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Topic: Taking Back This Country
msharmony's photo
Mon 02/11/13 08:32 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 02/11/13 08:35 PM

humans are imperfect, therefore any system run by humans will have imperfections

As long as the race is imperfect, the best we can do is imperfect justice, but that is no reason not to strive for it. A proper republic comes close because it is based on the rule of law, whereby imperfect men must interfere as little as possible.

and Im not quite sure what period of 'justice' we should go back to,,,,,as I dont know of such a time where we had justice across the board here in america,,,(or anywhere else for that matter)

That is a strawman argument. Did anyone say there was more justice in the past? In truth, the only way we will have justice in the future is to fight for it in the present. The past only provides lessons we should be learning from.

When we finally recognize that law just IS and can't be legislated (that legislation isn't law, but only a regulatory opinion given the force of law), we will make a giant leap into a better world. It will mark the end of rule by men and the beginning of a true rule of law.

reference to the past is implied with taking something 'back',,,,

The "something" would be the rule of law, which has been taken away by a horrific deception of the people. Restoring the rule of law, would be a step in the right direction, as it would be more just than the crap that has been foisted on you over the centuries. At least it would reintroduce a sincere striving for justice.

I dont see less of a 'striving' now than in the past,, thats my point

there is no clear distinction that we are better or worse than we have been at any other time

except perhaps morally,,,,

...and economically. Your nation has been systematically robbed of its wealth for the last hundred years by the gang of crooks that really governs your country. Your President is nothing more than a hired shill and an officer of the corporation...He works for them, not you.

define 'wealth', and perhaps it is a measure where there is less than before,, but how does that factor in when we consider america over all and all the other areas of life there are to consider

perhaps 'america' had more 'wealth' when it had slavery?,,, does thst make us worse for the wear now?

we are currently trailing in 'wealth' behind several middle eastern countries,, does that mean we are doing worse than they are?

mightymoe's photo
Mon 02/11/13 08:37 PM

First thing is Obama should get impeached or better yet, just removed from office since he is not willing to prove or can't prove that he is a natural born citizen. All his Executive Orders,etc. should get nullified. He has committed several acts of treason and has acts of impeachment against him, it should be followed through on with him getting prosecuted.

In my dream world, the RNC's last minute actions to remove Ron Paul's rightful nomination should be dealt with, he should get on the ballot since he won the nomination in 5 states. Also get rid of the electoral college then we should have a new election with photo ID and proof that you are legally able to vote.

Like I said,..it's a dream.

buy this lady a beer!!!

drinker drinks

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/11/13 08:41 PM
IM actually thinking of referring some minglers to rehab,,,,,

Jenknee's photo
Mon 02/11/13 11:47 PM
Some Minglers/Sheeple need to wake up!!!

Here is one act of impeachment against Obama over Libya.


Jenknee's photo
Tue 02/12/13 12:18 AM
Written on April 4, 2012 at 5:15 pm by peter paton. Obviously this was approx 10 months ago so I'm not sure how many more articles of impeachment there are now. Just wanted to quickly get this posted.

Eighty Six Articles of Impeachment against Obama



Warning against Obama for Syria- includes the infamous Panetta testimony video where he says they will go to NATO or the UN for a resolution, NOT Congress.


XxHunterxX's photo
Tue 02/12/13 12:46 AM
How do we take back something we NEVER HAD??? :)

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 02/12/13 12:57 AM

msharmony's photo
Tue 02/12/13 06:33 AM
Edited by msharmony on Tue 02/12/13 06:37 AM

How do we take back something we NEVER HAD??? :)

'we' is overused

throughout american history, there hasnt been a time when 'we' , didnt mean those with money and power,,,

there is nothing to take things 'back' to, as far as that goes,,,

hopefully the negro in charge wont be held to a different standard than any of his predecessors have been ,,,,

XxHunterxX's photo
Tue 02/12/13 07:32 AM

How do we take back something we NEVER HAD??? :)

'we' is overused

throughout american history, there hasnt been a time when 'we' , didnt mean those with money and power,,,

there is nothing to take things 'back' to, as far as that goes,,,

hopefully the negro in charge wont be held to a different standard than any of his predecessors have been ,,,,

Right, you have good points. BUT what really gets me all aggressive is this talk about "taking back this country". Back WHERE? the STONE AGE?

EXACTLY! and if we took it back to where the founding fathers had it there would still be slavery... ANOTHER WAKEUP CALL! I only say that because I have ACTUALLY HEARD PEOPLE TALK LIKE THAT! rediculous....

