Topic: How Nosy are You?
no photo
Sat 02/09/13 09:13 PM

Yeah, I used to keep things around just to plant little seeds in a woman's imagination. Photographs of me with other women, feminine hygiene products, a pantie that would only fit a 90 pound woman. I could always tell which ones had found things.

This is where we differ a lil TS... I would never create a imaginary scenario by planting the items you described. My purpose would not be to disturb someone's psyche... I would call that "head games"

No offence to anyone's M.O here but what would be the point again? To get a rise out of them? Start off on bad footing? Get rid of her?

I'll pass on this method.

If she doesn't go through my things she won't find any of that junk and there won't be any issue. If she does find them, she's in the wrong for violating my privacy and deserves what she gets. With any luck, she leave me and I've rid myself of a troublesome person in my life.

Whether you admit it or not, you're playing games.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sat 02/09/13 10:03 PM

Whether you admit it or not, you're playing games.

Of course I am. But, the game is a consequence of her bad behavior. A punishment.

But, so what? Head games are everywhere. Every ad on TV is trying to make you feel bad so you'll see why you need to buy a product.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 02/09/13 10:07 PM
IMHO if you are dumb enough to bring someone you hardly know into your home for a boink, and you leave them there to go somewhere else, then you deserve to have them go through your stuff, rip you off, and pretty much whatever they decide to do because Stupid is your first name.

As far as leaveing stuff to creates some false persona that is that is some really self hatred self sabotageing weird stuff. What you going to do go around and pull all the stuff out if you actually meet someone you want to like you? Bizzaro!!!!

jessejames2's photo
Sat 02/09/13 10:15 PM
It's a great chance to learn a little more. I'd be pretty confused if I left that opportunity and she didn't snoop. Curiosity is what got us $%#@ing in the first place.

TawtStrat's photo
Sat 02/09/13 10:22 PM
One thing that I've noticed about women is that they get uptight about whether I want them to touch my stuff. I mean, I've had them say that to me and whenever I've had a girlfriend I have always told them to just relax and make themselves at home but they still get it into their heads that I'm protecting my territory against them.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sat 02/09/13 11:15 PM

Yeah, I used to keep things around just to plant little seeds in a woman's imagination. Photographs of me with other women, feminine hygiene products, a pantie that would only fit a 90 pound woman. I could always tell which ones had found things.

This is where we differ a lil TS... I would never create a imaginary scenario by planting the items you described. My purpose would not be to disturb someone's psyche... I would call that "head games"

No offence to anyone's M.O here but what would be the point again? To get a rise out of them? Start off on bad footing? Get rid of her?

I'll pass on this method.

If she doesn't go through my things she won't find any of that junk and there won't be any issue. If she does find them, she's in the wrong for violating my privacy and deserves what she gets. With any luck, she leave me and I've rid myself of a troublesome person in my life.

Wow you've got serious problems.

If you were really concerned about your "privacy" you would not have left her alone in your apartment or truck.

If you plant things, you are playing head games.

If she doesn't snoop, you will probably feel like she doesn't give a damn about who you are.

TxScoundrel is NOT playing games... he was giving us real examples of what can be found at his place

jessejames2's photo
Sat 02/09/13 11:21 PM

Yeah, I used to keep things around just to plant little seeds in a woman's imagination. Photographs of me with other women, feminine hygiene products, a pantie that would only fit a 90 pound woman. I could always tell which ones had found things.

This is where we differ a lil TS... I would never create a imaginary scenario by planting the items you described. My purpose would not be to disturb someone's psyche... I would call that "head games"

No offence to anyone's M.O here but what would be the point again? To get a rise out of them? Start off on bad footing? Get rid of her?

I'll pass on this method.

If she doesn't go through my things she won't find any of that junk and there won't be any issue. If she does find them, she's in the wrong for violating my privacy and deserves what she gets. With any luck, she leave me and I've rid myself of a troublesome person in my life.

Wow you've got serious problems.

If you were really concerned about your "privacy" you would not have left her alone in your apartment or truck.

If you plant things, you are playing head games.

If she doesn't snoop, you will probably feel like she doesn't give a damn about who you are.

TxScoundrel is NOT playing games... he was giving us real examples of what can be found at his place

Don't get him listing things.

whattheheywastaken's photo
Sat 02/09/13 11:34 PM
There are 23 midgets I've hired to jump out of certain locations in the house if anyone goes snooping.

no photo
Sat 02/09/13 11:53 PM
Whatever the flip is going on, it sounds like the woman can't win either way. If she doesn't snoop, she doesn't care enough. If she does snoop, she gets punished? I give up. laugh

no photo
Sun 02/10/13 12:26 AM
I just want to know what she's bringing back for breakfast? I'm getting kinda hungry. And, did she bring enough for all of us?

