Topic: Taking Back This Country
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Thu 02/07/13 11:51 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Thu 02/07/13 11:53 AM

Whats an Indian?

Whats a country before someone draws a map and gives it a name?

If you had 100 million people living on a single continent and none of them calling themselves other than human what then?

You guys could sit here and revisit ancient history with specifics, or you could just keep generalizing vague terms with little meaning over large spans of time and about groups of humans with little actual differences.

The thing is neither is really going to prove anything.

Bushidobillyclub....oh so now you don't know what an Indian is? never watched a second of American Television with Indians...

you went thought the entire school system never learning what an Indian was....

you never pick up or read a book that mention anything about Indians,

you have the entire wealth of man's knowledge (supposedly) on The Internet at your fingertips but yet you're confused to or never heard of an Indian

and you guys wondering what's wrong with America ....apparently it's the public school system
You missed my point. Unsurprising.

I'm a duck...I'm also an indigenous native of this land because I was born here and that's what the Europeans found when they arrived on Turtle Island centuries ago. They called the indigenous natives Indians by accident, but the moniker stuck because Indians were known to be non-Christian heathens that had to be converted to Christianity (in accordance with Imperial Church/(business) policy). This policy suited the european power interests who coveted the land and its resources very well. Consequently the Indians were forced at gunpoint to adopt European ways. Those who didn't were considered savages who stood in the way of "progress" (profit), so they were systematically killed off in droves. The more honourable Indian understanding of law (that provided some of the principles of natural law used in the original American Constitution) stood in opposition to to the more profitable European feudalistic system based on land & resources being private property, so the natural law the indians lived by (which made land and resources part of the common) had to be "removed" for the sake of profit. This resulted in what amounts to a cultural (and nearly actual) genocide.

Why don't we all wise up and quit playing the "who was here first" game and recognize that anyone born on a land is a native of that land, with the same natural rights and duties as anyone else? It's time to quit playing "us" versus "them"...There is no "them"...only us...the people. Countries and other crap like that were just things that were made up, mostly for the unlawful over-exploitation of resources for the profit of a small and extraordinarily wealthy elite that has exploited us as a human resource for centuries.
HEY, at least someone decided to get some details and explain some history, and clearly got my point.

History is about the only way to tell one people from another.

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 12:27 PM

An Indian is possibly the second or third (human) inhabitant of North America.

an inhabitant could apply to a dead body floating to the shore

so ironic how you guys avoid answering questions just like the politicians you're always in here complaining about

all those that came after the Indians would be classified as illegal aliens

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

yep the Indians you are an illegal do know that the Cowboy Hat you are wearing is actually a Sombrero

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 12:32 PM

Whats an Indian?

Whats a country before someone draws a map and gives it a name?

If you had 100 million people living on a single continent and none of them calling themselves other than human what then?

You guys could sit here and revisit ancient history with specifics, or you could just keep generalizing vague terms with little meaning over large spans of time and about groups of humans with little actual differences.

The thing is neither is really going to prove anything.

Bushidobillyclub....oh so now you don't know what an Indian is? never watched a second of American Television with Indians...

you went thought the entire school system never learning what an Indian was....

you never pick up or read a book that mention anything about Indians,

you have the entire wealth of man's knowledge (supposedly) on The Internet at your fingertips but yet you're confused to or never heard of an Indian

and you guys wondering what's wrong with America ....apparently it's the public school system
You missed my point. Unsurprising.

Bushidobillyclub...I'm pretty sure the Indians miss your point to....I'm pretty sure they know what an Indian is even if you play like you don't

willing2's photo
Thu 02/07/13 01:51 PM
Edited by willing2 on Thu 02/07/13 01:52 PM

An Indian is possibly the second or third (human) inhabitant of North America.

an inhabitant could apply to a dead body floating to the shore

so ironic how you guys avoid answering questions just like the politicians you're always in here complaining about

all those that came after the Indians would be classified as illegal aliens

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

yep the Indians you are an illegal do know that the Cowboy Hat you are wearing is actually a Sombrero

I is a indian. 1/3 Choctaw. You is da' illegal. Git on back to yer home, now.