Anybody actually THINK about that sentance anyway?!? "Take back this country" Evidently someone has some SERIOUS power and control issues to EVEN SAY THAT =) Its always been about voting in people not buying and knaveing your way into control. OOPS! I guess that is what political parties do and what makes them the SAME. When it comes down to it, both parties are the same just slightly different lies about what they stand for to get your money. =)

Milesoftheusa's photo
Tue 02/12/13 10:45 AM

How do we take back something we NEVER HAD??? :)

'we' is overused

throughout american history, there hasnt been a time when 'we' , didnt mean those with money and power,,,

there is nothing to take things 'back' to, as far as that goes,,,

hopefully the negro in charge wont be held to a different standard than any of his predecessors have been ,,,,

Right, you have good points. BUT what really gets me all aggressive is this talk about "taking back this country". Back WHERE? the STONE AGE?

EXACTLY! and if we took it back to where the founding fathers had it there would still be slavery... ANOTHER WAKEUP CALL! I only say that because I have ACTUALLY HEARD PEOPLE TALK LIKE THAT! rediculous....

Anybody actually THINK about that sentance anyway?!? "Take back this country" Evidently someone has some SERIOUS power and control issues to EVEN SAY THAT =) Its always been about voting in people not buying and knaveing your way into control. OOPS! I guess that is what political parties do and what makes them the SAME. When it comes down to it, both parties are the same just slightly different lies about what they stand for to get your money. =)

If you can not look around you and see we are in deep crap if things continue? Then the world goes round and round all day long. It's amazing what I see. Take Care

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Tue 02/12/13 01:31 PM

This was too simple and profound a message to post only once, so give thanks to Conrad for posting it and LOOK AGAIN.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 02/16/13 12:21 AM

This was too simple and profound a message to post only once, so give thanks to Conrad for posting it and LOOK AGAIN.

The only problem is money has taken over. The created in this age was a huge experiment that money has taken over. Not that we can not vote for what we believe in. The problem is big money has the power of influence. As long as we don't understand whats going on, then the un-informed become the basis for societies thoughts and actions.

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/16/13 08:07 AM

This was too simple and profound a message to post only once, so give thanks to Conrad for posting it and LOOK AGAIN.

The only problem is money has taken over. The created in this age was a huge experiment that money has taken over. Not that we can not vote for what we believe in. The problem is big money has the power of influence. As long as we don't understand whats going on, then the un-informed become the basis for societies thoughts and actions.

money has ALWAYS had the power

the difference has become , with the growing population, the huge gap between the haves and have nots

and the fierce struggle to keep others down instead of lift others up,,,

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/16/13 08:13 AM

How do we take back something we NEVER HAD??? :)

'we' is overused

throughout american history, there hasnt been a time when 'we' , didnt mean those with money and power,,,

there is nothing to take things 'back' to, as far as that goes,,,

hopefully the negro in charge wont be held to a different standard than any of his predecessors have been ,,,,

Right, you have good points. BUT what really gets me all aggressive is this talk about "taking back this country". Back WHERE? the STONE AGE?

EXACTLY! and if we took it back to where the founding fathers had it there would still be slavery... ANOTHER WAKEUP CALL! I only say that because I have ACTUALLY HEARD PEOPLE TALK LIKE THAT! rediculous....

Anybody actually THINK about that sentance anyway?!? "Take back this country" Evidently someone has some SERIOUS power and control issues to EVEN SAY THAT =) Its always been about voting in people not buying and knaveing your way into control. OOPS! I guess that is what political parties do and what makes them the SAME. When it comes down to it, both parties are the same just slightly different lies about what they stand for to get your money. =)

and this is where I Take an old cliche further,,

people often say 'guns dont kill people, PEOPLE kill people',,well DUH,, and cars dont kill people either(By themself) but that doesnt mean we just hand cars over to every one who wants to take a whack at driving,,,,,

,,,but im digressing and going on a tangent,, back to my point,,

the GOVERNMENT isnt controlling anyone, anymore than it did when it DECIDED upon the guidelines of this country,, EVERY american didnt sit down to write those rights and amendments ,, THE 'government' did,,,

they still have those same powers,

THe government doesnt control others, PEOPLE control others,, the government is made up of imperfect people, whether it be federal, state, or city,, there will be no GOVERNMENT of people that doesnt screw some things up,,,it just wont happen

that people think a state government is better than a federal government or vice versa astounds me really,, its still PEOPLE (mostly men) who decide on the direction of the country,,,,,

