sitting on the fence to just hammer my fist unto dat li'l cooked bird to break the ice for all to just do da caveman/woman thing. Too funny. Little hammers would have been great! Spa day got me laughing~thanks again Soufie. |
I would have never guessed that so many have indulged to understand what the OP meant.
Ol' Prints may not have contrary in his life at the moment and as run away train. ~assuming tis man posting. PC have you ever really watched what goes on, all entailed, to get off a large gathering as a "hit" with all? A ta Z with grace they do. Join I say, and if too many moons has passed.. wear a silly hat by all means to cover any embedded awkward of day 1. Smiles you will receive and a quick thank you with eyes. ~ifn what I suggest is a bit much like say a wood duck jumping from first home, try donating a Saturday of your time at a local soup kitchen but wear a shirt with collar. ~caring works that way ya know..well, ifn yer hurtin'. tips me hat~ |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
3. be Respectable to EVERYone at ALL time..
Zee why in the world didn't you just say you didn't like me in the first place? Dis'd then scolded multiple for reply has been such a joy. (X rated music, vids? I thought it funny, if not controversial posts to bring peeps in) Golly, Bri wondered the whole time why you didn't stick up for me. S'pose forgot how "in good fun" pile on the rabbit was. No worries Zee ~ no matter what I do, speak or sit with folded hands they find me. Ina bus, ina bar, ina county la. :) Perhaps you should add anudder rule: No being a real, honest as nothing to hide person. I tried to care, 'n bids you well~ ![]() ![]() |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
The feline just looks like it can do with a good feed of munchies is all ![]() Hey Z..D, G, I, and anyone else i say those letters out really fast....and may the force be with you :-) Actually i just had a thought that what and how we write now, will more than likely be heiroglyphics to the reader years or even aeons from now...hmmmmm...ancient pub heiroglyphics...interesting. But before i get away with the twaddle....I'm curious about the flora on the flipside, sooooo..i was wondering if y'all would do a favour the next time your out and aboat somewhere in the wilderness gathering twigs in your hair....wellllll...for those of you who have twig magnets for hair anyhoo. Take note of where there is a split in the land where you are, perhaps it is a highway or roadworks bulldozing or building a highway, anywhere where there seems to have been a split in the land or through a forest. If and when you do, can you let me know what species of tree is most prominent where the split is please?? @ Gep...he hasn't written a book as such, more of a handbook to those who are drawn to rongoa, because the knowledge he has stored in his head is a taonga (treasure), which i believe is accessible to those who can understand and respect it. Sorry if i'm being 'whatever'....but that's how it is. This link may help to explain though... Thanks for the knuckle rub there Kahurangi~ Knowing I should have clicked that there link straight away tonight, but dint. yes, dat footy ball squirted right on out betwixt me legs 'n behind where they like it. ^^^At edge of baseball field of very lush green grass abutted to small forest, all, I near say prehistoric ground fertile earth lore took place. hmm, someone cut down an in the way elm tree years back...lore being cut down an elm, Morel mushrooms will raise their fragile to be harvested. And it did in spades one year. Next being 1/3rd but leaning towards hardwood vs scrub tree growth, but still along transition. Thanks K, and I'll read that tomorrow. ~It's so blooming fertile where I live I wonder if your request of knowledge is different scale. Never a "whatever" in the box I've seen K. ~~may a waddle of penguins waddle your fancy 1day. Some get lost? (-: |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
man! you must smoke some frikken good stuff, you be trippen? I get a headache just trying to decipher your posts sorry iba ~ I just lost an hour of explanation for ya cuz Windows decided to update 'n reboot. Nice picking though. Twas only that made real sense. no worries of your intention, twas written as reply to one. Canopies large and small apply so you understand. yea okay ghetto, I think it's a waller day of a kep just keep the mantra and have a flinger ya? Sorry you've no entity I'd feel I'd be responding to iba. You do know ifn you don't allow your breath follow through, blood may pool in your heart. ovdeudda~ your tendons are tight. As start, quit huggin' yer pilla/blanket with wrists curled..keep wrists straight and concentrate on that new relax. may last a week or so ifn ya heed. Try not calling your boyfriend so late nite. I would think chilly saliva soaked sleeve ends would keep anyone awake. |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
good morning zero insomnia sucks..........I think I'll just stay up and perv the posts, have a great day Too many Oxy pads laid on or did you forget a spot of punctuation Sonny Jim? |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
Eagle as carrying small child on off the run in history of the green planet I've seen. fahh, too heavy of lift sounds as deep wound... ...transition area spoke of, of natural meds is very interesting. Tis the area I normally skip over because of that's where them hitch hiker seeds that coat ones shoestrings, knee on down wit little buggars to be picked off live 'n breed. ~ I best look unda canopy to that/various topo with new intrigue ... ...called Doc 'em woke 'em up, said Doctaa?? ..ain't there.. K yer new bud ~ has he written a book we can eyeball? being that form of flattery unspoken. man! you must smoke some frikken good stuff, you be trippen? I get a headache just trying to decipher your posts sorry iba ~ I just lost an hour of explanation for ya cuz Windows decided to update 'n reboot. Nice picking though. Twas only that made real sense. no worries of your intention, twas written as reply to one. Canopies large and small apply so you understand. |
![]() ALL of you! ![]() How cool is that!? fanks wady. |
No can handle
Duff created by peeps. (no not them spongy buggars)
Cradle to grave what ever one touches ya own it in that space in time. ~ A ta Z. |
Good ideas
Toe straps on bicycle peddles iza different one should try if have not.
...what day is it Pooh? ![]() |
Good ideas
there's that sliver of bar soap you know will break next use...
Tis piggy back time I thinks I fucgured all on my own. ![]() Well it snaps and yer a fumblin' for the new block of. Who needs that at shower time? (yes I use the nice smelling liquid at home too, but for work/gym shower..bare with) ![]() ~so when a bar of soap gets near worthless in size, let it set in moisture to get soft. ie; soap dish left a bit o wet, covered tight soap holder. Press softened wedge of undesired soap...(it's gunna break and need to be tossed ya know...chips 'n chit ifn ya don't. eep!) onto a new bar...dry! Don't get it wet until after pressing old to new. Use piggy backed bar a bit gingerly as first, but it will "weld" to the new one sooner than not. ~I've not wasted one ounce of bar soap for at least a decade now. Well...yeah..sorry sa long to share. ![]() in my best oriental party organizer voice... SUPPLIES! ![]() ..and you heard it here first on Roller Derby. "snic" |
Zee's Pub! - part 2
change of plans K.. have to go get the wee one now.. so I'll be here.. same bat time ![]() ![]() ![]() SAME BAT CHANNEL ??? lol.... have a great weekend ladies and germs!! LOL :P Germs? how open season of ya~ ![]() just for the record g-man.. TTO is an old and very dear friend(in real life) as are a few other patrons that pop by every now and then to say hi.. and he was basically talking to me.. so I'd appreciate not disrespecting my friends or my thread.. thank you Basically..I was saying hello to someone donned in hockey PPE referring second gender as germs. I know 'alec fer crikey. I did get all the ink spots right in the test hopes ya know. Guessin' I didn't recognize a game of word disassociation in the mix there. ~For the record, disrespecting isn't in my blood. |