Topic: Am I wrong because I only date White or Spanish women?
msharmony's photo
Sat 12/22/12 08:22 PM

not all racism is hateful,,,but it is still racism

one common form of racism (in my opinion) is the idea of some absolute link between race and 'culture'

we only know one's culture once we get to know them, their race wont be the indicator we should use to assume what it is,,,,

I do not agree. Racism is prejudice, discrimination with intent, and not a desirable belief system. I do not agree that it is racist to prefer to date within ones own race as long as that preference is not hate based - or based on a negative belief system about other races, it is not racist. People tend to be attracted to others who are like themselves - some to a great degree - others to a lesser degree- but that is not racist if it is not based on degradation of others based on race. If it is a preference based on attraction devoid of any discrimination or hatred based belief that one race is superior over another, it is not racist

reference: Racism

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other race

I can relate, a 'preference' is not a mandate

saying I prefer to date black men, is not the same as saying I will ONLY Date black man

example. I prefer to date tall men. I have a preference for tall men. However, I do not DISCRIMINATE against short men merely because they are short. It is entirely an option to me to date a man who is short, but has enough other attributes that I am attracted to to make his height insignificant in comparison

those who are open to dating other races, with that in mind, but who have a 'preference' for certain races (either because of an assumption that they will automatically have more in common or because of the assumption that they will automatically get a certain type of behavior or values from those persons) is not hateful, so much as ignorant as 'race' really has no value when it comes to individual one on one relationships

those who say I 'dont date',,,<whatever race here> are racist, because they close their mind off to even considering a whole group of people merely because of their ancestry which they have no control over

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 12/22/12 08:45 PM
there is no data that would justify eliminating a whole RACE of individuals from the dating pool that would fall short of racist

No data that you know of.

Again, the author of the OP may simply think that certain women look prettier than others. Maybe he finds certain women to be exotic from his perspective. His reason for preferring certain women does not necessarily imply self-hatred on his part.

All that the author wants to know is why he should be criticized for his choice when it comes to dating women. How does his choice hurt anyone?

no photo
Sat 12/22/12 10:05 PM

People date who they're attracted to. If they're attracted to certain races, that's their preference. Why would others worry about it? Why worry about what others think?

I agree. it's not that big of a deal but I also do not think it is racist to prefer ones own race as long as the preference is based on factors of attraction rather than hatred of others because of race. People often have more in common with and are more attracted to others who they have a common cultural background with. sometimes that will includes those of other races and many times it will include people in ones own cutural/ethnic/ racial group. I know I am not racist but I do usually date within my race - not always tho

I don't always date within my race, but I am not into guys who make race a big deal. Often on here, I get emails from guys starting off by asking "do you date _______ men?" I find it a turn off, as I prefer to get to know someone a bit to see if I'd want to date them than base it on race.

msharmony's photo
Sat 12/22/12 11:25 PM

there is no data that would justify eliminating a whole RACE of individuals from the dating pool that would fall short of racist

No data that you know of.

Again, the author of the OP may simply think that certain women look prettier than others. Maybe he finds certain women to be exotic from his perspective. His reason for preferring certain women does not necessarily imply self-hatred on his part.

All that the author wants to know is why he should be criticized for his choice when it comes to dating women. How does his choice hurt anyone?

the author asked 'is it wrong', that implies a request for personal opinions

I dont care nor do I dictate to others whom they should date, but I do give my opinion about it when asked

there is no 'certain woman' that a race defines, in terms of physical attributes

therefore, attaching those 'prettier' attributes to certain races and not others is racist, as each race has a variety of physical attributes amongst its members,,,

msharmony's photo
Sat 12/22/12 11:28 PM

People date who they're attracted to. If they're attracted to certain races, that's their preference. Why would others worry about it? Why worry about what others think?

I agree. it's not that big of a deal but I also do not think it is racist to prefer ones own race as long as the preference is based on factors of attraction rather than hatred of others because of race. People often have more in common with and are more attracted to others who they have a common cultural background with. sometimes that will includes those of other races and many times it will include people in ones own cutural/ethnic/ racial group. I know I am not racist but I do usually date within my race - not always tho

I don't always date within my race, but I am not into guys who make race a big deal. Often on here, I get emails from guys starting off by asking "do you date _______ men?" I find it a turn off, as I prefer to get to know someone a bit to see if I'd want to date them than base it on race.

ty, this was my point

when you assign in your mind the idea that a whole 'race' of people are not attractive, its sheer ignorance, as within every race are individuals who will have more variation amongst them then they will amongst other races,,,,,

and when you define who you will date by one criteria that people have nothing to do with , like their race, or their heighth, id consider you pretty shallow

as I said, I prefer tall men, I will put that option in when given a choice to 'narrow' down the options on a cuber cite

but in real life, I hardly look down my nose at those who are short nor do I immediately discard their potential to be 'attractive' because of it,,,

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 12/23/12 12:10 PM
attaching those 'prettier' attributes to certain races and not others is racist,

huh Well, earlier you insisted that racism isn't absolutely wrong, and in this case, the dating preference of the OP's author is benefiting the author. So, who is being harmed by this alleged "racism"?