I dont belive state does it or will do it any better than federal, and I CERTAINLY dont believe 'the people' now over indulged with calories, misinformation via internet AND cable, and an immediate gratification view of life,,,will do any better

IN fact, I Actually think that last group would drive us right over a cliff BACK to slave days and the wild wild west,,,,,

no photo
Sat 02/16/13 05:15 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Sat 02/16/13 05:15 PM
people often say 'guns dont kill people, PEOPLE kill people',,well DUH,, and cars dont kill people either(By themself) but that doesnt mean we just hand cars over to every one who wants to take a whack at driving,,,,,
Yes we do, the bar is so low an ant can walk over it.

. . all the while not a single word about the right to transportation in the constitution.

willing2's photo
Sat 02/16/13 05:22 PM

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/17/13 09:00 AM

people often say 'guns dont kill people, PEOPLE kill people',,well DUH,, and cars dont kill people either(By themself) but that doesnt mean we just hand cars over to every one who wants to take a whack at driving,,,,,
Yes we do, the bar is so low an ant can walk over it.

. . all the while not a single word about the right to transportation in the constitution.

but the word 'regulated' is,,,,right in the very same amendment,,,

meaning we dont hand over a weapon to just any fool, and we dont hand over any and all possible wespons to just any fool

willing2's photo
Sun 02/17/13 07:51 PM

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sun 02/17/13 10:07 PM

How do we take back something we NEVER HAD??? :)

'we' is overused

throughout american history, there hasnt been a time when 'we' , didnt mean those with money and power,,,

there is nothing to take things 'back' to, as far as that goes,,,

hopefully the negro in charge wont be held to a different standard than any of his predecessors have been ,,,,

Right, you have good points. BUT what really gets me all aggressive is this talk about "taking back this country". Back WHERE? the STONE AGE?

EXACTLY! and if we took it back to where the founding fathers had it there would still be slavery... ANOTHER WAKEUP CALL! I only say that because I have ACTUALLY HEARD PEOPLE TALK LIKE THAT! rediculous....

Anybody actually THINK about that sentance anyway?!? "Take back this country" Evidently someone has some SERIOUS power and control issues to EVEN SAY THAT =) Its always been about voting in people not buying and knaveing your way into control. OOPS! I guess that is what political parties do and what makes them the SAME. When it comes down to it, both parties are the same just slightly different lies about what they stand for to get your money. =)

and this is where I Take an old cliche further,,

people often say 'guns dont kill people, PEOPLE kill people',,well DUH,, and cars dont kill people either(By themself) but that doesnt mean we just hand cars over to every one who wants to take a whack at driving,,,,,

,,,but im digressing and going on a tangent,, back to my point,,

the GOVERNMENT isnt controlling anyone, anymore than it did when it DECIDED upon the guidelines of this country,, EVERY american didnt sit down to write those rights and amendments ,, THE 'government' did,,,

they still have those same powers,

THe government doesnt control others, PEOPLE control others,, the government is made up of imperfect people, whether it be federal, state, or city,, there will be no GOVERNMENT of people that doesnt screw some things up,,,it just wont happen

that people think a state government is better than a federal government or vice versa astounds me really,, its still PEOPLE (mostly men) who decide on the direction of the country,,,,,

I dont belive state does it or will do it any better than federal, and I CERTAINLY dont believe 'the people' now over indulged with calories, misinformation via internet AND cable, and an immediate gratification view of life,,,will do any better

IN fact, I Actually think that last group would drive us right over a cliff BACK to slave days and the wild wild west,,,,,

The problem is really everyone's perception of authority. Most people have forgotten that their government is their child and that THEY bear the responsibility for keeping it honest. It seems that people prefer to think of themselves as children of the state as opposed to the state's parent. It is only logical then, that the state should grow to become a powermad spoiled child, that governs the people instead of their affairs.

When you have a population that thinks the government is in charge, guess what...The government is in charge and starts governing the people...That is of course the death of the republic and the end of legitimate governance.

In most countries in the world today, we have the same situation, tyranny by those unfit to rule the people they rule.

A government gets its legitimate power from the delegation of each individual's authority through consent. It is really a simple matter for any individual to withdraw that consent...If enough of you do it, your government winds up governing nothing.

Withdraw your consent to be governed. Govern yourselves as your own highest authorities and be free.

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