One of the first inhabitants to North America were the......................................................................................................................................................................Drum roll...............
I'll type slowly and with big letters so it is understood.

CLOVIS PEOPLES. That again and slower, C L O V I S P E O P L E

To them we the indians, were the Illegals.

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 02:38 PM

An Indian is possibly the second or third (human) inhabitant of North America.

an inhabitant could apply to a dead body floating to the shore

so ironic how you guys avoid answering questions just like the politicians you're always in here complaining about

all those that came after the Indians would be classified as illegal aliens

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

yep the Indians you are an illegal do know that the Cowboy Hat you are wearing is actually a Sombrero

I is a indian. 1/3 Choctaw. You is da' illegal. Git on back to yer home, now.

One of the first inhabitants to North America were the......................................................................................................................................................................Drum roll...............
I'll type slowly and with big letters so it is understood.

CLOVIS PEOPLES. That again and slower, C L O V I S P E O P L E

To them we the indians, were the Illegals.

willing2..the clovis people were Indians.....what did I tell you about posting without thinking

also if you are only 1/3're still 2/3 illegal alien

you're more illegal alien than you are Indian come on willing2...stop trying to get rid of illegal aliens... some are probably your relatives

willing2's photo
Thu 02/07/13 02:44 PM

An Indian is possibly the second or third (human) inhabitant of North America.

an inhabitant could apply to a dead body floating to the shore

so ironic how you guys avoid answering questions just like the politicians you're always in here complaining about

all those that came after the Indians would be classified as illegal aliens

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

yep the Indians you are an illegal do know that the Cowboy Hat you are wearing is actually a Sombrero

I is a indian. 1/3 Choctaw. You is da' illegal. Git on back to yer home, now.

One of the first inhabitants to North America were the......................................................................................................................................................................Drum roll...............
I'll type slowly and with big letters so it is understood.

CLOVIS PEOPLES. That again and slower, C L O V I S P E O P L E

To them we the indians, were the Illegals.

willing2..the clovis people were Indians.....what did I tell you about posting without thinking

also if you are only 1/3're still 2/3 illegal alien

you're more illegal alien than you are Indian come on willing2...stop trying to get rid of illegal aliens... some are probably your relatives

Cast of the
Kennewick Man's skull> Patrick Stewart
(Star Trek's "Captain Picard")
Spitting image of the Kennewick Man

Pre-Indian Caucasoids in America
Colin, Son of Þeedrich


On July 28,1996 Will Thomas and Dave Deacy found a skeleton, later to be called the Kennewick Man, on the banks of the Columbia River in Washington State. They called the Benton County coroner's office, which then turned it over to Dr. Jim Chatters, a professor at Central Washington University, owner of Applied Paleoscience in Richland, Washington, and a local specialist in ancient bones who also happens to be married to an Indian woman. Immediately Dr. Chatters recognized the skull as Caucasoid and at first thought it might be that of an early 19th-century White pioneer, so he sent samples of the bones to an appropriate laboratory to be dated. Through advanced methods in radio carbon dating the Kennewick Man was found to be about 9,300 years old. The remains are the best preserved and fullest skeleton of the seven similar ones that have been discovered in North America. After many anthropologists and other scientists did further testing on these skeletons, they found out that, in one way or another, they all had Caucasoid features.1 Since 1938 archeologists throughout Western North America have been digging up artifacts from the later glacial era (approximately fourteen thousand to ten thousand years ago). Most of the skeletons and artifacts were found in the west; because the Eastern side of the continent is much more humid and acidic, which makes the long-term preservation of bones unlikely. The traits of most of these ancient artifacts differ from those of the artifacts we find in "Native American" cultures.

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 03:01 PM
Edited by funches on Thu 02/07/13 03:04 PM

An Indian is possibly the second or third (human) inhabitant of North America.

an inhabitant could apply to a dead body floating to the shore

so ironic how you guys avoid answering questions just like the politicians you're always in here complaining about

all those that came after the Indians would be classified as illegal aliens

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

yep the Indians you are an illegal do know that the Cowboy Hat you are wearing is actually a Sombrero

I is a indian. 1/3 Choctaw. You is da' illegal. Git on back to yer home, now.

One of the first inhabitants to North America were the......................................................................................................................................................................Drum roll...............
I'll type slowly and with big letters so it is understood.

CLOVIS PEOPLES. That again and slower, C L O V I S P E O P L E

To them we the indians, were the Illegals.

willing2..the clovis people were Indians.....what did I tell you about posting without thinking

also if you are only 1/3're still 2/3 illegal alien

you're more illegal alien than you are Indian come on willing2...stop trying to get rid of illegal aliens... some are probably your relatives

Cast of the
Kennewick Man's skull> Patrick Stewart
(Star Trek's "Captain Picard")
Spitting image of the Kennewick Man

Pre-Indian Caucasoids in America
Colin, Son of Þeedrich


On July 28,1996 Will Thomas and Dave Deacy found a skeleton, later to be called the Kennewick Man, on the banks of the Columbia River in Washington State. They called the Benton County coroner's office, which then turned it over to Dr. Jim Chatters, a professor at Central Washington University, owner of Applied Paleoscience in Richland, Washington, and a local specialist in ancient bones who also happens to be married to an Indian woman. Immediately Dr. Chatters recognized the skull as Caucasoid and at first thought it might be that of an early 19th-century White pioneer, so he sent samples of the bones to an appropriate laboratory to be dated. Through advanced methods in radio carbon dating the Kennewick Man was found to be about 9,300 years old. The remains are the best preserved and fullest skeleton of the seven similar ones that have been discovered in North America. After many anthropologists and other scientists did further testing on these skeletons, they found out that, in one way or another, they all had Caucasoid features.1 Since 1938 archeologists throughout Western North America have been digging up artifacts from the later glacial era (approximately fourteen thousand to ten thousand years ago). Most of the skeletons and artifacts were found in the west; because the Eastern side of the continent is much more humid and acidic, which makes the long-term preservation of bones unlikely. The traits of most of these ancient artifacts differ from those of the artifacts we find in "Native American" cultures.

willing2...Kennewick Man were here supposedly 9,300 years ago ..Clovis people were supposedly here 11,300 years ...Kennewick Man is an illegal alien .....

you're 2/3 illegal alien....accept it and stop trying to get rid of your illegal alien relatives

also Captain Picard in Star Trek is supposedly French ..he's an illegal alien too

willing2's photo
Thu 02/07/13 03:11 PM

The idea of a republic with small regional governments is to prevent large tyrannies.

Small tyrannies are more easily overcome. We need to go back to a form of government that can only create a small regional tyranny at worst.

That would be a great plan.drinker

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 03:19 PM
I guess willing2 don't believe that white illegal aliens exist?

no photo
Thu 02/07/13 07:06 PM
How can we take back what we had? Guns will only work till they get tired of us. If that's their mindset that we are now cattle to them.. Far reaching but how can we take back our Country legally and playing their own game?

Back on the topic, I was thinking about this yesterday.

The legislation is passing gun laws in New York that will ban and make illegal a lot of guns according to how they are described etc. The legislators did not even read the 30 page bill, as they passed it in 20 minutes.

The only way to get rid of these illegal laws is to NOT COMPLY WITH THEM and then win the case in court as the laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

That is the way to legally do it.

You have to refuse to comply to illegal gun legislation.

You may get arrested and have to fight it in court.

Not many people will be willing to do that.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Thu 02/07/13 10:22 PM

How can we take back what we had? Guns will only work till they get tired of us. If that's their mindset that we are now cattle to them.. Far reaching but how can we take back our Country legally and playing their own game?

Back on the topic, I was thinking about this yesterday.

The legislation is passing gun laws in New York that will ban and make illegal a lot of guns according to how they are described etc. The legislators did not even read the 30 page bill, as they passed it in 20 minutes.

The only way to get rid of these illegal laws is to NOT COMPLY WITH THEM and then win the case in court as the laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

That is the way to legally do it.

You have to refuse to comply to illegal gun legislation.

You may get arrested and have to fight it in court.

Not many people will be willing to do that.

The problem is the Lawyers make the laws. Then they defend or prosecute the laws with a Judge another Lawyer being the arbitrator.

The problem here is the Judge can make a trial go the way he wants by his decision on whats presented to a jury.

A prosecutor can charge you with anything and even if after you pay several thousand dollars he can drop the case... When these Judges and Prosecutors can harass anyone. If you can not afford a good lawyer like say someone making 40k can be a heavy burden on their family and it can be for spite or to send a message. In most cases both are protected from being sued. A Public defender is a joke. Most have 60 case loads on their desk at all time.. they want to get u through the system as fast as possible.

This is why I say Taking back our country starts where u live. Its like work.. Your bosses will not usually come out and say what they want you to do. You know the underlining meaning of what they want for u to move up in the world.

Its the same way with our Justice system. You local Judge and probally even more so your local District Attorney or Prosecutor Have POWER.. Illegal Power very hard to prove because who wants to be the fall guy if they let it be known to them u r trouble. Even when all u want is for everyone to be treated fairly.. Look at our local laws. A crime that has a max of say 1000 dollar fine a year in jail or both. who decides who gets what? More serious crimes from probation to 10 years in jail. Who decides who gets what? in these cases the Judge. The jury just convicts u unless its a capital crime.
These laws are written this way for the rich. When are we going to wake up and see the field of Attorneys of Law control us and they also make us come to them to pay them for controlling us. Think about it?

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 02/07/13 11:34 PM
Edited by JustDukkyMkII on Thu 02/07/13 11:43 PM

The problem is the Lawyers make the laws.

The real problem is that you are calling what lawyers make "laws"...They are NOT. They are legislation given the FORCE of law by the regime, and they can't enforce them on you lawfully without your consent...Let's call a spade a spade and call them commercial regulations, because that's all they really are. Moreover, the ones in question are the unconstitutional legalization of treason against the Constitution.

I think it's about time you guys let the clowns know who's in charge of your country. You are NOT commercial slave-entities to be regulated, you are PEOPLE, living people called THE PEOPLE, and YOU ARE THE BOSS...NOT THEM!

You are BORN with natural RIGHTS, some of which are enshrined in the Constitution. They CAN'T take them away...unless you consent to it. Do you consent?

Why don't each and every one of you send your very own "Declaration of Independence" in the form of an Objection and Offer of Conditional Acceptance" to the Office of the President of United States, the Congress and the Senate telling them that you consider anti-gun legislation an offer to suspend your Second Amendment right which you cannot accept without PROOF that it is NOT treasonous, and that failure to provide such proof shall be taken as an admission by the officers of the United States that they unlawfully stand in Treason against the constitution, etc.?

I don't know if it works in the US the way it works in Canada, but in Canada legislation doesn't go into effect immediately upon its passing. That is because the legislators know that it isn't law without the consent of the people, and they have to give the people who don't like the OFFER of new "laws" reasonable time to consent to it. The people don't know this of course, so they never object to the legislation. The reasonable time passes and the people (without their even knowing it) have "agreed" and accepted the government's offer.

Can you imagine the mess if a significant number of people demanded proof of claim of a legislation's legitimacy before they could possibly accept the offer? How can you enforce "laws" against people when a cop doesn't know whether or not you are subject to the regulations he's trying to enforce? Talk about legal chaos!...Much easier just to repeal the legislation, no?

You guys have TONS of options here...Stop thinking like powerless angry serfs and start thinking creatively.