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/23/12 12:13 PM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 12/23/12 12:14 PM

attaching those 'prettier' attributes to certain races and not others is racist,

huh Well, earlier you insisted that racism isn't absolutely wrong, and in this case, the dating preference of the OP's author is benefiting the author. So, who is being harmed by this alleged "racism"?

that was why I was trying to stick the subject matter to 'racist' and not right or wrong

and , to apply previous logic to this response, what information is in the op that makes you believe the op is seeing a 'benefit' from his choice?

I think its wrong, but not hurtful
like an affair that is never found out,, didnt 'hurt' anyone, but was not the right thing either

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 12/23/12 01:43 PM

attaching those 'prettier' attributes to certain races and not others is racist,

huh Well, earlier you insisted that racism isn't absolutely wrong, and in this case, the dating preference of the OP's author is benefiting the author. So, who is being harmed by this alleged "racism"?

that was why I was trying to stick the subject matter to 'racist' and not right or wrong

and , to apply previous logic to this response, what information is in the op that makes you believe the op is seeing a 'benefit' from his choice?

I think its wrong, but not hurtful
like an affair that is never found out,, didnt 'hurt' anyone, but was not the right thing either

The author of the OP enjoys dating who he dates. Otherwise, he wouldn't be dating them. Thus, the author is getting a benefit.

Your affair analogy doesn't work in this case because an affair involves a violation of trust and (usually) vows. An affair is indeed hurtful. It harms the institution of marriage.

What the author of the OP is doing isn't hurting anyone, and it is benefiting the author, who appears to be an African-American.
Are you telling us that an act of racism is wrong even if it benefits an African-American?

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/23/12 02:05 PM

attaching those 'prettier' attributes to certain races and not others is racist,

huh Well, earlier you insisted that racism isn't absolutely wrong, and in this case, the dating preference of the OP's author is benefiting the author. So, who is being harmed by this alleged "racism"?

that was why I was trying to stick the subject matter to 'racist' and not right or wrong

and , to apply previous logic to this response, what information is in the op that makes you believe the op is seeing a 'benefit' from his choice?

I think its wrong, but not hurtful
like an affair that is never found out,, didnt 'hurt' anyone, but was not the right thing either

The author of the OP enjoys dating who he dates. Otherwise, he wouldn't be dating them. Thus, the author is getting a benefit.

Your affair analogy doesn't work in this case because an affair involves a violation of trust and (usually) vows. An affair is indeed hurtful. It harms the institution of marriage.

What the author of the OP is doing isn't hurting anyone, and it is benefiting the author, who appears to be an African-American.
Are you telling us that an act of racism is wrong even if it benefits an African-American?

african americans can be racists against african amerians

for example, being of the opinion that black women (regardless of the diverse appearances amongst them) are not attractive,,,,

that is a racist opinion, whom it 'benefits' doesnt change that

if an affair harms the institution of marriage, same race exclusion harms the institution of 'family' (the biological and ancestral bond that those in a race share)

so, I really dont want to get into right and wrong for this very reason

I dont care if he dates his mother or his sister, its his choice,, but since the question was asked, I am sharing my opinion

I am sure he isnt putting any stock into it if he is getting what he wants,, but seems if I was getting what I wanted, I wouldnt feel inclined to ask about what others thought

,,but thats just my OPINION

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 12/23/12 02:32 PM
Edited by Dodo_David on Sun 12/23/12 02:34 PM
The author of the OP hasn't explained the reason for his choice in dating. So, we are merely speculating as to what the reason is.

Nobody and nothing is being harmed by the author's choice. The claim that what he is doing is wrong is a claim without merit. What law, rule or scripture says that the author must also be willing to date women who are racially like him? There isn't any.

I consider it an act of racism to insist that the OP's author must also consider dating women who are racially like him.

I consider it an act of racism to claim that two people are members of the same family just because they are racially the same. Seeing family through a prism of race perpetuates racism.

Hey, I have an idea. How about contacting the author of the OP and asking him to explain the reason for his dating choice?

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/23/12 02:59 PM
Sun 12/23/12 02:32 PM

The author of the OP hasn't explained the reason for his choice in dating. So, we are merely speculating as to what the reason is.

TRUE, as a request about its 'wrongness' requires us to do,,,

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/23/12 03:00 PM
Nobody and nothing is being harmed by the author's choice. The claim that what he is doing is wrong is a claim without merit. What law, rule or scripture says that the author must also be willing to date women who are racially like him? There isn't any.

ONLY TRUE if one is of the belief that 'wrong' must always require someone to be hurt

which I dont

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/23/12 03:03 PM
I consider it an act of racism to claim that two people are members of the same family just because they are racially the same. Seeing family through a prism of race perpetuates racism.

Then I would consider such a consideration innaccurate given the definition of racism

1.The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as...
2.Prejudice or discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief.

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/23/12 03:10 PM
Hey, I have an idea. How about contacting the author of the OP and asking him to explain the reason for his dating choice?