After breakfast maybe we can all go through her stuff.

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sun 02/10/13 04:08 AM

IMHO if you are dumb enough to bring someone you hardly know into your home for a boink, and you leave them there to go somewhere else, then you deserve to have them go through your stuff, rip you off, and pretty much whatever they decide to do because Stupid is your first name.

As far as leaveing stuff to creates some false persona that is that is some really self hatred self sabotageing weird stuff. What you going to do go around and pull all the stuff out if you actually meet someone you want to like you? Bizzaro!!!!

I don't like people that invade my privacy. Women test men all the time. I want to know if I can trust her and the sooner I find out, the better.

mountainwatergirl's photo
Sun 02/10/13 07:53 AM

IMHO if you are dumb enough to bring someone you hardly know into your home for a boink, and you leave them there to go somewhere else, then you deserve to have them go through your stuff, rip you off, and pretty much whatever they decide to do because Stupid is your first name.

As far as leaveing stuff to creates some false persona that is that is some really self hatred self sabotageing weird stuff. What you going to do go around and pull all the stuff out if you actually meet someone you want to like you? Bizzaro!!!!

I don't like people that invade my privacy. Women test men all the time. I want to know if I can trust her and the sooner I find out, the better.

How ironic......

no photo
Sun 02/10/13 08:07 AM

IMHO if you are dumb enough to bring someone you hardly know into your home for a boink, and you leave them there to go somewhere else, then you deserve to have them go through your stuff, rip you off, and pretty much whatever they decide to do because Stupid is your first name.

As far as leaveing stuff to creates some false persona that is that is some really self hatred self sabotageing weird stuff. What you going to do go around and pull all the stuff out if you actually meet someone you want to like you? Bizzaro!!!!

I don't like people that invade my privacy. Women test men all the time. I want to know if I can trust her and the sooner I find out, the better.

And yet, you complain about women playing games when you do the same thing. You're trying to punish women before they even do anything wrong. What happens if she picked up a book and found something you purposefully left hanging around? Would you punish her for that?

If you have such an issue with trust (as you've shown us in several threads) why leave her alone to begin with?

no photo
Sun 02/10/13 09:49 AM

Checking the Bathroom first ,women always leave stuff in there ...

seriously if we had awesome sex ,I wouldnt bother getting out of bed


You could check under it.

galendgirl's photo
Sun 02/10/13 10:23 AM

You've just had sex with a new lover for the first time. It's now the morning after and he/she has gone out to buy breakfast for you both. While they're gone, do you look through his/her personal belongings? Closets, draws, etc?

Rude and creepy!

oldsage's photo
Sun 02/10/13 10:29 AM
We would go out for breakfast, together. Porb. more of a brunch.

I would never search a ladys house. Questions are for asking & then watch to see if the answers are true.
If someone wants to search my stuff, she would need to be careful of a few things.

krupa's photo
Sun 02/10/13 10:37 AM

You've just had sex with a new lover for the first time. It's now the morning after and he/she has gone out to buy breakfast for you both. While they're gone, do you look through his/her personal belongings? Closets, draws, etc?

Hell screwed up do you have to be to raid someone's schitt and think it is cool just cause they were dumb/drunk enough to fk you?

Any idiot who would think for a second that it would be cool needs to be beaten till they piss on themselves....then beat them some more.

Not the happy and fun kind of beating....

no photo
Sun 02/10/13 02:18 PM

truthfully, I'd look to see if she was on any psych meds, but that's all. I wouldn't go through her things, so I'd never know if she had a locked box.

Why? did your script run out? Really makes you wonder who needs the psych meds...............................

TexasScoundrel's photo
Sun 02/10/13 08:23 PM

Wow you've got serious problems.

If you were really concerned about your "privacy" you would not have left her alone in your apartment or truck.

If you plant things, you are playing head games.

If she doesn't snoop, you will probably feel like she doesn't give a damn about who you are.

Not at all. If she doesn't snoop, I know I can trust her. She's a keeper.

Why? did your script run out? Really makes you wonder who needs the psych meds...............................

My former wife was bi-polar. I'd like to avoid that type in the future. Too much drama.

no photo
Sun 02/10/13 08:45 PM
Edited by Nastasiya on Sun 02/10/13 08:48 PM
It kills the mystery. I try not to find out too much too soon about a guy I'm seeing because in the past I've found the mystery to usually be better than the reality. The longer a guy stays mysterious the longer I usually date him.
There is a limit obviously. I usually try to find out his first name before we have sex again.