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/07/13 11:42 PM

humans are imperfect, therefore any system run by humans will have imperfections

As long as the race is imperfect, the best we can do is imperfect justice, but that is no reason not to strive for it. A proper republic comes close because it is based on the rule of law, whereby imperfect men must interfere as little as possible.

and Im not quite sure what period of 'justice' we should go back to,,,,,as I dont know of such a time where we had justice across the board here in america,,,(or anywhere else for that matter)

That is a strawman argument. Did anyone say there was more justice in the past? In truth, the only way we will have justice in the future is to fight for it in the present. The past only provides lessons we should be learning from.

When we finally recognize that law just IS and can't be legislated (that legislation isn't law, but only a regulatory opinion given the force of law), we will make a giant leap into a better world. It will mark the end of rule by men and the beginning of a true rule of law.

reference to the past is implied with taking something 'back',,,,

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Thu 02/07/13 11:49 PM

humans are imperfect, therefore any system run by humans will have imperfections

As long as the race is imperfect, the best we can do is imperfect justice, but that is no reason not to strive for it. A proper republic comes close because it is based on the rule of law, whereby imperfect men must interfere as little as possible.

and Im not quite sure what period of 'justice' we should go back to,,,,,as I dont know of such a time where we had justice across the board here in america,,,(or anywhere else for that matter)

That is a strawman argument. Did anyone say there was more justice in the past? In truth, the only way we will have justice in the future is to fight for it in the present. The past only provides lessons we should be learning from.

When we finally recognize that law just IS and can't be legislated (that legislation isn't law, but only a regulatory opinion given the force of law), we will make a giant leap into a better world. It will mark the end of rule by men and the beginning of a true rule of law.

reference to the past is implied with taking something 'back',,,,

The "something" would be the rule of law, which has been taken away by a horrific deception of the people. Restoring the rule of law, would be a step in the right direction, as it would be more just than the crap that has been foisted on you over the centuries. At least it would reintroduce a sincere striving for justice.

msharmony's photo
Thu 02/07/13 11:51 PM

humans are imperfect, therefore any system run by humans will have imperfections

As long as the race is imperfect, the best we can do is imperfect justice, but that is no reason not to strive for it. A proper republic comes close because it is based on the rule of law, whereby imperfect men must interfere as little as possible.

and Im not quite sure what period of 'justice' we should go back to,,,,,as I dont know of such a time where we had justice across the board here in america,,,(or anywhere else for that matter)

That is a strawman argument. Did anyone say there was more justice in the past? In truth, the only way we will have justice in the future is to fight for it in the present. The past only provides lessons we should be learning from.

When we finally recognize that law just IS and can't be legislated (that legislation isn't law, but only a regulatory opinion given the force of law), we will make a giant leap into a better world. It will mark the end of rule by men and the beginning of a true rule of law.

reference to the past is implied with taking something 'back',,,,

The "something" would be the rule of law, which has been taken away by a horrific deception of the people. Restoring the rule of law, would be a step in the right direction, as it would be more just than the crap that has been foisted on you over the centuries. At least it would reintroduce a sincere striving for justice.

I dont see less of a 'striving' now than in the past,, thats my point

there is no clear distinction that we are better or worse than we have been at any other time

except perhaps morally,,,,

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Fri 02/08/13 12:06 AM

humans are imperfect, therefore any system run by humans will have imperfections

As long as the race is imperfect, the best we can do is imperfect justice, but that is no reason not to strive for it. A proper republic comes close because it is based on the rule of law, whereby imperfect men must interfere as little as possible.

and Im not quite sure what period of 'justice' we should go back to,,,,,as I dont know of such a time where we had justice across the board here in america,,,(or anywhere else for that matter)

That is a strawman argument. Did anyone say there was more justice in the past? In truth, the only way we will have justice in the future is to fight for it in the present. The past only provides lessons we should be learning from.