WHY> would that make it less racist?

an opinion was asked and I gave it, if he felt a desire to explain furhter he could do so,,

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 12/23/12 03:42 PM
The only racism that I see here is the claim that a man is harming his family by refusing to date someone who is racially like him.

no photo
Sun 12/23/12 08:24 PM

not all racism is hateful,,,but it is still racism

one common form of racism (in my opinion) is the idea of some absolute link between race and 'culture'

we only know one's culture once we get to know them, their race wont be the indicator we should use to assume what it is,,,,

I do not agree. Racism is prejudice, discrimination with intent, and not a desirable belief system. I do not agree that it is racist to prefer to date within ones own race as long as that preference is not hate based - or based on a negative belief system about other races, it is not racist. People tend to be attracted to others who are like themselves - some to a great degree - others to a lesser degree- but that is not racist if it is not based on degradation of others based on race. If it is a preference based on attraction devoid of any discrimination or hatred based belief that one race is superior over another, it is not racist

reference: Racism

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other race

I can relate, a 'preference' is not a mandate

saying I prefer to date black men, is not the same as saying I will ONLY Date black man

example. I prefer to date tall men. I have a preference for tall men. However, I do not DISCRIMINATE against short men merely because they are short. It is entirely an option to me to date a man who is short, but has enough other attributes that I am attracted to to make his height insignificant in comparison

those who are open to dating other races, with that in mind, but who have a 'preference' for certain races (either because of an assumption that they will automatically have more in common or because of the assumption that they will automatically get a certain type of behavior or values from those persons) is not hateful, so much as ignorant as 'race' really has no value when it comes to individual one on one relationships

those who say I 'dont date',,,<whatever race here> are racist, because they close their mind off to even considering a whole group of people merely because of their ancestry which they have no control over

that makes sense Harmony. Now I understand and am glad you always you are on target. I have always dated multi racially but did not want to say that at first because I did not want that to cloud the discussion. My favorite ex boyfriend is my Kenyan God (OMG what hunk - srsly) :)

and ya when I meet a great guy the last thing I think about is his race...if he likes a good jazz piano or singing guitar and sumptuous conversation - it's onflowerforyou totally colorfree (white guys can play the guitar too BTW)laugh

no photo
Sun 12/23/12 08:26 PM

People date who they're attracted to. If they're attracted to certain races, that's their preference. Why would others worry about it? Why worry about what others think?

I agree. it's not that big of a deal but I also do not think it is racist to prefer ones own race as long as the preference is based on factors of attraction rather than hatred of others because of race. People often have more in common with and are more attracted to others who they have a common cultural background with. sometimes that will includes those of other races and many times it will include people in ones own cutural/ethnic/ racial group. I know I am not racist but I do usually date within my race - not always tho

I don't always date within my race, but I am not into guys who make race a big deal. Often on here, I get emails from guys starting off by asking "do you date _______ men?" I find it a turn off, as I prefer to get to know someone a bit to see if I'd want to date them than base it on race.

well said - exactly. I also am cautious about emails that start out like I want to date white women

what???? what if I am a complete moron...but since I am white that's OK????laugh

msharmony's photo
Sun 12/23/12 11:12 PM

The only racism that I see here is the claim that a man is harming his family by refusing to date someone who is racially like him.

racism is simply a belief that a trait or characteristic is attributable to ones race....

,,so this is still a bit of a stretch in defining something as racist,,,

Dodo_David's photo
Mon 12/24/12 04:02 PM

The only racism that I see here is the claim that a man is harming his family by refusing to date someone who is racially like him.

racism is simply a belief that a trait or characteristic is attributable to ones race....

,,so this is still a bit of a stretch in defining something as racist,,,

Previously, you wrote, "same race exclusion harms the institution of 'family'", implying that if a man refuses to date woman who is racially like him, then he is harming his family.

Well, race and family are two different things.

Yes, it is racism to claim that a person is a member of your family if that person is racially like you. The concept of "race=family" is a false concept promoted by racists.

msharmony's photo
Mon 12/24/12 07:09 PM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 12/24/12 07:13 PM

The only racism that I see here is the claim that a man is harming his family by refusing to date someone who is racially like him.

racism is simply a belief that a trait or characteristic is attributable to ones race....

,,so this is still a bit of a stretch in defining something as racist,,,

Previously, you wrote, "same race exclusion harms the institution of 'family'", implying that if a man refuses to date woman who is racially like him, then he is harming his family.

Well, race and family are two different things.

Yes, it is racism to claim that a person is a member of your family if that person is racially like you. The concept of "race=family" is a false concept promoted by racists.

the inference was inaccurate, that was not what I was implying at all

simply, if I looked at all the people in my FAMILY (and here I am speaking of biological and immediate family) and state to them I dont think any of them are attractive,,,would that not be a bit harmful to the relationship between us?

is that not an extension of the idea that NOONE In my race is attractive, being that my immediate family are indeed part of my race as well,,,?

what If I told all the men I didnt think they were smart, and because I dont find anyone of my race smart, I would never consider anyone from my race for a particular task requiring intelligence?

or If I told all the men I found them all evil, and because I dont find anyone of my race good, I would never consider associateing with any of them?

as to family and race being related,,,,

its not a claim its an accepted definition

family: a: a group of persons of common ancestry : clan

b: a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock : race