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Topic: The Games Men Play
TawtStrat's photo
Wed 01/16/13 07:36 AM

By all means rant! That's what we're all here for....

Ok. Personal mind games to you...Ill accept that.
But not listening to her because you feel its utter twaddle ....did you call it?

Not cool buddy... women notice of this type of attitude.

You're saying, I could be having a piss poor day and if I try to tell you about it.....you'd tune me out because its twaddle to you.

No, that isn't it at all. If you do want to know what that was about I had an ex throwing me out of her house once because she complained that the traffic outside her house was disrupting her feng shoei energy or something. I listened to her and I tried to be understanding but obviously said the wrong thing because I thought she was just complaining about the noise of the traffic, which really isn't that bad where she lives.

But yeah, you raise a good point. Let's say that you are having a bad day and you call me and I've got other things on my mind and have actually been putting most of my energy into the relationship and am rather tired. I listen to you and try to be a nice guy but listening is all that I can do and I can't solve your problem and have heard you moaning about it umpteen times already. Can you really blame me for "zoning out" a bit?

teebee79's photo
Wed 01/16/13 07:42 AM

By all means rant! That's what we're all here for....

Ok. Personal mind games to you...Ill accept that.
But not listening to her because you feel its utter twaddle ....did you call it?

Not cool buddy... women notice of this type of attitude.

You're saying, I could be having a piss poor day and if I try to tell you about it.....you'd tune me out because its twaddle to you.

No, that isn't it at all. If you do want to know what that was about I had an ex throwing me out of her house once because she complained that the traffic outside her house was disrupting her feng shoei energy or something. I listened to her and I tried to be understanding but obviously said the wrong thing because I thought she was just complaining about the noise of the traffic, which really isn't that bad where she lives.

But yeah, you raise a good point. Let's say that you are having a bad day and you call me and I've got other things on my mind and have actually been putting most of my energy into the relationship and am rather tired. I listen to you and try to be a nice guy but listening is all that I can do and I can't solve your problem and have heard you moaning about it umpteen times already. Can you really blame me for "zoning out" a bit?

Ok. I see your point. BUT for future reference, Women like to talk. Especially if someone is being a real pain to her. She doesn't want you to solve it.... Just agree that the person is being a huge A$$ to your girl and maybe give her a hug or back rub. She'll quiet down quicker and you will be the man of the hour!

s1owhand's photo
Wed 01/16/13 08:09 AM
Yeah. What a biotch that chick who was giving you kayrap that was!!
Here let me take some of that stress out of your shoulders right there...


teebee79's photo
Wed 01/16/13 08:13 AM

Yeah. What a biotch that chick who was giving you kayrap that was!!
Here let me take some of that stress out of your shoulders right there...


all's I'm sayin'smooched

Traumer's photo
Wed 01/16/13 10:23 AM

Not only that, I have a whole set of books written by well known Pick up artists for poor saps who don't know how to get laid.

It comes with advice to "show a lot of confidence" (even if you don't have any.) ---> therefore most of it is fake confidence of a pretender.

There are fakers and there are the real alpha males and sometimes it is hard to tell the difference at first glance but pay attention and the fakers will slip up eventually.

There are signs.bigsmile

But do you have or have you read "The Romance Of Lust; or, Early Expressions" by William S. Potter, 4 volumes(1873-76)
I found them in a rare book catalog section for "Deviant Diversions"
(no photos,btw):laughing:

Toodygirl5's photo
Wed 01/16/13 11:23 AM

And another thing....
I get the sex thing, men love it... want to have all of the time.. yeah, yeah yeah ( I get it) whoa Why not be upfront with this girl who is really looking for a relationship!

Why waste her time " or play these games" it gets tiresome and makes me want to kick a guy in the nuts!explode

laugh rofl laugh

SexyKelo's photo
Mon 01/21/13 04:57 PM
You see in a relationship it's about the 2 not just 1 and most guys or females think its all about them they wanna run it but you think a real woman or man about to let you control her..really espically when a man say baby I love you lets not let no one break us up but ourself now tell me why would we want to break our relationship up really espically if you love that person. I hate it when men say you gonna run when i call you but(they want that to be yes)but want run or jump when we call on them really who does that.men try to be so slick that they cant cause they try to be to slick with trying to run games on real woman the ones that never cheat and they should already know when you run game on a real woman it comes back on them.I really hate when a guy(lilboy)say well if you can communicate with your babydaddy then i can communicate with my ex(no kids just a ex)now why would you want to communicate with your ex if she hurt you so bad so you tell your woman why do men do that. can someone let me know why do men say i love everything you do for me but lie to there woman all the time.how could that be love.