When we finally recognize that law just IS and can't be legislated (that legislation isn't law, but only a regulatory opinion given the force of law), we will make a giant leap into a better world. It will mark the end of rule by men and the beginning of a true rule of law.

reference to the past is implied with taking something 'back',,,,

The "something" would be the rule of law, which has been taken away by a horrific deception of the people. Restoring the rule of law, would be a step in the right direction, as it would be more just than the crap that has been foisted on you over the centuries. At least it would reintroduce a sincere striving for justice.

I dont see less of a 'striving' now than in the past,, thats my point

there is no clear distinction that we are better or worse than we have been at any other time

except perhaps morally,,,,

...and economically. Your nation has been systematically robbed of its wealth for the last hundred years by the gang of crooks that really governs your country. Your President is nothing more than a hired shill and an officer of the corporation...He works for them, not you.

no photo
Fri 02/08/13 12:05 PM

The problem is the Lawyers make the laws.

The real problem is that you are calling what lawyers make "laws"...They are NOT. They are legislation given the FORCE of law by the regime, and they can't enforce them on you lawfully without your consent...Let's call a spade a spade and call them commercial regulations, because that's all they really are. Moreover, the ones in question are the unconstitutional legalization of treason against the Constitution.

I think it's about time you guys let the clowns know who's in charge of your country. You are NOT commercial slave-entities to be regulated, you are PEOPLE, living people called THE PEOPLE, and YOU ARE THE BOSS...NOT THEM!

You are BORN with natural RIGHTS, some of which are enshrined in the Constitution. They CAN'T take them away...unless you consent to it. Do you consent?

Why don't each and every one of you send your very own "Declaration of Independence" in the form of an Objection and Offer of Conditional Acceptance" to the Office of the President of United States, the Congress and the Senate telling them that you consider anti-gun legislation an offer to suspend your Second Amendment right which you cannot accept without PROOF that it is NOT treasonous, and that failure to provide such proof shall be taken as an admission by the officers of the United States that they unlawfully stand in Treason against the constitution, etc.?

I don't know if it works in the US the way it works in Canada, but in Canada legislation doesn't go into effect immediately upon its passing. That is because the legislators know that it isn't law without the consent of the people, and they have to give the people who don't like the OFFER of new "laws" reasonable time to consent to it. The people don't know this of course, so they never object to the legislation. The reasonable time passes and the people (without their even knowing it) have "agreed" and accepted the government's offer.

Can you imagine the mess if a significant number of people demanded proof of claim of a legislation's legitimacy before they could possibly accept the offer? How can you enforce "laws" against people when a cop doesn't know whether or not you are subject to the regulations he's trying to enforce? Talk about legal chaos!...Much easier just to repeal the legislation, no?

You guys have TONS of options here...Stop thinking like powerless angry serfs and start thinking creatively.

There are too many ignorant sheeple here.

And so many are poor and they cannot fight false arrests over illegal unconstitutional laws.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sun 02/10/13 08:32 PM

The problem is the Lawyers make the laws.

The real problem is that you are calling what lawyers make "laws"...They are NOT. They are legislation given the FORCE of law by the regime, and they can't enforce them on you lawfully without your consent...Let's call a spade a spade and call them commercial regulations, because that's all they really are. Moreover, the ones in question are the unconstitutional legalization of treason against the Constitution.

I think it's about time you guys let the clowns know who's in charge of your country. You are NOT commercial slave-entities to be regulated, you are PEOPLE, living people called THE PEOPLE, and YOU ARE THE BOSS...NOT THEM!

You are BORN with natural RIGHTS, some of which are enshrined in the Constitution. They CAN'T take them away...unless you consent to it. Do you consent?

Why don't each and every one of you send your very own "Declaration of Independence" in the form of an Objection and Offer of Conditional Acceptance" to the Office of the President of United States, the Congress and the Senate telling them that you consider anti-gun legislation an offer to suspend your Second Amendment right which you cannot accept without PROOF that it is NOT treasonous, and that failure to provide such proof shall be taken as an admission by the officers of the United States that they unlawfully stand in Treason against the constitution, etc.?