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 01/21/13 08:23 PM
Women like to talk.

No kidding. indifferent

(Uh oh. Here come the rocks.)

teebee79's photo
Tue 01/22/13 07:02 PM

Women like to talk.

No kidding. indifferent

(Uh oh. Here come the rocks.)

I would totally throw rocks ...but I throw like a girl frown

whattheheywastaken's photo
Tue 01/22/13 09:08 PM

Women like to talk.

No kidding. indifferent

(Uh oh. Here come the rocks.)

I would totally throw rocks ...but I throw like a girl frown

Those rocks look like they have stink lines.

Umm, those are rocks, right?

no photo
Tue 01/22/13 09:51 PM
New to this topic but found it to be rather interesting for sure. Both sides are guilty in wanting to have the upper hand. Some guys play the role for only one goal and that is a sad because it gives the next game a hurdle to cross.

Why do women test men? Why do men test women? Is it that we are not secure or another reason entirely.

Why is it that when a man says that he is only looking to date and for nothing serious women try to change this status? The guy is being upfront but you choose to ignore him for your own personal reasons. Then after maybe going out a few times you get close and think that will change his thinking but does not and now he is a bad guy/player.

teebee79's photo
Wed 01/23/13 11:43 AM

Women like to talk.

No kidding. indifferent

(Uh oh. Here come the rocks.)

I would totally throw rocks ...but I throw like a girl frown

Those rocks look like they have stink lines.

Umm, those are rocks, right?

rofl rofl rofl

teebee79's photo
Wed 01/23/13 11:47 AM

New to this topic but found it to be rather interesting for sure. Both sides are guilty in wanting to have the upper hand. Some guys play the role for only one goal and that is a sad because it gives the next game a hurdle to cross.

Why do women test men? Why do men test women? Is it that we are not secure or another reason entirely.

Why is it that when a man says that he is only looking to date and for nothing serious women try to change this status? The guy is being upfront but you choose to ignore him for your own personal reasons. Then after maybe going out a few times you get close and think that will change his thinking but does not and now he is a bad guy/player.

This is where the game playing comes in!Some " Men" I use the term loosely aren't upfront with that info!
In their mind they are saying " I just want to have fun.. she seems nice to have fun with" but He is telling her" I'm looking to find a nice girl, someone I can talk to, get close to"

This is called " The Games Men Play"....

LovelyCourtney's photo
Wed 01/23/13 12:05 PM
The majority of them tell women things just to get them to stop talking or "nagging" or sex. They play w/ women's emotions and get their hopes up for a possible relationship, when in reality, they know it's not happening.

no photo
Wed 01/23/13 01:56 PM

How about the:

"My X-wife never said no to sex" game..

and it was countered with: "Then why did you divorce her?"

Because she was CRAZY!

I just love that when men tell you the reason they divorced was because "she's crazy" yea well was she "crazy" when you married her? I mean there are signs when someone is certifiably insane. Or did you make her that way? Men just use that as a catch all phrase to not own up to what really went wrong in a marriage, lack of comunication for instance did you just ignore her when she wanted to discuss marital issues, complain that she was nagging when she had to ask you more than one time about something? I mean come on men own up to it using the term she's crazy just let's everyone know that you want to dismiss the subject because it's better to deny that you COULD be to blame for why you got divorced. Now if she's wrapping tinfoil around her ears to better hear the alien voices well...that's a whole other story.JMO

OkiHeadDoctor's photo
Wed 01/23/13 08:34 PM
ibaceltic1, a few months ago, your comment would have gotten a flame from me but I digress. You're right. Men/Mars-Women/Venus points it out, as do so many other references, that men & women are hella different on many levels. I couldn't agree more. There are many instances, however, where we are the same. Games. The exact game may differ slightly, but without question, we play them none-the-less. The reasons behind them are countless but boil down to one thing: control.

My two-cents and now I'm in a mental deficit!

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