I don't know if it works in the US the way it works in Canada, but in Canada legislation doesn't go into effect immediately upon its passing. That is because the legislators know that it isn't law without the consent of the people, and they have to give the people who don't like the OFFER of new "laws" reasonable time to consent to it. The people don't know this of course, so they never object to the legislation. The reasonable time passes and the people (without their even knowing it) have "agreed" and accepted the government's offer.

Can you imagine the mess if a significant number of people demanded proof of claim of a legislation's legitimacy before they could possibly accept the offer? How can you enforce "laws" against people when a cop doesn't know whether or not you are subject to the regulations he's trying to enforce? Talk about legal chaos!...Much easier just to repeal the legislation, no?

You guys have TONS of options here...Stop thinking like powerless angry serfs and start thinking creatively.

There are too many ignorant sheeple here.

And so many are poor and they cannot fight false arrests over illegal unconstitutional laws.

The rich control us and what they know is money. Dukky I wish our legislation was like yours in Canada with a waiting period. They don't even read whats passed. an aid does or you scratch my back I will scratch yours.

We are to far advanced to be able to do what our forefathers seen as a sort of failsafe with the 2nd admen. Look on the streets or every night on TV.. what used to be Peace Officers are Riot Police.. an Army. A Physical fight not we have no chance. They know everywhere we are. You carry it in your pocket. Can't do without it.

We are fighting the circle of the elite. Presidents are picked while they are very young. Trained into the job. I know we got to start somewhere. and we are built on we the people, by the people.

Maybe my thinking is what affects me the most and why when it comes to fair Trustworthy Justice.

The past did not have riot gear police.. gangsters had machine guns. our local authorities need more accountabilities and need to be more our friend and neighbors. Power has gone wild. A no tolerance
policy needs to be enforced like some laws they enforce against the local people. Their a law for everything and a camera.

JustDukkyMkII's photo
Sun 02/10/13 10:27 PM

Dukky I wish our legislation was like yours in Canada with a waiting period.

It isn't my legislation...The way Canada governs itself is none of my business and the way I govern myself is no business of Canada's.

I was merely pointing out that it is a principle of law that reasonable notice MUST be given to any employees (citizens) of a corporation (country in this case) to allow them to either consent to the new "laws" (corporate regulations given the force of law in the company) or to resign (renounce citizenship with cause) from the company (country).

Most western countries (like the US, Canada, Australia et al) are simply companies that class their citizens as employees ("persons" they have jurisdiction over). That is the essence of the con...You believe you are a citizen of a great country, when in fact you are only an employee of a company, totally unaware of the fact that you begged (applied) to work for nothing except the "benefits" (which came from you in the first place)...i.e. they give you the "benefit" of a portion of YOUR estate, which the Treasury writes bonds on to use as collateral for fraudulent currency loans from the Fed.

The people see very little of the wealth they produce. Most of it goes into the pockets of the Banks and their corporate cronies as "profit." (Their profit is your loss...the books have to balance). Basically most people aren't aware that they are considered the PROPERTY of what was supposed to be the public servant of their nation*, the "country" (company).

A good way to tell whether or not your country is run by criminals is to look at what it produces..."By their fruits shall ye know them."...If it is only producing war, debt, and hardship on the citizenry, maybe it's time to change the government of your nation...for the good of the nation.

* (It is important to make the distinction between a nation and a country....A "nation" is its people (the public)...a "country" is just a business, supposedly in the business of serving the nation (public))

Jenknee's photo
Mon 02/11/13 07:58 PM
First thing is Obama should get impeached or better yet, just removed from office since he is not willing to prove or can't prove that he is a natural born citizen. All his Executive Orders,etc. should get nullified. He has committed several acts of treason and has acts of impeachment against him, it should be followed through on with him getting prosecuted.

In my dream world, the RNC's last minute actions to remove Ron Paul's rightful nomination should be dealt with, he should get on the ballot since he won the nomination in 5 states. Also get rid of the electoral college then we should have a new election with photo ID and proof that you are legally able to vote.

Like I said,'s a dream.